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Star Knightess Aura Internal Release 0.46.0

And here it is! The release containing the first ending! I already talked a lot about in the devlog posts so I assume anyone who's reading this and hasn't read about them alreay doesn't want to get spoiled so I won't talk too much about this main contribution. 
As usual, this is mostly a summary post where I will go over the main contributions of this update and a bit more into detail regarding the content we worked on this week. For more details I refer to the devlog posts. 
Let's start as usual with a short summary in terms of numbers. Here we have a new metric: Epilogue (or Ending) Scenes that you can trigger in the ending. Didn't quite fit to count them to Earth Scenes and since they got their own ending room I figured they can get their own stats as well. 
In total we have 2 new H-CGs, 16 Epilogue Scenes, 4 new books, 1 new quest, 1 new dungeon/minigame, 1 new quest+dungeon stub, 3 new maps, 2 new pixel art characters, and lots and lots of other stuff minor stuff.
The main contributions of the update are: 
  • The Corruption Ending + Epilogue Scenes 
  • New Gambling Minigame quest "Slay the Demon" 
  • Various improvements to Demon-Crazy 
  • First setup of Clockwork Forest 
As for the Corruption Ending, as I said, I believe there is nothing more to add in this post. Maybe that over the course of the development of 0.46.0 I bumped up the Submission gains so I hope no one will be left at just barely above 0 Idealism, unable to trigger the ending. 
Keep in mind that the epilogue scenes all may vary based on various decisions, most prominently major vice choices, and your progress through the Roya main storyline. 
Then, this week I worked on the up till now very barren Entertainment Den, where I added a new gambling minigame with a related quest, "Slay the Demon". Sadly the place is still pretty barren overall as I managed to complete the minigame + quest and also added several minor NPCs in the area, but overall I was mostly busy with the core logic and didn't have too much time for the fluff part. I will be revisiting the place in the future, especially since we are still missing some more content in the slavery area and also more penalty contracts for the Entertainment Mage. 
As for the new Minigame...... it's uh complicated to put it in words but basically you will be playing a roguelike subgame of Star Knightess Aura within Star Knightess Aura - starting with a weak character and a New Game Plus like menu you can traverse the board, grow stronger and eventually fight an end boss. There are two players you can play against, one will play you casually, you won't lose any resources and challenge the game as often as you like. The other is part of the related quest to this minigame and will force you into a Soul-Contract gamble. If you win, you can obtain one of the rare skills Fast Items Stance II, Rock Armor II or Splash I. 
If you thought this is weird, it gets weirder. As usual, there is a lot of cheating on the opponent side involved and you can countercheat as of now! If you have the spell Tailwind II, you can now learn The Art of Tailwind from a prisoner in the Order of the Knights to freely manipulate the result of dice throws. 
Outcheat your opponents!!! 
We have a bunch of further minor additions on my side such as new books in the Magic Academy Library, minor level design and mapping improvements and other small stuff I had added during my "free" "vacation" "week", but this summary mostly covers my side. 
On the side of our assistant developer Trihan, it turned out there was more to do on Demon-Crazy than we expected so Clockwork Forest basically only got added as a minor stub. You can explore the first forest area while interacting with a bunch of [NOT IMPLEMENTED] messages!!!! But yeah, you can pick up the quest, learn some more lore, prep by reading a book, mine some Pyromantium, meet the enemy types, so even though it's just a stub, Trihan got a bunch of setup (literally today :'D) done. 
For Demon-crazy I hope we are finally close to finally closing that book. I had a lot of requests on improving and reworking the fight against Shadow and also did a bunch of balancing passes on the fight myself. I think we are now really close to something I like, although there seem to be still some lingering technical issues we need to tackle hopefully next week. 
There's a lot more that could be said about this massive but I would be getting lost in the details. Have fun playing and see you next month where we will be starting the quest for the final demon general - Judgement of Pride. 
Changelog 0.46.0 (30.08.2024)
  • Added Fighting Over Richard 6+7 H-CGs 
  • Added Fighting Over Richard 5 H-CGs 
  • Added mental change Shatter Idealism Crystal 
  • Added ending scene "Corruption Ending 1" 
  • Added ending scene "Corruption Ending 2" 
  • Added epilogue scene Capture of Trademond 
  • Added epilogue scene Unification of Nephlune 
  • Added epilogue scene Fall of Verdeaux 
  • Added epilogue scene Paulina Partial Maid 
  • Added epilogue scene Bandit Kingdom 
  • Added epilogue scene Earth Invasion 
  • Added epilogue scene Fixing Alicia 
  • Added epilogue scene Maid Academy 
  • Added epilogue scene John. (Resistance)" 
  • Added epilogue scene Slime Club 
  • Added epilogue scene Fate of The Resistance 
  • Added epilogue scene James 
  • Added ending lewd scene "Corruption Ending 3" 
  • Added final lewd epilogue scene Corruption Ending 
  • Added Fall of Verdeaux Variation for Knight-Commander Lorraine 
  • Added updated Cursed Aura Roya pixel art 
  • Added updated Patricial pixel art 
  • Added map Gamble Board Game Dungeon 
  • Added map Order of the Knights prison 
  • Added map eastern Clockwork Forest 
  • Added quest stub Clockwork Forest 
  • Added quest Slay the Demon 
  • Iterated demon-crac 
  • Improved narrative design of some Demon-Crazy interactions/scenes 
  • Added book "Expert Theory Of Magic" 
  • Added book "The Art Of Heat Up" 
  • Added book "The Art Of Pacify" 
  • Added book "Tales of The Artificer" 
  • Added skill The Art of Tailwind 
  • Added skill Fast Item Stance II 
  • Added Ending Recollection Room 
  • Demon-cracy: Adjusted Lord Nephlune's dialogue to alter core quest objective 
  • Demon-cracy: Removed ability to fail quest 
  • Demon-cracy: Added dialogue to Liliana after slavery ending 
  • Added costume Dark Star Knightess 
  • Setup basic epilogue scene manager 
  • Added option for Deluxe console to unlock the ending room 
  • Added Dark Star Knightess option to Costume Selection of Deluxe Console 
  • Demon-cracy: Allowed player to make minion vice choices later if unlocked 
  • Added Bunny Girl variations for Fleura, Aria and Liria 
  • Expanded epilogue with demon-craczy results 
  • Expanded Demon Invasion 2 No Influential Ally with Rescued Sophie variation 
  • Moved Aura portrait to right side when talking to Shadow minion 
  • Added pink hearts to Liliana dialogue during Voting Encouragement H-scene 
  • Improved flow of Voting Encouragement ending 
  • Changed Shadow reason for teleporting Aura to shadow realm 
  • Added missing vice checks to corruption actions in Demon-cracy 
  • Registered epilogue variables and switches for NG+ carry over 
  • Added unique quest variable values for losing to Shadow depending on whether player backed him initially 
  • Added choice for picking up individual items in A Just Reward 
  • Added replacement enemy in Richard's Domain in case Sathanas is defeated outside 
  • Saved party formation before fighting Claire and Dolus and restore it afterwards 
  • Expanded Eligoss Domain with backattack route 
  • Implemented analytics for NG+ bonuses 
  • Added difficulty tag to Learned Skill Analystics and Lewd Scene Analystics 
  • Added Nephlune Church marking after opening the Church 
  • Integrated minor tileset improvements into Richard Domain and Artist maps 
  • Increase max killed bosses to 117 
  • Increased max mental changes to 156 
  • Increased Demon-cracy experience to 75 
  • Gave mental change count a 0.25 multiplier on Victory Score computation 
  • Improved balancing of Shadow fight 
  • Decreased potency of Legs of Sloth 0 Willpower effect to only trigger every 10 steps 
  • Increased DEF bonus from Defensive Stance II from 10% to 25% 
  • Increased Reading Proficiency II Reading Speed increase from +1 to +2 
  • Changed Useless Knowledge so instead of disabling all reading speed increases it reduces them by 50% 
  • Increased submission gain from Infiltrating Cheerleaders 6 and Tan 1 by 5 each 
  • Fixed typos 
  • Fixed shattering idealism crystal causing a freeze if interacting from the left 
  • Fixed extraction of Fleura logic causing multiple messages to show 
  • Fixed being able to continue Fleura corruption mission after election is over 
  • Fixed Paulina capture event triggering when curse got removed 
  • Fixed incorrect/missing paulina training checks in Lady Charlotte 1 
  • Fixed missing transparency restoration after Hermann variation of Capture of Trademond 
  • Fixed version number mismatch in migration script from 
  • Fixed various minor large sprite issues in forest and vulcanic areas 
  • Fixed incorrect enemy IDs for Shadow occupying a minion on death 
  • Fixed crash in James epilogue scenes if never interacted with Drug Dealer 
  • Fixed Extra Corruption gain from Orgasms from triggering in Earth scenes 
  • Fixed Shadow being given immortal by mistake 
  • Fixed Recall not turning off fog and wind skill switches 
  • Fixed portrait remaining when inserting orbs in Northern Mines 
  • Fixed carry over skills not being carried over 
  • Fixed Call of the Shadows minion limit value not differentiating between who won the election 
  • Fixed Fleura event in Nephlune not taking Demon-cracy status into account for duelist branch 
  • Fixed wrong choice ID being disabled in maid trainee tea drugging event 
  • Fixed Invest: Concentration having outdated description 
  • Fixed Shadow getting Phase Shift 
  • Estimated play time: 36-50h 
  • Word Count: 827k 
  • Lewd Scenes: 131 
  • Real World Scenes: 325 
  • Epilogue Scenes: 16 
  • CGs: 48 (+1 Bonus CG) 
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Star Knightess Aura 0. 46. 0-prerelease-3

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Star Knightess Aura 0. 46. 0-prerelease-3

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Star Knightess Aura 0. 46. 0-prerelease-2

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Star Knightess Aura 0.46.0-prerelease-1

Whew, finished just barely today but it is done! We are still missing the epilogue scenes in between the Ending Frames but in general, you can now completely play through the game to the Corruption Ending!
Shatter Aura's Idealism Crystal to trigger an event sequence where Aura is given a chance to enter his Domain --- with a different result this second time around. :) There are some turns and twists especially involving Alicia that I don't want to spoil so I will leave the reporting on story events on that and instead just talk a bit about some structure details. 
There is a new Recollection Room called "Recollection Room: Endings". It's located on the east side of the Earth Recollection room and requires you to clear any "proper" ending. In this case currently only the Corruption Ending, Soul-Break does not count. Deluxe users can get around this requirement with the new option in the Deluxe Console to cheat open the Endings Room. 
Clearing or cheating open the ending will also unlock the Dark Star Knightess costume Aura will be using at the very end, so you can use the costume in a NG+ playthrough. 

*Deluxe Console can only be used on the Patreon exclusive Deluxe version

Note that the costume doesn't work with "Earth" hair due to various small inconsistencies from Earth Aura and Isekai Aura being treated as separate characters in the game. But I think just having the costume itself is already nice. 
The ending itself is made up of a longer scene when shattering the Idealism Crystal and 4 events. The first three making up the Ending Start storyline and the last one the Epilogue End Scene, which is a sort of curtain call scene where a lot of the Earth cast characters get to be united on one last final H-CG. 
When watching the Epilogue End Scene you will see the chracters make some references that are pretty short and while they theoretically are self-contained, I will be expanding over the next two weeks when working on the Epilogue Scenes. There we will also see what happens to the Roya cast depending on your progress/decisions. 
Aaand that's the main meat for this update. Instead of reporting more on it, I recommend to find out yourself, especially about the fate of Alicia---ahhh I don't wanna spoil! 
Anyways, this marks another two major milestones off the list! The completion of the mandatory mental changes for the Corruption Ending and with the H-Scenes in the Corruption Ending itself we have also added the last mandatory major H-scenes. From now on, there will be no new H-Scenes that require new H-CGs until 1.0 is complete. There might be more stuff like lewd skills and lewd books though. And perhaps the toll bandits will make a return but with reused CGs. 
Anyways, epilogue scenes is the next objective to tackle and then in two weeks I hope we can cross out the full Corruption Ending milestone! 
For a full changelog, as usual below. 
Changelog 0.46.0-prerelease-1 (02.08.2024)
  • Added mental change Shatter Idealism Crystal 
  • Added ending scene "Corruption Ending 1" 
  • Added ending scene "Corruption Ending 2" 
  • Added ending lewd scene "Corruption Ending 3" 
  • Added final epilogue scene Corruption Ending 
  • Added Ending Recollection Room 
  • Demon-cracy: Adjusted Lord Nephlune's dialogue to alter core quest objective 
  • Demon-cracy: Removed ability to fail quest 
  • Demon-cracy: Added dialogue to Liliana after slavery ending 
  • Added costume Dark Star Knightess 
  • Setup basic epilogue scene manager 
  • Added option for Deluxe console to unlock the ending room 
  • Added Dark Star Knightess option to Costume Selection of Deluxe Console 
  • Demon-cracy: Allowed player to make minion vice choices later if unlocked 
  • Increased max mental changes to 156 
  • None 
  • Fixed typos 
  • Fixed missing visibility condition on Patricia in SchoolEntrance making her visible for events outside of Patricia Rebelling 2 
  • Demon-cracy: Fixed persisting standing image after speaking to pub guards 
  • Demon-cracy: Fixed Aura being stuck in waitress outfit after leaving Underground 
  • Demon-cracy: Fixed shadow minion choice lock if talking to him after completing both electioneering missions 
  • Demon-cracy: Fixed vice choice in merchant recruitment still being available if vice not unlocked 
  • Demon-cracy: Fixed music not reverting after second minion scene 
  • Demon-cracy: Fixed Liliana reward breaking from adding clerk report step 
  • Demon-cracy: Fixed non-vice option at merchant still giving vice 
  • Demon-cracy: Fixed being able to ask Anna for support updates without being on the quest 
  • Fixed Lady Charlotte 3 causing a freeze when viewed in the recollection room 
  • Fixed being able to use Recall if day start returns you to Arwin mansion before entering Domain 
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Star Knightess Aura Internal Release 0.45.0

Aura finally stands on the threshold to crossing over into the corrution ending! This update adds the last Earth Corruption scenes and mental changes necessary to take her to the end of the corruption journey. Only the ending itself remains next month. 
Overall, this update advances the game in three major categories 
  • Completion of the non-Ending Earth scenes - The Earth Recollection Room is now complete! 
  • Completion of the Demon-crazy quest - This time for real you can advance to the Expert Rank as we now have enough Intermediate Rank quests! 
  • Completion of the Charlotte Corruption Storyline - All key Roya lewd scenes are now complete with this as well! 
A lot of milestones down as you can see, including various sub-milestones like the completion of all appearance mental changes with the addition of the tan mental change. 
As usual, those who are interested in reading on the details of development progress, I refer you to the detailed devlog posts. In the following, I will be giving a summary of what's new in this update and also from this week of development. 
And to start that off, let's recap the numbers as we always do: We have 1 new H-CG, Tan Variations, 4 new mental changes, 5 new lewd scenes, 11 new Corruption scenes, 6 new passives, 2 new passives, 2 new books and an additional level at Pasciel!

I mostly already talked about the additions on the Earth side in my devlog posts. And beyond the intro text of this update post that we cleared out all the prerequisites to move on to the Corruption ending next month, I don't think there is much to add without spoiling everything. George suffering! More sex scenes with Richard! Tan! The 'Next Supermodel' storyline coming back into the main story! Aura being Tired and Lazy all the time! I will just leave it a couple of random sentences with exclamation marks like this haha :D
Our assistant developer Trihan also finished the Demon-crazy quest - corrupt the girls of Nephlune into servants of the demonic cult or use them gather support for Liliana so that she can rise up to the position of a Magistrate and overcome one of the cult's most fervent demonic supporters - the Shadow. 
Either way will complete the last Intermediate Rank quest needed to finally rise up to Expert Rank - the prerequisite in order to unlock the two outstanding Expert Rank quests we will begin developing in the final phase of the development of SKA. 
Finally, I completed the Charlotte corruption events this week. First, let me start with the bad news: Lady Charlotte only contains 3 events. I had originally planned to finish Lady Charlotte 3 this week and also create a Lady Charlotte 4 but with the development of the events being slower than I expected and kind of dragging, I decided to cut Lady Charlotte 4 and merge the content of its event into Lady Charlotte 3. So the result is a longer Lady Charlotte 3 at the expense of the 4th event. 
This sadly makes the event sequence feel a bit more rushed due to the missing intermediate corruption state, but, and here comes the good news, thanks to this cut I was able to work on something else: Dialogue variations for Charlotte post-Corruption state. I originally wanted to avoid this for Charlotte since it was a lot of work for Paul and Charlotte has a lot more dialogue. However, most of the complexity for the dialogue variations with Paul/Paulina came from her various different states male, female, female maid, female maid corrupted, female maid fully corrupted - in contrast with the simplicifaction of the Charlotte corruption events, she only has two real states. 
The first two corruption events of Charlotte mostly deal with her relationship with Victor and her behavior around him, it's only in the new Lady Charlotte 3 lewd event that she then changes to become more haughty and ladylike in general in order to please Victor. Triggering a change in speech. I combined this reduction of Corruption states with some tricks like representing post-Corruption Charlotte being more focused on "not embarrassing herself or Victor" and "behaving ladylike" by parametrizing dialogue with variable subsitutions so in one case for example she would use lots of "!" and post-Corruption "." to finish the sentences. This way we don't get double dialogue boxes which multiply their complexity when in dialogue with Paulina x_X I then mostly focused on adding a couple of meaningful variations where she becomes haughty and talks down to John and Paul(ina) for being commoners to have key speech variations stand out. 
Anyways, the short of it is Lady Charlotte 4 RIP, Charlotte speech changes yay. 
Furthermore, if you decide to learn a skill from Lady Charlotte that requires a full day to learn (Heat Up I or Fire II), on the second day, a special scene will occur where Charlotte proposes to go partying instead of teaching Aura the skill. If Aura has not unlocked Party Girl she will refuse, but otherwise it depends on whether she has the Lazy state. Finally, if Aura has at least 10 Maid Obedience of 80 Maid Score, a special variation of this scene will occur. 
To close out the update, the simplication of the Charlotte event line gave me some extra time, allowing me to sneak in the Magic Academy's 4th (and for 1.0 last) floor - The Magic Academy Library. It contains a couple of hints and tips for monster hunting, but most importantly a new book NPC. Currently, it only has two books. Reading Proficiency II to further power up your book reading abilities provided you have not yet obtained the Useless Knowledge passive. 
The second book is mostly for Slime fans who want to make their slimie eVeN biGGeR!! The book is only for those who already invested a lot of materials into their Slime, growing it to level 15. If you have done so, this book gives you the ability to double any future EXP gain from feeding. Slime got a lot of nerfs in the past because it went out of hand way too soon, but I definitely want to enable it to be able to grow really strong in the late-game and knock out Demon Generals. This book should help with that. 
(Also, unsurprisingly, the books in Pasciel are of course overpriced :'D) 
Okaaaaaaaay, and that's it for the week! I hope you have fun with the update. And then are ready to play the Corruption Ending next month! After that Chapter 3-B will be finished and we can change our focus back on the content necessary for reaching the Good Ending for the final development phase - Chapter 3-C. 
Changelog 0.45.0 (26.07.2024)
  • Added Cheerleading Game 4 H-CGs 
  • Added tan variation character artwork 
  • Added mental change Evening With Richard 
  • Added mental change Superiority 3 
  • Added mental change Demon Queen Question 
  • Added mental change Tan 
  • Added scene Tan 1 
  • Added lewd scene George and Veronica 8 
  • Added scene George and Veronica 9 
  • Added lewd scene Late Night Sex With Richard 3 
  • Added lewd scene Late Night Sex With Richard 4 
  • Added scene Social Ranking 6 
  • Added scene Social Ranking 7 
  • Added scene Wanting To Be A Model 9 
  • Added scene Wanting To Be A Model 10 
  • Added scene Patricia Rebelling 2 
  • Added scene Social Ranking 8 
  • Added lewd scene Lady Charlotte 3 
  • Demon-cracy: Added lewd scene Voting Encouragement 
  • Demon-cracy: Implemented election plan The Seeress 
  • Demon-cracy: Implemented Adventurer Twins corruption mission 
  • Demon-cracy: Implemented pure election scene and Liliana win 
  • Demon-cracy: Implemented alternative election outcomes 
  • Demon-cracy: Implemented alternative election outcomes 
  • Demon-cracy: Implemented Shadow boss fight 
  • Iterated quest Demon-cracy 
  • Added Shadow walking graphic 
  • Integrated map Magic Academy Library Floor 
  • Added passive Entitlement: Queen's Privilege 
  • Added passive Sex Duties Of A Demon Queen II 
  • Added passive Tired III 
  • Added passive Lazy III 
  • Added passive Modeling Proficiency II 
  • Added passive Rising Star 
  • Added book "Skillbook: Reading Proficiency II" 
  • Added book "The Art of Feeding" 
  • Add migration rule to add Rising Star to Wanting To Be A Model 8 
  • Switched to Fallen Actor image in Evening With George 2 
  • Added memory reflecting mirror sprites 
  • Updated post-Corruption Charlotte state 
  • Increased max mental changes to 155 
  • Increased max killed bosses to 115 
  • Changed Water Skin II HOT area damage negation to scale with MDEF 
  • Limited MATK gain from Lewd Knowledge to 50% base MATK 
  • Fixed typos 
  • Fixed being unable to select A Child Needed after completing The Seeress 
  • Fixed George and Veronica 9 teleporting to wrong map in recollection room 
  • Fixed Truthmaker Page being usable, having no price, and missing its enhance event 
  • Fixed Shadow gold reward not actually giving gold 
  • Fixed Liliana reward not actually adding gold 
  • Fixed Hair Highlights infused in Cheerleading Game 4 H-CG 
  • Fixed Lorraine's path in Nothing But The Truth pure ending getting her stuck on a wall 
  • Fixed Belphegor still being able to summon NG+ fragments on turn 0 
  • Fixed unintended passable tile in poison swamp 
  • Fixed crash when beating bridge bandits after losing to them at least once 
  • Fixed gaining Lazy when Beauty Sleep is A Must is not unlocked 
  • Fixed test teleport for Clockwork Forest 
  • Fixed vice choice for adventurer twins having a > sign instead of >= 
  • Fixed Lack of Willpower to Study only triggering for Luck is not a skill 
  • Estimated play time: 34-48h 
  • Word Count: 801k 
  • Lewd Scenes: 129 
  • Real World Scenes: 325 
  • CGs: 46 (+1 Bonus CG) 
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