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The Cosmos profile
The Cosmos
The Cosmos
A menagerie of original artwork and fan artwork, dipping heavy into the lewd variety.

Планы подписки

USD в месяц
Lower AtmosphTier

Firstly a big thank you for the support! Legit means a lot to me. This tier grants access to my Discord server, where I upload my pictures first before they hit any art sites.

SubscribeStar $5.00 tier ; Low-Atmos
USD в месяц
Upper AtmosphTier

Includes Discord Access PLUS

1. Access to sketches and WiP pictures, which can include some alt versions!

2. Vote on some art ideas (trust me, I've got a ton kicking around) AND pitch new ideas at me. I'm receptive to them, and if you're here, we're likely on the same wavelengths of taste.

3. Discount on regular open commissions!

SubscribeStar $10.00 tier ; Upper
USD в месяц

1. Special discord role

2. Access to sketches and WiP pictures, which can include some alt versions!

3. Vote on some art ideas AND pitch new ideas at me.

4. Discount on my regular commissions sheet!

5. Time-Lapse of my art processes for pictures

6. Access to my CSP files (on request)

7 Monthly reward sketch for those in this tier. Up to 2 characters.

Лимитировано (0 из 6) подписчиков
SubscribeStar $15.00 tier ; OrbiTier
USD в месяц
True Comrade Tier
  1. Special discord role
  2. Access to sketches and WiP pictures, which can include some alt versions!
  3. Vote on some art ideas AND pitch new ideas at me.
  4. Discount on my regular commissions sheet!
  5. Time-Lapse of my art processes for pictures
  6. Monthly reward sketch for those in this tier. Up to 2 characters.
  7. Access to my CSP files (on request)


1. Having 2 sketches done per month or having your one picture colored and shaded (simple colored bg)

2. Extra Special Role in the discord for being the truest of comrades

Лимитировано (0 из 4) подписчиков
SubscribeStar $35.00 tier ; True Comrade

Добро пожаловать!

  • All my art, earlier than anywhere else!

Displaying posts with tag Tattoos.Reset Filter
The Cosmos

Shantae in the sea

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Пост заблокирован прайс-планом $5, $10, $20, $35 .s
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15 дней
 Период Доверия
1 подписчик
65 постов


для Цели
I'm attempting to set my life to drawing full time, and while I wish I started sooner, this is better than starting never. Hopefully with your support I can afford to maintain a part time job while pursuing art, at least until I can do it full time with gusto.

Другие Звёзды


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  • Доступ к контенту на этой странице.
  • Поддерживать автора контента материально - единоразово или на регулярной основе.
  • Возможность общаться напрямую с автором контента через чат на сайте.
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