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VikingDS profile
I create a visual novel about the life of an ordinary family, in which, like in real life, every decision has weight and influence on the further plot.

Планы подписки

в месяц

Attention, Private! Your contribution to the creation of the novel will not be forgotten. Thanks for your help, Private. Dismiss!

  1. Get access to the latest version 2 week after the release
  2. A Big THANKS !!!
1 подписчик
в месяц

Hello, Corporal! You, as a senior in rank, will know about the release earlier. Thanks for your help, Corporal!

  1. Get access to the latest version 1 week after the release
  2. A Big THANKS !!!
0 подписчиков
в месяц

Hello, Sergeant! You, as an officer, will have access to more special scenes. Thanks for your help, Sergeant!

  1. Get access to the latest version 3 days after the release
  2. Access to some more special scenes of future releases
  3. A Big THANKS !!!
0 подписчиков
в месяц

Hello, Captain! As a senior officer, you have the right to vote on some aspects of the game. Thanks for your help, Captain!

  1. Get access to the latest version 3 days after the release
  2. Access to some more special scenes of future releases
  3. You get to vote on some aspects of the game
  4. A Big THANKS !!!
0 подписчиков
в месяц

Hello, Major! You are the first to have access to special hot scenes in the game. Thanks for your help, Major!

  1. Get access to the latest version 1 day after the release
  2. Access to some more special scenes of future releases
  3. You get to vote on some aspects of the game
  4. Access to more hot scenes of future releases
  5. A Big THANKS !!!
0 подписчиков
в месяц

Hello, Colonel! You, as the commander, have full access to all content and influence the further development of the plot. Everyone will recognize your name. Your help is invaluable, thank you, Colonel!

  1. Get access to the latest version on the release day
  2. Access to all bonus content
  3. 1080p versions
  4. You get to vote for future game topics
  5. Your name mention in the credits
0 подписчиков
в месяц

Hello, General! There are only 5 people like you, and for each of you there will be exclusive content in FullHD with your face. Your help is invaluable, thank you, General!

  1. Get access to the latest version on the release day
  2. Access to all bonus content
  3. 1080p versions
  4. Exclusive version: the character of the novel based on your photos and only for your use
  5. You get to vote for future game topics
  6. Your name mention in the credits
Лимитировано (0 из 5) подписчиков


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