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Art by Carly.H profile
Art by Carly.H
Art by Carly.H
I'm a freelance artist who's trying to make herself known to the world.

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Welcome to madness

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The Lewders Club

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Displaying posts with tag Fanart.Reset Filter
Art by Carly.H

The Sadist Power Couple

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Art by Carly.H

Kiss in the Resort | Back from Ecchi Expo (8/23/24)

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Art by Carly.H

Puyo Summer Fun | Going to a con! (8/6/24)

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Art by Carly.H

The Kitsune and The Songstress

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Art by Carly.H

Andy and Leyley meme | Fire Emblem Fates review coming next week (7/11/24)

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Art by Carly.H

What They Secretly Don't Know

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Показать следующие публикации (6 / 17)


120 постов


до достижения
этой Цели
When this goal is made, I'll begin to make art tutorial videos on my Youtube.
до достижения
этой Цели
When this goal is made; I'll be able to afford memberships and licenses, to remove ads and gain features for my personal blog and applications.
до достижения
этой Цели
I have a lot of ideas to be made for bigger projects. When this goal is made, I'll share some W.I.P. character sketches of all the stuff I made for those said bigger projects.
до достижения
этой Цели
When this goal is met, I'll be able to afford a better working custom made PC.
до достижения
этой Цели
A lot of people say that my art would benefit greatly if I worked on animation. When this goal is made, I'll be able to find a good animation software and work on small animations.
до достижения
этой Цели
This is more like a stretch goal. If we managed to make it here, passed the animation goal, and one of my webcomics become exceedingly popular, I will be more than likely be able to turn that webcomic into a full-on animated series.
до достижения
этой Цели
Blue can't stay as a PNGtuber forever. Once this goal is met, I'll be able to hire an artist to make a full fledged Live2D Vtuber model for my streams.

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