Each day, I write a ficlet of five hundred words and post it here. Every five days, I collect the previous five and publish them to the general audience on other sites.
Each day, I write a ficlet of five hundred words and post it here. Every five days, I collect the previous five and publish them to the general audience on other sites.
At the five dollar tier, I'll post the usual commissions that I write here for you to enjoy. After I write the next commission, then the current one will be released to the general public on the usual sites.
At this tier, at the first of each month, you can submit up to three ideas of one hundred words each. The idea I like most will be written into a five thousand word story and some number of the rest, depending on just how many there are, will be turned into the daily ficlets. After two months, the story will be released to the public.
Each month, you can get a five thousand word story from me on whatever you choose. As with the ten dollar tier, it gets released after two months.