Kixx was doing well.

Umber had found his skills sufficient, and would be allowing him more leeway.

Like today, where he had a stomach bug and needed to sleep it off.

Kixx was delighted.

He'd finally trusted enough to be able to have more… intimate sessions with the guests. And his ratty eyes had fallen on one specific individual.

This one specific shark had been…well not RUDE. But Kixx had seen his attitude and he was not a fan. A smug little snake of a shark like that was practically begging to be punished.

The rat had witnessed the shark being quite demanding of the waitstaff at the in-house restaurant, wanting to have his meal be comped and critiquing the food and service. One of the newer servers had even excused herself, sniffling and tearing up as she ran to the back…

This was not the only transgression Ako had committed. But it HAD been the one that Kixx had witnessed firsthand.

And so he was gathering up some materials, raiding the closets for some of the fancier things that he could use. Stuff he had been locked out of as a trainee.

Ako didn't know it yet, but he was going to have a good time.

He didn't have a choice in the matter.

Ako had just gotten back from swimming, still damp from the pool and rinsing off. He unlocked his door and stepped inside… and realized the lights weren't working. No matter how many times he flipped the switch, the lights would not come on.

"Oh for fucks sake." He sighed deeply, as if this personally was offensive… he strode into the room to see if the phone was working. He had to call the front desk and complain about-

His thoughts were immediately interrupted when he felt a splatter of something thump against his back. He gasped, whirling around… and getting a face full of the same goo across his muzzle. He let out a scream of fright as he tried to pull the goo off, only managing to get a little leeway before it yanked itself back onto his face.

"So." A voice said, which made Ako shake his head, trying to look for the source. "You're the guy who's bein a lil prick to the staff, huh? Oh yeah, I heard about you." Ako was shoved back onto the bed, as hands pulled the latex down to cover his body. His thrashing only heated it up, making it spread all the faster… it wouldn't take long at all until he was fully encased in a malleable, latex cat suit…

"NNN?! LGH GH! HHHLPGH!' He tried to spread his jaws, which would work… for a moment. The latex would pool up around his head, causing the layer on his body to tighten and squeeze his body more. The hood meanwhile formed into a nice heavy ball, forcing its way between his teeth and keeping his jaws spread. The latex would then mellow out, spreading back a bit so it wasn't AS tight around his crotch and chest.

Kixx stood over him, admiring the helpless shark. His tail had remained uncovered, as a way to tease and play with his senses… the rat ran his clawed hands along his tail, making Ako struggle harder… "ah ah. Don't be a lil shit with me, you." He said, yanking his tail up to ensure his legs were spread. With a free hand, he attached spreader bars to his thighs, right above his knees, and gave his ass a slap. "I saw you givin' the waitstaff a hard time last night."

The squeal alone was almost worth the entire set up.

But Kixx was not done.

He would just chuckle and fire up a vibrating wand, teasing his bulge and making sure Ako knew exactly what kind of predicament he was in. Kixx laughed as he tried to shimmy away, grabbing him by the tail and pulling him back.

"Now. You're gonna sit still while I ensure you learn your lesson. The more you move, the more you get this." He pressed the wand against his bulge harder, holding his tail so he couldn't try and get away. "Got it? Nod your head if you get it."

Even so, Ako was…cheeky. He just started yelling into the gag, shaking his head and trying to kick out at the rat. "NHGH… MPGH!" He screamed, trying to get him away… and yelling more as the wand came up to press against his bulge. "GHHHGH!'

"Don't you gimme that attitude. You're just makin' it worse for yourself." He said, working some metal restraints onto his upper torso. The latex molded a bit, allowing it to grip and form the metal into proper hoops to secure him…

Somehow, this wasn't enough for Ako. He would still weakly struggle, unable to break free but still defiant. His tail lashed out at Kixx, knocking him back a few paces.

"Ohhh, you little brat." Kixx laughed, grabbing a shock collar and slapping it on. It would give Ako a nice little jolt, with the latex preventing too much damage from being done. It would certainly be enough to keep him stimulated and on his proverbial toes.

"Ngh…! Plgh… lgh mgh gh…!" He yelled into the gag, getting another shock as Kixx repositioned the wand against his bulge.

"Absolutely not. You know where you are. And this is what happens when you mess with the staff." Kixx sneered, running the vibrating tip up and down his bulge, his thighs, against where his asshole would be… he slid some strips of metal against the latex, allowing the latex to work them against its victim's twitching cock. It would help to edge him all the more, preventing the wand from fully teasing his bulge…

The metal and latex would squeeze his cock, while Kixx teased between his legs for what felt like hours. Ako thrashed and whined, shaking his head and fighting against Kixx… half to get away, but half to get against the wand just right, to finally grant him the release he so desired…

Of course, he was never the one in control here.

Kixx would pull the wand away at the worst possible times, leaving Ako needy and struggling to get off. The desperate shark would even hump the air, muffled voice cracking and begging for release, friction, anything! Even a spank would be more welcomed than this denial of pleasure!

"Heh. Aren't you adorable?" Kixx asked, flicking his cock with a deft hand and relishing the frustrated howl coming from the completely engulfed shark. "I get paid by the hour, y'know. So I can do this all day. Or at least until I think you've learned your lesson."

Kixx would run his eyes over the captive shark's body, smiling wide as Ako sobbed into the gag. "So y'know. Get learning. Or else you're gonna have blue balls for the rest of your stay here."