MGA Dev Report Week 4: 2024-02-25:
I obviously have a lot to learn about blender and setting up the animation rigs, and then animating them. But I had success in setting up the bones for the shuttles landing gear. And I am able to get the doors to move like I want them too. I’m not happy with the results just yet, but it shouldn’t take me too long to get something good. Mainly I decided to break some of the rules with bones and IK rigging, and got something that looks nice when it animates.
So let’s talk a bit about combat and how it will be set up. Combat is going to be the biggest thing facing the player and it needs to be engaging, fast, and fun. The goals I have is to never (hardly ever) lock out the player from being able to control their avatar. But there will be stuns and other things that will make things very hard to work on. I’m going to list the requirements that I have (in requirements language).
1. All actions will cost stamina
2. Stamina will recover in a parabolic fashion. The higher the stamina bar is the faster it will fill.
3. Emptying the stamina bar will stun the character.
4. Moving costs stamina. Slower walking drains slower than running or sprinting. For the most part this will be hidden as the stamina recovery will be greater than the walking cost, but it will be evident when the character is attacking, vs attacking & moving
5. A character will also have a conscious bar. Effectively the character’s hit points. When the character’s conscious bar empties they will be knocked unconscious and ragdoll to the ground
6. A character will have a mana pool. Mana pool is filled at a continuous rate, based on environmental factors. (I won’t explain what these are, it’s a plot point, showing up in chapter 2!)
7. Mana is keyed to a characters will power. As mana drains so does the will power. Will power is important for resisting illusions and mental suggestions.
8. (Spicy DLC). A character will have an arousal bar. When it fills the character climaxes and is stunned until recovery.
9. When a character is stunned there will recover after a length of time, or can shorten the time through player actions.
10. (Spicy DLC). All clothing will have a durability pool. Clothes with low durability have their benefits decreased. Clothes have a cost to repair, but if past a certain point they cannot be repaired. Clothes with 0 durability are destroyed.
11. Actions may be restricted based on status of the character. A character can’t punch if their wrists are restrained behind their back for example. But they can still kick.
So from this, you can see that the player will have to manage multiple bars. Since I don’t want any deaths in the game, I’m using a conscious bar instead of hit points. We have the following bars: Conscious, Stamina, and Mana. For the Spicy DLC there will also be an aroused bar. I don’t plan on blocking access to the Spicy DLC, but putting all the adult material into it allows me to sell the game on steam without the censors getting their undies in a knot. Also I will probably have to offer different spicy DLC based on region. Thank you censorship laws in Japan. I love the games you produce but the mosaic censorship laws are a bitch aren’t they?
The next big thing I’ll explain is attributes. When it comes to attributes I like the paired system. With one attribute providing a bonus to attack, and another attribute providing defence.
For each of the bars:
· Stamina: Major Affecting Attribute: End(urance)
· Mana: Major Affecting Attribute: Int(elligence) Minor: Wis(dom)
· Conscious: Major Affecting Attribute: Vit(ality) Minor: End(urance)
There are some other stats that will come into play. The big one will be in the Spicy DLC which will be inhibition. That start’s fairly high. And increase the character’s embarrassment depending on how exposed they are. For example if a character with full inhibition gets her shirt ripped off, she might cover her breasts and run away instead of fighting. The more clothes that get ripped away the higher the chances of the character panicking.
So there will be stats like:
· Inhibition: Affects how embarrassed the character gets
· Embarrassment: Gives a chance for the character to panic.
· Excitement: How excited the character is, higher excitement might make them stronger, but also more impulsive
· Exhibitionism: Related to Inhibition, but the character might grow more aroused the more exposed they get, they might also get stronger in combat and skill become less costly the more exposed they are
· Submission: A character will get more excited as they get bound and humiliated
· Domination: The opposite of submission, they might get more excited dominating/tying up their foes
· Masochism: May be overpowered, but the character converts some conscious damage to arousal.
· Sadism: The character will get excited inflicting pain.
I don’t have the full list together, but this gives you an idea on what will be happening. For the first chapter a lot of these mechanics won’t be available. But as more chapters get unlocked the more mechanics will be available to play with.
So Goals for this week:
· Finish off the basic mesh for the shuttle the player arrives in, and finish off the animations
· Review/research the best way to do UV unwrapping and positioning to make a toon model
· Review/research the shaders in blender and Unreal Engine to get that tune shading. I know I’m going to have to edit the normal
· Hopefully have a tune/cel shaded shuttle complete this week