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Dark Dreams VR profile
Dark Dreams VR
Dark Dreams VR
We're Dark Dreams, a studio that specializes in bringing rule 34 content into the VR fold!
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This is for people who are just checking out our content for the first time and aren't sure if they want to support us.

349 subscribers SubscribeStar $0.00 tier
per month

This tier provides access to the following rewards:

Watermark/ad-free, non-VR versions of animations in 1080p and 4K

Remasters of old animations

Alternate angle animations

Third person animations

Voyeur animations

2 subscribers SubscribeStar $1.00 tier
per month

All previous rewards, as well as:

Exclusive converted animations

Studio-only releases by Dark Dreams

Model polls for studio-only releases

Discord Channel

The ability to request remasters of previously released Dark Dreams VR animations on our Discord channel, vr-remaster-request

7 subscribers SubscribeStar $5.00 tier
per month

All previous rewards, as well as:

Exclusive character compilations

Position polls for studio-only releases

An extra vote towards studio-only release model polls

Direct access to all animations through MEGA for searching by character, artist, and source, as well as early access to models through said MEGA

The ability to request animations on our Discord channel, vr-animation-request

9 subscribers SubscribeStar $10.00 tier
per month
Dead to the World

Besides having all available rewards above, there's no reward for this tier (at this time). This is for those who truly believe in what Dark Dreams is trying to achieve and want to make sure that happens. You can know that you are single-handedly making that happen by ensuring I can spend more time on Dark Dreams.

0 subscribers SubscribeStar $20.00 tier


  • Supporting us will net you rewards, specific to the tier of support you can give. Check out the tiers for more information!
Displaying posts with tag Laarel.Reset Filter
Dark Dreams VR
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Glyph Smashing

"All of the other glyphs were put on the alter and smashed, just as the spellbook required. The only one remaining was marked permanently on Alma's back. She showed you in person, but to be honest: you were a bit distracted by her lovely curves. She now wants to know how you plan on activating it for the ritual. Any ideas?"

Animation and sound by our very own Luriam at Dark Dreams VR. The Alma model comes from AnubiSs2167.

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Dark Dreams VR
Public post

Allure of the Azure

"You're not the first treasure hunter to seek the much coveted "Azure" of the hidden valley. But like all of those other men, you too assumed that the fable spoke of a precious blue gem worth millions. Turns out: the Azure is a living being... beautiful... and insatiable... You wonder why none of those other treasure hunters ever returned."

Animation by Luriam and voiceacting by Mia Lovett.

Myself and Luriam learned a good bit while working on this. Faking volumetrics is not easy, but necessary since volumetrics have some pretty bad looking effects in VR. It's a work in progress to be sure.

Particle effects are a different story, and I just need to spend more time working out how to best use them in VR. The only real downside is the extra rendering time it takes.


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Dark Dreams VR
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Your Gyaru Elf Girlfriend

"What happens when Japanese fashion intersects with hot elf ladies? All otakus in the vicinity immediately experience premature ejaculation, obviously. You're the sole survivor. The one whose dick is ready to rock, and she just selected you."

Animation and sound by Laarel here at Dark Dreams! The model comes from Kiske, and the voiceacting was done by Cottontail.

Yet another OC release, this time by Laarel. I'm really enjoying these OC's lately. It's a breath of fresh air after years of working in rule 34 content.

I've been a bit under the weather lately, so I'll apologize now for tardiness and how quiet I've been. I'm alive, just sick.


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Dark Dreams VR
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Speech 100 Seduction

"A dark elf battlemage makes for an excellent companion. Count yourself lucky to have Vaynith on your side. But while she's been practicing her destruction magic, you've been exercising that silver tongue of yours. It really paid off now!"

Animation and sound by our very own Luriam. The model comes from Jowain and the voiceacting is by Mia Lovett.

I'm really excited to release this. This is our first video with Luriam at the animation "helm", and I couldn't be more proud. Some of you know Luriam as our resident sound tech that has been here since the beginning of Dark Dreams, or some of you know him as Laarel, and to others it may not be a name you know at all. For me, I've had the pleasure of getting to know them over the years, and they've always been an anchor for all of us at the studio. Hell, they introduced me to Karissa, our resident Secretary and seductive Voice Actress. So when they told me they wanted to get into animation, all I could say was, "Do it. I'll support you, and others will as well". And although they were reluctant to do so at first, here we are with their first collaborative release.

If you like what you see, and you want to see more artwork like this, do us all a favor. Go over to Luriam/Laarel's Patreon, and show him your support. Even if it's only just a dollar, you'll show him that you appreciate him stepping outside of his comfort zone. I know he'll appreciate it, and he'll work even harder to bring you even more, greater content. 

Thank you all for your support of the studio, and all of the artists that work here. You all make it possible for us to do this in a happy, healthy, stable manner. And that means the world to us.


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