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Gooey for Games profile
Gooey for Games
Gooey for Games
Just your average goblin, making totally normal, average goblin art.

Планы подписки

в месяц

Alone a goblin is but a weak and miserable thing, but together we can be a mighty force! Join me, brothers and we will conquer the world!

This is more of a tip tier to show supports!

Support Tier:

-Early access to all artwork

в месяц
Gobo Warrior

Join the horde as we bring consensual terror and devastation to the mortal world!

Voting Tier:

-Early access to all artwork

-Really just to support the war efforts (me) more

-Goblin suffrage (voting rights for any polls)

в месяц
Hob Gobo

This tier is only meant for the toughest and meanest of gobos. Like gobs that that don't even cry when watching the intro to the movie Up, that's how tough ya got to be.

W.I.P. Tier:

-Early access to all artwork

-Really just to support me more

-Goblin suffrage (voting rights for any polls)

-Access to works in progress: art, comics, and more importantly, animations as they are being worked on

в месяц
Gobo Sorcerer

Did you great grandma have a thing dragons? Was you're grandpapi a know fay goddess chaser? When you cast a spell does the whole buildings burn down sometimes from wild magic? Then do I have a bright future for you!

Welcome to the Horde, friend, where you will help us conquer the world with your powerful magic! (Don't worry if you can't control it very well, gobos grunts are very expendable!)

This is really just a glorified support tier for those of you who really want to show some support! No special benefited but thank you for your generosity!

Advanced Support Tier:

-Early access to all artwork

-Really just to support me more

-Goblin suffrage (voting rights for any polls)

-Access to works in progress: art, comics, and more importantly, animations as they are being worked on

-Nothing else planed for now, but you'll have my graduated for being so supportive!


Добро пожаловать!

  • Get access to sexy and funny art, comics, and animations! 18+ only

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Gooey for Games

Here is a complete animation for ya'll! A goblin tries to ask out his fellow guide member but she...

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Gooey for Games

Celebrating a Quest well done! This is how I assume (hope) adventurers celebrated after a long qu...

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Gooey for Games

Downtime in between adventuresA goblin checks in on his companions while at the inn, only to be s...

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Gooey for Games

Disciplining the HelpAlways make sure your elves are kept in line! It import to note that she con...

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Gooey for Games

Extra Cream, Order Up! A hip new restaurants serving up some creamy goodness! Which role would yo...

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Gooey for Games

A gob and his ElfMake sure to let your pet elf get plenty of sunlight and exercise! It import to ...

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