Dev Report Week #10 & #11: 2024-04-14
I was trying to view the eclipse last week, but that was a bust. And trying to do art from my in-laws table was more pain than it was worth. So I didn't finish up on the male morph. But my muse hit me up side the head with writing the prologue. Or at least the short story of the prologue of the game. The short story currently covers about 2/3rds of the prologue. I have also been copy editing the short story into a screenplay format. This will mainly be for the voice actors (when I get them) and used when I start to frame the shots and set up the action. I'm essentially writing a movie script for each of the cut-scenes and vocals that make up the prologue. I also added a bunch of programming tags that will make it into my technical briefs to record player choices.
· Part 1: Meghan landing at the space port, and finding out her past is catching up to her. (written and transcribed into the screenplay)
· Part 2: Stealth mission to escape the space port. Leave the VIP room, and sneak past the cameras (written into the short story and transcribed into the screen play)
· Part 2a: Sneak past the cameras in the baggage claim area
· Part 2b: Jump through the rafters/pillars (Jumping Puzzle Tutorial) to get to the metro station
· Part 2c: Spicy DLC only: Sneak through the air ducts/vents (trap tutorial) lose her clothes and wind up in the impound warehouse. Discovering some naughty things (Written into the short story)
· Part 3: Arriving at the city, and saving Celeste (combat tutorial)
I went back to read some of Elknid's Behemoth, and Leana's story, and Meghan might be channeling a bit of Officer Kim, or Agent Leana, when she discovers stuff in the impound warehouse. I'll have to think on it, and I might rewrite it a little.
· Satisfy my muse and finish writing up the prologue short story and transcribe into the screenplay
· Work some more on the male mesh
· Look at the chaos clothing and get some characters dressed and into the engine