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I'm currently working on Sovereign, an adult sandbox game with theme like corruption, bdsm, exhibitionism etc. People who support me can vote on new content for every update.

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30x vote power on new content for each release.



  • By supporting me, you will get to vote on what new content being add to each new updates.
Публичный пост

Sovereign version 13.0 Release  

Hello everyone, I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. Here is version 13.0. Unfortunately, there were some issues found during testing around Cathy and Reina interaction update so I have to pull them out of 13.0 to make sure I can get this out before year end. All new contents tested fine so they all here. Check the changelog for more details.
  • 1 new influence and 1 new corruption event for Evelyn
  • Update on Evelyn's masturbation's event
  • 1 new influences and 1 new corruption events for Dahlia
  • 1 new random event for Dahlia
  • 2 new corruption events for Oliva
  • 2 new influence events for Tori
  • 1 new special event for Tori
  •  2 new items to buy from department store in downtown
  • Fumiko is now an interactable character after completing Tori new events

Now let get on to what's coming for 14.0. As usual, I will aim for a two months release, with January focusing on updating existing events and interactions to match with characters' new level. Cathy and Reina new interactions should be fix by then as well as updating interactions/daily events for Evelyn, Dahlia and Olivia. Then February will focus on new content, this time with Emily for the household girl and the rest will be up to vote as usual.

As always, reach out to me on discord if you need any help or reporting any bugs with the new version.

Download links for 13.0:
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Some updates before my vacationHi all, Hope everyone is having a good day. As mentioned before, I...

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Sovereign version 12. 0 Release

This post also includes Mega.NZ content links
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Sovereign version 11.0 Release

Hello everyone, here is version 11.0. As mentioned this update is to focus on moving the main story forward and introduce 5 new characters. I also spend quite some time cleaning up content for Evelyn, Cathy, Alyssa and Jeanne. Doesn't sound like much as far as new content go but it's works that need to be done.
  • New main story event for when you reached control level 30 and talk to George.
  • 5 new characters with their own schedules, icons, portraits, interactions.
  • 1 new daily special even for Evelyn
  • Update on Evelyn photo shoot event to properly reflect her outfit/level.
  • Evelyn, Cathy, Alyssa and Jeanne all has their own specific interaction dialog now instead of generic one.
  • Update to Evelyn, Cathy, Alyssa and Jeanne portrait with new makeup and pose for their latest corruption level.

On to what I'm planning for next release. With the main story out of the way, the next release will be back to focusing on content for the girls. I will have a poll next month for patrons to vote for which girl to be focus on for 12.0. I will probably have one poll for the family girls, one for the old main girls and one for the new main girls so that new content can be spread out. 
Aside from that, I also need to add in the new job system at the school, a new suspicion system after control story level 30 event, learning new skill from Zach etc. So still quite a lot of stuffs to implement for the gameplay after the new main event.
All in all, I'm aiming to release 12.0 end of September .

Download links for 11.0:
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Some Update for version 11.0 

Hello, everyone, just a bit of an update for the next version. For June, I was mostly just prefilling and updating Alyssa, Jeanne, Cathy and Evelyn event to match dynamically with their influence/corruption level. New outfit, daily event, interaction etc. The next thing I will start working on is for the main story. It's still in the planning phase but I know I want to start involving the school and introduce all the new characters into the story properly.

All in all, I'm still on track to get version 11.0 out by end of July. Hope you all have a good weekend.
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Sovereign version 10.1 Release

Version 10.1 update. 
  • Fixing the bug with meeting Cathy at the gym after raising her corruption to max. 
  • Refined the inventory system so that items are grouped together now rather than displaying all of the same item individually. 
  • Fixing dialog grammar for Evelyn and Jill. Special thanks to CaptainCarrot and Turntsnaco for providing proofreading and reporting.

Download link at the bottom of the post

Hello everyone, here is version 10.0. I was hopping to release this version last weekend but there was a lot more works than I thought as well as running into a few annoying bugs during testing making this release a bit later than I would have wanted. But in any case here it's.
  • 1 new influence events and 1 new corruption events for Cathy.
  • 1 new influence events and 1 new corruption events for Evelyn.
  • 1 new influence events and 1 new corruption events for Alyssa.
  • 1 new influence events and 2 new corruption events for Jeanne.
  • Add a new daily event and random event for Reina at influence/corruption 3+.
  • Add a new daily event and random event for Jill at corruption 3+.
  • Update Jill and Reina's interaction menu and dialog to be more specialized to them.

On to what I'm planning for next release. One of the reason why this release took longer than I anticipated was for a reason that I mentioned multiple time now where the higher the level a character get to, the more complex the portrait and action need to be code. And in this case, it was Cathy and Evelyn, getting to level 6 requires a lot more dynamic portrait and actions than I anticipate, so for now I have to reuse a lot of their assets to keep the game running. All their events will still be new events but their portrait and actions will still be that of level 5 instead of level 6 (for both corruption and influence side). 
So for the next release, I need to do a big overhaul update on all characters to get their portrait, dialogs and interactions to match dynamically with their influence/corruption level. The characters that need this done to is Alyssa, Jeanne, Cathy and Evelyn. Other than that, I'm intended to move the main story forward as well which I still need to plan it out. So I'm expecting version 11.0 to be at the end of July. June to focus on the prefill backlog for character and July to focus on the main story update. 

Download links for 10.0:
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