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Star Knightess Aura is an RPG, with nsfw erotic content, made with RPG Maker MZ. The game features themes of corruption, brainwashing, mental changes, possession, and NTR. All characters are 18+.

Download Release

The game is updated for patrons on the last Friday every month. The build will be made publicily available 2 weeks later (second Friday of every month). For Subscribers, the following additional builds are available:
  • DOWNLOAD Pre-Release Updates every week Friday 22:22 UTC, available to tier 10+ Isekais. 
  • DOWNLOAD Daily Updates every day 20:20 UTC, available to tier Isekai Connoisseur+.
A changelog over all past release can be found HERE.
You can get a sneak peak on plans for upcoming builds HERE


Follow Aura's adventure as she is thrust into the fantasy world of Roya. What she initially believed to follow the convential plotline of a "summoned to another world"-story quickly turns into her worst nightmare. Cursed by the Demon King, Aura must now struggle every night to track down her nemesis and ultimately strike him down. But her enemies don't just lurk in Roya. Having entered her mind through the Demon King's curse, another enemy attempts to brainwash and corrupt Aura from the inside. Faced with a two-pronged attack against her body and mind, can Aura finish off her worst enemy without losing herself?


Each ingame day is structured into 3 parts.
  1. The player controls Aura and can explore the world of Roya to track down and kill the Demon King. In order to become stronger, acquire funds, and advance her search, she can rely on her own powers or ask people for help. However, not everybody means well with Aura. Performing lewd acts and compromising on Aura's ideals by allowing innocents to suffer causes Aura to gain corruption.
  2. The player controls Alicia, who uses Aura's corruption to change her psyche. This includes changing her interests, increasing her interest in fashion, changing her appearance (including hair style/color changes), changing her values (making Aura more selfish), and ultimately changing her sexual desire and love interests. 
  3. The player watches cutscenes displaying Aura's real self changing over time due to mental corruption. The cutscenes are told from varying character perspectives (Aura, her best friend Rose, her boyfriend George, and so on).


Why Subscribestar

I am highly convinced in my vision of the game. I believe that Star Knightess Aura can be an experience where you can both root for Aura with all your power, or hunger to see her degenerate "into meat" as Richard would put it. While there are other corruption, NTR, moral degeneration, games out there, a lot of them do not scratch the emotional itch that I have been looking for. I believe Star Knightess Aura can do that!
But! Butttt!!!! BUTTTTTT!!!!!!

In order to do that, I need YOUR support. Commissioning additional workforce such as artists is difficult to pay for out of my own pocket. With your help, I think this can become one of the top h-games. That's how much I believe in this project and I believe that if you play the available material, you will quickly come to share this view!
Therefore!! Please give me your support! Let's achieve something great together!


Weekly Prerelease Build:

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Daily Development Build:

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Public post

Star Knightess Aura Internal Release 0.45.0

Aura finally stands on the threshold to crossing over into the corrution ending! This update adds the last Earth Corruption scenes and mental changes necessary to take her to the end of the corruption journey. Only the ending itself remains next month. 
Overall, this update advances the game in three major categories 
  • Completion of the non-Ending Earth scenes - The Earth Recollection Room is now complete! 
  • Completion of the Demon-crazy quest - This time for real you can advance to the Expert Rank as we now have enough Intermediate Rank quests! 
  • Completion of the Charlotte Corruption Storyline - All key Roya lewd scenes are now complete with this as well! 
A lot of milestones down as you can see, including various sub-milestones like the completion of all appearance mental changes with the addition of the tan mental change. 
As usual, those who are interested in reading on the details of development progress, I refer you to the detailed devlog posts. In the following, I will be giving a summary of what's new in this update and also from this week of development. 
And to start that off, let's recap the numbers as we always do: We have 1 new H-CG, Tan Variations, 4 new mental changes, 5 new lewd scenes, 11 new Corruption scenes, 6 new passives, 2 new passives, 2 new books and an additional level at Pasciel!

I mostly already talked about the additions on the Earth side in my devlog posts. And beyond the intro text of this update post that we cleared out all the prerequisites to move on to the Corruption ending next month, I don't think there is much to add without spoiling everything. George suffering! More sex scenes with Richard! Tan! The 'Next Supermodel' storyline coming back into the main story! Aura being Tired and Lazy all the time! I will just leave it a couple of random sentences with exclamation marks like this haha :D
Our assistant developer Trihan also finished the Demon-crazy quest - corrupt the girls of Nephlune into servants of the demonic cult or use them gather support for Liliana so that she can rise up to the position of a Magistrate and overcome one of the cult's most fervent demonic supporters - the Shadow. 
Either way will complete the last Intermediate Rank quest needed to finally rise up to Expert Rank - the prerequisite in order to unlock the two outstanding Expert Rank quests we will begin developing in the final phase of the development of SKA. 
Finally, I completed the Charlotte corruption events this week. First, let me start with the bad news: Lady Charlotte only contains 3 events. I had originally planned to finish Lady Charlotte 3 this week and also create a Lady Charlotte 4 but with the development of the events being slower than I expected and kind of dragging, I decided to cut Lady Charlotte 4 and merge the content of its event into Lady Charlotte 3. So the result is a longer Lady Charlotte 3 at the expense of the 4th event. 
This sadly makes the event sequence feel a bit more rushed due to the missing intermediate corruption state, but, and here comes the good news, thanks to this cut I was able to work on something else: Dialogue variations for Charlotte post-Corruption state. I originally wanted to avoid this for Charlotte since it was a lot of work for Paul and Charlotte has a lot more dialogue. However, most of the complexity for the dialogue variations with Paul/Paulina came from her various different states male, female, female maid, female maid corrupted, female maid fully corrupted - in contrast with the simplicifaction of the Charlotte corruption events, she only has two real states. 
The first two corruption events of Charlotte mostly deal with her relationship with Victor and her behavior around him, it's only in the new Lady Charlotte 3 lewd event that she then changes to become more haughty and ladylike in general in order to please Victor. Triggering a change in speech. I combined this reduction of Corruption states with some tricks like representing post-Corruption Charlotte being more focused on "not embarrassing herself or Victor" and "behaving ladylike" by parametrizing dialogue with variable subsitutions so in one case for example she would use lots of "!" and post-Corruption "." to finish the sentences. This way we don't get double dialogue boxes which multiply their complexity when in dialogue with Paulina x_X I then mostly focused on adding a couple of meaningful variations where she becomes haughty and talks down to John and Paul(ina) for being commoners to have key speech variations stand out. 
Anyways, the short of it is Lady Charlotte 4 RIP, Charlotte speech changes yay. 
Furthermore, if you decide to learn a skill from Lady Charlotte that requires a full day to learn (Heat Up I or Fire II), on the second day, a special scene will occur where Charlotte proposes to go partying instead of teaching Aura the skill. If Aura has not unlocked Party Girl she will refuse, but otherwise it depends on whether she has the Lazy state. Finally, if Aura has at least 10 Maid Obedience of 80 Maid Score, a special variation of this scene will occur. 
To close out the update, the simplication of the Charlotte event line gave me some extra time, allowing me to sneak in the Magic Academy's 4th (and for 1.0 last) floor - The Magic Academy Library. It contains a couple of hints and tips for monster hunting, but most importantly a new book NPC. Currently, it only has two books. Reading Proficiency II to further power up your book reading abilities provided you have not yet obtained the Useless Knowledge passive. 
The second book is mostly for Slime fans who want to make their slimie eVeN biGGeR!! The book is only for those who already invested a lot of materials into their Slime, growing it to level 15. If you have done so, this book gives you the ability to double any future EXP gain from feeding. Slime got a lot of nerfs in the past because it went out of hand way too soon, but I definitely want to enable it to be able to grow really strong in the late-game and knock out Demon Generals. This book should help with that. 
(Also, unsurprisingly, the books in Pasciel are of course overpriced :'D) 
Okaaaaaaaay, and that's it for the week! I hope you have fun with the update. And then are ready to play the Corruption Ending next month! After that Chapter 3-B will be finished and we can change our focus back on the content necessary for reaching the Good Ending for the final development phase - Chapter 3-C. 
Changelog 0.45.0 (26.07.2024)
  • Added Cheerleading Game 4 H-CGs 
  • Added tan variation character artwork 
  • Added mental change Evening With Richard 
  • Added mental change Superiority 3 
  • Added mental change Demon Queen Question 
  • Added mental change Tan 
  • Added scene Tan 1 
  • Added lewd scene George and Veronica 8 
  • Added scene George and Veronica 9 
  • Added lewd scene Late Night Sex With Richard 3 
  • Added lewd scene Late Night Sex With Richard 4 
  • Added scene Social Ranking 6 
  • Added scene Social Ranking 7 
  • Added scene Wanting To Be A Model 9 
  • Added scene Wanting To Be A Model 10 
  • Added scene Patricia Rebelling 2 
  • Added scene Social Ranking 8 
  • Added lewd scene Lady Charlotte 3 
  • Demon-cracy: Added lewd scene Voting Encouragement 
  • Demon-cracy: Implemented election plan The Seeress 
  • Demon-cracy: Implemented Adventurer Twins corruption mission 
  • Demon-cracy: Implemented pure election scene and Liliana win 
  • Demon-cracy: Implemented alternative election outcomes 
  • Demon-cracy: Implemented alternative election outcomes 
  • Demon-cracy: Implemented Shadow boss fight 
  • Iterated quest Demon-cracy 
  • Added Shadow walking graphic 
  • Integrated map Magic Academy Library Floor 
  • Added passive Entitlement: Queen's Privilege 
  • Added passive Sex Duties Of A Demon Queen II 
  • Added passive Tired III 
  • Added passive Lazy III 
  • Added passive Modeling Proficiency II 
  • Added passive Rising Star 
  • Added book "Skillbook: Reading Proficiency II" 
  • Added book "The Art of Feeding" 
  • Add migration rule to add Rising Star to Wanting To Be A Model 8 
  • Switched to Fallen Actor image in Evening With George 2 
  • Added memory reflecting mirror sprites 
  • Updated post-Corruption Charlotte state 
  • Increased max mental changes to 155 
  • Increased max killed bosses to 115 
  • Changed Water Skin II HOT area damage negation to scale with MDEF 
  • Limited MATK gain from Lewd Knowledge to 50% base MATK 
  • Fixed typos 
  • Fixed being unable to select A Child Needed after completing The Seeress 
  • Fixed George and Veronica 9 teleporting to wrong map in recollection room 
  • Fixed Truthmaker Page being usable, having no price, and missing its enhance event 
  • Fixed Shadow gold reward not actually giving gold 
  • Fixed Liliana reward not actually adding gold 
  • Fixed Hair Highlights infused in Cheerleading Game 4 H-CG 
  • Fixed Lorraine's path in Nothing But The Truth pure ending getting her stuck on a wall 
  • Fixed Belphegor still being able to summon NG+ fragments on turn 0 
  • Fixed unintended passable tile in poison swamp 
  • Fixed crash when beating bridge bandits after losing to them at least once 
  • Fixed gaining Lazy when Beauty Sleep is A Must is not unlocked 
  • Fixed test teleport for Clockwork Forest 
  • Fixed vice choice for adventurer twins having a > sign instead of >= 
  • Fixed Lack of Willpower to Study only triggering for Luck is not a skill 
  • Estimated play time: 34-48h 
  • Word Count: 801k 
  • Lewd Scenes: 129 
  • Real World Scenes: 325 
  • CGs: 46 (+1 Bonus CG) 
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Star Knightess Aura 0.45.0-prerelease-3

The the final pre-corruption ending milestone falls this week! With the 45th month of updates, the non-ending corruption events are now all DONE! It's not a lot of scenes, only 3, but they finally round out the remaining storylines.
The storyline for 'The Next Super Model' intertwines once more with the main plot, this time more fundamentally than just that shoutout scene. Likewise, the storyline of Aura overtaking Alicia takes form. I don't want to spoil too much but besides that we also have a bit of Patricia focus and George's storyline gets a little more aftermath. I think after the scene I wrote this week there really isn't anymore to do there, it's kind of like kicking a puppy that's on the ground at this point :'D 
Anyways, it's hard to believe, after all these years of adding one scene after the next, but the Earth Recollection Room is now completely filled up. We still have more scenes in the form of the actual ending scene and "epilogue scenes" coming up in the ending itself. These will probably get a room of their own east of the Earth Recollection Room. I will talk more about the structure of the endings in the Project Plan Update next month.
Then on the Roya side, Trihan has finished the first iteration of the complete Demon-crazy quest. Corrupt the girls so that they support the Shadow getting power or fight against him when he tries to win the election by force. I did a quest test run, the quest is still quite buggy so proceed with caution. :'D
Also on the Roya side, but not included in the prerelease is some progress on the Lady Charlotte content. Sadly I only managed to finish the Vice scene of Lady Charlotte 3 today, so I'm quite slow at that one. I'm not sure what it is, but the Charlotte content has been really dragging in terms of speed. The Earth scenes have been chugging along nicely, but since I tried to do her quest in April, it's been kind of a struggle. 
I'm not unhappy with her content, I really like especially Lady Charlotte 2, but unlike say Paulina scenes which I could just brain -> rpgmaker write down, these require me to do a lot more sessions just to figure out how I want to write the scenes instead of just writing them from my imagination. Well, anyways, on the bright side, I did write the Vice sub-scene, it's sadly not in the prerelease as it's thightly coupled with the follow-up lewd scene content I then need to get started on next week.
On the art side, Cheerleading Game 4 has received it's H-CG and I also created this week the brief to Fighting Over Richard 5. Probably again one of the most complex CGs in the game as it's the first one featuring 6-people in a sex scene x_X The prices reflected the complexity accordingly.
Finally, one little more experimental balancing change. the MATK lewd book could kind of go bonkers in the mid- to late game and therefore received a nerf to cap how crazy it can go. The MATK bonus from Lewd Knowledge is now limited by 50% of your base MATK (in Status menu the full value - the green value). This allows to majorly boost your MATK but not to levels where the game is fully trivialized and additionally you need to invest into your MATK to gain the benefit, so it's not quite 0 cost.
Alright, that's it for the week! Next week, more Charlotte stuff and whatever else I managed to squeeze in before the major release!
Changelog 0.45.0-prerelease-3 (19.07.2024)
  • Added Cheerleading Game 4 H-CGs 
  • Added mental change Demon Queen Question 
  • Added scene Wanting To Be A Model 10 
  • Added scene Patricia Rebelling 2 
  • Added scene Social Ranking 8 
  • Demon-cracy: Implemented Shadow boss fight 
  • Eliminated duplicate code in shrine and individual teleport CEs 
  • Added passive Entitlement: Queen's Privilege 
  • Increased max mental changes to 155 
  • Limited MATK gain from Lewd Knowledge to 50% base MATK 
  • Fixed Truthmaker Page being usable, having no price, and missing its enhance event 
  • Fixed Shadow gold reward not actually giving gold 
  • Fixed Liliana reward not actually adding gold 
  • Fixed Hair Highlights infused in Cheerleading Game 4 H-CG 
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Star Knightess Aura 0.45.0-prerelease-2

And once again, we finally close out a series of very long-running content strings this week! 
This week, my primary focus was on pushing on the remaining Earth lewd content in the form of the last stage of the Late Night Sex With Richard event chain. Insert him into the Evening Relationship and have Aura indulge in her role-play as his Demon Queen, to the point where she just doesn't want to stop♥ --- and as a consequence of fucking until near-morning ends up dead tired in Roya :'D 
Besides that, we also have further progress on Social Ranking on Wanting To Be A Model. The latter had a small change where Wanting To Be A Model 8 now triggers a repeat work slot for Aura where needs to work until later into the night every 7 days. 
Aura's turned into a busy girl, with quite some things of higher priority than her role as a Hero by now! Always Tired and/or Lazy :'D Besides the new Rising Star schedule passive (which results in Tired I every 7 days), Sex DutiesOf A Demon Queen can also achieve its second Rank, reducing the time interval between Richard repeat sex scenes to every second day. Speaking of second Rank, Modeling Proficiency now also ranks up during the Rising Star repeat-modeling scene giving you a 25% extra tips from Lewdness (multiplicative with Art of Seduction).
To trigger the new Social Ranking scenes, you can now apply the Superiority III mental change in the Happiness Room - which also means that this room too is now complete! In fact, every mandatory mental change besides the final Identity Question change is now complete!! 
Moving on to Roya, it appears Trihan is nearly finished with Demon-crazy. What is missing is the boss fight for the good ending of the quest? He was finishing up as I am writing this so no clue on what the state is exactly :'D Anyways, including the general progress of this quest, we also have a new Liliana and Aura centric lewd scene doing some "voting encouragment". :) 
Also in Roya, we have one notable balancing change. The Water Skin II spell no longer reduces Hot Area Damage by the fixed number 4 but rather by 1 per 10 MDEF. Meaning at 40 MDEF it has its old effect and for every 10 MDEF it becomes a bit stronger. It's not a crazy lot since the damage reduction is applied before the resistance, so you effectively need 40 MDEF to effectively reduce damage by an extra point while you have Fire Resistance. Still, it gives something to work towards to in order to challenge Mount Firestorm. 
Aaaaand that's it for the week! Next week, final Identity Question mental change! Currently, I am only counting 3 more scenes and one mental change to finish up the remaining pre-corruption ending content. And then with what time is left, I will be swapping over to Lady Charlotte, maybe finishing up her 3rd event. Or just starting it and finishing in up in the week after that. We will see. 
Anyways, have fun with the update! For the complete changelog including today's patch, as usual, see below. 
Changelog 0.45.0-prerelease-2 (12.07.2024)
  • Added mental change Evening With Richard 
  • Added mental change Superiority 3 
  • Added lewd scene Late Night Sex With Richard 3 
  • Added lewd scene Late Night Sex With Richard 4 
  • Added scene Social Ranking 6 
  • Added scene Social Ranking 7 
  • Added scene Wanting To Be A Model 9 
  • Demon-cracy: Implemented pure election scene and Liliana win 
  • Demon-cracy: Implemented alternative election outcomes 
  • Demon-cracy: Added scene Voting Encouragement 
  • Demon-cracy: Implemented alternative election outcomes 
  • Switched to Fallen Actor image in Evening With George 2 
  • Added memory reflecting mirror sprites 
  • Added passive Sex Duties Of A Demon Queen II 
  • Added passive Tired III 
  • Added passive Lazy III 
  • Added passive Modeling Proficiency II 
  • Added passive Rising Star 
  • Added Shadow walking graphic 
  • Add migration rule to add Rising Star to Wanting To Be A Model 8 
  • Increase max mental changes to 154 
  • Change Water Skin II HOT area damage negation to scale with MDEF #6094 
  • Fixed typos 
  • Fixed being unable to select A Child Needed after completing The Seeress 
  • Fixed George and Veronica 9 teleporting to wrong map in recollection room 
  • Fixed talking to Fleura without having learned Pierce I prematurely progressing Demon-cracy quest 
  • Fixed missing freckles on new Rose expressions 
  • Fixed repeated pump actions needing 2 actions instead of 1 
  • Fixed Wanting To Be A Model 7 not turning crystal white after viewing 
  • Fixed incorrect alternate text after completing Helping The Accused 
  • Fixed Fleura corruption fight being skipped 
  • Fixed Lay Eggs reviving evolved spiders instead of returning them to egg form 
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Star Knightess Aura Internal Release 0.44.0

Note that the public release will be in 3 weeks. You can also skip the waiting time by buying Star Knightess Aura on itch.
Big tiddy month comes to an end! Like last month, my quest to continue pushing towards the Corruption ending has progressed quite a bit over this month. One last batch of work next month and then we are off to the Corruption ending in the month after it! 
But before we get ahead of ourselves for the future, let's take a look at the present of the progress of this month. As usual, for the details I refer to the detailed weekly devlog posts and will instead only look at a summary of what is new this month. 
Starting with the numerical review! We have: 11 new Corruption Scenes, 5 new Lewd Scenes, 2 new Mental Changes, 4 new passives, 5 CG variations, and tons of other things like progress on the Demon-crazy quest, new pixel art assets and many other little things! 
The first important batch of changes is on Earth / the mental change. Two new Identity Questions can now be answered to trigger a bunch of new scenes and gain new passives. Among the new scenes, the probably most dominant sequence is the continued competition between Rose and Aura over Richard. A bunch of lewd scenes deal with these events where to gain Richard's attention the two girls compete by bringing George towards the brink of despair. 
On the lewd department, we have a new threesome with Rose, Aura and Richard, a group sex scene involving Elizabeth, Laura and their boys, as well as another threesome but with Aura, Richard and Alicia - her lack of appearance in lewd scenes finally being broken! 
Visually, we also have a bunch of new art assets! Although no new base CGs we have a lot of variations of other CGs this month. The slutty bikini outfit from last month is now represented in the Richard sex scenes. Lewd Streaming 7 is now illustrated with CG variations of the George lewd events - except with George replaced by Richard and Aura's character design updated to the current corruption level. And then we also have the upgrade of Rose's chest area who has undergone breast enhancement surgery to raise her chances to win back Richard. 
I will also show the detailed results of the current poll next Monday, but it looks like Tan variations is winning which is why I went ahead on Wednesday and discussed them with our artist Emubi. I was hoping I could already start adding them today and wrote the mental change and scene for it, but there were some issues in the organization of the assets, making them not work with all the costumes. It's not a big issue, but big enough to postpone the addition of the tan mental change to next update. 
Finally, besides new corruption scenes we also have a bunch of minor visual improvements. It's always a bit strange to see certain assets cycled after staying with us for so long but such is the cycle of life. The discprepancy in the pixel art chars and their 2D portraits always bugged me and for Laura, Rose and Aura this has now been finally resolved. What's more, the Library Club always felt a little bit too stylish for some girls. Thanks to our pixel artist Amysaurus, our Library Club now fully looks the part!
And what's more, their appearance now also progress. Starting with the scene where Aura blackmails everyone to "take better care of themselves" the Library Club members will start dying their hair and in the second stage also swap out their clothes (doing an opposite order from Aura for some changeup). Well, mos of them progress, except for one girl for whom I decided to leave the appearance the same as she is the side character who receives the most bullying (after Laura) so I figured her not visually progressing to be related.

On the Roya side we have two points of progression. One is the Lady Charlotte event chain which contains one new lewd event that is very, very long x_X and gets Charlotte into bed. Her chest development can also be progressed to the last stage - hence combined with Rose's breast enhancement story Big Tiddy Month ;D 
The second point is the progress on the side of our assistant developer Trihan who has continued to implement the Demon-crazy quest which last month only had a very basic stub to get it started. Recruit members to infiltrate the cult and engineer the election so Liliana can guide it to a better future --- or sell out the girls and turn them into agents of the chauvinist Shadow. 
Before closing out, there are two one balance changes I would like to highlight. For one, that the Underground Pub Job no longer gives Lewdness. You still gain Lewdness from Customer Service and Uniform Upgrades as usual but the job itself no longer does so. It's a bit problematic, because it was the generic way to increase Aura's Lewdness to 15 in case it was lagging behind and the player couldn't find any lewd events. But I believe at the current stage of the game, that benefit is no longer as important. O 
On the other hand, ino longer giving Lewdness also means no longer giving Corruption. I always found that the job gave too much corruption for too little reward but increasing the reward wasn't really an option as it would muddle its identity compared to the Brothel Job. So yeah, you can no longer raise your Lewdness up with the job, but you can now also work it on higher lewd levels without worrying about Soul-Break. I believe investing a day end into the job for its smaller rewards instead of, say, learning a skill or investing into an enhancement, is already enough payment. 
The second balancing change affects the Knowledge Room. Here the process of pumping out Knoweldge no longer requires 2 actions. Since the first pump action never triggered an event, I didn't find it too interesting. So with the goal of shortening the journey to Chapter 3 just a little bit, I decided to cut it out. Note that if you are currently in the pumping process and need to smash the Orb, it will happen automatically if you interact with it without giving you an option. This way backward compatibility with this state is preserved. 
Aaaaand that's it for the month! There are various other small changes you can read up in the Changelog if you are interested. For example, some coming from this week's polishing work. Especially in all scenes involving a TV and the Interestes Room containing one, you can see now some funny little animations. And that's about it. Have fun with the update, let's hope we won't need a hotfix and otherwise see you until Monday for the next month's Project Plan. 
EDIT: Android and Google are fucking garbage and I hate them. I'm doing a fixed version build. Nothing should change. I shouldn't have my build broken because of some deprecated libraries. Android build wasn't deployed when I first made this post. Updated the dependencies and retriggered the deploy job so the android build should be there BUT WHO KNOWS IF THERE ARE ANY CONSEQUENCES TO UPGRADING THE DEPENDENCIES. 
Changelog 0.44.0 (28.06.2024)
  • Added Lewd Streaming 7 Part 2 H-CGs 
  • Added Lewd Streaming 7 Part 1 H-CGs 
  • Added Tutored By Richard Slutty Bikini H-CG variations 
  • Added Sex With Richard Slutty Bikini H-CG variations 
  • Added Rose Breast Enlargement Character Artwork 
  • Added pixel art uniform for Aura and Rose walking chars 
  • Added pixel art Luciela Walking Char 
  • Added mental change Ideal Partner Question 
  • Added mental change Question Submission 
  • Added lewd scene Cheerleading Game 4 
  • Added scene Lunchbreak 10 
  • Added scene Patricia Rebelling 1 
  • Added scene George and Veronica 7 
  • Added scene Fighting Over Richard 1 
  • Added scene Fighting Over Richard 2 
  • Added scene Fighting Over Richard 3 
  • Added scene Fighting Over Richard 4 
  • Added lewd scene Fighting Over Richard 5 
  • Added lewd scene Fighting Over Richard 6 
  • Added lewd scene Fighting Over Richard 7 
  • Added lewd scene Lady Charlotte 2 
  • Demon-cracy: Implemented recruiting Black Priestess 
  • Demon-cracy: Implemented recruiting adventurer twins 
  • Demon-cracy: Implemented recruiting slave trader merchant 
  • Demon-cracy: Implemented recruiting Fleura 
  • Demon-cracy: Implemented recruiting Courtesan Queen 
  • Demon-cracy: Added tracking variable for number of recruited cultists 
  • Demon-cracy: Implemented electioneering event Opening a Path 
  • Demon-cracy: Implemented electioneering event Helping the Accused 
  • Demon-cracy: Implemented electioneering event Special Waitressing 
  • Demon-cracy: Implemented James event 
  • Demon-cracy: Implemented Shadow contact 
  • Demon-cracy: Implemented Black Priestess corruption mission 
  • Demon-cracy: Implemented merchant corruption mission 
  • Demon-cracy: Implemented Courtesan Queen corruption mission 
  • Demon-cracy: Removed hard references to player being intermediate rank 
  • Demon-cracy: Implement Fleura corruption mission 
  • Added interaction stub to Liliana 
  • Modified Demon-cracy courier scene and quest description 
  • Improved courier event in demon-crazy 
  • Activated Demon-cracy after defeating Beelzebub in Winterfall 
  • Added extra line to courier dialogue if player sold Blue Sugar+ formula to underground drug dealer 
  • Add visual and sound effects to Demon-cracy scenes 
  • Clarified Liliana support updates 
  • Improved positioning of shadow minion and Aura in cutscene when entering Nephlune from the Roya map 
  • Added clarity to missed support increase messages 
  • Removed Nothing But The Truth evidence from players who have completed the quest 
  • Implemented separate item categories for evidence and recruitment prospects 
  • Added passive True Nature: Submissive Hero 
  • Added passive Consuming Desire 
  • Added passive Chest Bloom II 
  • Added passive Sexual Frustration 
  • Implemented on-the-fly thumbnail rendering of Locations 
  • Updated George walking char clothing color 
  • Replaced static Library Club members with dynamically progressing chars 
  • Changed George for Richard in compatibility flame 
  • Updated Richard rating tag for Chapter 3 
  • Registered brothel job in Masturbating Is Not Enough menu 
  • Added animated pixel tv shows for TV 
  • Improved chaining of leadup dialogue into actual lewd check in Trademond guards 
  • Chained reporting bounty hunt to Julian to asking about demon worshippers 
  • Decrease max mental changes to 151 
  • Removed corruption gain from Underground Pub Job 
  • Merged Knowlegde Drain Mental Changes from 2 actions into 1 action 
  • Fixed typos 
  • Fixed Rose appearing in Lunchbreak 10 
  • Fixed using recruitment prospect for black priestess not doing anything 
  • Fixed Aura portrait not appearing during Fighting Over Richard line 
  • Demon-cracy: Fixed Aura portrait not disappearing after hiring Alexis with gold 
  • Fixed Fleura not being recruitable under some circumstances 
  • Fixed slave trader merchant options all being locked when out of willpower 
  • Fixed slaver trader merchant appearing in underground city before recruiting her 
  • Demon-cracy: Fix slave merchant not calling onViceAction 
  • Fixed visual glitches 
  • Fixed incorrect Aura battler 
  • Fixed Belphegor summoning any fragments on NG+ 
  • Fixed negative person quantifiers affecting checks of books and similar by adding a self tag to related checks 
  • Fixed missing brackets in Aura thoughts 
  • Demon-cracy: Fixed lingering standing images 
  • Fixed Fleura not giving recruitment option if player has not learned Pierce I 
  • Fixed Demon-cracy NPCs erroneously being present in John celebration event 
  • Fixed recruiting Alexis with Seductive Stance calling wrong common event for recruitment check 
  • Fixed broken thumbnail positions of locations 
  • Fixed bunny ears remaining visible when using SK on obstacles 
  • Fixed Black Priestess giving the wrong increase value for Blessed Water on Nightmare 
  • Fixed Being Lazy 1 incorrectly activating crystal for event 2 
  • Estimated play time: 34-47h 
  • Word Count: 776k 
  • Lewd Scenes: 124 
  • Real World Scenes: 314 
  • CGs: 45 (+1 Bonus CG) 
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Star Knightess Aura 0.44.0-prerelease-3

New Roya stuff! On the Charlotte corruption side, I only managed to progress by one Lady Charlotte scene, but that one new scene a has a ton of subscenes, giving it an overall word count of nearly 5k x_X 
Partially because it contains the usual back and forth before a vice choice, a vice choice, a date and then the actual lewd scene. And partially because -- 
-- Guest appearances! Both Hermann and Rosemond make a small return in this little party scene that is conceptually a combination of the Hermann Councillor Election event and the Marriage event. Why? Well, I leave that for the player to find out. :) 
Anyways, so Hermann and Rosemond make a little guest appearance and have different sub dialogues depending on your world state. If Aura married Hermann, Charlotte will be angry at him for cheating on Aura, if you have done Homewrecking, Nadia will join alongside Rosemond. And depending on how you did Homewrecking, Nadia will have a different mood. 
The Hermann marriage variation is pretty short as I had to move on from having spent quite a bit of time on this, but I hope it gives a little bit callback to the older content.
Then, we have quite a couple of items on the artistic side, both on the pixel art side and on the H-CG side. I posted earlier about the new H-CG variations for lewd streaming which got integrated today. Also, for those who already read them, there is just a little bit of new content that I added where Aura does some extra comparisons between Richard and George (George of course drawing the shorter stick, haha). The advantage of using the same base CG allows me to do some minor tricks like putting the George variation besides Richard's which I worked in today. 
And then on the pixel art side, our pixel artist Amysaurus finished her batch for ths month. On the one hand, we have the new uniforms for Aura, Rose, and Laura that now match their 2D artwork. And on the other hand, Luciella no longer uses the default RPGMaker sprite for the Harpy enemy. lol 
 And then finally, our assistant developer Trihan has pushed further on the Demon-crazy quest, working mostly on the corruption and electioneering events to shift support in favor of Liliana or Shadow. I have yet to test play the new content here myself, so I don't have a lot to write about.
Aaaand that's it for the week! For next week, we have a little polish week where I want to work mostly on some smaller improvements that have been sitting in my pipeline because I'm always so busy on pushing the main content, giving our freelancers a bit space to catch up. 
Ah right, also our 2D artist will be next working on the Dark Star Knightess costume, the form Aura will take in the corruption ending. Also, since we are quite a bit ahead again of the H-CG pipeline, I will be doing another H-CG poll starting at the weekend or so in order to get some input in which order we want to tackle the remaining scenes. 
Then, until then and as usual the full changelog including the public patch release below. 
Changelog 0.44.0-prerelease-3 (21.06.2024)
  • Added Lewd Streaming 7 Part 2 H-CGs 
  • Added Lewd Streaming 7 Part 1 H-CGs 
  • Added pixel art uniform for Aura and Rose walking chars 
  • Added pixel art Luciela Walking Char 
  • Added lewd scene Lady Charlotte 2 
  • Demon-cracy: Implemented electioneering event Opening a Path 
  • Demon-cracy: Implemented electioneering event Helping the Accused 
  • Demon-cracy: Implemented electioneering event Special Waitressing 
  • Demon-cracy: Implemented James event 
  • Demon-cracy: Implemented Shadow contact 
  • Demon-cracy: Implemented Black Priestess corruption mission 
  • Demon-cracy: Implemented merchant corruption mission 
  • Demon-cracy: Implemented Courtesan Queen corruption mission 
  • Added passive Chest Bloom II 
  • None 
  • Fixed typos 
  • Fixed Fleura not being recruitable under some circumstances 
  • Fixed slave trader merchant options all being locked when out of willpower 
  • Fixed slaver trader merchant appearing in underground city before recruiting her 
  • Demon-cracy: Fix slave merchant not calling onViceAction 
  • Fixed Lady Charlotte recollection restoring paulina training progression instead of lady charlotte 
  • Fixed merchant facing in wrong direction during scene 
  • Fixed James referencing contract after killing Leviathan 
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Star Knightess Aura 0.44.0-prerelease-2

New George suffering! And Rose completely loses it! In this episode of Star Knightess Aura: The remaining events of the Fighting Over Richard storyline! 
In total we have 6 new Corruption events, among which 3 are lewd scenes - one of them is just a minor repeat version though. The events directy connect to the last Fighting Over Richard event from last week where Richard gives Rose and Aura a task to determine who is worthy of getting dicked and this week has both of them execute it - to the detriment of poor George! 
With the end of this event chain we also reach the end of the Rose / Laura / Elizabeth storylines. They may have some appearances in other scenes, for example I believe Rose appears in a future Patricia scene and Laura in a Social Ranking one, but otherwise, they have now reached their "ending state". 
Also lots of George crying and apparantly he's the root cause of Roya's genocide (if only Aura and Richard hooked up before the story, then none of this would have happened - Aura reaching level 99 in mental gymnastics.) 
Finally, there is a new passive called "Sexual Frustration" which debuffs PHYS and DARK resistance until the next orgasm whenever the Fighting Over Richard 6/7 scene triggers. 
Then, on the Demon-Crazy front, our assistant developer Trihan has continued his work, focusing on adding more recruitable girls and not my knowledge finishing that segment of the quest. 
Aaaand that's it for the week! 
I was worried I wouldn't be able to finish the full Fighting Over Richard event chain, as it involved two major lewd scenes (ususally it takes me 2 days per major lewd scene) plus additional non-trivial George suffering scenes. 
Especially since I am spending most of my Friday in a train but apparantly I can write a full lewd scene in 5h in a train?! Well, I suppose the train has nothing to do with it and it's more that this is a scene I had on my mind for quite some time now, so it was very easy to write. 
Next week, we will be returning to Roya to continue Charlotte's corruption story! Changelog for today's prerelease including the patch below as usual! 
Changelog 0.44.0-prerelease-2 (14.06.2024)
  • Added Tutored By Richard Slutty Bikini H-CG variations 
  • Added Sex With Richard Slutty Bikini H-CG variations 
  • Added scene Fighting Over Richard 3 
  • Added scene Fighting Over Richard 4 
  • Added scene George and Veronica 7 
  • Added lewd scene Fighting Over Richard 5 
  • Added lewd scene Fighting Over Richard 6 
  • Added lewd scene Fighting Over Richard 7 
  • Demon-cracy: Implemented recruiting slave trader merchant 
  • Demon-cracy: Implemented recruiting Fleura 
  • Demon-cracy: Implemented recruiting Courtesan Queen 
  • Demon-cracy: Added tracking variable for number of recruited cultists 
  • Added passive Sexual Frustration 
  • None 
  • Fixed prerelease typos 
  • Fixed typos 
  • Fixed Rose appearing in Lunchbreak 10 
  • Fixed using recruitment prospect for black priestess not doing anything 
  • Fixed Aura portrait not appearing during Fighting Over Richard line 
  • Demon-cracy: Fixed Aura portrait not disappearing after hiring Alexis with gold 
  • Fixed Hanging Out With Richard 1 not triggering if Late Night Sex 1 triggered before Tutored By Richard 6 
  • Fixed shadow issue on Trademond map 
  • Fixed sweat drop balloon playing on John instead of Aura in money domain 
  • Fixed Rosemond having the wrong graphic in the compendium 
  • Fixed passability issues in Northern Mountain Ranges 
  • Fixed handing in forced Poisoned Elixirs causing Roland 8 to play regardless of progress 

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