Bondagora - Bella
"After sneeking in the Dimitrescu's castle, Bondagora went in a small piece who seems to be an old desk, but she dosen't have the time to look around that she hears someone getting closer. She hides behind the desk then wait to see who's coming...
It seems to be one of the Dimitrescu's daughters, maybe Bella... But she dosen't care and jump on the vampire lady and inject her a powerful liquid, then, all black..."
- Bondagora : Waky waky my little lady ! Have you slept well ?
- Bella : Ggrmmmff ?!
- Bondagora : Ooh yes while you were asleep i took some liberties, i hope you like your new outfit ! Hehehe
- Bella : Lmphh ggnnhh !!! Rnngh Nnghh !!!
- Bondagora : Shhh calm down, someone could hear us... Anyway i'm in mission, and i need to take you and your sisters hehe. But there is an extra for the intruders.
- Bella : Immphh ?
- Bondagora : Ooh you don't know it ? Well there is 3 ladies who sneaked in your castle, so i'm gonna take theml too. And the best for the end, your mother and the mother superior hehe !
- Bella : Gnnhh fmmphh !!!
- Bondagora : Well enjoy i go to explore your house ! Hehehe.
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