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Adult RPG Story Game
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Welcome to Wyldspace

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Wyldspace is a fantasy adult visual novel where you play as a veteran who is participating in a novel RPG. Struggle as the benevolent hero or conspire as the monster in the night. Meet sexy girls to either romance or twist into depravity. Dive into an immersive role play with mystery, intrigue, epic battles, and steamy encounters!

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Wyldspace 0. 1. 2

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Working on Capture scene

Here's the (late) progress report:

I am currently working on the first capture scene. It's basically introducing that type of gameplay and as such a lot of coding is required.

Other than that, not a lot else. Renders are all done and the writing is in progress/ getting cleaned up.

I would expect the next release in 1-2 weeks from now.

Happy Halloween!

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Happy (early) Halloween!

All story scenes for the next versions are either post-worked or in the pipeline at this point.

I am now working on incorporating quality-of-life changes as well as the first capture scene. It's not Kassia, that is planned for the version after this.

On a side note, I've decided to use the same names out of the game and in-game. I noticed reading becomes choppy over time with two sets of names. So now, you have Fasa, Harper, Kassia, and Lura.

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More scenes incoming

If you've played the 0.1.1 version, you were left behind in the monster camp.

The story will continue in 0.1.2, with the first monster gameplay. My render machine has been busy rendering all those new scenes.

In the meantime, I have been working on the code, unifying the monster and guild screen code. This will allow for some issues to be fixed, mainly:

Replays were not saving The tutorial figure for guild login Saving currently active quests so on load the same quests will be active instead of being reshuffled.

I also want to make some more qualify of life changes to the battle, such as explaining the actions on mouseover as well as preventing goblins from taking the same space on the battlefield.

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Progress report - Battle System

Hi, things have been going slower than I wanted to. I had an outbreak of covid in the house, followed by severe allergies.

All of the girl rerenders with their new outfits as well as added poses for the fights are done. Currently working on tightening up the battle system.

Since the RPG battle is a major part of the game, I am trying to make it more exciting. As part of that change, all abilities on the girl side will require the use of energy. Once a girl exhausted herself or is otherwise vulnerable, the monsters can move in and capture her.

This will allow for different strategies, depending on the monsters and the girl composition.

As always, feel free to leave feedback!

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Progress Report

After the last release, it's time to get serious.

Currently I've been rendering and rendering. The next version will implement a failure in the collars, preventing logging out of the game. And the goblins are ready to take advantage of that.

I'm also working on extending the playing time to the weekend and, if possible the following week. The new version will be 0.1, since it will see the start of the intended gameplay, balancing hero versus monster play.

As always, let me know your thoughts and ideas!

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