Hey everyone, thanks for stopping by!
I'm Bitshift, and I make explicit art and games involving hypnosis, mind control, and general mind-fuckery. I'm currently working on Cruel Serenade, an RPG about a snarky vigilante bunny fighting crime in a cyberpunk/near future setting that mixes the hypnosis fun into the gameplay and mechanics, not just the art.
The first chapter is free and available on Itch.io right now:
check it out! The second, Cruel Serenade: GutterTrash is available
Three more are planned (for a total of five), all of them a bit larger and more dense than Chapter One, which is where this profile comes in. Supporters at $10 or more get new chapters for free, and get to enjoy update packs for the chapters two weeks early. If you'd like to donate a little each month rather than a large one-time donation, now you can!
Thanks for taking the time to read, and go give the game a try if you haven't already. I think you'll like it.