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13th Sin Games profile
13th Sin Games
13th Sin Games
Fall of the Angels is a Visual Novel that is in development. Each major update will bring in new Chapters to the story.
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You may have the body of a humanoid, but from there that's where things get interesting. You could have wings, horns... even a fluffy tail! Even if you seem different from everyone else, you still show the same compassion and support for those around you! Maybe even just a little more!


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You feel like an outsider, as there may be even fewer of you around you than those that came before. However, that doesn't stop you from being an amazing being! You're super compassionate, supportive, and caring! There are many that may not be able to thank just how much they appreciate this gesture!

What's included: PREVIOUS TIER ACCESS 14-DAY EARLY ACCESS to future releases CLASSIFIED ACCESS to the DISCORD CHARACTER CARDS ACCESS (Students) OFFICIAL 4K WALLPAPERS CUSTOM WALLPAPER REQUESTS once every two months CUSTOM CHARACTER REQUEST that can be added to the game (Side Character)

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There's something about you that just stands out. Is it your abilities? Is it your talents? No... it's your personality... you show amazing support and care for those around you. That kind of dedication and commitment is very rare, but ultimately the most appreciative gesture that anyone could ask for or receive! You deserve to be a hero!


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There's no denying it now... you have a beautiful soul! Not many may or will have that soul in them, but you alone have proved that it is possible! That anyone can do what you're trying to accomplish, and even helping those up that may have fallen or unsure of how to get up... your soul radiates with an unbelievable amount of care, support, and compassion that others may look at you in awe...


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TIER V: Exquisite Soul

There's no denying it now... you have a beautiful soul! Not many may or will have that soul in them, but you alone have proved that it is possible! That anyone can do what you're trying to accomplish, and even helping those up that may have fallen or unsure of how to get up... your soul radiates with an unbelievable amount of care, support, and compassion that others may look at you in awe...

What's included: PREVIOUS TIER ACCESS 21-DAY EARLY ACCESS to future releases FIRST-LOOK ACCESS on development of releases CHARACTER CARDS (Bonuses) CUSTOM WALLPAPER REQUESTS twice a month

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13th Sin Games
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I hope you all had an amazing holidays with your families and friends! Other than Halloween, Christmas is also my favorite holiday, mainly due to just the festivities of it, creativity, and atmosphere of just... well, the holidays, lol. Crazy to think that this year's finally coming to an end today... as we head into the New Year of 2024... (when the game actually takes place) ... and speaking of the New Year, I think it's time I discuss a few things with you guys. As for our lovely winner for this year's Christmas Poll... well, I'm sure Aliza is beyond ecstatic, lol. You can download her 4K UHD Wallpaper and all the other winners from the link below! AND DON'T FORGET THE BONUSES!

2023 Christmas Wallpapers (Includes only this year's Christmas Wallpapers)
Holiday Wallpapers (Includes Christmas, Halloween, and future Holidays)


First, I want to apologize to you all for not being as active on here, SubscribeStar,, and other platforms. As I mentioned before, I'm heavily active in my Discord server, but even there has been a bit off... these past couple of months have been... well, chaotic, I'll admit. I've had to take a couple of breaks due to some personal matters that had a massive effect on me in several ways. Which has delayed quite a bit of things in terms of content, updates, and even releases. It's been really difficult, but... I'm doing my best to provide you all as much entertainment and fun as I can, especially to all my Supporters. You know I'll keep saying this, but I seriously can't thank you all enough for supporting me all this time, or even just starting to or considering... or previously had supported. Whatever the case is... you all have really made me feel so thankful.


Romances and Characters
I want to talk a little bit more about the Remake. Remember when I said that there would be up to 50 Romanceable Girls in the game? I'm still considering it! But... if not, 40 may be just fine, lol. I've opened it up to 10 additional Girls to allow some of you to have your envisioned waifu be in the game! This is just Romancable Girls... I'm completely open to having additional characters, girls or boys, be added as Background or Side Characters... you know, to fill the void of those blue and pink Mobs you saw in later parts of Chapter III, lmao.

Prologue and Story
As for the Story, I've had an idea or two that I may put into a poll, not too sure yet... but with the current structure of 8 Episodes for the Prologue, instead of having it all focus on our awesome and totally-not-edge-lord-wannabe-material Main Character (Sebastian) ... lol... I was wanting to actually have it split up and focus on some of the girls you meet. So for Seb, he would actually get two Episodes (1st and last Episodes of the Prologue), and then the other six would focus on say Aliza, Jyn, Jade and Sora, Zoey and Sapphy, and other groups. I'm pretty much wanting to give most of the school girls that shine they didn't necessarily have before, well most of them anyway. What do you guys think?

Progress and Updates?
Yes! Work on the game has been slow, but progress is being made for sure. The UI was definitely a work and a half to get right, and even then, there may be some changes to it, still not sure. Another poll or suggestion post I may make possibly... but for the moment, I'll post a few things below to show you what all is in store for you! (Some of it you have have already saw). If you would like to see more renders or get other updates, please be sure to follow me on Twitter... oh I'm sorry, "X"... or, as I keep saying... join my Discord! Nevertheless, I will strive to be active on all my current platforms. I hope that you all have an awesome beginning of the New Year, and look forward to starting a new journey with you all in that New Year!

From your always-humbled-yet-can't-seem-to-think-of-any-other-words-to-describe-said-humbled-developer...

13th Sin Games

Were you hoping for some actual renders? Well... don't worry... I gotcha...

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13th Sin Games
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ANNOUNCEMENTS: Game Update and More

Hello everyone!
Firstly, I want to take the time to apologize for what I thought would be a quicker release of the Full Version of 0.3.4. Technically, the Renders were already done, but I wasn't too happy with how the last couple hundred looked, so I had to go back and Re-Render them...… which incidentally sprouted out double (going on triple) the amount of Renders I originally took, lol. This in turn did allow several of the characters to shine a little more in-game. Section 17, which is dubbed "Town"...… man... it exceeds the amount of Renders of Chapter II alone (1800+ Renders), coming in at almost 2500 Renders, which is insane! When it comes time for Scripting, it shouldn't take nearly as long since I need to script what all I Re-Rendered. I can't provide an exact release date, but with some estimations (and hopes)… it could be done by mid/late September.
Secondly, I know that the last couple months were very slow with game progress. I was spending a lot of my time with my kiddos, on top of work and Drill, so I wasn't able to work much or at all on the game... but I should now be able to utilize my time more now. At least that's the hope...
Thirdly, and probably most importantly... I know not many of you may feel to comfortable or agree with the idea of... a Remake... especially if there are chances of previous established story to be altered or removed completely. I will try to explain the main goal of the Remake I plan on doing...

I received a lot of feedback: positive and even negative. But amidst all that... a few good points have been made that I want to try to fix:
  • A lot of the girls fall in love with the MC too quickly...
  • There are a lot of girls, but not enough time with them....
  • Relationships feel rushed, lewd moments too quick, forced even...
  • The man's 500 years old, but acts like an idiot...
  • The game as a whole has no idea what it wants to be...

Guys...… you're not wrong, and honestly I can't be mad about some of these points, even if it cuts deep, lol. On the contrary, sometimes you need to understand the negatives to be able to learn from those mistakes to provide a positive outcome. I don't want to keep using the "This is my first game" excuse, either... with all that said, I want to be able to create the best near-perfect visual novel for you all to enjoy, because nothing in this world is perfect. If it was, then people wouldn't continue to improve, learn, and adapt. My goal is to address as many of these points (and ones not mentioned) in the Remake as best as I can... first being a MUCH longer establishment of relationships for a more natural feel of them. I also plan on stretching out the story much more to allow those relationships to flourish. And yes... that means there will be some altered story along the way... but a lot of the established lore/story will remain, just tweaked or improved a bit.
This is something I had in mind of doing possibly in conjunction with Fall of the Angels, but worst case after that game is over. Many of you know that I'm a huge Star Wars nerd and sci-fi geek... so... why not make a visual novel of it? Not Star Wars, lol... but a space fantasy. Yes, I know it's not anything new, as there's a lot out there already...… especially in Honey Select 2, which is the engine I will be using for it. Nothing has be set in stone yet, but I feel like at least providing you all the... imagination...

Lastly, also likely important... as mentioned above, those are the two major projects I plan on doing, with Phoenix being the next immediate one after 0.3.4 is fully released (and after a little break from development). I'm gonna be honest with you all... I would love to work full-time on these visual novels, because it really is fun and I can express my imagination in writing and illustration. Unfortunately, with an actual job and doing my monthly duties to my country, time hasn't been on my side. Regardless, with the current update and near/future projects, I will work on them to the best of my ability and time. The support you guys provided me is beyond appreciated, and I can't thank you all enough for it. Maybe in time, I will feel comfortable with working full-time on these games... but I wanna earn that support from you guys, not demand it.
I hope to provide you all the best experience possible, and once again, I can't thank you all enough for the support, feedback, reviews, and more. And remember: honesty goes a long way, positive or negative.

From your always-humbled developer,
13th Sin Games
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NEWS UPDATE: Game Progress

Good morning/afternoon/evening to you all!
First, I want to apologize to you all for the update taking a lot longer than I anticipated. I was hoping to have it out by New Years, but... well, it's February. Nevertheless, I am continuing to put in as much time and effort to be able to give you guys an enjoyable experience!
Currently, as some of you may already know... I've wrapped up Phase I of development, which is Rendering. Phase II (Scripting) is underway, which hopefully and theoretically, shouldn't take nearly as long as Phase I. Once Phase II is complete, I will finally be able to move to Phase III, or Playtesting, in which I should finally provide solid release dates for all Tiers and the eventual Public. As for the game itself, it think it's safe to say it may be the biggest release yet, just for the two Final Sections of Chapter III! Just to put that into perspective... Section 17's Render size is bigger than the entirety of Chapter II... just one Section alone! I'm more afraid of putting out another goal that I may or may not reach, but....... I'm hoping to be done within a month or two.
If you haven't already, I strongly recommend you joining the Discord, as I'm heavily active on there. I will try to be more active outside the server, but if you would like to keep up-to-date with possible news or just wanna discuss with the people already there, it's highly recommended to join!
From you humbled developer,
13th Sin Games

P.S.: Currently in talks of a possible... demo... to be released. This would include all the new UI features and such, minor fixes, etc... and......... a small portion of Section 17! For now, enjoy some more game teases of... some new faces...

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I'll begin removing the old Tiers from both sites by the end of the day today/early tomorrow. I understand that some of you may not feel too comfortable with these changes. I also understand that it may discourage you from continuing support. Supporting will always be optional, and I will never force anyone to have to support just to reap some benefits.  

The main thing that keeps me going is just knowing how awesome you are with giving this game and story a chance, supporting or not. I will always cherish that support you gave me, and even more with just words of encouragement.

For those that have supported me in the past, continuing, or discontinued... some of you also may remember... I plan on adding your name in the credits I've been working on. I'll be going off your account name, unless you wish for it to say something different, just let me know. I may just be a developer, but you guys are the real heroes of this. You deserve to be recognized, even if it may seem minor to some... not to me though.
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Wanted to say this after I got some sleep after waiting hours to upload the latest update today, lol...
Today marks an official one year since the game's initial release...  one whole year....... man, how time flies. I honestly can't think of words to describe just how thankful I am for all of you giving me a chance with this game. When I first released the game, I was very anxious of how everything would turn out... is the story good enough? Are the characters likeable or relatable enough? Would they like this or that? To this day still, those questions continue to bother me; it's a constant battle for some sort of consistency.
As that year came and went... it continues to give me joy to see how far we've come... not I... we... as much as I wanted to make this game for all of you, I wouldn't have gotten this far without you all. I'm hoping to keep you guys entertained and enjoy the story for what is has become so far. Speaking of which... there's a few little goodies that a certain kitsune decided to take control of, lmao... be sure to be on the lookout for those...
Once again, I can't thank you all enough for everything that has came to be with the game. I'm by no means the best storyteller, nor developer... we all start somewhere, and I'm just beyond thrilled to have gotten a chance. All I ask from you all... is to keep being awesome, and not to just me, but to every other developer that is starting out or that's been here for a long while... tell me how you feel about everything so far though... leave a like on the game,... a review on F95, Itch, or other related sites (negative or positive)... support me on Patreon or SubscribeStar... spread the love from here on to your friends, family, and so on... that is if they are into these sort of things, lmao...
I want to be able to hear from you all and continue to improve as best I can, because nothing is ever truly perfect.
Your humble developer,
13th Sin Games
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ACTIVE DUTY - The Final Stretch

As many of you all know... I've been serving the military for almost eight years now, Active Duty side: four in the United States Marine Corps, and reaching four currently in the Army. I plan on continuing on in the National Guard for only three more years, and depending on how I will treat it, it could be all the way until retirement, or officially call it an end for serving my country. I'll cherish all the moments I had in the military as a whole, but eventually I will take the official break from it all.
With that being said, these next 30 days will be pretty busy for the most part. I'll be clearing, packing up, and prepping to move back home to Indiana. As for Fall of the Angels, I still plan on releasing the next update (0.3.3) within the next week or two for QA testers (Abyssals), and shortly after it'll be Patrons then the Public. I'm also trying to squeeze in just a little bit of time to myself to catch up on some games, or relax with all of you guys in my Discord with a movie night or something.
I hope you all can forgive me if the release is taking longer than it should, and I know some of you... maybe most of you... are eagerly waiting... maybe too eagerly, lol. I promise... I will release this update before I even leave for home... my PC will be the last thing packed up. I also want to thank everyone that has supported me or the game in any sort of way. Whether if it's by donations, boosts, artwork, or just being all around awesome... you are ALL heroes in my eyes, and I salute every single on of you.
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Let's try to double what was earned from last time!

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