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Xennos profile
I'm just an artist drawing stuff about my personal crafted universe called Xennos. It's not the place for faint of heart and many things in this world may not suited for everyone.
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Títulos de Assinatura

USD mensal
  • For those that just want to support me
  • Get access to all Sketches and early WIPs
  • A heartful thanks for keeping me afloat
136 assinantes Star Enforcers
USD mensal

Hunters are individuals who willing to do necessary things to secure the brighter future of Xennos. Hunters are equipped for most situations and gain access to majority of Hunter's asset available.

  • everything normal subscribers gets
  • Gain access to high resolution files (PSD files if possible)
161 assinantes Star Hunters
USD mensal

Elites gain almost of every privilege similar to a Hunters. But their strong devotion to the cause are noticed by many. Promotions are to be expected. (This tier is for future plans and expansions)

  • Gain access to everything other tiers has to offer
  • Gain access a comic projects sneak-peek long before others
  • Gain privilege to suggest the future and planning of the comics and occasional request arts
95 assinantes Star Elites
USD mensal
Zoe's SuperFans

(Exclusive Tier)

For those that want go above and beyond. To ensure this adorable little bunny girl is happy and kinky as always. The rewards of this tier will evolve overtime as new project arise. As super fans of Zoe she well never let you miss anything going on around the world of Xennos.

  • This tier currently yield exactly identical rewards as current highest regular tier(Elite)

  • Get one time request for "face shot" of your avatar in Xennos (limited to available species of mammals that canon to the world)

  • Highly recommended for you to have Discord integration for this tier. As I'll use Discord to contract you for the faceshot details.

Assinaturas limitadas (14 de 20)
Zoe's SuperFans


  • It's really pretty much a tipjar. You'll get my honest gratitude.
  • - A normal web friendly compressed version of my arts when it's become public
Displaying posts with tag Hd.Reset Filter

Crowning Ritual (HD)

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36 publicação


You might be surprised but all these years I been using sub optimal drawing display monitor. And now it starting to show sign of dying. So this new goal will help me finally get my very own professional grade drawing display for the first time of my life.
Nearly there! If I can keep 1000+ per month for at least 3 month it would prove I can live on my subscription alone. Therefor I'll shift majority of my time from officejob to creating arts instead. And the new Goals from this point on will be a milestone on how much more hours I can snag off my dayjobs.

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