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Blue Dragon profile
Blue Dragon
Blue Dragon
Free-lance comic artist. I'm a huge fan of manga and anime, but my interests extend into a wide variety of genres. I create two comics: one Manga inspired, Dark Horse, and the other Edward Gorey inspired, The Whimper in the Dark.
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Títulos de Assinatura

USD mensal
Diamond Tier

The five dollar subscription level is supremely (and I mean SUPREMELY) helpful to me! Sometimes I just need a single supply that's under $5, so this would make it so that we don't have to stress our budget when I need supplies!

What you get: Early Access. Blog entries, if I have a chance to write up one. Mostly, supporting me via a subscription helps keep me making free comics and videos to share. I appreciate any help someone wishes to extend.

1 assinante
USD mensal
Sapphire Tier

Ten dollars a month adds up quickly and is so incredibly helpful! This helps with supplies and the cost of living as I try to build this business.

What you get: Early Access. Blog entries, if I have a chance to write up one. Your handle/name in the opening scroll of my videos. Mostly, supporting me via a subscription helps keep me making free comics and videos to share. I appreciate any help someone wishes to extend.

Thank you! Thank you!

0 assinantes


  • Early access, color pages, information and updates, product updates and more!
Blue Dragon

Kool Whirled, Early Access: Page Twenty-Two and Twenty-Three

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Blue Dragon

Kool Whirled: Page Twenty-One

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Blue Dragon

Kool Whirled-Page Twenty

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Blue Dragon

Kool Whirled, Early Access: Page Nineteen

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Blue Dragon

Kool Whirled, Early Access, Page Eighteen

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Blue Dragon

Early Access, Kool Whirled: Page Seventeen

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254 publicação


para alcançar
o objetivo
I guess my first goal is to reach $150. It's a nice even amount. Cash-out requirements are $120, I think, so this would be setting my eyes a little beyond, without being unrealistic. When I reach this goal, I'll take requests from my supporters for a special image. I'll let the my subscribers decide by requesting their suggestions/creating a poll/something along those lines.* *Note: I will NOT draw smut of underage characters. I'm open to NSFW images of my characters who are 18 or older somewhere in the story. Should that be requested, I will draw them only in their adult roles.

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