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AgeGrowthFictions profile
Hello! I'm creating Female and Male growth Animations. I also compose my own music for some project. I enjoy creating stories in which I can implement the transformations. Cheers! Mister AGF

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Merry Christmas everyone (one day late ^^')Here is the new video. A little elf chooses a new life...

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I hope you're all doing alright for this new year despite the terrible things happening.

I'm working on a male video at the moment. It's going to be a transformation from young and puny to very big and muscular. Not a giant but quite big though.

I tried to use an idea that was shared in the comments recently about someone trying helplessly to resist a transformation. It's difficult to do in a short video but I think I found a way but it took me some time to get it ^^'.

I'm not sure the video will be out at the end of january but I'll try ;)

Thank you ^^

Mister AGF.
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Preview for "Goodbye Mister Santa" 

Merry Christmas everyone ^^
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I hope you're all alright as we're reaching to end of 2024. ^^

I'm working on a quick video related to christmas. It's a female growth video. (Sorry to my dear male growth lovers, I'm not forgetting you I promess ^^)

The video is almost finished. I'm waiting for my computer to finish the render but it needs a bit of time so I don't know If I'll release the video on the 24 or the 26 of december.

Here is a couple of pics (my computer is rendering the transformation at the moment so I don't have pics for it yet.)

Cheers! ^^

Mister AGF
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Here is the new video. Firest time trying to do werewolves. Many things to add in the future but ...

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Wolves of the night Preview ^^
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