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Daemon D. Hart profile
Daemon D. Hart
Daemon D. Hart
Gay erotica with kinks and twists
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This tier is for people who want to read ahead on my stories. You will get chapters in advance compared to everything that's published online for free.

Current main story: The Human Bearer

Subscribers will have access to two updates per week, on Monday and Friday.

37 assinantes
USD mensal

This tier is for people who want to express their support in a more substantial manner. You will get everything from the previous tiers.

Subscribers in this tier receive access to The Used Boy and Danny Boy series installments on occasion. Current extra benefits: Tasha's story - The Red-Haired Bearer, as I release new chapters (about twice a month); The Scarred Bearer - a story taking place in the same universe.

24 assinantes
USD mensal

This is a new tier created with the new type in content I'm going to create. All the benefits from earlier tiers apply.

Subscribers in this tier will receive full novels (only available for purchase otherwise) on occasion, as well as all my series of short stories as they are published. In a nutshell, this tier gets everything I create, regardless of its nature or length.

23 assinantes

Bem vinda

  • Chapters in advance for The Human Bearer
  • Access to The Red-Haired Bearer (Tasha's story) as I update it
  • Exclusive series with stand-alone chapters: The Used Boy, Danny Boy and full novels on occasion

Displaying posts with tag SuperfanExclusive.Reset Filter
Daemon D. Hart

Spending His Honeymoon with Daddy-in-Law - Part One (For the Superfan Tier)

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Daemon D. Hart

Spending His Wedding Night with Daddy-in-Law - Short story for the Superfan tier

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Este post pertence a um $10 nível bloqueado.
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