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13th Sin Games profile
13th Sin Games
13th Sin Games
Fall of the Angels is a Visual Novel that is in development. Each major update will bring in new Chapters to the story.
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Subscription Tiers

per month
TIER I: Ordinary Human

You may just be ordinary, but what makes you special is wanting to help and support others! Many greatly appreciate that support, and humbly thank you! This could be the very beginning of an interesting journey for you...

What's included: 7-DAY EARLY ACCESS to future releases SUPPORTERS ACCESS on Discord OFFICIAL HD WALLPAPERS

3 subscribers Ordinary Human ; SubscribeStar Supporter
per month
Founding Lifeform

As a member of the Founders Guild, you're able to reap the rewards of not only the Previous Tier... but also the Next Tier, as well as some Bonuses such as Exclusive Founder's Guild Wallpapers and Signatures!

You may have the body of a humanoid, but from there that's where things get interesting. You could have wings, horns... even a fluffy tail! Even if you seem different from everyone else, you still show the same compassion and support for those around you! Maybe even just a little more!


Limited (1 out of 15) subscriptions
Unfamiliar Lifeform ; Founders Guild ; SubscribeStar Supporter
per month
TIER II: Unfamiliar Lifeform

You may have the body of a humanoid, but from there that's where things get interesting. You could have wings, horns... even a fluffy tail! Even if you seem different from everyone else, you still show the same compassion and support for those around you! Maybe even just a little more!


1 subscriber Unfamiliar Lifeform ; SubscribeStar Supporter
per month
Founding Being

As a member of the Founders Guild, you're able to reap the rewards of not only the Previous Tier... but also the Next Tier, as well as some Bonuses such as Exclusive Founder's Guild Wallpapers and Signatures!

You feel like an outsider, as there may be even fewer of you around you than those that came before. However, that doesn't stop you from being an amazing being! You're super compassionate, supportive, and caring! There are many that may not be able to thank just how much they appreciate this gesture!


Limited (3 out of 15) subscriptions
Remarkable Being ; Founders Guild ; SubscribeStar Supporter
per month
TIER III: Remarkable Being

You feel like an outsider, as there may be even fewer of you around you than those that came before. However, that doesn't stop you from being an amazing being! You're super compassionate, supportive, and caring! There are many that may not be able to thank just how much they appreciate this gesture!

What's included: PREVIOUS TIER ACCESS 14-DAY EARLY ACCESS to future releases CLASSIFIED ACCESS to the DISCORD CHARACTER CARDS ACCESS (Students) OFFICIAL 4K WALLPAPERS CUSTOM WALLPAPER REQUESTS once every two months CUSTOM CHARACTER REQUEST that can be added to the game (Side Character)

2 subscribers Remarkable Being ; SubscribeStar Supporter
per month
Founding Individual

As a member of the Founders Guild, you're able to reap the rewards of not only the Previous Tier... but also the Next Tier, as well as some Bonuses such as Exclusive Founder's Guild Wallpapers and Signatures!

There's something about you that just stands out. Is it your abilities? Is it your talents? No... it's your personality... you show amazing support and care for those around you. That kind of dedication and commitment is very rare, but ultimately the most appreciative gesture that anyone could ask for or receive! You deserve to be a hero!


Limited (0 out of 10) subscriptions
Unique Individual ; Founders Guild
per month
TIER IV: Unique Individual

There's something about you that just stands out. Is it your abilities? Is it your talents? No... it's your personality... you show amazing support and care for those around you. That kind of dedication and commitment is very rare, but ultimately the most appreciative gesture that anyone could ask for or receive! You deserve to be a hero!


1 subscriber Unique Individual ; SubscribeStar Supporter
per month
Founding Soul

As a member of the Founders Guild, you're able to reap the rewards of not only the Previous Tier... but also the Next Tier, as well as some Bonuses such as Exclusive Founder's Guild Wallpapers and Signatures!

There's no denying it now... you have a beautiful soul! Not many may or will have that soul in them, but you alone have proved that it is possible! That anyone can do what you're trying to accomplish, and even helping those up that may have fallen or unsure of how to get up... your soul radiates with an unbelievable amount of care, support, and compassion that others may look at you in awe...


Limited (0 out of 5) subscriptions
Exquisite Soul ; Founders Guild ; SubscribeStar Supporter
per month
TIER V: Exquisite Soul

There's no denying it now... you have a beautiful soul! Not many may or will have that soul in them, but you alone have proved that it is possible! That anyone can do what you're trying to accomplish, and even helping those up that may have fallen or unsure of how to get up... your soul radiates with an unbelievable amount of care, support, and compassion that others may look at you in awe...

What's included: PREVIOUS TIER ACCESS 21-DAY EARLY ACCESS to future releases FIRST-LOOK ACCESS on development of releases CHARACTER CARDS (Bonuses) CUSTOM WALLPAPER REQUESTS twice a month

0 subscribers Exquisite Soul ; SubscribeStar Supporter


  • Gain access to hidden posts and messages!
  • Gain access to the Discord Server!
  • Gain access to public or private polls!

13th Sin Games
Public post

PUBLIC ACCESS: 0.0.2 Release Update

Hello there once again!
I know that it's been a few months, and during that time there wasn't really any posts detailing what's going on with the update and whatnot. I deeply apologize for any radio silence that had occurred during that timeframe. I've been really busy with a lot of things including both my normal job and National Guard, development of the game, and personal/family stuff coming up soon. But despite all that... I was able to push through and release the next entry into the Remake!

As for the update itself... you can now explore ALL of Episode 2 AND Episode 3! You will meet a lot of familiar characters, as well as introduced to a couple brand new ones!


MEGA (Includes PC, Mac, and Android)
FILES.FM (Includes PC, Mac, and Android)
GOOGLE DRIVE (Includes PC, Mac, and Android)

    • 2 Full Episodes (Episode 2 and 3 fully playable after playing Episode 1)
    • 834 Renders!
    • 6,276 Lines of Code!
    • Some grammatical errors have been fixed
    • There are some dialogue repetitiveness in Episode 3.
    • There may and likely will be some grammatical errors for the new release.
    • There may still be some grammatical errors from the previous release.



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13th Sin Games
Public post

PUBLIC ACCESS: 0.0.1 Initial Re-Release

Greetings to all of you awesome people!
It's finally here! The beginning of another adventure... or the same one... or however you wanna look at it, lol. Now, I know it took way longer than I had imagined. There was a lot of factors, not just the development-side. Had a lot of real-life stuff cut into dev-time, which affected me a good bit in various ways... so I do sincerely apologize for it being late.

As for the release itself, there's a lot that has been changed. New UI, character overhauls, camera positionings, and more! I took a lot of things I learned during my time with the Old Version of the game, and applied it to the "Remake". I'll look into posting a more detailed post in a later... post... XD. For now, enjoy the new or old... or re-release of Fall of the Angels!


MEGA (Includes PC, Mac, and Android)
GOOGLE DRIVE (Includes PC, Mac, and Android)
FILES.FM (Includes PC, Mac, and Android)

    • 1 Full Episode (and a secret!)
    • 518 Renders!
    • 4,393 Lines of Code!
    • The return of  memes and references!

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13th Sin Games


Posted for $7.50, $10, $17.50, $25, $37.50, $50 tiers
Unlock Tier
13th Sin Games

EXCLUSIVE SNEAK PEEKS: Sebastian's Prologue

Posted for $7.50, $10, $17.50, $25, $37.50, $50 tiers
Unlock Tier
13th Sin Games
Public post


I hope you all had an amazing holidays with your families and friends! Other than Halloween, Christmas is also my favorite holiday, mainly due to just the festivities of it, creativity, and atmosphere of just... well, the holidays, lol. Crazy to think that this year's finally coming to an end today... as we head into the New Year of 2024... (when the game actually takes place) ... and speaking of the New Year, I think it's time I discuss a few things with you guys. As for our lovely winner for this year's Christmas Poll... well, I'm sure Aliza is beyond ecstatic, lol. You can download her 4K UHD Wallpaper and all the other winners from the link below! AND DON'T FORGET THE BONUSES!

2023 Christmas Wallpapers (Includes only this year's Christmas Wallpapers)
Holiday Wallpapers (Includes Christmas, Halloween, and future Holidays)


First, I want to apologize to you all for not being as active on here, SubscribeStar,, and other platforms. As I mentioned before, I'm heavily active in my Discord server, but even there has been a bit off... these past couple of months have been... well, chaotic, I'll admit. I've had to take a couple of breaks due to some personal matters that had a massive effect on me in several ways. Which has delayed quite a bit of things in terms of content, updates, and even releases. It's been really difficult, but... I'm doing my best to provide you all as much entertainment and fun as I can, especially to all my Supporters. You know I'll keep saying this, but I seriously can't thank you all enough for supporting me all this time, or even just starting to or considering... or previously had supported. Whatever the case is... you all have really made me feel so thankful.


Romances and Characters
I want to talk a little bit more about the Remake. Remember when I said that there would be up to 50 Romanceable Girls in the game? I'm still considering it! But... if not, 40 may be just fine, lol. I've opened it up to 10 additional Girls to allow some of you to have your envisioned waifu be in the game! This is just Romancable Girls... I'm completely open to having additional characters, girls or boys, be added as Background or Side Characters... you know, to fill the void of those blue and pink Mobs you saw in later parts of Chapter III, lmao.

Prologue and Story
As for the Story, I've had an idea or two that I may put into a poll, not too sure yet... but with the current structure of 8 Episodes for the Prologue, instead of having it all focus on our awesome and totally-not-edge-lord-wannabe-material Main Character (Sebastian) ... lol... I was wanting to actually have it split up and focus on some of the girls you meet. So for Seb, he would actually get two Episodes (1st and last Episodes of the Prologue), and then the other six would focus on say Aliza, Jyn, Jade and Sora, Zoey and Sapphy, and other groups. I'm pretty much wanting to give most of the school girls that shine they didn't necessarily have before, well most of them anyway. What do you guys think?

Progress and Updates?
Yes! Work on the game has been slow, but progress is being made for sure. The UI was definitely a work and a half to get right, and even then, there may be some changes to it, still not sure. Another poll or suggestion post I may make possibly... but for the moment, I'll post a few things below to show you what all is in store for you! (Some of it you have have already saw). If you would like to see more renders or get other updates, please be sure to follow me on Twitter... oh I'm sorry, "X"... or, as I keep saying... join my Discord! Nevertheless, I will strive to be active on all my current platforms. I hope that you all have an awesome beginning of the New Year, and look forward to starting a new journey with you all in that New Year!

From your always-humbled-yet-can't-seem-to-think-of-any-other-words-to-describe-said-humbled-developer...

13th Sin Games

Were you hoping for some actual renders? Well... don't worry... I gotcha...

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13th Sin Games
Public post

ANNOUNCEMENT: Returning to Development

Hello everyone!
It's been a couple weeks since I last posted an announcement, but as the title suggests, this one brings with it good news, lol. I do want to thank you all for your patience and support these past couple weeks. It's been pretty rough, and the extended break did help calm the nerves and stresses I've been going through. Now, I feel a lot more upbeat and motivated, and ready to get back into the swing of things with the game!
Although most of you may have already noticed in my Discord server, I've been secretly doing some work on the Remake, more so with remodeling most, if not all, the characters in the game. This includes the the Main Character, Main Romanceable Characters, Side Characters, and more! As for the Story itself, this is where things get interesting. I'm planning on a restructure on the release scheduling and content in releases. Some of you may recall me calling bits of a scene as "Sections", but there were no indications of where a player exactly in the story.  To fix that, there will likely be something like a notification that'll pop up in the corner letting players know the exact Episode (Section) they are in, and maybe even a little fancy title for it, lol. For the structure itself, take a look below:
  • Prologue:     8 Episodes
  • Chapter I:   16 Episodes
  • Chapter II:  16 Episodes
  • Chapter III: 16 Episodes 
  • Chapter IV:  16 Episodes
  • Chapter V:   16 Episodes
  • Chapter VI:  16 Episodes
  • Epilogue:     8 Episodes
  • 2 Acts
  • 8 Chapters
  • 112 Episodes
  • ~4 Episodes per Release/28 Planned Major Releases

As for the Story, the Remake mainly consists of a lot of extensions to established love interests (as most of them did feel a bit rushed), and a lot of tweaks/adjustments to the story itself. There will be some revisions as well, but a lot of the established story will remain in tact, if not improved. Now, I know that not everything will be fixed, and there's also the chance that I'll fix something that didn't really need fixing; it's the unfortunate reality of Remakes... something I do understand not everyone will be happy about me going through with.
This all is a summary of things to come. I might make another post at some point detailing much more about the Remake. But I at least wanted to let you all know that I am still alive and well, lol... and that I've officially returned to development from my extended break!

TO ALL SUPPORTERS (and potential ones):
I have updated Tiers III, IV, and V with a special bonus: Custom Character Requests for Minor/Background Characters, Side Characters, and Main Romanceable Characters! If you've played the later updates of the game, you may have noticed Blue/Pink Mobs in the background... I'm wanting to replace them with actual characters of your designs/ideas! (Keep in mind I'll still use those mobs for the time being, but will make it easier to go back and replace them. As for Romances... you may have also noticed that there are a quite a few ladies...... pushing it to almost 40 to be exact... well, I've now put a cap on the Main Romances... to 50! Is it a lot? Absolutely, lmao. But, I want to be able to have fun with it, and yes, there will be a LOT of story and time with them all. There can be an occasional Side Romance or two... just an idea...

Check out some of the new remodels below! (For the most part, these are all officially done, although some minor tweaks might be made before they are completely done... maybe Big Mama needs some more bulk... lmao, jk....... maybe....)

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  • Means to reaching out to the Creator directly via Instant Messenger.

Creator Stats

9 subscribers
54 posts


to reach
the Goal
Let's try to double what was earned from last time!

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  • Access to Creator's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Creator by contributing – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Creator directly via Instant Messenger.
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