Remember Gotenkamen Square
Remember Gotenkamen Square
This Tier just exists if you'd like to help me make stuff! No obligation to break your bank account on me, but also I really do appreciate every penny!
Appear in the credits of my MAJOR RELEASES
Subscribe for:
Early access to my work, before it's public or sneak peeks before it's done! SHD, uncompressed versions of my RELEASED WORK One (1) affirming headpat , from me, on Discord! to be redeemed at your leisure!
Everything from Basic Bupkis (Including the headpat) AND:
Access to HD, uncompressed versions of my Animation Loops! 1 every month or two!
WORKS IN PROGRESS of my Released works, and input on my MAJOR RELEASES and how those shape up!
Submit Suggestions for the SUBSCRIBER SUMBISSION BOX once per Month!
Extra prestigious credits on my MAJOR RELEASES!