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I Slept My Way To This Post, Chapter 10Previous ChapterIt had not even been the full ten days aft...

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I Slept My Way To This Post, Chapter 9Previous ChapterYlantar idly rubbed his aching jaw. Once ag...

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I Slept My Way To This Past, Chapter 8
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The closest thing that the dark elven military had to actual training its soldiers were subject to was the patronage system of the officers and the soldiery. It was not, typically, something that a female officer would do herself: she would have some well-honed swordhand already present under her patronage, who could teach the new buck how to handle it. Unfortunately for Shyntae, she had none, and Ylantar was young enough that it seemed implausible he could be much good with a sword without training.

Thus, Shyntae began training with Ylantar... or at least, tried to. He had been quick to grow, and had gotten an exceptional amount of training, two or three times what most boys his age would have received, from his double sessions with Qilanna and his regular sessions with Wehlor. He also towered a full head over Shyntae. The results were quite predictable: in their first duel, he absolutely smashed her.

"Alright, just trying to get a vibe for you," Shyntae said, from where she had wound up on the ground from the duel. She rolled one arm around in a way that suggested it still ached from where her shield had been struck and the blow had vibrated through, and she grit her teeth as she looked at Ylantar. "Guess you got training to go with your size, but don't think it'll be easy from here on out."

Shyntae will likely treat you better if you allow her the pretense that she is better than you, I pointed out to Ylantar, who seemed ready to utterly dominate the other girl once again. He hesitated, then quietly nodded before settling into a combat pose, meeting Shyntae in a quick exchange of blows that saw her eventually whittle her way through his defenses and land a strike on his legs that sent him to the ground.

"There," she said with a thick pant, "you see?" Each word seemed to be punctuated by another breath, her whole body a bit wobbly and off-balance. Ylantar had let her win, but he had still made her work for it. Sweat trailed across ebony skin, giving it a sharp sheen, making her light training clothing begin to stick here and there - Ylantar's eyes, naturally, began to wander her naked body with clear excitement, his tongue flicking across his lips as he saw her breasts curve and press against the cloth.

She noticed his lingering gaze, her own lips curling up in a smile, her scar exaggerating the grin. "Somebody here's... a real pussy-crazed mess... and it's not me..." she got out. She straightened out, reaching her hands beneath her breasts to just heft them. She wasn't the bustiest woman that Ylantar had ever seen, but he had not seen that kind of responsiveness and eagerness before. Qilanna, Vicolene, Aunrae: they had all been willing and enthusiastic sex partners, but they lacked the kind of flagrant, uninhibited sexual aggression of Shyntae. It appeared he had a taste for it, given the way his length throbbed in between his legs.

If you wish me to restrain your orgasms, simply tap your palm with one finger, I told him. He did so, eyeing up his partner even more critically now that he was thinking in terms of sex. She strode towards him, grasping his hand by the wrist, and simply placed it in her groin, slipping it into her trousers. "Feel that?" She asked, as his fingers slid against her lower lips, her clit absently brushing against his palm, inflamed with lust. "I think you're pretty good yourself," she told him. "I'm wet for you. Aren't you thankful? After all, if I wasn't, you wouldn't be about to get to fuck me." He nodded. "Say it. Say you're happy I'm willing to fuck you."

"I'm happy you're willing to fuck as lowly a pervert as me," he told her, and she practically jumped up and down in place at his embellishment. I could feel her sex twitch against him, her clit grinding into his palm, her fingers tightening around his wrist. Her scar made her manic grin seem positively mad, and she all but forced him to the ground a moment later...

But, I couldn't help but note, did not proceed to have sex with him properly. There was no insertion, just grinding her pelvis against his fingers, her eyes wild with lust, her breathing having not yet leveled out from the exertions of their little duel. She had pushed herself to beat him in their fight, and now she was too exhausted. Ylantar seemed to notice as much. "Why don't I eat you out?" He suggested, and her smirk became more smug than manic, the sort of psychological pampering that his words gave her impossible to overstate. In a society where women are expected to be dominant, it creates the fascinating consequence that they are expected to give pleasure rather than receive it - so a man offering up his mouth is quite the erotic thing.

"Hmm... how badly do you want it?" Shyntae had what was probably a regrettable tendency to overplay her hand. By the smile on Ylantar's face and the lack of any emotional negativity I could detect, it seemed that he found it cute or amusing - in any case, not something to get angry about. "I'm just not sure... it's such a big ask, letting you eat my pussy..."

"I really, really want it," he breathed out, doing his best to look suitably desperate for it. I had to commend his acting abilities, because I knew he wasn't actually filled with any great passion for her at the moment.

Still, it had the desired effect: she peeled off her trousers and underwear, shifted her sweaty, half-naked body over his face, then simply sat atop his mouth, rubbing her lower lips and clit and general vaginal region against his features with an angry intensity, her breathing hot as she did so. As his tongue began to flick and rub against her salty lower lips, her sticky thighs beginning to cling to his cheeks, she started to talk, too.

"Mm, fuck, I have a noble boy eating me out. A cute little fifteen year old noble boy, who's already got some betrothed bitch waiting for him, eating me out. This is what you should fucking do, hnn," she groaned out, her fingers gripping the back of his head, dragging him up into her, trying to get his tongue all the deeper. "I'm a commoner and I've got a noble on his back eating my pussy. That make you feel good? Make you feel like a big man, or like the whore you are? No other options, you picked me, so you get me," she said, grunting softly as she wriggled atop him, her movements growing ever more intense and impassioned, as she tried to bring herself off with his mouth.

Despite his seemingly earnest attempts... he didn't. "Fuh, fuck," she panted, after another near-miss of an orgasm, typified by the way her thighs clamped on either side of his head. "Maybe you aren't a good pussy-eater after all," she declared, and there was a certain sinister note to her words, as if really grinding it in. "Well, whatever," she muttered to herself, starting to rise, but Ylantar responded by grabbing her by the hips, dragging her right back down onto his face. "Somebody's eager," she said, languidly smirking and closing her eyes as she just enjoyed the feeling of his tongue furiously licking and lashing at her sex, drinking up seemingly every last drop of her juices he could get.

She talked, more to herself than to him, trying to get herself off by degrading the boy under her. I knew that Ylantar was actually fairly competent at cunnilingus - he'd managed to make Vicolene quite a bit, when they had been experimenting with one another - but he still failed no matter how hard he tried, regardless of what techniques he brought to bear on this particular problem. I could feel his frustration building up and up.

I did notice the irony, of course: he was now being subjected to the very same experience that he had been inflicting on Aunrae, and was getting all the frustration she had no doubt felt inflicted on him, instead. It was almost enough to make one believe that the goddess of the dark elves took as much interest in micromanaging their lives as her followers claimed; but the fact that she hadn't done anything about me proved that idea quite false.

The air was filled with his little growls, his furious laps, his fingers digging deep into her thighs as he worked her over... grunts and gasps as he kept going, frantic pumps of her hips against his face, degrading words that grew more degrading the longer it took him to make her come.

"Too young, to know fuck, about eatin' pussy. Don't worry, plenty of time, to learn, you horny little whore," she told him, her voice dripping with arousal as she said it, every inch of her body trembling atop him. Ylantar just growled in increasing frustration. "Look, I wanna come too, so let me up and just fuck me," she told him, and that was finally sufficient for him to let go of her hips. She laid down on the ground - it had been quite some time since their duel, but apparently the constant cunnilingus hadn't given her the strength to recover the energy she had used up in it.

Ylantar was pent up and frustrated by the experience of failing to make Shyntae come with his mouth, and naturally the moment his cock was out, he simply slammed himself to the hilt inside her, like her pink sex was a practice target and his rod the spear he was meant to penetrate it with. She softly moaned at the sound, closing her eyes, a lazy smile that seemed all the more sinister for her scar that made it broader. "Damn, if I'd known you were this into cunnilingus, I would've got you started on pussy-eating earlier," she said, lazily drawing the words out as her body bounced up and down on Ylantar's hard cock, each forceful thrust earning another quiet noise of pleasure from her, her eyelashes fluttering rapidly.

She appeared to have an easier time coming from regular sex, because it was only a couple minutes after Ylantar had slammed his cock inside her that she first began to come. "Ah, fuck," she panted out, her brown eyes rolling up, her hands clawing at the floor on either side of her. Her legs struggled against his hands where he gripped them round her muscular, tight thighs, but he didn't stop for a second, despite the intensity of the pleasure her body was subjecting him to, as her sex wetly coiled and gripped his cock. Little grunts and pants escaped her throat, growing in volume and regularity the longer the sex went on, and there was one clear benefit to the entire affair: while she was getting fucked, she remained silent.

In the end, Ylantar drove every last drop of remaining physical energy that was in his body into a singular task: making Shyntae come so much that she would never dare mention his "lackluster" cunnilingus skills again. By the time he was finished with her, she was a naked, blissed-out mess, her skin sticky and shiny with sweat, glistening in the low light of the room, perpetual as it curled around on the ceiling. He removed his cock from her as she laid there, staring blankly up at the soft luminescence of the internal lighting. Then he tapped his palm with one finger, silently informing me of his desire: to be allowed to come.

The moment that I let him come, he immediately began to gush, spraying hot white seed all across Shyntae's face, practically caking her features in cum. She was out of it enough that she just sputtered for a moment before closing her eyes and mouth, letting him paint her ebony dark skin the milky white that it had been meant to be.

He then collapsed onto the ground, completely exhausted, and she was the first of the two to recover enough to rise, idly collecting his cum and feeding it into her mouth. "Not bad at fucking, though. That cock of yours even work right?" She absently reached out for his dick, softly stroking it. It seemed that she had not identified her "failure to please" as her own fault, and just smirked lazily as she gave him a gentle handjob and kept stroking away. When he finally got hard again... she let go of his cock, as if to tease him or see what he did.

What he did was nothing, as it turned out. He was just too exhausted to keep going, even with the obvious incentives.

* * *

The boys and girls were sorted into separate barracks, to minimize the amount of fraternization in the ranks that occurred, but any military force obviously has to work together sooner or later. It didn't mean they spent no time together, just enough that it took several days for Vicolene's presence to finally be uncovered by a chance meeting in the mess, stumbling on one another seemingly entirely by coincidence.

"Vicolene?" He asked, as he saw her face, blinking rapidly.

"Ylantar? Wow," she said, smiling, seeming surprised. "I guess the rumors really were true."

"What rumors?" Ylantar asked, narrowing his eyes.

"Oh, you know," Vicolene replied, giving him a playful wink and an exaggerated smirk. "That there's a guy here who's a noble who got pushed into early service because he couldn't keep it in his pants. And by rumors, I mean constant bragging that is pretending to be gossip, by one of the officers."

Ylantar made an unusual sound with his mouth that I had not heard before, this strange mix of a cluck and a wet popping of his lips. "Is this officer named Shyntae?"

"Yeah. I've been sticking pretty close to her," Vicolene explained. "I figured a former commoner is more likely to get what I need to know to really succeed in the army."

"You do realize I don't care in the slightest bit about your career prospects, right?" Ylantar asked, already falling back into old banter.

"I was giving you the opportunity to pretend," she said, with an exaggerated pout, as if deeply harmed by his words.

"Let's find a place to sit," he said, and she obeyed his commands, old social norms still applying even in the army. "What is Shyntae saying about me?"

"Oh, I didn't even know it was you, don't worry," Vicolene said, which for some reason did not seem to reassure Ylantar at all.

"I will repeat the question. What is she saying?"

"Is that really the same question?" Vicolene mused, clearly enjoying tormenting Ylantar a bit.


"You're less fun now for some reason," she said, shaking her head. Before Ylantar could lodge another complaint, she kept talking. "She's just saying she's got this noble boy under her patronage, he was so naughty he got kicked out of his home, but now he's naughty for her, if you know what I mean. You get it."

"What kind of things is she saying we do together, specifically?"

"Man, I dunno. Sex stuff. I honestly thought she was making it up."

"Did you think she was making it up because it was exaggerated?"

"No, it's because she couldn't seduce a dead beetle," Vicolene said. There was a brief pause, and Ylantar might have filled it, if Vicolene hadn't continued. "Though, it didn't strike me as that plausible that a guy would be that into cunnilingus anyway."

Ylantar's hand opened then closed beneath the table. He had been eating her out pretty much every time they fucked, out of a sustained desire to correct his "failure" to cause an orgasm from earlier. She had continued to not come. I had concluded that she simply was the sort of woman who didn't come from cunnilingus - he had concluded that he needed to try harder to prove his worth as a man.

I did not mention the irony with his experience with Aunrae to him. The fact that he had not noticed it yet, despite his normally keen intelligence, suggested to me that he was ignoring it on purpose, and I did not want to become the annoying voice in his head trying to humiliate him further.

"Why do you think she couldn't seduce a dead beetle?" He decided on, trying to wander away from the subject of cunnilingus.

"Uhh." Vicolene said it in an exaggerated stretch. "I don't want to fuck things up the officer I'm getting on with. If she's got a sweet romantic side that's cool too."

"She doesn't." Vicolene let out an exhalation of relief. "So?"

"She's talking about making her... about making you," Vicolene corrected, avoiding whatever noun Shyntae normally used to refer to him, "service some of the other officers. She figures it'd be good for her own promotion. It's probably just talk," she added, waving her hand to try to calm him down. "She's a braggart, says things that aren't true, you know."

It could be an opportunity, I pointed out to Ylantar. He let out a quiet hum that suggested he was sincerely thinking about it, his chin setting in place as he took his time to mull it over for a long few seconds. "I see."

"Seriously, you didn't hear that from me, Ylantar. I don't want to get in trouble with her."

"But you betrayed your superior officer's trust," he said, clearly intending to tease her, but Vicolene wasn't primed to appreciate it very much. "Maybe I should tell her anyway."

"You shouldn't. She's a huge bitch."

"I wouldn't call her huge," Ylantar replied mildly, earning a small laugh from Vicolene.

"Still, she's a really good fighter. That's how she earned her way into the officer corps, you know? Killed three enemies and captured a fourth."

"I don't believe it's possible to spend as much time with her as I have and not know that," Ylantar said, earning a gentle laugh from Vicolene, her lips curling up in a smile.

"You said it." She let out a long sigh, then returned to her food.

* * *

Ylantar and Shyntae fell into a rather predictable pattern: he would try to bring her to orgasm by eating her out until his jaw began to ache, then become frustrated and fuck her absolutely senseless with every last bit of energy he had before finally orgasming inside her. The dynamic seemed mutually beneficial - she came plenty, but didn't seem to actually mind flopping around if it had been preceded by that sort of foreplay; Ylantar, on the other hand, was benefiting in that Shyntae was enjoying their sexual relationship. I rather doubt she would be enjoying it so much if he didn't feel a need to prove himself to her: he had been quite short-sighted with Aunrae, and she fit closer to the profile of Aunrae in his mind and emotional state than she did to Vicolene or Qilanna.

Shyntae had gotten done dining with the other officers. It was an important social ritual, but the vast majority of officers were women from the higher social stratum who had not even had to distinguish themselves in battle. That meant that she always came back frustrated, emotional, and she was the sort of person inclined to take out those emotions on Ylantar, so I predicted yet another iteration of the same old exchange.

Rather than opening with something like "Get on your knees and eat me out, I'm angry and horny," however, she did something different. "So, this girl, Vicolene, you know her?"

"I do," Ylantar admitted, a certain stiffness entering his body language. He had spoken to Vicolene again a few times, talking and chatting, but their relationship had not returned to its sexual angle.

"You ever fuck her?" Her expression was unusual: I would not have called it jealous, or angry. It seemed tense, yet excited, as if she had a problem that she thought needed to be solved and wanted to get to the solving.

"I never had coitus with her," he replied honestly.

She quirked an eyebrow at that, then realized his allusion. "You have done sexual stuff together, though, right?"

"Not since joining the military," he said, trying his best to protect Vicolene even as he resorted to honesty.

"Yeah, I'll bet. That dick of yours don't work by the time I'm through with you," she said, her cocky smile once more exaggerated by her scar. Her finger absently traced out the air. "Would you like to fuck her?"

"You are more than enough woman for me, ma'am," he replied.

She rolled her eyes. "I know that. I was asking if you'd like to fuck her, as in, if I called her in here and told you two to do the things you used to do one more time, would you go for it?" Ylantar clearly had no idea where this was going at all. That was obvious to both me and Shyntae. "If you don't want to, you can just get on your knees and eat me out again. Maybe this time you'll finally make me come." Or maybe not, was the implicit threat.

"I would just... like to know why you are asking this question."

"Because I'm thinking about doing exactly that. Having you fuck your old childhood friend right in front of me, the way you used to." The lingering question of what exactly would happen after went unanswered. She's probably keeping what happens next a secret so she can decide afterwards, I told Ylantar, borrowing off what I knew from my experience with her and him both. They were, in some sense, mirror images of one another.


"I didn't give you permission to ask why. Answer or get on your fucking knees," she said, snapping her spine straight, taking on a disciplinarian tone instantly. Ylantar stiffened as well in response.

"I'll... do it," he said at last, and I wasn't entirely sure his recalcitrance wasn't put up, gauging by his emotional state. There was no sense of tension left in him once those words left his lips. Perhaps he was simply playing the role that Shyntae wanted him to.

Shyntae smiled. "There we go. I know just what you are," she said, a hungry smile on her face, stepping towards him and wrapping her arms gently around his neck, fingers lacing together behind him. "You're not even upset." She winked. "You want to fuck ol' Vicky again, but you're concerned I might get pissed if you say it out loud. That's the kind of guy you are. I can tell."

Ylantar simply gulped, maintaining plausible deniability in that situation. She let her hands trail across his chest, briefly tease his cock - then she left to go fetch Vicolene, leaving him alone in her quarters. He simply took a seat on the bed.

* * *

Seeing Vicolene and Shyntae in the same room reinforced just how different the two women were. Shyntae wore a predatory grin, only exaggerated by her scar; Vicolene was more awkward, trying to maintain a pretense of military discipline despite it, back stiff and expression distant. Shyntae was actually shorter than Vicolene, as it turned out, but she seemed to loom artificially large in the room as she looked from Ylantar to Vicolene and back again. "Don't look so stiff, Vicky," she said, slapping the girl harshly on the back. "Didn't I tell you that it was good news?"

"Y-yes ma'am," Vicolene replied, swallowing.

"I heard from Ylantar here that he never fucked you. You are eating your silphium, right?" She added, and Vicolene nodded. "I decided to be nice and let you two get out all those feelings you never could before." As Vicolene seemed to hesitate, Shyntae's expression sharpened. "I mean, unless you don't want to," she said in a tone of voice that left little doubt there would be negative consequences for not doing so.

"I do," Vicolene replied, perhaps a bit too quickly.

Shyntae let out a small bark of laughter at that. Ylantar's cock idly twitched in response to the pair's behavior - this was his first time experiencing anything like a threesome, after all, and he clearly was attracted enough to both women to give them plenty of oral attention. "Right then. Ylantar, why don't you show off that body of yours to Vicky? I'm sure she's missed being able to see such a sexy specimen of manhood."

Ylantar rose from the bed, towering over both women but obediently beginning to strip himself naked. Shyntae's eyes wandered with familiar lust, while Vicolene seemed more shocked by the whole thing going on in front of her, eyes widening subtly as she saw his bare chest exposed, his abs seeming to get the most focus. Her lips parted, soft pink tongue - the same soft pink tongue that had been pleasuring him back during irrumatio and fellatio - just barely visible as she stared with open lust at his naked body. When his cock came out, she got down on her knees more out of old instinct than anything else, earning a bark of laughter from Shyntae.

"Mmm. I guess you can give him a blowjob, if you want. Doesn't seem like he deserves one of those, given he's such a crappy pussy-eater, but hey."

Vicolene swallowed back whatever words she was going to say, glancing up at Ylantar with an expression that could be interpreted as reassuring, something like, You're a great pussy-eater, don't worry. Then she slid her mouth down his length, sighing softly as she did so, her mouth taking each additional inch in a slow, grinding movement, her throat swallowing wetly around his cock as she took him to the base. Her tongue flashed back and forth on the underside of his length, and she looked up at him for approval - approval she got in the form of Ylantar groaning, his hand reaching down for Vicolene's hair, softly running through it.

"I suppose it's appropriate," Shyntae said mildly. "After all, he's a noble boy, you're a commoner. You should be on your knees for him. Plus, he's got an officer patron - that'd be me - while you're still just a common soldier." From the way her body twisted subtly in place, Shyntae's words were quite arousing to the woman in question. Vicolene just closed her eyes as if to ignore her, and that just incited Shyntae further, sadism dripping from every new word she spoke. "That throat of yours must make a pretty good masturbation aid, if it got you thrown in the army and then him sent out here only a little later. That is how it went, right? Your tight, wet throat got wrapped around that cock of his a few too many times..."

Vicolene just diligently bobbed up and down his length, her expression one of grim determination. Her gaze was on Ylantar, seemingly demanding that he come right then and there. Ylantar didn't, however, and I wasn't inclined to let him, either: Shyntae had wanted the two to fuck, not to give and receive oral.

"You know, I've never had a cock in my mouth," Shyntae said. "It just seems gross to me, to be honest. But if you're into that kind of thing, then you're into it." Vicolene was holding herself down on Ylantar's cock at that point, hands having gripped his ass cheeks firmly as she did her best to suck and swallow around his length, to get him to ejaculate directly down her throat. "Anyway," Shyntae said, simply taking hold of a tangle of Vicolene's hair and tugging her up and off his cock by it, making her sputter wetly, spit spilling out of her mouth, eyes wide, as she was peeled off. "I didn't tell you to suck him until he came right down your throat. I told you to fuck him. This'll be how you lose your cherry to your childhood crush, right?"

Vicolene's eyes went down to the ground, her breathing becoming shallow, and Shyntae just laughed, looking up at Ylantar, giving him a jerk of the head that made it clear what he was expected to do.

"Come here, Vicolene," he said, grasping the woman under the arms, hefting her up to her feet unsteadily. He started to strip her a moment later, revealing more and more obsidian black skin to the cool air of Shyntae's office until she was naked in front of him. Then he laid her out on Shyntae's bed, giving his patron one quick look - and earning a grin and a wink from the woman in question.

"Go on. Take your childhood friend's cherry right in front of me," she said, licking her lips hungrily. A moment later, he was teasing his cock at Vicolene's slit, her pink sex dripping on his length. Vicolene herself swallowed, staring up at him uncertainly for a long few seconds.

The brief pause ended when Ylantar leaned down to kiss her forcefully on the lips and simply slammed his whole length inside her in a swift, forceful stroke. She grunted into his mouth, letting out a tiny noise of shock and surprise, then quietly melted beneath him as he began to vigorously fuck her, pumping in and out in a regular, methodical pace, his balls slapping against her thighs from the force of each movement. Her tongue began to dance against his in the space between their mouths, and Ylantar firmly gripped her ass cheek, his other hand grabbing the back of her head to hold her tight in a long kiss. Her own hands reached up, trailing along his bare skin, in the beautiful moment of sexual intimacy.

"He's not really going at you as hard as he does me," Shyntae noted with some curiosity. "Guess he's trying to be gentle with you, since you're a virgin and all." Vicolene let out a soft noise, almost a whimper, but Ylantar's cock simply throbbed and twitched inside her at those words, his own sadistic predilections seemingly not caring one whit whether it was Aunrae or Vicolene on the receiving end of degradation. "With me, he really likes to take his time, too. Ram it in repeatedly, make it last forever - my pleasure's just that important to him. Wonder how long it'll take him with you?"

Do you want me to let you come quickly? I think that Shyntae would prefer it if you did. Ylantar tapped two fingers against the back of Vicolene's head, a silent statement that I should wait for her to come twice before doing anything like that. I noted my assent and let the two get on with it.

So it was that he made sweet, vigorous love to Vicolene, her hands trailing hungrily across his back. Her fingers would trace out the shapes of his shoulderblades, or run down along the smooth bumps of his spine. When she came for the first time, her nails clawed and raked across his bare skin, her legs snapping around his hips to grind herself tightly against him; when she came for the second, her hands both grasped and held the back of his head, moaning loudly into his mouth as she did so. I let him find release alongside her, spraying his cum into her waiting sex, her breath in his mouth intoxicating and rolling around against seemingly every surface it could find.

When he was spent, he broke off the kiss and pulled out of her, turning to face Shyntae. "Ready for a real woman?" Shyntae asked. At some point she had stripped herself naked, and I could see her wet sex glistening in the light, Ylantar's eyes naturally drawn to it.

"I was born ready," he told her, earning a soft laugh and easy smile as Shyntae moved to straddle his naked body, teasing her wet sex at his cock. She leaned forward, kissing him on the lips, more a brisk thing meant to lay claim to her territory than anything of sincere romantic intensity like what he had been putting into his kiss with Vicolene.

It sufficed for her, though, and she slid herself down his length, swallowing him up with a low moan, her eyes gently closing and lidding as she took him to the base. Once she was there, she wiggled her hips around, opening one eye and glancing over at the supine form of Vicolene, who lay there, still panting after her repeated orgasms. I could feel her pulse around his length, her sex tightening for just a moment as a little thrum of arousal went through her at the sight of the other woman. Shyntae's eyes then turned back to Ylantar, and she kissed him on the lips again, this time more fiercely, her tongue invading his mouth, and his own tongue replying in kind, flapping against hers.

As they made out like that, his hands began to wander her body, sliding up her muscular thighs to her firm ass, groping and squeezing the flesh there with obvious interest. She faintly moaned back against him, wriggling in place, their tongues dancing against one another in their mouths as they kissed. Each firm pump of her hips was accompanied by a squeeze of his hands, their bodies soon falling into a rhythm with one another. Shyntae's gaze was as often on Vicolene as it was on Ylantar, and it was clear she was getting off on being watched, exaggerating her movements and noises each time she looked Vicolene's way, as if to catch the other woman's attention and demonstrate to her exactly what she was doing with Ylantar.

She popped her lips back from Ylantar at last, sucking in a few breaths, her hands resting on Ylantar's shoulders for balance as she smiled at him, that same lazy, lopsided smile as always, her movements slowing for a moment. "Normally you go at me harder. Don't tell me that you're too shy?" There was the flash of a threat in her eyes, and Ylantar's hands slid up from her ass to grip her by the hips. "Just wanted a bit of foreplay, huh?" She asked.

"That's right," Ylantar agreed easily, then began to furiously fuck her up and down his cock, his expression turning into a snarl of intensity as Shyntae began to bounce on his cock. Her white hair flew up and down with the sheer force of his repetitive thrusts, her lips opening wide in a soft moan as she got furiously fucked like that. Wet breaths escaped her throat, filling the air as she was furiously fucked up and down on the bed, which began to ripple and squeak. Vicolene quietly rose from her position, collecting her clothes, and neither Ylantar nor Shyntae moved to stop her.

I do not know if either of them even noticed her movements, as she got dressed and left Shyntae's quarters - there was the faintest twitch from Shyntae when the door to her quarters was closed, her eyes turning over to where Vicolene had been resting, so I had to assume she hadn't noticed, but by the lazy smile on her lips, she didn't much care. Despite being furiously fucked at that point, she managed to tilt herself forward, meeting Ylantar's lips with hers once more, softly moaning into his mouth.

Whatever her insensitivity to cunnilingus was caused by, it did not apply to frantic coitus. She came, over and over, as she was furiously fucked in that position, her juices oozing out over Ylantar's hard cock. Ylantar himself growled and groaned as he took her like that, just pounding away at her body, enjoying as moans escaped her lips, her head casting back, her brown eyes curling up, her mouth falling open. Her tongue flopped unsteadily around in her mouth, until he pulled her forward, letting her head come to rest on his shoulder, her soft breaths gently tickling his bare skin.

After a couple dozen orgasms on her part, he erupted inside her, a low groan escaping his throat as he did so, his hips bucking, her back arching, as hot seed sprayed out inside her waiting sex, practically filling her up.

He collapsed on his back in the afterglow, hands aching, chest rising and falling, Shyntae draped across him in a parody of intimacy, her lips idly caressing his neck. Whatever sly smile curled its way across its lips, whatever cruel thoughts bubbled in her mind, he was far too preoccupied with catching his breath to much care, and just lay there, dead to the world, merrily oblivious.

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I Slept My Way To This Post, Chapter 7
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Ylantar was seated on Aunrae's bed, while the woman herself knelt before him, hungrily and forcefully bobbing up and down his cock. He maintained a schooled expression, staring down at her impassively as her throat expanded and contracted around his length. Her fingers brushed slowly along his bare thighs, her eyes looking up at him with a pitiful expression, silently pleading that this be the day he finally came in her mouth. By the way his length twitched absently in her mouth, I was beginning to suspect his constant forcing her to work him like this was actually intended purely to satiate his own preferences, not to subtly manipulate her.

When he finally left her there, himself unsatisfied, her with an aching jaw and yet more firmness in her expression as she steeled herself to do better next time, I spoke to him in his mind. Was that necessary? She's now very positively inclined towards you.

"I'd like to keep it that way," he said, as he found a place to speak in seclusion. "Seeing her respond like that is fun. I can barely keep myself from making fun of her."

I would point out that he had made fun of her, when he had occasionally made promises like, "If you can make me come, I'll fuck you again," but there hardly seemed much point. Is this serving a purpose, or getting you off?

"Can't it be both?" He rolled his shoulders. "Can we talk about this later? I'd like to go get rid of this erection with a certain someone."

I inwardly sighed, but allowed him the chance to just go enjoy himself. We could, in fact, talk about it later, and sex was enjoyable to me as well, since I shared in his sensations to a great degree. After all, his body was coated in my essence.

* * *

He seemed to really take his time with Qilanna, which I couldn't decide was out of courtesy or due to a desire to avoid our conversation as long as possible. She would up slack and panting on the ground, skin lightly stained with sweat, a lazy smile on her lips as he recuperated himself, pressed up against the door. Her eyes wandered his naked chest, down to his cock, pink tongue flashing out past dark lips in a way that suggested lustful thoughts on her part, and invited them on Ylantar's. When he recovered enough, he continued to make love to her, furious thrusts as he kissed her on the lips with all the passion and romance he could muster, making the older woman just squirm in pleasure beneath him.

It was all well and good to ensure that his teacher was truly enjoying his company, but it meant he was completely exhausted by the time he returned to his room. Now that you're done with Qilanna, we can talk.

"I'm tired," he said, lazily waving his hand at the air as if I was some pesky flying insect he could swat away.

That is because you intentionally exhausted yourself with Qilanna. Sadistically mistreating Aunrae doesn't serve your purposes. Now that you have her self esteem broken down, you can build it back up around yourself.

"Maybe I want to see how low she can go," he replied, with an absent smile. "Besides, she's tamed now. As long as I keep her in this state, she'll never move against me, because it would be an admission she wasn't a good enough lover."

That is my suspicion in part, but I doubt it can really be maintained indefinitely, I pointed out.

"It doesn't have to be indefinite. In a couple years, I'll be joining the army, and I won't see her for a decade. Maybe I'll let her milk one or two orgasms out of me before then. I'll have to make sure to very thoroughly reward her so she's looking forward to my return..." He smirked at the thought. It was increasingly clear to me that his logic here was entirely hormonal, doing what satisfied him, rather than rational and manipulative, doing what was in his long-term best interest.

Think things through, Ylantar. You can manipulate her. Direct her. Right now she is just trying to deal with the humiliation of being unable to make a teenage boy come. I could feel his body respond to that, the faint twitch of his penis that came from that particular thought. If you take proper action, you can turn those feelings into something more affectionate, and she'll be your ally in this house for as long as you continue to treat her well. This is the most basic element of mortals' social behavior: kindness is control.

He scoffed at that. "Whatever. I have her under control just fine right now," he said, curling up beneath his sheets in a way that made it quite obvious he wasn't going to do a single thing I'd suggested. Silent patience was my only remedy.

* * *

My occasional coaxing and prompting earned only eye rolls, annoyed scoffs, and dismissive gestures. I increasingly began to consider "misusing" my ability to control his orgasm simply to let Aunrae off, but that would only destroy whatever trust existed between myself and Ylantar. It wasn't as if the problem was simply that he didn't come - it was that he didn't have the priority of directing her behavior in a manner that was best for himself, only a manner that was best for his libido.

His annoyance at my subtle insistence that he drag his sex drive back under control and put it to better use had me spending more time silent. I wasn't annoyed - such emotions are beneath me - but pushing wasn't going to help. I would spend much of my time considering exactly how best to convince him to change the dynamics of his relationship with Aunrae, particularly during the sex itself - if I could manage to, in a moment of passion and base need, get him to orgasm, then perhaps all his barriers could be broken down? It had yet to quite work out as I'd hoped, though, and he continued his damnable pattern.

It was, from his perspective, thus completely without warning when his mother summoned him into her office once more, her fingers steepled as she looked at him. "Aunrae claims she rededicated herself to ensuring you learn, after the Nyareda seemed to rule more in your favor than her son's."

"She does seem far more enthusiastic of late, yes. I am happy to hear it has a spiritual cause, rather than a temporal one."

"Mhm. Her newfound piety does seem to be quite sincere. I am happy that my sister has so returned to the fold." There was just the slightest creeping sense of dread and tension that layered over the both of us like a sticky fog that slowly congealed against bare skin. "Tell me. What is said of a young man who sleeps with a strange woman?"

"It depends on the strange woman," Ylantar replied, with a charming smile, earning a reciprocal baring of the teeth from his mother.

"And what if he should sleep not with one woman, but with two? And not in a single incident, but across time and space?"

"That he is..." he trailed off, now fully aware of what particular kind of trap he had been caught in. His body language shifted subtly, his alertness rising from its already quite high baseline.

"In dire need of military discipline," his mother finished, straightening up. "Qilanna is an excellent guard. Her reputation is excellent, and I cannot imagine she has failed to teach you more than the average boy your age. Your aunt is a pious and earnest teacher looking out for your well-being, and again, you have just said she has been firmly teaching you - and you have a second tutor, in the form of Wehlor. Your magical talents are particularly exceptional, a fact that Aunrae noted. I think that you would be best served by joining the military now, rather than idly wasting time with people who cannot teach you."

Ylantar was silent for a moment, and in my position, I could tell his thoughts were running by at mile a minute. He eventually spoke. "Yes, mother. I will get myself prepared." He paused before rising, his jaw setting for a moment. "May I ask...?" He prompted, of some unstated inquiry that his mother knew well enough.

"I was directed to look into your education, and concluded that your sessions with Qilanna drag on far too long. Surely just a matter of your having reached a plateau from which you cannot advance further as yet."

"Yes, you are correct," Ylantar agreed, giving a brisk bow before leaving.

* * *

In my view, the most likely individual was Aunrae - but since I had been telling Ylantar, again and again, that his treatment of Aunrae was inviting doom on him, for weeks and weeks, I decided to let him reach the conclusion on his own. He would be more likely to listen to it that way, after all.

The military of the dark elves is organized in part based on social status. The nobility, such as Ylantar, have actual teachers to inform them how to fight before they arrive, actual reputations that anyone gives a damn about, and actual wealth to spread around to ensure their sons are well cared for in their time in the army. The commoners, if they do not already know, are taught the general principles of fighting, and line up with the other men to do whatever they're told like mindless automatons.

Even where there were not formal differentiations - commoners becoming officers by esteem and a few well-placed bribes, as was the case for Qilanna, or male noble boys who were not generally given commissions, such as Ylantar - they were certainly very clearly treated differently. A boy like Ylantar was a knight, someone with training and experience who would no doubt distinguish himself in the field. A boy who did not have his social status was just a sword and a shield that might find its way transfixed to the end of some deep dwarven pike or caught within the tentacled maw of one of my lingering descendants, and there would be another where that came from.

Theoretically, any boy could manage to achieve the sort of social status that Ylantar was expected to. Practically, they had no chance. Ylantar would more likely kill a dozen similarly poorly trained boys' than fall to their blows. The dark elves knew no army that was clearly their superior, so more likely than not, he would always be well-fed, able to retreat with the main force, and pressing into the weakest part of the enemies' line. The other boys - young men, I should perhaps say, since joining the army was part of becoming a man, in the view of the dark elves, though some were even younger than the already quite young Ylantar - would be the chaff that fell on the enemies' spears, not him.

Of course, the army rarely went on campaign in the first place - from what I had picked up, the dark elves saw at best one campaign in a year, and often not even that. Even when they did campaign, they rarely met the enemy in battle, instead making winding, circuitous routes around them. Ylantar had monitored the military's comings and goings quite intensely when Vicolene had joined, and... there had really been not much of either. He had concluded that she had been given some garrison posting somewhere and simply left to the work.

So, the primary effect of being sent to the military, at least in the short term, was having to sleep in a barracks with dozens of other similarly aged young men, rather than having the opportunity to fuck Aunrae and Qilanna regularly. The other young men did look up to him, of course, given that he was the highest ranking individual in the entire barracks, and only one or two others were even of noble status. But, I rather suspected, given the way that Ylantar uneasily shifted and rolled about on the bed, that his true, primary concern at the moment was the sex that he was not going to be having.

* * *

As there was no training expected of them, there was nothing to do. They were isolated from the city at large, and subjected to military discipline, but that was really all. It was boredom that began pressing down on Ylantar's mind first, not fear. He found little joy in being fawned over by commoner boys desperately trying to cling to him as a life raft if battle ever did come. He made friends, of course, as was expected of him, participated in what team building there was to be done, but it was obvious to me that he would rather be back home with Qilanna and Aunrae, enjoying sex with them both.

I received no apology or admission of fault on his part before one of the officers found an opportunity to speak to him alone. Her name was Shyntae, and she was commoner born, having risen into the officer class by distinguishing herself in some battle, killing three foes and capturing another during the rout. She had a pretty face with bright brown eyes, nicked with a single scar that traced along her upper lip, giving her a slightly-lopsided smile and subtle character. Her body was fit, trim, but she lacked in height, coming up only to Ylantar's shoulders. At a glance, I would have estimated her to be in her mid-twenties: further into her term of service than Ylantar, but probably still in her first decade. More mature than him, but by no means truly mature, even by the standards of the dark elves.

"I was curious if you have any patrons in the army, as yet," she said, in a stern voice. Patronage was common, an officer building up connections among the soldiery. I did not know if Shyntae had skipped to the front of the line by some merit on her part, some idleness on her competition, or if Ylantar was simply not so desirable a bachelor as one might think, but she was the first to bring up the subject with the young soldier nonetheless.

"I do not, ma'am," he responded, his spine straightened up, his hands on either side of him. She looked him up and down, leering in a manner that made it obvious what her interest in him was, her own hands clasped behind her back.

"You imagine you're too good for it, then, I suppose? Men like you always do."

"I'm afraid I don't understand your meaning, ma'am."

She stepped towards him, her expression grim. "You don't understand my meaning?" He shook his head slightly. "I can't hear you."

"I don't understand your meaning, ma'am," he repeated, clearly and loudly.

"My meaning, pretty boy, is that your mother sent you here more than a little prematurely. Why do you think that is? Do you think it's because you're so smart and strong, she figured her lovely little baby could do the most good if he got in the army right now? Is that what you think?"

"No, ma'am," he replied.

"I'll tell you what I think. I think that your mother got embarrassed by you." He did not show it physically, but I could feel the pang of displeasure as it coursed through his system. "Now, everybody's a gossip among the officers, but nobody heard of you doing anything like humping a holy statue of the goddess or slapping some highborn girl in the face. Nobody heard much of you at all. Only person who knew anything, knew you'd been betrothed to some noble girl. That right?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Now, some of my compatriots proposed that maybe you were sent out here so that the marriage could be secured that little bit sooner. But I don't think that. I think..." she pressed one finger into his chest, but it wasn't to push him, or intimidate him: the finger began to rapidly trail along the contours of his body, almost feeling him up as it slid slowly this way and that. "That it was something more private and embarrassing. But what can a boy your age even do? Must have been something private, so either you were beating the servants, or you were fucking them. Were you beating the servants?"

"No, ma'am. I also-"

"I didn't ask for anything other than an answer to my question," she snapped back. "Now, even some libidinous cretin can have value to us officers. I've been watching you. You've got a good sword hand, some decent talent as a sorcerer. The rest haven't been paying you the least bit of mind, figuring they can get better elsewhere, men who aren't completely ruled by their lusts. You won't be finding any other woman who will consider coming your way, on account of your reputation."

It was obviously (to me) a hard sell - she was exaggerating to convince him to go along with her. I told Ylantar as much, and he retained his plastic expression, unable to respond due to the woman in front of him.

"Now, here's the deal: if you accept my patronage, I can make sure you're well taken care of. If you don't, well, I doubt you'll get another offer this good, given your... reputation." She let the word linger in the air for a moment. The implicit threat, I believe, was that she would slander his reputation further if he refused her.

I could feel his length idly throb in his groin - the barracks was not a good place to receive sexual relief, after all. If you're going to do it, you may as well pretend to like her, I pointed out, worried that he might repeat his error with Aunrae.

"I'd been hoping to attract the attention of such a beautiful woman as yourself, ma'am. I consider myself very fortunate."

She smiled at that, and it seemed sincere, guileless - as if she had no suspicions at all that Ylantar might be exaggerating his feelings for her. She reached up for his shoulder, clapping him on it firmly. "Good. Come with me," she ordered him, and soon enough he was drawn into her quarters. As an officer, she had a proper room. The moment they were inside, she locked the door behind them, a certain rapacious glint in her eyes. Her stern, disciplinarian mien vanished in a heartbeat, replaced instead with something far more animalistic, like a hungry wolf about to devour its prey. "Strip."

The order was bare bones, but it lacked the sharp note her words had thus far, lust congealing around it instead. Ylantar began to remove his clothing without much more thought than that, and Shyntae's eyes drank him in with obvious desire, running along his bare chest, his toned stomach, down to his currently hard cock. She smiled particularly sharply as she saw that, stepping forward to him, her fingers wrapping around it. "You're already hard," she whispered into his ear, beginning to gently stroke up and down his length. "You should count yourself lucky that I've been eating my silphium, or you'd be about to become a daddy. How old are you, Ylantar?"

"Fifteen," he breathed out, and she growled in fierce desire, her teeth digging into his neck with a sudden, forceful movement, grinding down against the bare flesh there and making him shudder as he was marked. Her hand on his cock moved more and more swiftly in response to his words as well, clearly excited to have such a young flower as her own. When she finally pulled her lips and teeth away from his bare skin, there was a faint pang from the lingering impression of her forceful movement. His length twitched absently before her.

"Mmm..." she leered up and down at his body. "A boy your age isn't likely to be any good at cunnilingus." Ylantar had acquired quite a bit of experience in it, from Vicolene and then Qilanna, but he did not correct her. "Tell you what. If you tell me what you are, I'll ride you until you come your brains out. I know that's the only thing you really care about, isn't it?"

"What I am?" He asked. She wants you to verbally degrade yourself, I offered, making his expression mildly shift. You should know what she wants. Just imagine the sorts of things you'd want from Aunrae. His lips thinned for a moment, and Shyntae's expression shifted as she began to get irritated, preparing to explain to him what sort of task she'd intended. "I'm a horny idiot who can't control his cock."

She pounced on him, slamming him down against her bed as she sent him in an unbalanced mess backwards. She tore off her own clothes with manic alacrity, her eyes half on his body, and half on the mark she had left on his neck. The moment she was naked, she simply slammed herself down into his pelvis, letting out a shuddering groan. She was tight, intensely so, a mix of powerful lower body muscles and lack of use meaning that when he cunt squeezed, it was a vice, wrapped taut around his whole length and leaving a mind-numbing pleasure in its wake. I naturally acted to prevent him from coming prematurely - if I hadn't, he likely would have orgasmed on that first stroke, if not the second.

"Mmm," she hummed softly, just holding herself there. It gave him a moment to admire her body: fit, lean, petite. The scar on her lip was the only visible one, giving her face character, while the rest of her was that of a muscular pixie, her hands soon finding their way to his bare chest, dark skin against dark skin, before she started to ride him properly, pumping her whole body up and down his length with ever-increasing intensity, panting softly as she did so, pink sex just faintly visible from the right angle, a glimmer of color on an otherwise dark body.

She couldn't be described as anything other than frantic. Her eyes were wide, brown irises surrounded in a sea of white as she rode him with force that was intense and exaggerated. "Ah, that's, that's it," she panted out. "Fuck, fuck, yes, this is, fuck," she growled, her fingers suddenly digging into his shoulders, her eyes leering down at him as her lips curled up, her tongue briefly flashing out. "You're mine now, you got it? I don't, I don't give a fuck if you're, if you're a noble, I-" was as far as she got before Ylantar reached out with a hand, brushing his thumb gently against her clit and sending her spiking the rest of the way over into an orgasm.

"You feel so good," he breathed out, a long ago agreed upon signal to me that he wanted to come. His hands shifted up to her hips, grinding her down against his pelvis, as he came in torrential waves, simply splashing his cum deep inside her as she shuddered and smiled, wearing a face of dopey triumph, the sort that can only come from someone who believes they have gotten one over on their "superior." "So very, nn, good," he groaned out, as the last few droplets of cum were wrung out of him by her tight sex.

She licked her lips, leering down at him with naked lust, her fingers trailing across his naked body with obvious interest. Every inch was a target for inspection as she felt him up, smiling all the while. "Yes... yeah, I think I can use you, if you can behave yourself, I can make your life in the army much, much easier." There was a certain sinister glint in her eyes, some sadistic fantasy bubbling behind the surface, but Ylantar didn't take too much note of it. He thought, no doubt, it would be a problem to solve later, when he hadn't just come.

Given that his cock was still hard inside her, and Shyntae began to slowly ride him once more, I can't even honestly say he was wrong.

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I Slept My Way To This Post, Chapter 6:
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I do not truly feel emotions in the same way that mortals do, but there are analogies. In this case, I felt tense - Ylantar had managed to figure out my presence. It wasn't a bluff, I knew that much. I had actively applied the same essence that allowed him to use magic without any volition on his part. I had been more prioritizing his personal safety than my own continued anonymity. If someone had stumbled upon him fucking his aunt, or if he had lost his hunter's duel, it would have seriously and negatively impacted his position - and by extension, mine.

I am, I admitted to him. He paused, taking in a deep breath through his nose as he seemed to consider my presence. His eyes closed, and I was left blind for a long few seconds before they opened again.

"Who are you?" He asked. One finger tapped against his thigh, clearly somewhat impatient to get the answers he wanted.

I considered a deflection for the briefest of moments, but I doubted it would work in the long term. I am Ephaliat. He made a spiralling gesture with his hand, egging me to continue on. By his expression, I could guess that he had no idea who I was - at least, not by name. I am the one whose body you were dipped into in your thirteenth year.

He paused at that, seeming to seriously consider what I'd just said. He was utterly silent besides - I'd grown accustomed to him speaking out loud to himself as he planned and plotted, as he worked out the various peculiar contours of dark elven society and who in particular was trying to ruin his life and why. He was the sort to carefully think through problems, and speaking seemed to help him do so, so it was unusual to see him struggling with some intellectual task in both privacy and silence. His finger tapped against his knee as his mouth moved one way, then the other. "What can you actually do?" He asked, at last.

I am responsible for your magical talents; and I can whisper thoughts such as these into your mind. I decided to leave out my ability to manipulate his various biological systems to direct his behavior this way and that. His jaw set, and he leaned forward, steepling his fingers as he considered my words.

"What do you want?"

That... was a rather more difficult question to answer. After all, he was a fairly devout follower of Nyareda, the very same goddess who in a past age had cut me down and buried my body. For whatever reason, she nowadays had only female priestesses, but he certainly didn't consider this some dire hateful misandry that I could use as a wedge between him and her. To live again, even if not in the same form I once did. To continue as things are, more or less. To keep you alive, by extension.

I certainly wanted him to achieve a socially dominant position, because it would make it easier for me to gather power and strength to influence the world, but it was better to leave it gentler. I wanted what was best for him, since we were in the same boat. I let him ponder my words in silence. "I see." He stretched his body in a manner that I'm sure would have excited any of the women he'd had sex with thus far, standing up and dusting himself off. "Let me think about this."

Very well. I could wait. I had been waiting for a very long time, after all.

* * *

He didn't speak to me further on the subject, instead throwing himself back into training with Qilanna, and even with Aunrae and Wehlor. His aunt seemed modestly more capable of actually teaching him, perhaps due to her pride having been broken down by his defeating her in a fight. As a teacher, she was of only moderate use - Ylantar's talents had far surpassed hers in terms of raw strength due to my presence within him, so she could only work at the edges, helping him with fine detailed magical work, formulating spells that did things very precisely.

I started to think he had simply put my existence out of his mind, given the amount of time he spent focusing on training and developing his skills, and the utter absence of any further attempts at conversation. Perhaps he simply didn't feel that there was anything else to say. Perhaps he was gauging my intentions by using silence to do it.

After a practice session of swordplay with Qilanna, the pair settled down in the room, drinking water, their bodies slick with sweat. Ylantar's eyes were naturally drawn to, and wandered, the buxom and muscular Qilanna, but she gave only an exhausted look back, as if she had been so completely enervated, even sex no longer interested her. It was strange; sometimes she would be tired, of course, but she would express that more by being lazy in her lovemaking than in avoiding it altogether.

"Is something the matter, Qilanna?" Ylantar asked.

"Always, something is in trouble and strife," Qilanna deflected, then sighed. "Your aunt is attempting to insist I instill martial values in her son as well. To teach two such enthusiastic youths is perhaps beyond my abilities." There was a faint hint of something dark in Ylantar's expression, and I could feel the knot in his chest at her words. "I do not draw him into my bedroom, Ylantar," she said, waving her hand dismissively at the very idea. "I am no suicidal fool who bewitches noble boys. It was you who seduced me, recall."

"Right," Ylantar agreed, his shoulders seeming to lighten at that fact. "Does that mean you are too exhausted for us to make love?"

The way she looked at him - appraising, considering, weighing the benefits and detriments - made it clear enough that she was. If she were to be fully energized, she would not have hesitated even for a moment. "I confess I would not make a good bed partner, but if you wish relief, I can lie beneath you and let you do as you please."

He smiled at her, warm and friendly, shaking his head. "I can hardly consider it a pleasant sexual experience to make love to a woman too tired to do anything besides lie there. At least, not if I like the woman," he added, earning a faint laugh from Qilanna.

"You speak with real wisdom, for one so young. I too would much despise lovemaking while you lay beneath me, inert as a corpse save for the throbbing of your manhood." She turned her gaze to his groin, as if fantasizing about fucking him, but again concluded that she truly lacked the energy to do anything. "Perhaps tomorrow."

* * *

Naturally, it was not tomorrow. Or the day after. She had three training sessions now, sometimes even four, when Aunrae and Kyorlan could manage to twist her arm into it. She managed well enough at actually teaching Ylantar, but her energy at the end of each session was an absolute nadir. Sometimes she would simply collapse to the ground and lie there for the better part of an hour, idly discussing household gossip or swordplay as she recovered.

With his primary source of sexual relief no longer available to him, Ylantar began masturbating again. Perhaps it would be better to avail yourself of Aunrae, I suggested to him, and he grunted at that, furiously thrusting his length between his fingers, as if to deny the claim altogether. "She is doing this on purpose," he hissed. "Trying to deny me Qilanna. She fantasizes about fucking her nephew."

I did not point out the hypocrisy of that statement, for the simple reason that I did not care.

"I know that you can control my orgasms," he said, his voice cold as ice. I did feel some sense of tension at having been seen through like that, but it was a minor thing."You're going to make it so I cannot come when I'm fucking Aunrae."

Very well. He rose from where he had been seated on his bed, heading immediately for his aunt's quarters.

She gladly welcomed him in, smiling as she saw him. "Ylantar. You are looking well. I trust that you have been doing well in your 'training' with Qilanna?" The way she said the word training left no ambiguity - she knew that he and Qilanna were lovers.

"Are you that desperate for me, that you're sabotaging my relationship with my teacher?" Ylantar asked, his hand grasping her by the shoulder as he pressed her up against the wall. His gaze was hungry.

Her eyes smoldered with lust right back, as much overconfident as she was needy. "You really are just ruled by your need for sex," she said, in this haughty, self-confident tone of voice, licking her lips as her fingers trailed along his flank. "Such a promiscuous young man... don't worry, I can take care of you much better than Qilanna can."

"If you think you're so worthy of my time, then make me come with your mouth. If you can't do that, find some other tutor for Kyorlan."

She smirked at that. She obviously imagined herself far too skilled to fail such a simple task, but she would find it utterly impossible anyway. "My late husband was always very delighted to see me slink to my knees... men are so easy to control if you know how to use your mouth," she explained, in a placid, self-confident manner, slipping down to her knees in front of Ylantar as if she were entirely confident and cocksure about the situation.

She peeled down his trousers, revealing his hard cock, which bobbed and danced before her face. She drank in the scent - it was still thick with the smell of sweat from when he had been masturbating, his precum staining the air faintly as she leaned forward to gingerly kiss the very tip. She smiled up at him with her eyes, her white hair drawn back to reveal her features as she planted her lips against his tip again, and again, his length bobbing in front of her in response, occasionally seeming to slap against her lips and smear his precum across her dark features.

When it did, she would simply collect it with her fingers, feeding it into her mouth, making a show of it. She was clearly intent on teasing him, pointless as it was. He didn't respond with any obvious show of lust. He didn't plead with her to suck his cock properly. He just stared down at her with a withering expression, sizing her up as though her teasing him, drawing it out, was just an unwanted annoyance.

It produced what I can only assume was the intended result - her eyes narrowed with determination, her mouth falling open. She swallowed his whole cock into her mouth in a single neat motion, Ylantar's hips absently bucking at the sudden, sharp sensation. His hand reached down for her head, grasping a bunch of her ivory white hair, simply grinding her in place. Saliva dribbled freely out of her mouth, as his balls slapped against her chin, but she didn't complain. Just the opposite: her hands reached up for his ass cheeks, firmly gripping them, as she wetly swallowed around his cock, her tongue flapping against the underside.

Naturally, I kept him from coming. Given his clear goal of convincing Aunrae she wasn't woman enough to properly satisfy him, I even went so far as to prevent him from having the autonomic responses associated with a near-miss orgasm, the frantic pumpings of his hips, the wild gasps and grinds. I didn't want her to become confused and believed he had simply ejaculated directly into her stomach, after all.

For a minute or so, Aunrae was perfectly content in her position, gently massaging the length of the rod in her mouth with swallows intended to coax an orgasm out of him, her fingers trailing along his bare skin in a tantalizing manner. Even her eyes smoldered with lust and desire, clearly communicating her desire to make him come, to feel his throbbing length just start spraying deep inside her throat.

He responded with intensifying lust, his hips bucking against her face, wet noises escaping her throat as she glugged around his cock. She went cross-eyed, even, as his fingers simply dug into the back of her scalp and he roughly used and abused her face. There were no words on his part, no declarations of how that was good. Only these quiet, masculine noises as she jerked his cock off with her throat.

At last, he peeled his spit-slathered cock out, and Aunrae began to stroke it expectantly, pointing it directly to her wide open mouth. Her pink tongue sharply contrasted with her ebony skin, and the look of incredible confidence that she was about to get a thick creamy load of cum all over her face and mouth...

Only to find, after nearly a minute of frantically pumping her hand up and down his length, that she was not getting any cum. She wisely did not complain, instead simply slurping his cock back into her throat, bobbing up and down with frantic force. Her breasts seemed to jiggle and bounce from the sheer intensity she put into it in terms of raw physical force. That wasn't the only talent being brought to bear, though - she also kept her tongue wiggling about inside her mouth, and occasionally would shift her body to show off her ass in a way that left no doubt that she was attempting to arouse tantalize him with the possibility of sex proper in order to get him to come more quickly in her mouth.

The longer it went on, the more tense Ylantar became. Each thrust of his hips against her face, each grind of his fingers along her scalp, represented an increasingly intense desperation to ejaculate, a simple yet intense physiological response to his inability to orgasm.

Aunrae had begun to notice that her fellatio appeared not to be provoking the full response. Her expression became more intense, eyes narrowing as she all but glared up at him. Her fingers dug into his ass cheeks, and she just slammed her face up and down his cock, her own movements matching his to intensify each thrust, each withdrawal. Saliva dribbled freely out of her mouth, and yet, despite how hard she was going at it, no tears were produced by her eyes, no choking gags by her throat. She was completely, utterly calm as she worked him over like that, not the faintest sign of distress at being treated so roughly.

Still - she was only a mortal woman, and Ylantar was completely incapable of coming. Even his frantic groans of "come on, come on," didn't dissuade me from continuing my restraint of his orgasm, so eventually Aunrae seemed to realize he wasn't coming, and peeled herself off his cock.

By that point, she was a bit of a mess. The spittle she'd ejected from her mouth on this or that occasion now coated her chin, as well as having created a sort of spray pattern near her mouth. Some of her hair had been tangled up from his fingers, rather than remaining in her braid. Her sclera were pink with exertion, her whole body lightly stained with sweat, some drool having splattered down onto her tits, making her dress cling to them tightly, revealing every contour of her bosom.

Ylantar's cock was slick with her saliva, shiny and dripping with the sheer quantity of drool that it had been drenched in. Her hand reached up for it, beginning to stroke his length in regular, smooth movements, as she let out faint sighs and stared up at him with a mixture of exhaustion and a still-intense desire to please. "Is something the matter?" She reached for her breast with her free hand, crumpling the supple flesh beneath her fingers, clearly just wanting to make a show rather than doing it for her own pleasure. "Is there something more you want from me?"

I could practically feel the trembling of Ylantar's body as he resisted the urge to keep going. Instead, he grasped her by the hair, tangling it up around his fingers and yanking it back, his hard cock twitching right in front of Aunrae's face. If it hadn't been for me, he almost certainly would have ejaculated then, coating Aunrae with a coat of white paint. He used the grip to force her to look him in the eyes, even as he leered down at her with some cruelty in his gaze. "I want to be able to fuck Qilanna. You're making that hard, and it's clear you aren't nearly as good at giving blowjobs as her."

"I can- I can keep going," she said, clearly taking offense at the idea, and Ylantar simply slapped her cheek with his length, making her jerk in surprise.

"Stop having your son fuck up my training. One woman isn't enough to satisfy me anyway," he said, though it was honestly a lie. He was quite satisfied with just Vicolene or Qilanna - I imagine his problem was more the specific reality of being asked to satisfy himself purely with a woman whose company he didn't enjoy.

"I'll-" she cut herself off, her neck tightening... then she slammed herself back down his cock again, glugging loudly as she facefucked herself with unbridled intensity. Her fingers clawed and scraped along his ass as she did her best to make him come by replacing technique with force. While he groaned and twitched in pleasure at her work, he did not come. I'm certain he would have blown his load at least a dozen times if I hadn't been preventing him from doing so, but he maintained the pretense that it was purely due to Aunrae's inadequacies.

So when, a few minutes later, Aunrae was gasping and panting, leaning up against the wall, her face messed up once more... Ylantar simply began using her face without her active participation, pinning her against the wall and slamming his length all the way down her throat, holding her in place to simultaneously choke her and to satisfy himself. Her throat intermittently swallowed and gagged around his length, and her tongue meekly and weakly slapped against his length. Her eyes rolled up, and tears began to form for the first time since she'd begun, as her body twitched and jerked in that position, as she slowly but surely asphyxiated.

She maintained her determination until the very end. She didn't slap him to try to get him off of her, didn't use her magic to do so - instead, she simply passed out. It was only then that Ylantar peeled back, staring down at her as her unconscious body fell to one side, sputtering and coughing as she began to recover her senses. He stared down at her harshly. "I'll fuck you if your son stops bothering Qilanna."

"O-okay," she panted out. He just put his cock away and left her there with a promptness and speed that made it obvious where he wanted to be.

When the two of us were back in his bedroom, he groaned, pulling out his length and beginning to stroke rapidly. "Let me come," he hissed, needily, and I did so - almost immediately, he started to ejaculate, a great torrent of cum that had been built up by nearly an hour of intense, orgasm-denying sex. His entire body trembled, and the pleasure overwhelmed us both for a long few seconds, no real thoughts or communication passing between us.

Once his orgasm was finished, and he'd simply collapsed on his bed in exhaustion for a long couple minutes, he spoke up. "If you keep helping me, then I'll keep your presence a secret from others."

I accept your offer. It was more or less what I'd wanted from him even when he hadn't known about my presence, after all.

"That means that if I need 'assistance' like that, you'll do it, and the same goes for the use of magic at critical points," he explained.

I understand.

"Good. Good." He laid down and just let out a long sigh. "I can't wait to fuck Qilanna again."

* * *

He didn't have to wait long. Their very next training session, the two made long and rather tender love, their bodies intertwining with one another, Qilanna giving giddy praise to his talents as a lover as she was thrust into again and again. "Your sweet length penetrates my depths so delightfully, I had so missed it." "Ah, that is it, spread your seed in my fallow fields, Ylantar." "I hope that my body offers you one tenth the ecstasies your own body offers me."

He fucked her for the better part of an hour, doing his best to bring her pleasure even as he relieved himself with her body. By the end of it, she had come over a dozen times, and he had come five of his own, her sex dripping with her juices and his both, staining the ground beneath them. He at last peeled his length out of her, tucking his cock away, and taking a moment to breathe, balancing his body against the door to the shed where they had been training - as much to block somebody else from entering as to catch his own breath.

"You are... perhaps the most talented lover I have ever been blessed enough to enjoy," Qilanna explained, her fingers idly running through her hair. "It is a wonder, that such a young man is so... flexible, eager, insightful. Few boys your age are capable of doing much besides lie there." She wore, for a brief moment, a lopsided smirk. "Not that I mind too much when the boys just lie there," she added. "There's a certain primal pleasure to it."

"I can imagine. I do enjoy it when you lose your senses and become inert."

She let out a laugh all her own. "I'll try to take that in the spirit it was intended," she said, "rather than as the insult another less charitable woman might find it to be."

"I'm glad to hear that I can be lazy in my phrasing with you, Qilanna," he said, as much friendly flirtation as a genuine statement of his feelings. I could tell his internal emotions, more or less, so I knew that the more oblique and complex parts of dark elven social life were more often an irritant than some intriguing puzzle to solve or lovely dance to learn.

"I only care that you do not let that sloth extend to your training," she replied, closing her eyes and simply lying back as she recovered from their sex.

* * *

One might have expected any future rendezvous with Aunrae to be simply ordinary lovemaking, or perhaps some selfish extraction of an orgasm from her body. They were not - each time, Ylantar would tell me to prevent him from coming, then avail himself of Aunrae's throat until she simply gave up in exhaustion and desperation. It was clearly having what I could only assume was the intended effect, Aunrae silently growing less and less confident in her sexual talents. She tried new things quite regularly, starting to swivel her tongue around his tip and flicking at it in her mouth, removing her dress entirely to reveal her naked body, then proceeding to add in wrapping his cock in her pillowy large breasts.

(I could tell that he quite enjoyed that, because the next day, he did something similar with Qilanna.)

Each new technique was something that she was clearly pouring her heart and soul into, trying to overcome the virtually insurmountable goal of making him come. She would work hard, only occasionally offering a question or comment that was really an excuse: "Did you just get done with Qilanna?" "You shouldn't use that woman and then come back to me."

Any bile or contempt she once felt for him had vanished in the wake of the inferiority he was making her feel. Now he was the source of a potential "salvation," a reaffirmation that she was a talented lover, so she was desperate to make him happy and pleased with her. It was a more extreme version of the basic principle I had guided him towards when he first made love to Qilanna.

His magic lessons greatly improved in quality over the following month. I could also feel as his negative emotions towards Aunrae slowly waned, the woman in question working hard to pleasure him and forgetting any spiteful jockeying for position she or her son might have engaged in. She would just quietly bob on his cock, often seeming even to have given up entirely on making him come, viewing her position almost as that of a mere fluffer, a prelude to sex with (presumably, in her mind) Qilanna, useful for getting him hard and lubricated but nothing more.

He was definitely enjoying the thrill of power this change in their dynamic brought him. I could hardly blame him, though I did wonder if he planned to keep her indefinitely in this state of piteous denial, unable to make him come, or if one day he would actually ejaculate down her throat. I didn't particularly care either way - he seemed to have a better sense than me of how best to manage her feelings to keep her silently pleading with her eyes for him to come.

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I Slept My Way To This Post, Chapter 5
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The prelude of the hunter's duel was officiated by the matriarch, who here took up the role of a sacred priestess, endowed by their goddess with certain blessings and so on and so forth. I didn't much care for the woman in question - the mother or the goddess - so I was hardly paying that much attention as the twin ribbons were handed down to the pair. Each had a fairly unique, complex design - not the sort of thing you could duplicate easily. My awareness was more focused on carefully thinking over ideas of what could be done to raise Ylantar's odds of success.

The hunter's duel wasn't conducted the moment that all parties had agreed, but it was less than a day afterwards, the arrangements having been made quite briskly. It was not some widely publicized affair, for the simple reason that the more publicized it was, the more certain it was that servants and the like would listen in and watch the competitors and start piecing together things about where the ribbon was being hidden, which one or the other competitor could use if they so wished. My impression was that this sort of relatively "private" hunter's duel was something that was done when the matriarch didn't particularly want one side or the other to win, or else thought that her preferred victor had no chance. It was by no means a perfect measure, but it did ameliorate the risks to a degree.

The best way for Ylantar to win would be if he could somehow mark the ribbon in question, but the ceremony left him with no opportunity to mark it in any way, as the two boys were quite cleanly divided. Qilanna wound up playing the ceremonial role that would have been played by his mother, if she wasn't officiating the entire affair. Could her knowledge somehow be put to use? My mind then began to turn to the question of Ylantar's own ribbon. I had left the question of what to do with it up to him, nudging him that he only needed to ensure that Kyorlan didn't win - he didn't need to win himself. The boy was bright, but I did worry if he would actually manage to keep the ribbon secreted away.

The ceremony, with all its pomp, ended, and I was ultimately no closer to an answer than I had been. I tried to spit a splotch of inky darkness at Kyorlan's ribbon as a last ditch effort, but it was noticed and effortlessly dispelled by Aunrae.

It didn't garner any actual commentary from her, though. She merely gave Ylantar a withering look, grabbed her son's hand, and walked off.

Ylantar himself soon took off, bringing Qilanna along with him to reduce the likelihood of a sudden, violent attack of some kind. It was rare, but mostly because the hunter's duel was intended to reduce bloodshed, so there was an aura of mutual compliance with that premise as the will of the Huntress. But, such an aura can only last until such time as someone stops complying.

* * *

Ylantar's plan for the ribbon had already begun the day before, something that I had even seen in action, though his actions now took place in near-perfect silence and made me wonder if he was actually planning what I had initially thought he was planning. He was wearing the boots he had prepared, a rough pair of combat boots in which he had cut an extremely thin hole near the base. Instead of going to the privacy of his room, he was making his way with Qilanna through a somewhat circuitous route, stopping in several different locations on the Jehalaora estates, Qilanna trusting his decisions even as they stopped in a shed to collect some shovels.

"We should wait here for a while," he said, the ribbon currently unceremoniously tucked in the inside of his boot, still very tangible as its tangled mass there pressed against bare flesh. "To make it look like we're hiding it here."

"Mmm. I can think of something we can do while we wait," Qilanna said, but it was playful flirtation, not sincerity - a quickie would be highly ill-advised, given that it was possible that Aunrae or Kyorlan or an agent of theirs might be monitoring the two of them. Still, she reached for his body, stroking gingerly at his chest with the sort of plaintive touch of a woman possessed of very basic, carnal desires, and not much else.

"I would love to, but some other time," he informed her. She continued to touch and rub at his abs, fingers absently groping and squeezing his increasingly muscular and toned form, her lips curled in a half-smile, her eyebrow raised. He let out a long-suffering sigh. "Take a shovel and go to the northeast corner of the estates where nothing grows, I'll be with you shortly," he said, pulling her hands away. She pouted faintly, but didn't object, collecting a shovel and heading that way.

For his part, Ylantar counted out ten breaths, fingers absently tapping out the number, then knelt down, pulling the ribbon out of the inside of his boot and placing it in the small hole he'd made in the sole. He grabbed a bottle of black tar from one of the shed's shelves and traced a bit along the hole in question, before carefully wiping it and putting it exactly back where it came from. Then, for effect, he disrupted the positions of several other objects to a greater or lesser degree, and only then emerged from the shed, shovel in hand.

The two began to upturn soil until they were ragged and tired, making hole after hole, some deeper than others, some wider than others, arranged in a random and nonsensical pattern. Qilanna worked patiently, diligently, alongside him, while he took care to make sure that his boots got quite dirty, occasionally stepping in mud, to better disguise the hole he had made in them.

The simple problem of the hunter's duel is that one simultaneously needs to hide the object, and yet also sleep. If it's hidden on your person, you have to hide it each night; if it's hidden in your room, it's available to be searched when you aren't there, and searching the opponent's room while they're out is basically the first move of any hunter's duel, to the point it's more perfunctory than anything else. It would be humiliating to fail to find the ribbon because one had not even bothered searching every last nook and cranny of the other's room. It was so self-evident and normal a move that it was considered gauche to even try to prevent it, and certainly wouldn't turn out to be effective.

By putting it in his boot, he ensured that he would take it with him whenever he left his room, and by taking this awkward route and moving around the way he had, he precipitously reduced the likelihood that anybody would wonder where exactly he had taken the ribbon. It was somewhere on his winding path that he had hidden it. There was even a decent chance Kyorlan was already beginning to check through that route, and that he would interrupt their digging.

In point of fact, he actually did. They had spent a good three hours digging holes and then filling them back in, and upturned so much earth it was genuinely exhausting. I could feel the ache in Ylantar's muscles as he turned to face Kyorlan, who was practically sneering as he watched. "Do you honestly think you can hide your ribbon under some upturned soil?"

"Nah," Ylantar replied. His exhaustion had robbed him of any niceties, so he kept speaking. "But, I do honestly think you'll have to dig up at least as much as I did, to know that I didn't." He stretched, cracked his shoulders, and smiled at Kyorlan. "Well, since you're here, I guess I'm done. I'm going to go back to my bedroom to take a nice, long sleep. Good luck finding my ribbon."

Kyorlan let out a huff and left the upturned area of soil behind, turning back around to start looking anywhere that didn't require hours of backbreaking labor to discern the location of.

Naturally, Ylantar made sure to wander around in various suspicious ways, stopping for a minute or two every time he got the chance, before - once exhaustion had pretty much entirely overtaken him - going back to his bedroom and simply falling asleep immediately. He even kept his boots on as he slept, arms crossed atop him. I had to admire the idea: by sleeping that way, it would be impossible for anybody to check his boots if indeed they thought to, and by waiting until he was so exhausted that he just flopped unconscious onto the bed, one could believe that it was mere coincidence.

* * *

Ylantar did not seem overly concerned about finding Kyorlan's ribbon, though Kyorlan himself was becoming increasingly desperate to find Ylantar's. It made sense to me: Ylantar had no real reason to want to see Kyorlan shipped off, other than the convenience, and the inconvenience of ticking Aunrae off made it not worth it. He seemed happy to simply casually go about his day. When Kyorlan would approach him, he simply demurred and avoided violence - given that any anger on Kyorlan's fault would be due to anger (rather than having to do it to get at the ribbon) it wasn't too surprising.

Despite that, Ylantar did meander. At first, I thought it was merely a consequence of his strategy - wander around to create suspicion, make it harder for Kyorlan to locate where you hid the item because he's looking through all the places he's already looked, on the chance it may have been moved there since he started looking. Then I noticed the way his gaze wandered, picking up things here and there, watching closely, listening to the serving staff. Despite the relative quiet with which the sacred hunt began, it was impossible to keep it a secret for too long, after all. One woman, in a moment of loose lips, mentioned that Aunrae seemed quite confident that her son was the one who would ultimately win the contest - that she seemed to have no concern whatsoever that Ylantar would win instead.

Ylantar returned to his room, idly humming. He tapped his thigh. Normally, he spoke when he was alone and thinking, but given the circumstances, he understandably did not, leaving me to wonder at precisely what he was thinking.

At last, he left, going to the baths. The estate had mixed baths that were meant for men and women to use - the dark elves were not so prudish as to care about showing off their naked bodies. One might be inclined to note they were not, in fact, truly naked - at least, not the ones who had been dipped in that baptismal rite of theirs. Those individuals were coated in my ichor every day for the rest of their lives. But, I know the dark elves did not see it that way.

He took up a position as a sentry, monitoring who entered and left with care. He didn't enter himself, just silently watching the movements, as if mentally calculating. The process lasted hours of dull drudgery and boredom. Kyorlan came there, looking sweaty and lightly mud-caked, and seemed completely at ease as he crashed into the water with a heavy splash. As if there was no risk whatsoever that Ylantar would find his ribbon while he was indisposed, or rifle through his things.

Two days more of watching the baths, Ylantar made his move, having performed some mental calculations I was not privy to. Not everyone visited the baths, of course - it was possible to simply use some water and a moist towel to brush across bare skin, which was how Ylantar was maintaining himself since he had hidden the item in his boot. The chance of his clothing being stolen while he was away was much too high a risk, after all. Even if they didn't know that it was in this or that clothing item, taking them was no real crime, and if he could not produce the ribbon, it didn't matter if they didn't know which particular thing they'd stolen contained it.

Perhaps Aunrae and Kyorlan had noticed as much, but given that Kyorlan had used the bath again, having apparently gone out to dig up the place he had to worry the ribbon was taken, he had not fit the particular pieces together.

He arrived at the suite his aunt stayed in, and simply entered without much care, a wooden training sword at his side. She rose from where she had been writing a letter, clearly quite enraged. "You shouldn't enter a woman's room alone," she told him, her voice sharp. "Begone, boy."

"I'm afraid I can't. I couldn't help but notice that you haven't been going to the baths."

"You want to look at your own aunt naked so badly? During this, a sacred hunt?" She scoffed, but I did detect the faintest trail of tension to her movements as she tried to pretend his presence - and given reason - didn't matter to her. She did have a lovely, curvy, tall body - large breasts, full, round buttocks, a height that was just an inch shorter than Ylantar's zooming upwards physique - but that was not why Ylantar was here.

"I do." He cracked his neck from one side to the other, putting his hand on his sword. "You can simply remove your clothes and I can check to put my concerns to rest. If not, I'll have to do it by force, or involve my mother."

"Involve your mother?"

"I wouldn't want anyone to get the wrong idea about why I am stripping you, after-" was as far as he got before she attempted to blind him with an overwhelming burst of light. If it hadn't been for my brisk and instinctive response, shading that light and swallowing it up, he likely would have been sent careening to the ground. Instead, he rushed her, tackling her to the bed, grasping her by the wrists and holding them tight as he stared down at her. Her hands tried to work the air, but I helped him, darkness coiling around fingers and palms, smothering any light she could possibly have made in the cradle, congealing around any darkness when she tried that instead. "So you are hiding it," he said.

He used his weight and a single hand to pin both arms above her head, then began to slide his fingers along her bare skin. What was exposed in her elegant dress was clearly not carrying it - and what wasn't, tended towards the unmentionables. He valiantly began with the regions least sensual: the upper arms, the calves and ankles and feet, and only then the stomach and neck, and from there... the thighs were first, and that was where he found it, tugging it out unceremoniously.

The whole time she had been fighting, of course. I had to use my darkness to smother her voice, planting it in her mouth and letting the black sticky darkness swallow up any sound, so even her screams scarcely carried to her captor's lips. He dangled the ribbon in front of her face, and her expression fell in defeat. "I don't think Kyorlan is ready to go into the army," she told him, as I loosened the darkness wrapped inside her mouth - at this point, screaming rape would only hurt her, since everyone would know exactly what had happened. Including the rather humiliating note that she was bested by a fourteen year old boy. "He needs months more of training to be safe."

"Then you shouldn't have agreed to this bet," he told her, his voice sharp. "The goddess has seen that you weren't teaching me properly, and arranged for you to lose; or, for Kyorlan to lose, for defending your unjust cause."

Aunrae bit her lip at that, some genuine guilt appearing on her features far more sharply now. She appeared to genuinely take this whole affair as an act of divine chastisement for her bad behavior, as absurd as it seemed to me. I was rather sure that if Nyareda had been paying any attention to us, it would have been me losing, since she had killed me all those millennia ago. I suppose it's possible that she'd forgotten her grudge, but I certainly hadn't forgotten mine. "I... apologize," she said, her voice soft. "Please, don't punish my son - he only did what he thought was right."

"It isn't me who would be punishing your son," Ylantar chided. "But, I think I can see a way the two of us can make things up between us. You tell him to yield, naturally - it'd be more honorable than losing outright, after all, and I would accept the concession. It would basically just save us all some time." Aunrae nodded quietly, seeming enthused.

It is worth noting here that Ylantar's penis had become tumescent during the time he had been checking his aunt for any sign of Kyorlan's ribbon. I had assumed it was merely a matter of physical arousal born of the anxious circumstances in which he found himself - I had certainly grown used to the thing rising and falling according to whatever vague whims his body's hormones had at that particular moment.

"There is one other thing I want out of you," he said, and his hand slid along her body, then, up her dress, towards her breast, which he promptly groped through the thin fabric. She let out a soft note of surprise, eyes widening at his touch as his fingers sank into the soft flesh, making her dark skin balloon around his hand. "Sex. It won't just be today, either."

"You..." She let out a scoffing noise. "What? You think I'm that beautiful?"

"No, I just want to come more." I did idly worry that perhaps I had done something a little overactive to his body at some point that needed to be compensated for, but I could try to work that out later.

"You... you just want... to come more?" She asked, sounding the words out in the lethargic way one does when they make no sense. "Oh. Vicolene is no longer satisfying those needs." She let out a snort. "I guess an idiot pervert like you would be inclined to such a thing."

"Are you taking silphium?" He asked, and Aunrae simply nodded. "It sounds like you're the real pervert, then, not me."

"My husband is dead and your mother hasn't arranged another for me yet. What do you expect to happen, really?" She asked, with a meaningful tilt of her head.

It is difficult to quite describe the sensation of his penis at that point, the way it surged and ground against its confinement. He took the ribbon in his teeth, pulled down her panties, holding her in place all the while. She just watched it all with droll boredom, as if the entire situation was quite absurd to her. His fingers sank into her sex, the only visible part of her that hadn't been dyed in my black or still carried the ivory white of the dark elves' natural albinism besides the eyes. A sharp pink contrast to the surrounding flesh.

He took out his length, pausing as he stroked it, pressing the tip against her pink sex. "Thank me for letting you fuck me," he told her. His voice wasn't harsh or cruel - it was simply attempting to extract something arousing from the other party for his own satisfaction. "After all, if I didn't have any interest in your body, then your son would be being shipped off to war right now."

She rolled her eyes, but spoke the words: "Thank you for letting me fu-huck!" She gasped as he simply buried himself to the base inside her in a single forceful stroke, one hand still keeping her arms pinned, the other going to her breast, all but mauling the soft flesh. He seemed absolutely fascinated with it, no doubt contrasting its soft, plush nature, the way it contorted and reshaped itself around his fingers with each progressive grope. She ground her teeth at the sensation, but she didn't resist him - I made sure she wasn't going to wind up making too much voice with another ejection of my own inky black into her mouth.

"I'm going to fuck you for a long, long time," he told her, his voice sounding a bit rough as he said it. He was, after all, still just a boy despite the fact that he'd grown so much in the year that I had been inside him. He was affecting a confidence that was less than certain. Still, I made sure to give his words their appropriate weight, quietly toying with all the necessary systems to make sure that he wouldn't be coming for quite a while. "I'm going to fuck you until you love it."

"Good luck," was Aunrae's only reply. She made it clear with her expression that she found the odds of him defeating her in that manner dismal - but she also found the odds of losing in a magical fight to such a young boy dismal, and she had lost that one too.

It was at that point that Ylantar let go of her hands. They just disentangled themselves from over her head, instead idly lying on either side of her as she tried to do her best impression of a dead fish. Ylantar was, however, no virgin - he had learned all sorts of things with Vicolene, and refined out what generally worked versus what was her specifically with Qilanna. He peeled up her dress, revealing more of her obsidian black skin, revealing her white bush, and soon enough, her hard nipples too, as he peeled it up and past her head. He drank in her naked body with obvious relish, his length throbbing inside her...

And, having the aunt who had been teaching him improperly, who had tried to steal away his marriage arrangement on loose and vague grounds, naked and willing before him, he began to do what he did best: fuck her brains out. He leaned over her, kissing at her neck first, then suckling at the bare flesh there, my dark skin meaning any bruises would be invisible no matter how much his teeth or suction went to work on her body like that.

Despite her feigned disinterest, she began to feel it, gently wiggling her hips beneath him in an idle movement side-to-side, something so small I'm not sure she even noticed it herself. As his lips trailed down to her breasts and he began to suckle on her nipples, to tease them with his thumb and forefinger, pinching and pulling and twisting to the tiniest degree, his other hand reached down for her sex, beginning to tease her lower lips up and down, his phalanges brushing against her clitoris with only the tenderest of caresses.

She groaned softly, a quiet noise that was mostly swallowed up by my magic, but I could feel the response from Ylantar, the way his lips immediately curled up in a wicked grin. He had been applying a tiny amount of pressure to her clit, subtly pushing it in - now he repeated the process again and again, as if he had found a button that, when pushed, provoked all the things he desperately wanted out of the woman. His pressing became more insistent, more regular, more forceful. Each time made her squirm that bit more visibly, made her let out a quiet little whimper-gasp of pleasure, her eye twitching faintly as she was subjected to the assault.

Part of her, no doubt, saw it as embarrassing to be being brought off so quickly by a boy so young - but increasingly it was being overwhelmed by the part of her that just wanted to come, to enjoy herself. So less than five minutes after inserting his length into her, without any foreplay whatsoever, she came. Her white teeth became visible as they dug into her lower lip, her whole body undulating beneath him as she struggled. Hands bunched up into fists and then vaguely pressed against the bed beneath her in this strange, erratic way that a woman who wants to do something but feels unable to do it might express that frustration.

For his part, when she came, Ylantar simply bottomed out inside her, closing his eyes and sighing softly as he felt her inner walls caress and grip his length. His toes curled, his hips bucked faintly - but he didn't come, of course. I didn't let him. If it had been him purely in control of his own body, he probably would have. Instead, he could put everything into going at it again, taking advantage of Aunrae's weak points, relishing in her body as he pumped away. She increasingly lost control, lost the facade of dignity, started moaning hard. My darkness swallowed up the sounds she made, and soon enough, I wound up having to start doing much the same to their pelvis, the wet noises of collision otherwise seeming threateningly loud as he thrust inside her again and again.

Her orgasms became more and more rapid in sequence with one another, the longer the sex went on. First they were separated by four minutes or so; then by three; then, towards the end of things, as Ylantar's body began to sweat profusely from the sheer exertion of fucking a woman like a maniac for over an hour, his clothes tossed aside for the way they felt sweltering and tight, they were coming every two minutes, with her scarcely having the time to recover from one before the next hit.

It was at that point - Aunrae herself sticky with sweat, her mouth slightly ajar, a crooked smile on her lips as she stared dumbly up towards the ceiling, some drool having trailed down her cheek at some point - that I finally allowed Ylantar release. He groaned at the feeling, his hands clawing down on both of Aunrae's tits. Despite the fact that I well knew the action was unpleasant based on her previous reactions to similar, her only reaction was the tiniest shift of her hips. So tiny I doubted either of them actually recognized it was happening.

When he finished, Ylantar pulled out of her, sagging from the exertion, wiping at his hair with the back of his hand. "Here's your son's ribbon," he said at last. "Cancel the duel," he added, as he rose, getting dressed once more. He reached out with darkness beyond the portal to her room, then slipped out, abandoning the fucked senseless woman and going back to his bedroom.

Once there, he sat down on the edge of the bed, letting out a long groan of exertion, closing his eyes. There was still a smile on his lips, one of pride, glorying in his victory. For a man of his society, that was quite the odd perspective; male sexuality was vaguely shameful, but somehow or other he was clearly feeling exultant. I don't know whether to attribute it to my action, his own internal nature, or perhaps some combination thereof - perhaps my control of his orgasms and sexual sensations at such a key point in development led to him coming to see sexuality as a method of establishing power over women, rather than relieving basal needs. That would be my best guess, but mortals' minds are complicated, awkward things even when they aren't subject to external influences.

I didn't have much time to muse, anyway. "So. Who's here?" He asked, glancing around the room. "An invisible sorcerer, I doubt. You're in my head, aren't you?"

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