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Cursed Atelier
Cursed Atelier is creating VoidBound.
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Progress Report #84: September 2023

Hi everyone o/

Welcome back to our final coverage for the month of September. The team is crazy busy stitching away at the developing seams of the new content, so lets check some of their work out!

Fresh artwork is now being sketched in tandem with the upcoming bounty quest story-line. While the story-writers are quickly putting the building blocks together on paper- our artist refuses to lag behind and is bent on keeping up with the concept art design. We're hopeful this will help save time by allowing adjustments to the story on the fly rather than make a u-turn at the end of the process. More info about the quest-line progress below.

The second half of the “2k Twitter followers” celebration art was recently finished and is now public! Just in case you missed it, check out our Twitter page. Trust us, the bum reveal is quite exquisite.

Speaking of art, there is always room for more outstanding standing art for VoidBound.

Check some new ones out:

The final batch of the new art should be ready by the next post, so stay tuned :)

Meanwhile our writers came up with new faces. Specifically, building the character of Mr. Sykes, one of the characters/targets who will face off against Caly if she chooses to walk the path of the hunter. Details are still a bit light but hopefully the character will mature out fast as the story picks up the pace.

Additionally, they are also reviewing and analyzing the maps of Henosis. The scale of the space station is impressive but sometimes empty. We want to make sure that some of the bounty-hunting content will take players to parts of Henosis they may have overlooked previously. Explorers, dawn your hats!

Finally, draft for the first bounty hunt for Caly is being expanded upon. Priority is to build a mentor/handler character, an ex-bounty hunter, who will help Caly find the targets to fill up her wallet and not fall into obvious traps and get caught. Though whether or not if Caly will follow his tutelage, will entirely depends on the player wink wink

Our resident coder was nose deep this week working multiple game systems simultaneously. The Randomized Battlefield system, we're told, has been developed further. With the idea of each battle being unique to the region it is fought in, the aim is to make the backdrop match the zone, as well as its foes to enhance player immersion.

Not only that, but the Bestiary system got some much-awaited updates as well. Finishing the Quest Log might be our highest priority currently but we still wanted to let you know that we haven’t forgotten about the secondary core systems and are making progress on multiple fronts.

Finally, after the recent OS compatibility revisions, we decided to revisit our Steam Deck testing once more. Though we’re fairly confident that a hardware platform such as the Deck is running the newer standard, it doesn’t hurt to recheck our older conclusions just to be on the safe side.

And that is all for this one! We're brewing some plans with fellow devs to do something special in the coming few days, but things haven't exactly developed conclusively, so stay tuned as we work on the specifics.

Till then though, thank you for reading and as always, stay awesome _^

Kind Regards,

Cursed-Atelier Team

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Cursed Atelier

from 29 Sep, 2023

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Cursed Atelier
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Progress Report #83: September 2023

Greetings Voidrovers,

How's your September going? Here at CA HQ, the devs are going through the motions developing a variety of content for the next update. Lets sift through some, shall we?

Continuing our efforts, some more standing art designs were concepted to replace/add the current line-up and increase Caly's dynamic performance as our lead character.

"That's it?", you say? Of-course not, dear player. More variety yet to come!

In addition to the above, new sprite-works is in the pipeline as well. Expect to meet more unique planetary characters while traversing the Voidverse in the coming updates. The intent is to try and deploy sprites alongside the new standing art, but if priorities shift, we might have to do a tandem launch. But for now, the goal is set.

Finally, to top the graphical news off, new artwork has been made to commemorate a “special occasion” for VoidBound and all our fans and supporters. This one is dedicated to our social media presence so tune in there as we'll make the unveil shortly in the next few days.

Next up, the pen-masters!

Our writers have established the outline for the first batch of criminals that Caly will go after in her expanded Bounty Hunter career. Meet: The Garum Circle. A criminal organization mainly made up of Garumites, one of the original populations that set up home on Henosis. After decades of toiling for few credits for other species, bands of Garumites got together to protect their own interest and carve out their own slices of power.

Now with the balance of power shifting throughout the galaxy, knives will come out and blasters will be charged. In addition, we're building a proper rogue's gallery for Caly, along with a

mentor character that will help lead her on this new path.

And now, a word from our Binary Tongues.

We open up the Codeland bulletin with a bit of "Eh" news. Last week we informed you that Windows 7 was no longer a supported OS due to its End Of Life status affecting other program supports as well. We can now further confirm that support for Windows 8.1 has also been affected by recent Node updates. This means that in the future, Windows 10 has essentially become a baseline requirement now for VoidBound compatibility. More in a detailed post later.

Furthermore, work on a new map is now underway. This one was supposed to be part of the revamped intro but was taken at the last minute out due to plugin issues. It will add that extra little bit to Caly's harrowing adventure as she grapples with alien tech trying to figure out her escape from Urtu confinement.

And that covers it all for this one. With September coming to a close, we'll start making our monthly post preps soon, so until, then take care and we'll see you in the next one!

Kind Regards,

Cursed-Atelier Team

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VoidBound 0. 5. 5a [Patron Release]

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Cursed Atelier
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Progress Report #82: September 2023

Hi everyone o/

Welcome back to our weekly coverage of the latest news rolling out of the VoidBound devland! This week we made some major strides on multiple fronts, so lets dive right into the heart of it.

How dramatic is Caly? Too much? Too little? Well the team seems to think that her current span of emotions are... lacking, to say the least. As such, going forward, we've decided to expand her emotive variations by adding more range to it! Not only are we going to add, but also revamp her current standing art as we feel that with our artist's current caliber, we can definitely bump the quality factor up a notch. Sample this for starters!

We already had a lot to work with the earlier art but this new generation will offer more polish and give us a whole new world of Caly interactions as she goes through her adventure. Stay tuned as we bring you new samples periodically!

Of course, we're not just stopping there. We're going for the whole enchilada with some smart animation to kick this new stage off.

Though basic to some, but we feel adding even the little things like blinking would give more life to her character. Who knows, if well received, we might fiddle with some more possibilities and maybe even extend it to other characters as well!

With focus shifting away from the intro story and slime tales, our story-weavers have decided to go all in and start expanding the bounty quest series further! When crime is rampant and the police are stretched too thin or just don't care, it's up to the bounty hunters to fill in the gap. Bounty hunting is already present in the game, but we're looking to take the concept to a whole new level with new quest chains that give the player the chance to have Caly become an agent of justice or a cold methodical hunter.

Who is the worse criminal? The person who stole food to save their family? Or the soldier without an army forced to use their hard-earned skills to become a leg breaker for the local cartel? These are the questions Caly can ask herself in the upcoming bounty hunter content. Of course, if she doesn't care, she can always just go in and break some legs of her own. It will be all up to you to decide as to exactly what kind of hunter she will be.

Finally, an important update from our resident Codekeeper regarding the Game's Compatibility: From 0.5.4 onward, VoidBound no longer supports Windows 7 due to the recent node build update. There is a high chance this applies to Windows 8.1 as well, but we're unable to verify this at this moment. Stay tuned for a separate post in the future where we will go in more detail about the why and what for this change.

Unfortunately, we also encountered a bit of compatibility issues in the Quest Log coding and current plugins. It's not great as it does delay plans a bit, but we're already troubleshooting to come up with a solution. The Quest Log is the benchmark of any RPG worth it's salt and we won't stop till it's complete.

And that covers all our highlights for this week. We're now busy making final preparations for the Patron release of VoidBound 0.5.5 tomorrow, so we bid you fond farewell and will see you in the next one o/

Kind Regards,

Cursed-Atelier Team

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Cursed Atelier

September Showcase: It's Butt Season!

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Our amazing team is tight-knit, and we only have one full-time writer at this time. Reaching this goal would give our team a little financial breathing room while having a positive impact on the game.
With this amount, our team would be able to focus on adding more content to the game, expanding on side areas, optional quests, and cosmetic features.
We will hire Japanese and English voice actors to really bring our characters to life!
to reach
the Goal
Animation is expensive, but it adds so much that we cannot overlook the impact it would have once implemented. With this goal, we would be able to hire a professional animator to reach our highest standards.
to reach
the Goal
Our incredible staff deserves a pay bump, and with this amount, we could give them just that. All thanks to your amazing generosity! This would mean that they could set aside things like day jobs or other money-making means, and make Voidbound and Cursed Atelier their full-time employment.

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