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vinkawa profile
Life's Payback is a game where you take your revenge on life. Everything was going well until an unprecedented economic crisis turned your daily routine upside down.
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Subscription Tiers

per month

You directly offer bribes or other incentives to the characters of the game to gain undue advantages, manipulate decisions, or bypass rules.

What's included : Access to the latest version of the game when it's officially released

3 subscribers Briber
per month

You initiate and orchestrate widespread corrupt activities, designing and implementing systems of bribery and manipulation to achieve your objectives with the characters.

What's included : Access to the latest version of the game 1 week before it's officially released Participate in polls deciding on the future content

4 subscribers Corrupter
per month

You have a significant power and influence over the characters of this game, ensuring that corruption permeates through various levels.

What's included : Access to the latest version of the game 2 weeks before it's officially released Participate in polls deciding on the future content (vote power x2)

12 subscribers Mastermind
per month
Puppet Master

You exert control over an extensive and intricate network of corruption, manipulating key characters and events from behind the scenes to maintain power and ensure the persistence of corrupt practices. The puppet master operates with a high degree of influence, often remaining hidden while pulling the strings of others in the corrupt system.

  • All Mastermind benefits
  • My huge thanks
0 subscribers Puppet Master
per month

You are the ultimate authority in a vast and deeply entrenched system of corruption, wielding absolute power over all operations. The overlord commands a network that spans across multiple sectors or regions, ensuring that corruption is not only widespread but also systematically integrated into the fabric of the organization or society. Their influence is so pervasive that they effectively control the entire corrupt enterprise from the top down.

  • All Mastermind benefits
  • My eternal recognition
0 subscribers Overlord
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Life's Payback - v0.7 (links)

If you plan to publicly leak this version, please consider waiting at least until Sunday, so I can have a chance to get new supporters.

Win/Linux : MEGA - GOFILE


Android : MEGA - GOFILE

Link to the changelog : LINK
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Life's Payback - v0.7 (changelog)

This update contains a lot of surprises.
 I worked very hard for this one (I mean like every other ones, but this one particularly).
I'm struggling to prevent myself from giving you spoilers, so I'll just shut up and give you the changelog.

Patreon/Subscribestar poll winner : 
- Mathilde "Kneeling Facefuck"

School :
- Reworked several renders
- Added several renders
- Added several classes
- When you've attended all the available classes at least once, you'll be able to replay a class or skip to the end

Alice :
- Fixed a bug where you would trigger a fatal error if you read her last quest and didn't save your game a single time during the whole playthrough

Laura :
- Fixed a bug forcing you to restart at the 3rd quest if you loaded a save having her evil heart greater than 3
- Fixed a potential bug which could trigger a fatal error when looking at her quest after finishing her content

Mathilde :
- 1 new animated scene (poll winner)

Lucie :
- 3 new animated scene
- Added a "Lucie's Theme" song, a music which is dedicated to Lucie's story and is exlusive to her
- Fixed a bug forcing you to restart at the 2nd quest if you loaded a save having her evil heart greater than 2

Lilianne :
- 3 new animated scenes
- Added a "Lilianne's Theme" song, a music which is dedicated to Lilianne's story and is exlusive to her

User Interface :
- Completely revamped the relationship menu
- Outlined Day and Daytime to make them more visible
- Removed the black background behind the location names in the map screen
- Removed the ability menu and put the abilities related to their respective character in the new relationship menu instead
- Increased the sizes of the invisible areas to show and hide the map
- Reintroduced the old way to show and hide the map only for Android users (icon at the top-right corner), so they don't need to make a swipe gesture to get the map to show up
- Resized the icon of the set of bottles so it aligns with your catnip in the invetory
- Added a gallery to replay important non-repeatable events

Tutorial :
- Removed a part of the tutorial which is not up to date anymore due to the revamp
- Added some precisions about the new map icon for Android users
- Legit didn't want to make new screenshots for the tutorial to hide the ability icon since it has been removed and redo the red rectangles, so new players will have to deal with that

Miscellaneous and global bug fixes:
- Opening the window for Nina now closes the door to prevent Alice from entering
- Opening the door for Alice now closes the window to prevent Nina from entering
- During the weekend, the girls aren't shown at the School's Hallway anymore

Link to the game :  LINK
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Vote on the future content for v0. 7 (Votes are weighted based on your tier. )

Posted for $4.90, $9.90, $19.90, $49.90 tiers
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Good afternoon guys. 
The v0.6 @Mastermind release brought me a dozen of supporters already. 
Therefore, I won't deviate from my habit of releasing the game for the public as a sign of my gratitude. 
The v0.6 is now available for everyone.
 I am considering to think on new tier advantages for @Corrupter and @Mastermind to compensate the fact they're not really enjoying the game 1 or 2 weeks before everyone else, as I would like to avoid having people canceling their membership because of this, I'll keep you updated on this topic. 
Download the new update here :
Thank you for the regular support, we're on a good way to allow me to this do fulltime when we reach around December.
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Life's Payback - v0.6 (bugfix)

Hey guys,
I've just noticed a bug in the v0.6 before going to sleep.
If you tried to check Laura's quest after finishing her content, you'd get a fatal error.

I've released the fixed version and changed the Mega links. (It's still called v0.6 but the bug is fixed)

So if you've downloaded the game earlier than the date of this post, You'd have to download the game again if you want to get rid of that little bug.

Sorry for the inconvenience.
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Public post

Life's Payback - v0.6

If you plan to publicly leak this version, please consider waiting at least 3 days, so I can have a chance to get new supporters.

Here are the links for the new version.
I hope you guys like it.

Win/Linux : MEGA - GOFILE
Android : MEGA - GOFILE

Link to the changelog : Link

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