This is just for people who wish to follow the game and hopefully support at a later date. No access to game builds, discord but with limitations, etc.
This is just for people who wish to follow the game and hopefully support at a later date. No access to game builds, discord but with limitations, etc.
Gains Access to the game updates, polls, and discord.
Gains Access to the game updates, discord, polls, and even more of my thanks.
Gains Access to the game updates, discord, and polls. You are otherworldly in the best way!
Gains Access to the game updates, discord, and polls. You are an ancient force and your patronage will not to be forgotten.
Gains Access to the game updates, discord, and polls. You are just a misunderstood being of chaos that deserves worship!
Work on the next scene is going well and I hope to have something testable for higher tier subs by the middle of this month. Anyone want to guess the two clothing items from previous episodes absent in this image I was unable to reacquire (and I tried hard) when rebuilding assets? Hints: One is more obvious from Sarmi, and the other less obvious from Bobbie.