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I write both erotic and mundane science fiction and fantasy. I also stream and develop video games.

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Developer Log: Week Ending January 5, 2025

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MGA Dev Report Week 4: 2024-02-25:
I obviously have a lot to learn about blender and setting up the animation rigs, and then animating them. But I had success in setting up the bones for the shuttles landing gear. And I am able to get the doors to move like I want them too. I’m not happy with the results just yet, but it shouldn’t take me too long to get something good. Mainly I decided to break some of the rules with bones and IK rigging, and got something that looks nice when it animates.
So let’s talk a bit about combat and how it will be set up. Combat is going to be the biggest thing facing the player and it needs to be engaging, fast, and fun. The goals I have is to never (hardly ever) lock out the player from being able to control their avatar. But there will be stuns and other things that will make things very hard to work on. I’m going to list the requirements that I have (in requirements language).
1. All actions will cost stamina
2. Stamina will recover in a parabolic fashion. The higher the stamina bar is the faster it will fill.
3. Emptying the stamina bar will stun the character.
4. Moving costs stamina. Slower walking drains slower than running or sprinting. For the most part this will be hidden as the stamina recovery will be greater than the walking cost, but it will be evident when the character is attacking, vs attacking & moving
5. A character will also have a conscious bar. Effectively the character’s hit points. When the character’s conscious bar empties they will be knocked unconscious and ragdoll to the ground
6. A character will have a mana pool. Mana pool is filled at a continuous rate, based on environmental factors. (I won’t explain what these are, it’s a plot point, showing up in chapter 2!)
7. Mana is keyed to a characters will power. As mana drains so does the will power. Will power is important for resisting illusions and mental suggestions.
8. (Spicy DLC). A character will have an arousal bar. When it fills the character climaxes and is stunned until recovery.
9. When a character is stunned there will recover after a length of time, or can shorten the time through player actions.
10. (Spicy DLC). All clothing will have a durability pool. Clothes with low durability have their benefits decreased. Clothes have a cost to repair, but if past a certain point they cannot be repaired. Clothes with 0 durability are destroyed.
11. Actions may be restricted based on status of the character. A character can’t punch if their wrists are restrained behind their back for example. But they can still kick.
So from this, you can see that the player will have to manage multiple bars. Since I don’t want any deaths in the game, I’m using a conscious bar instead of hit points. We have the following bars: Conscious, Stamina, and Mana. For the Spicy DLC there will also be an aroused bar. I don’t plan on blocking access to the Spicy DLC, but putting all the adult material into it allows me to sell the game on steam without the censors getting their undies in a knot. Also I will probably have to offer different spicy DLC based on region. Thank you censorship laws in Japan. I love the games you produce but the mosaic censorship laws are a bitch aren’t they?
The next big thing I’ll explain is attributes. When it comes to attributes I like the paired system. With one attribute providing a bonus to attack, and another attribute providing defence.
For each of the bars:
· Stamina: Major Affecting Attribute: End(urance)
· Mana: Major Affecting Attribute: Int(elligence) Minor: Wis(dom)
· Conscious: Major Affecting Attribute: Vit(ality) Minor: End(urance)
There are some other stats that will come into play. The big one will be in the Spicy DLC which will be inhibition. That start’s fairly high. And increase the character’s embarrassment depending on how exposed they are. For example if a character with full inhibition gets her shirt ripped off, she might cover her breasts and run away instead of fighting. The more clothes that get ripped away the higher the chances of the character panicking.
So there will be stats like:
· Inhibition: Affects how embarrassed the character gets
· Embarrassment: Gives a chance for the character to panic.
· Excitement: How excited the character is, higher excitement might make them stronger, but also more impulsive
· Exhibitionism: Related to Inhibition, but the character might grow more aroused the more exposed they get, they might also get stronger in combat and skill become less costly the more exposed they are
· Submission: A character will get more excited as they get bound and humiliated
· Domination: The opposite of submission, they might get more excited dominating/tying up their foes
· Masochism: May be overpowered, but the character converts some conscious damage to arousal.
· Sadism: The character will get excited inflicting pain.
I don’t have the full list together, but this gives you an idea on what will be happening. For the first chapter a lot of these mechanics won’t be available. But as more chapters get unlocked the more mechanics will be available to play with.
So Goals for this week:
· Finish off the basic mesh for the shuttle the player arrives in, and finish off the animations
· Review/research the best way to do UV unwrapping and positioning to make a toon model
· Review/research the shaders in blender and Unreal Engine to get that tune shading. I know I’m going to have to edit the normal
· Hopefully have a tune/cel shaded shuttle complete this week
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Dev Report Week 3: 2024-02-19
I added an extra day to the week since it’s a long weekend, and this is a weekend project. I have been working on the shuttle for the opening scene and made some decisions on it.

The basic skin of the shuttle is in place. The colors are picked, and the doors, wings and control surfaces are in place as well. I’m still learning the best way to set up the UV maps and textures to get the Anime/Toon look I’m going for. I’ve provided a few images of how the shuttle looks. There’s still some things I want to add before I import it into Unreal Engine. Like the landing gear, and the mechanics on the passenger doors.
The shuttle is mostly a lifting body design but also has variable wings like the F-14.

I was going to talk about the various different humans that will show up in world. And some of the background of the universe.

For those familiar with my works Elknid’s Behemoth and Agent Lenna, this will be part of the same universe. There’s three types of humans, only slightly changed from basic humans.

Normal Humans:

These are your every day humans, you would expect to see around. They’re typically what you would find on Earth. They make up around 85% of the population on the planet. Nothing much to say about them

Resource Optimized Humans:

These are also known as Station Rats. Their genome has been changed to make them smaller, with males topping out at 155cm, and females at 145cm. They have slightly larger heads in proportion to their bodies.

They’re optimized for remote stations and places with lighter gravity than typical planets. Since they’re smaller than normal humans, the derogatory name Station Rat is often used to refer to them. They’ve also been optimized to eat less, and work in hotter climate conditions. Basically the corporations higher them to fill out the stations they don’t want to fund to the level needed for regular humans and heavy worlders.

Since they’re smaller, they have a lower body temperature, and usually wear more clothes than the average human does.

Heavy Worlders:

These are humans who have been changed to work on worlds of higher gravity and pressure than normal. They have a heavier bone structure, and are taller than average. With males around 215 cm, and females at 200 cm. Designed for remote mining worlds, they’re also less intelligent than normal humans. They’ve been bred to be trusting and gullible. But there are of course outstanding individuals.

With a larger body, they have a higher body temperature, which works well for colder worlds. But on normal worlds they are prone to overheating, and wear less clothing and showing off more skin than normal humans and Station Rats.

Make Up of Society:

The society is very much a dystopian society seen in most cyberpunk genre stories, with large corporations that effectively run different sectors of the galaxy. They are constantly at each other throats, with alliances and wars. The government barely holds them in check with its military might, but really, they’re on the take as well. And as long as a corporation doesn’t do something completely insane than the government won’t do anything.

There’s also constant wars going on between corporations, governments, pirates, and anyone else you can think of. Perfect for a demon invasion to happen. They do happen, and Ava/Meghan was the lead hero in the one against the wrath demons. People in the know, know about her. People who are fans of Magical Girls know of her exploits. But most think it’s silly and not real.

But with the constant wars going on, there’s a lot of fighting, and conscription is a good way to get soldiers. Almost all the male population has been in some sort of conflict and seen a lot of death. In fact, thanks to the wars and primary males being on the front line, there’s a disparity between the sexes on the remote planets. There are typically nine females for every male. And often the males that survive the wars are scooped up by the upper crust to prevent inbreeding. Among the heavy worlders and station rats this is even bigger, since they’ve had their genes fiddled with their population was skewed at the start.

On some worlds, they’ve used artificial insemination to help boost their population, and to try to get back to a normal population balance. Unfortunately, in some sectors, the corporations providing the services are skewing the results to keep the population under control.

About the World of the Game:

The world is a fairly new mining world, only about a hundred years old. It’s an independent world, outside of any of the sector alliances, and was mostly a normal mining world. Primarily basic metals, like Iron, Copper, Zinc, basically very Earth like in it’s distribution of materials. It does not have any of the strange materials that other worlds have to make them special.

But thirty years ago, they struck it big. Some miners found some energy crystals that have never been seen before. And it’s an energy crystal that provides light as well as can be tapped for power. But other strange materials have been found on other planets, that had new applications that they could be used about, causing a tech boom.

This is what the colonists were hoping for. They built a new city, around the mine they found the crystals. They aimed to have two million people living and working there. With skyscrapers filling the skylines.

And just as they were going, disaster struck. Children were getting sick and dying. Adults seemed to be immune, but anyone under the age of eighteen were getting sick. And no-one, rich or poor was immune from whatever it was.

And that wasn’t the worst of it. While the crystals they used drained at a constant rate, when they were removed from the planet that rate increased. If they were pulled from the solar system they disintegrated. Again no-one could figure out why.

This all happened with the last year. People fled the world, and the expected boom fizzled out before it got started. People with families ran from the world and went to the nearby space colony. Anyone who became pregnant was immediately taken off the world and forbidden from stepping on the world again.

This is where Meghan comes into the picture. She’s spent the last year traveling. Using her biometrics to travel along the alliance systems she’s fought for. Being the hero who fought off the wrath demons came with some privileges. But now she’s come to an independent world, not knowing what has been going on and has to make her way.

Goal for the Next Week
  • Finish off the shuttle texture
  • Start work on the main character again
  • Work on the lay out of the space port for the initial scene.
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MGA Developer Report #2 2024-02-11
I didn’t hit the goals, but I did get some work done on the opening sequence. The opening sequence is the introduction of Meghan and her trip to her new world. So, I started to lay out the spaceport where her passenger shuttle would touch down. With Sci-fi, there is an element of realism and making something technically possible. So, I fell down the rabbit hole of how a practical spaceport would be and what it would need to hook into the rest of the game. That led to the shuttle, how big the shuttle would be, and so forth. Let’s just say I started to work on the passenger seats and how those would work with the shuttle and build out from there.
Of course, I couldn’t leave well enough alone with it, and made sure that it would work nicely with the corruption aspect of the game, and making sure that good old steel cuffs would work with the seat, and to make sure that if our heroine were bound in the seat naked, she would be able to survive the 3G acceleration that the shuttle would use to get back into orbit. You know, practical things like that. The good news is that I’ve also written a good portion of the opening dialog and how it will fit in with the tutorial of the game. The important part for me is that I want to make sure that the opening sequence before the player gets control of the main actor is 30 seconds, or at most 60 seconds. I don’t want the opening sequence to be a wall of text for 20 minutes before you can actually do something. Also, there’s a big part of ‘show, don’t tell.’  And with video games, this is weighed more towards the show and discovery than blatantly telling the player what is happening. I think a lot of games fail at this point.
I’ve also thought about the control scheme some more. I want to make sure it’s fairly dynamic and offers a wide range of options for those people who are insane like that. I’ve been racking my creativity about this. I’m trying to make the decision of real-time vs turn-based combat. The type of game I like to play is more real-time than turn-based. But real-time combat has limitations on what type of skills you can get access to quickly. And turn-based allows you to have many skills available. Since the player can decide what they want to do in each case, both are capable of online co-op, but real-time leads to a better experience for everyone involved and not having to wait for people to make decisions. Also real time leads to some of the other mechanics I want to involve.
Anyway what I’m thinking of is a two sequence skill active sequence. This will hopefully work well with both the controller and mouse and keyboard actions, though more optimized for mouse and keyboard.
This is currently under design and will probably change.

I still have the D-pad unassigned. With the double key activation and 3 weapon groups, there can be 243 skills mapped to the controller, though I doubt anyone will use that many. But there will be a in game UI for assigning these as the players want. At the start of the game the player won’t be able to select different weapons, maybe in the later part of chapter one they’ll be able to pick up knives, clubs and swords I haven’t decided. It will be introduced in chapter 2 as a new feature. I don’t want to go stupid on overloading the players at the start with what they can do.
So at the start there will be four action groups:
  • 1. Punches
  • a. High
  • b. Mid
  • c. Low
  • 2. Kicks
  • a. High
  • b. Mid
  • c. Low
  • 3. Blocks
  • a. High
  • b. Mid
  • c. Low
  • 4. Grapple – Grab, pins, clothing strip, bondage, sex, this might lead to triple activation
To punch mid, the player on keyboard would do 1 -> 2. On the controller, it would be LeftFaceButton -> TopFaceButton. I think combat will be a bit slower but still fun, especially as I add more skills throughout the story. Just think of the possibilities as player skill with the system grows.
This post is getting long, so I’ll leave you with a render of the passenger chair. It’s what I think will be good for a 3G acceleration / weightless environment. It has a very tall back for one class of engineered humans.

Next week, if I don’t have much more progress to show, I’ll go over the Resource Optimized Humans (station rats) and Heavy Worlders (no one dares to call them names). I’ll also talk about some of the background, one of the alliances of worlds, and the mining planet and how it fits into the galaxy.
My goal for this week:
· Finish the passenger shuttle for the opening sequence, and set up the shaders in Blender and Unreal Engine.
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Magical Girl Ava Development Post Week 1: 2024-02-04
To help with my creative endevours I've started to work on a new game called Magical Girl Ava and the Cursed Harness.  It's set in the same universe as Elknid's Behemoth and Lenna Agent of Paddle.
Let me introduce Magical Girl Ava. Megan Higgins is a 19-year-old ‘retired’ magical girl who’s spent t ten years fighting the wrath demons that invaded her home world. She started when she was eight and retired just after graduating high school. She’s spent the last year hiding from her family, past, and war and has come to her new home to start a new, quiet life.

Little does she know that the tech boom on her new home-world has a nefarious past, and she’ll be pulled back into the battle, this time with the agents of lust.

Main Genres:

Corruption, BDSM, Bondage, Female Protagonist, Robots, Demons, Uniforms, Exhibitionism, Inhibition

So what do I have done so far?

  • The prologue (tutorial) and chapter 1 plot points have been put down, and several scenes have been written
  • The story arc goals for chapter 2->5 have been written down, and the final fight/scene/climax for chapter 6 is done
  • Chapters 7->11 have their arc written, but I don’t know if they will make it into the first game or I’ll save it for the second.
  • World history and tone points are outlined. Basically, there are two colonies: the planetary one, where the game takes place with no minors present (mana poisoning), and the space colony, where the families are, about 36 hours away.
  • Major tools have been chosen. Unreal Engine 5.3+, Blender, and Photoshop for the DCS.
  • Written the script for four videos on DevOps and Unreal Engine, how to set up the project and get the builds created by Jenkins. The first three have been posted to YouTube. The fourth has had the primary video captured, just need to record the voice over and then edit.
  • Pipelines have been set up for a main (Steam/Twitch safe) game, and a Spicy DLC using UE Gamefeatures Framework. (4th video above is how to set that up with Jenkins)
  • Almost all the features will be defined in components so that the components in the Spicy DLC will override the vanilla components as needed. Like most of the combat system. And extending most of the quests/adding new quests
  • My goal is to automate everything that can be automated. Like animation retargeting, and chaos cloth ML simulation. (Those are examples, I have to research them for automation).
  • Spent the last two years working with Blender / Clipstudio (thanks for going to subscription and forcing me to go over to Adobe that I already have a subscription for other reasons). Decent at Hardsurface modeling, and almost to the point where I’m happy with humanoid character design.
  • Detail Descriptions are written of Megan, Ava, Tamara (roommate), Celeste (roommate), and Tierney (Primary Antagonist).
Planned Features / Decisions:
  • Using UE Chaos Clothing for the clothing system. With clothing destruction/degradation done with Perlin Noise opacity masks in the material
  • Action-RPG with wasd controls, and auto lock on. Much like MMO controls. Point and click movement will be optional. Right mouse will be panning, scroll wheel will be zooming
  • Combat Sex and capture: By both sides (only in Spicy DLC). Can be stun locked, but aim is not to remove all control from player, player will always have some sort of option, they just might not work
  • Jumping Puzzles will be part of the experience but optional (story reason)
  • With clothing distruction, Ava’s uniform can be destroyed and will need to be rebuilt over time. She also has a submissive outfit, that she might be stuck wearing.
General Art Style:
  • 4 block Cel-Shaded, with simplified textures having mostly the same color
  • Simplified pallet
  • Lower Poly-count (better than low, but aiming for 20->40k triangles per model at most, instead of 80-100k)

This week’s goal:
  • Work on the 4th DevOps video on automating the build of the spicy DLC.
  • Get the basic terrain for the map, with automaterials in place, and start work on the city layout with city builder
  • Work on the main character mesh and hopefully be satisfied with it.
My goal is to post progress about once a week. But for now I’ll leave you with a couple of renders of Ava’s collar.

Spoilers Below: Really do not read this if you don't want it spoiled
These are MAJOR spoilers on the plot, do not read and bitch about it later. Really I mean it. This is for those people who say that the story should come before development, and this is to show that the story is significantly far along. But the development of the story will follow the tech and some plot points may have to change based on it. And this is just a very small portion of the story.
  • Prologue: Ordinary Girl Megan. Tutorial, landing on planet. Finding out her past still has it’s hooks in her and runs off to the city leaving luggage and IDs behind. Meets Celeste who’s fighting off some slavers and a hero does what a hero does and saves her. Basically this is the tutorial to the game and combat
  • Chapter 1: Ordinary Girl Megan and the Price of Room and Board. In this chapter, Megan needs to start making money for rent, food, and tuition for school, which starts in a few months. Realizing it was a wrong decision to leave everything behind. She also meets Tamara her other roommate. She discovers that one of the best ways of making money is catching gang members and slavers and turning them in for bounty. But other jobs are available. The climax is Celeste getting caught by Slavers, and the only way to save her from the slaver base is to get caught, taken to the hideout, then transform into Magical Girl Ava again, and fight her way out. Until this time Megan fought as Ordinary Girl Megan, using martial arts she’s learned over the years fighting the wrath demons.
  • Chapter 2: The Return of Magical Girl Ava. The demon influence is increasing, and people are turning into lust zombies. Celeste being close to Megan turns into a lust zombie and is captured by the corporation run by the Succubus Tierney. To save Celeste, Ava must make a deal with the succubus. And use a cursed collar and a kiss to suck the demonic mana from Daisy and purify it.
  • Chapter 3: Magical Girl Ava and the Cursed Collar. / The rise of Magical Girl Nisa. Ava now has to do jobs for Tierney and her ‘evil’ corporation to return the deal. She has to fight other corporations and steal their stuff. Coming into direct competition with Magical Nagi, who has a similar agreement with another corporation. Celeste finds out that she can now sense and see Mana, and confides in Tamara. Tamara pushes Celeste to become a magical girl (Nisa) to help their roommate who is having a dark time. Climax: Ava, with the help of Nisa, defeats Nagi, and Tierney’s corporation conducts a hostile takeover of the corporation that Nagi fights for.
  • Chapter 4: The Taming of Magical Girl Nagi. Megan, Celeste and Tamara get a pair of new roommates. A pair of girls who have been their rivals/bullies from a rival school, that’s now shutdown and merged with their school. Daisy who turns out to be Magical girl Nagi. And a heavy worlder named Ying. The chapter revolves around integrating Nagi into the team with Ava and Nisa.
  • Chapter 5: <unnamed> Ying starts to see mana, and becomes Magical Girl Yellow. (Ava is Blue, Nisa is Green, Nagi is Red). This chapter will be about integrating Ying into the team. There’s a major fight between Tierney’s corporation and it’s main rival. The conclusion marks the end/defeat of Tierney, but before she goes she gives a pink collar to Ava and team for Celeste.
  • Chapter 6: <unnamed> Celeste becomes Magical Girl Pink and joins the team. And must fight off the greater demon who defeated Tierney. The conclusion I will keep secret.
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