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A very short story made for the weekly challenge in the Size Writer's Guild Discord. This week's theme was "Cars."

The Saleswoman at Sue's Used Car Dealership

None of the cars there impressed him. Even those with intact clear coats and clean interiors were greasy, corroded disasters under the hood. But Sue’s was the only dealer in town. Reggie wiped a sheen of sweat from his forehead and glanced back to his own vehicle; the little blue sedan was among peers. Its creaking suspension and rust-stricken body would fit right in. For all he knew, he only had precious seconds left before his car gave up the ghost entirely. He needed a replacement. Fast, else he wouldn’t be able to get to work. So, it was with the tremendous threat of poverty weighing on his shoulders that Reggie waved a hand to call over the saleswoman.

Her long, blonde hair was darkened in streaks from the summer’s sweat. She was dressed rather casually in khaki shorts and a purple shirt that bore only the slightest of collars. The sandals on her feet clapped with every step away from the shade she’d been resting under. She was tall, and appeared, like him, in her early twenties. But Reggie was taller, and maybe slightly older. He hoped that would give him some kind of innate advantage in the negotiations.

When she drew near him, her face changed from a sweat-soaked scowl to that patronizing rubber grin of the sales rep. “Hey, I’m Sandra, welcome to Sue’s Used Cars! See something you like?”

Reggie pointed to a small white truck that seemed mostly intact. “How much for that?”

She glanced at the truck, and then back to him. A hint of annoyance cracked through her cheerful mask. “The sticker says $12,000.”

“I saw that, but thought it had to be a mistake. The thing’s at least ten years old and clearly been through the wringer.”

“Do you have a trade-in?” Her eyes then followed Reggie’s pointing finger. She gave his car a three-second inspection. “We’ll be lucky to get $300 from the scrapyard for that. I’ll give you $200.”

Reggie felt like she’d slapped him across the face. “Only $200?”

“Yes. So for the truck, that leaves $11,800—”

“I am not giving you $12,000 for that truck. That’s highway robbery, and you know it. The most I’ll go is $4,500, and I’ll have to test drive it first.”

“We do offer financing, if that’s the issue.” She then spat out a slew of numbers that only exacerbated Reggie’s sense of being ripped-off.

“Financed or not, I’m not going to give you $12,000. If I like it after the test drive, I’ll give you $4,500. It’s that, or I walk.” He wasn’t bluffing. He’d risk the drive to the next town over if it this was the best deal being offered here.

“I can’t let it go that low. Momma would have my neck.”

“Well, tell your momma she’s a fucking thief.”

At this, Sandra’s commercial expression disappeared entirely. Her mouth tightened into a thin-lipped frown, and her eyebrows rose as if in disbelief. She produced from her back pocket some kind of remote-control; its logo on bore the words “Self-Defense Shrinker,” though written below it in marker was “The Negotiator.” Reggie’s stomach shot into his chest as a green beam of light struck him. The next thing he knew, both he and his car were smaller than Sandra’s big toe.

The heat of the lot’s pavement blasted him as though he were standing on a stove top. Not even her shadow, monolithic to his senses, cooled it to a comfortable degree. But the pavement disappeared from his mind as faux-leather creaked beneath Sandra’s giant, dust-caked toes. The entire enormous foot rose into the air. It hovered high above him as though intentionally displaying the little pebbles and specks lodged into the underside of the sandal, the sight completely obscuring the rest of Sandra’s body. There was nowhere to hide. The foot shot downward. Reggie knew he was dead.

The crash shook him to his core. He spun around to find a wall of fake leather and sweat-slick flesh in the place his car had been. Then, after the literal and metaphorical dust had settled, the foot tilted. Toes lifted to rotate the sandal onto its edge so that the gory details were revealed. Reggie’s car was no nothing more than a tiny, squashed can, a flattened strip of metal from which barely-discernible components appeared as little more than painted details. Shards of glass radiated out like bits of flesh and bone. Oil, gasoline, and various fluids pooled underneath the car’s corpse as an iridescent puddle of dark blood.

Shivering despite the day’s heat, Reggie let his eyes trail up the enormous body of the woman standing over him.

“Oops, looks like you no longer have a trade-in.” She grinned. Checkmate. “So, financing for $12,000...”

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A lonely, depressed man fantasizes about ending his life beneath the feet of his hot neighbor. He gets his wish as fantasy becomes reality.
Commissioned by Max

Last Request
written by Ubersalamander
commissioned by Max

The air was cold, the weather gray, and the door ahead as locked as his prospects in life. Max reached into his pocket for the keys to his apartment. His fingers gripped the chaotic mass of metal. But, as if the tentacle of a mechanical squid, one of the keys reached out and caught hold of the fabric interior of the pocket. Annoyed, Max released a pent-up sigh and gave the ring a tug. The caught key came loose at once— but not before shearing a hole all the way up the pocket liner. So hard was his frustrated pull, and so weak was the thin fabric that Max’s hand flew out of his pocket, released the keys, and then fell back to his side in defeat as the mass of metal smashed onto the concrete floor.
 Another sigh; then, with all the grace of an eighty-year old, his thirty-three year old body sank to collect the troublesome keys. It was then that he heard footsteps. He knew who it was even before they stopped at the door opposite his, and that knowledge kept him stooped even as he plucked his keys into his hand. There was only one other person that lived at this end of the apartment block, and the click of a lock confirmed what Max already knew. It was Amy. His heart raced. Sweat seeped from his palms, despite the chilled air. He heard her door open, and chanced a glance.
 Liquid gold flowed over a baggy black hoodie as though poured from a tap. Dark tights hugged her provocatively, showing Max the perfectly toned outline of her thighs, glutes, and calves. Her feet were covered by a pair of over-engineered white sneakers, accented in pink. One of the shock-absorbing heels rose, and then slammed back down as she shifted her weight before stepping inside. In that instant, a harsh crunch rang out from beneath the tread. Max pretended to be adjusting his own laces while Amy’s shoe rose up out of his sight.
 “Ew,” was all she said. The shoe descended until he saw what had offended her; splattered across the bottom of the heel were the crushed remains of a beetle. The poor creature was nigh-unrecognizable with its exoskeleton pulverized and its guts smeared through the deep trenches in the tread. The few legs that remained intact twitched dumbly within the sticky clumps of its own fluids. But all this was shown to Max for only a brief instant; in the next, Amy’s shoe was positioned over the metal threshold separating her apartment from the outside world.
 Her foot slammed onto the strip with a crack that echoed around the walls, as though she were punishing the bug for daring to sully the bottom of her shoes. Then, she dragged her heel across the metal with such force that the poorly-fastened device creaked against the screws struggling to hold it. Still, it served her well; again and again she scraped her shoe over the threshold, peeling away bits of the crushed insect with every pass. Amy examined her shoe again and— apparently satisfied— stepped into her home and shut the door, leaving Max staring at the clump of bug and grime now festering where she’d been standing.
He gulped, and shot upright. Shaking hands fumbled for the right key. He found it, darted inside, and slammed the door behind him. In that moment, he was glad he lived alone. He would’ve dreaded having to explain the raging erection plainly visible through his sweatpants.

Amy had been his neighbor for almost a year, and in that time they’d spoken precisely zero times. She’d never even looked at him. Who could blame her? Max was a balding man in his thirties with too much girth on his stomach and not enough below. She had an appearance every other girl at the local college envied. He only knew her name from peeking it on a package she’d had delivered, and yet, she made his heart flutter. He craved her attention, but the thought of calling out or waving to her made his stomach contort and his hands shake. So, he dealt with his emotions in the only way he knew how.
 The desk chair croaked as Max collapsed onto it. His fingers moved the mouse and blazed across the keyboard on muscle memory alone, navigating to the site autofilled even before a single letter had been typed. The banner was a pair of feet with scarlet nails, one of which was poised above a man standing no taller than one of the toes. Emblazoned across the image in a jagged, vicious font were the words, “Lost Soles.” Below, there was a tagline: “Lose yourself in all things giantess!” While one hand worked his erection free of its fabric confines, the other scrolled the mousewheel and clicked on any title that caught his interest. Images, stories, videos; all were opened and evaluated until he settled on a wall of text describing a young woman prowling around her home for a shrunken intruder to squish.
 He read the words, but no matter how the woman was described, his mind filtered in the appearance of Amy. He saw her now: she stalked around the furniture in her living room, each tip-toe step making her ass quiver around a thong buried deep within its crevasse. Movement at the base of her couch drew her eye. Tiny Max; even in his own fantasies, he was the same slovenly, overweight, overworked wretch he saw in the mirror everyday. But his imaginary doppelganger was unaware of the stalking beauty looking down on him. Like a tigress on the hunt, she crept behind the shrunken man on feet so nimble he never even felt a tremor.
 “Hey, little guy,” her sultry voice flowed as thick as honey. “Come here often?” Tiny Max leapt up and spun around, his flimsy comb-over seeming to stand on end. He shivered, cowered, and fell backward under the weight of the goddess’ towering, statuesque form. He tried to spit out some kind of apology, but all that sounded was a terrified squeak.
 “Oh, Max…” she cooed. “What gives you the right to lust after a woman as perfect as me?” Max— the real one— was off-script now; with his eyes closed, his imagination took charge, and neither his lustful penis nor his lubricated hand cared either way. In his mind’s eye he saw her towering over him, perfectly manicured hands gripping her lean-yet-womanly hips. She peered down at him with a smirk of smug superiority.
 “Nothing,” she continued. “Nothing gives you that right. And that’s what you are… nothing!” Her foot swung overhead, the sole flawless but for a cute little mole right at the knuckle of her big toe. He could almost picture that little dot of melanin as a previous victim trodden underfoot, but it disappeared as wrinkles formed with a flex of her toes. She curled and spread her toes as though waving at him, and every motion released a cracking sound as the joints awoke for the job they knew was coming. Detritus from the floor rained down on Tiny Max, but he was too terrified to shield himself from the falling grit.
 “You’re just a bug, Max; a tiny, dirty, fat, pathetic bug beneath the shadow of my perfect foot. You don’t deserve to even look at it… but you’re going to get so much more. Consider it a parting gift from your benevolent goddess.” Imaginary Amy laughed, a vicious, evil giggle. “Remember that bug at my door? Give him my regards.”
 With that, the sole descended. Smooth, soft, lavender-scented skin enveloped Tiny Max. He whimpered as the skin tightened and the weight increased. He kissed her, took dirt into his mouth as he lapped at his goddess in a desperate attempt to belay the inevitable. But the pressure refused to relent. Amy pressed down, not even bothering to use her full weight… And then it was over; Tiny Max exploded like a grape, and Real Max exploded across his keyboard.
 When Max came to from his lustful stupor, he found himself feeling even worse than before. He blinked away tears, and gazed down at the pitiful fruits of his labor. He truly was pathetic. What woman would want this? What man would let himself become this? He didn’t bother to clean up; what was the point? With his pants still around his ankles, he waddled away from his desk, away from the messy keyboard and the embarrassing pornography; away from the stacks of overdue bills and the lone paycheck that didn’t come close to covering them; away from the empty spaces where photos of friends and lovers ought to go; away from a life lived too pitiable to even lament. The contemptible zombie once known as Max collapsed onto the stained cot that served as his bed, and then cried himself into a sleep he wished he’d never return from.
 A dreamless slumber cradled Max, but little by little, his subconscious became aware of his surroundings. Instead of the fabric of his cot, he was laid upon a smooth, hard surface. The ambient hum of the room’s electronics was different to his own. He felt a chill, as he was uncovered and nude. His inner mind finally forced him awake. Groggily, he sat up and rubbed his eyes open.
 Was he dreaming? Unlike the protagonists in the online stories, Max had imagined this scene enough to recognize it instantly. A door that rose toward a starless sky that looked like a ceiling: a couch that dwarfed most buildings: an enormous coat rack adorned with yards upon yards of fabric; he was shrunk. How was this possible? It had to be a dream, but there was no haze, or visual noise, or inconsistencies as his mind constructed the scene in real-time. He seemed wide-awake. A simulation, then? Max remembered, to his dismay, everything that had happened until he fell asleep. Had he been kidnapped and dumped into the Matrix? Though he couldn’t refute the idea, he had to doubt it.
 The room was nearly identical to the living room of his apartment. Except, the furniture was all wrong; where his was old, stained, and neutral-toned, most of the articles here were clean and white, accented with dark wood trim and pink pillows. The coats above him seemed to be of a feminine cut. They were vaguely familiar, as though he’d seen them in passing a time or two. His feet plodded atop the cheap tile that made up the entryway as he spun around, until his eyes fell upon something that made him stop in his tracks. Recognition struck him as a bolt of lightning, though he could scarcely believe what he was seeing.
 Those shoes… her shoes… white sides; pink laces, tongues, and covered shock absorbers beneath the heel… flecks of beetle intermixed with dirt splattered across the thick band of white rubber around the bottoms. Max’s heart skipped a beat. One of the shoes was overturned, its cavernous mouth fully open to him. The interior had once been pink as well, but was now worn and dark from continuous abuse. The cloth had frayed beneath her heel, leaving a hole through which shown the black rubber of the sole. The aroma of stale vinegar wafted toward him like the ghost of workouts past, compelling him closer until his own feet sunk into the webbed cushion of the side and his hand was trailing along the inside of the tongue. His mind was empty of all thoughts as he drank in her foot’s scents through his gaping mouth. Looking further in, the impressions left by the pounding of her toes were as blackened divots in the wall of a cave.
 Dream, simulation, realty, afterlife… Max no longer cared how he came to be here. Lust called to him, and he answered by rushing to the heel and showing his face into the worn strands. If it was a test in purgatory, he’d already failed; but he didn’t care. The crusted remains of dried sweat met his lips, and he kissed them as passionately as he would a lover. With his cheek pressed into the fabric, he came without so much as touching himself. Only, he was no less hard than he had been before. Wallowing in Amy’s grime, he lapped at the sole, thirsty for anything that her foot had deposited into it. His cock humped against the stained cloth. This could not possibly be a dream; Max felt more alive than he had in years! Sexual energy welled inside him with every thrust, until finally, he doubled over in release. He came, again, and again. His legs collapsed from beneath him, and he fell into the crevice where the sole met the wall, panting, reveling in the scent and remains of Amy’s sweat and detritus. Max could’ve died happily then. But he wanted— needed— more. He longed to remain there in her shoe, basking in her sweat, but he knew there was more to explore. So, he tore himself from her sole and exited the cave.
 The air outside was cold to his nude body, but he persisted. He knew the way; the design of her apartment was the same as his, only flipped for the other side of the building. He rounded the countertop that separated the kitchen from the living room, and then his heart leaped as he saw that the bedroom light was on. Like a pilgrim treading toward holy ground, he paced tentatively through the doorway.
 There she was: to his right, just inside the bedroom, the goddess Amy sat at her monolithic desk. Books and notes poked over the edges of the desk top, and her beautiful face was pulled into an expression of concentration. With one hand she tapped a pencil against her plush lips, while the fingers of the other were lost within the waves of her golden hair as she twirled the strands. Around her top was nothing but a sports bra, and her luscious thighs and long, toned legs overpowered the black shorts at her waist. And then there were her feet: one was propped over the other, leaving both their heels and soles exposed. Wrinkles formed and disappeared with every minute shift she made. The toes of the suspended foot flashed pedicured, white-tipped nails as they flexed and squirmed with her thoughts. The skin looked so soft, so inviting, even after being cooped inside her shoes for so long. Max had to have them.
 He approached like a skittish beast, his heartbeat ringing in his ears as every step drew him the closest he’d ever been to her. Her chair loomed overhead, and then the tiny man was beneath his goddess. Amy’s sheer presence was enough to make his heart drum, but her enormous size compared to his shrunken body aroused him before he’d even come close to her feet. He was rock-hard as he finally drew near to the objects of his worship. The floor was warm from such proximity to her body, and suddenly Max felt unworthy to come any closer. He dropped down into a kneel, prostrate beneath the ball of her foot. This truly was holy ground. It was where the goddess rested her divine feet while studying. He kissed it in supplication, and didn’t dare to brush away the dust that stuck to his face— any one of those grains could’ve fallen from the wondrous soles rising over him.
 Desire compelled Max to drag himself forward. Lust finally overcame his reverence. With her toes bent to take the weight of her leg, the ball behind her big toe was stretched to him on full display. He laid a hand on the tight ridges; at half an inch tall, the pad stood taller than he did. He pressed his face into the skin. It was just as soft as he’d imagined, free of callouses and kept healthy by her skincare regimen. Muscles twitched beneath the plush skin, but they didn’t disturb him; the movements reminded him that she was alive and not just his imagination or pillow. He inhaled the dusty scent she’d accumulated walking barefoot. Beneath that, his nose detected the distinct notes of the same sweat that had been left in her shoes. His hand found his cock, and a sexual jolt ran through him. His lips and tongue worshiped with all the fervor of a zealot, his hand running along himself faster and faster as his passion increased. More twitches ran through the foot, but he couldn’t stop. He had to feel her fully. He thrust his pelvis forward, and a grunt of pleasure escaped his lips as his tip met her flesh. He rubbed himself along the ridges, and still his mouth lapped at the taut skin. The pressure built. He couldn’t last much longer… almost there…
 The entire foot was snatched away from him. It shot above his head, swung backward, and then slammed down behind him. Max was stunned; he’d never seen anything so big move so fast, and never before had he been disturbed at such high passions. The foot shot forward without warning. Her toe was on him in an instant. It slammed into him like a train, and nearly crushed him right there. But, the force kicked him forward, and he tumbled to a stop.
 “Fucking bugs.” There was a horrible screech as the chair shot backward. Max wrenched his eyes upward. There, poised above his head, was a sight he’d only ever imagined; the sole he had just been worshiping loomed menacingly, ready to snuff him out. It rotated a fraction of an inch, but it was enough for the eyes of his goddess to pierce directly into his heart. Righteous anger glared down at him, demanding to know what kind of insect would dare to touch her. But a moment later, her countenance softened into confusion. The massive foot crashed down beside Max, and her face descended from the heavens to examine him.
 “What the fuck? Are you a person?”
 Max said nothing. He could only shiver beneath her stare.
 “How did you get so small?”
 Again, a lump in his chest kept him from responding.
 “Are you… are you hard? Is that a little boner, you creep?” Her hand reached toward her desk. “I’m going to call the cops, or… paramedics? Somebody needs to come get you! I can’t believe this! Am I going crazy?”
 “Wait!” Max finally found his voice. He yelled “Please… please don’t! I… uh… I…”
 Amy merely looked down at him expectantly.
 “I’m your neighbor, across the hall. I don’t know how I shrunk, or how I got in your apartment! I just… kinda woke up here.”
 She took a moment to process his words. “Alright. What about that? What were you doing at my feet?”
 Max considered lying, but her fiery gaze seemed to burn away the barricades in his psyche.
 “I… was… worshiping… them.”
 “Worshiping them?”
 “I… uh… I have a foot fetish.” The words spilled from his mouth before he could think to stop them. “And a giantess fetish. And I’ve had a crush on you since the first time I saw you.” Tears formed at the corner of his eyes. His emotions needed more outlets than just words. “I couldn’t help myself. This was a dream come true. I’ve fantasized about this for years. I’m sorry… I’m pathetic…” The final words were muffled as he buried his head in his hands.
 Amy seemed to consider him for a moment. Her expression softened. “Look, I’m sorry for you… but I can’t just let you get away with this. I’m going to call the police. I don’t know yet what I’ll tell them… but they can at least take you to a hospital or something until then.”
 “W-Wait! I… just… just step on me.”
 “Just step on me! Crush me!” Tears streamed down the tiny man’s face. “I’m horrible! Worthless... I shouldn’t be alive!”
 “… Really?”
 “Please… I have nothing to live for except this. Do me a favor… and kill me. I want to die beneath your beautiful feet.” Max crawled over to where her big toe rested beside him and fell upon it with pathetic kisses.
 Amy jerked her foot away from him. “Fine! Ok! Only because I still think this isn’t real. This is a dream; it has to be. I fell asleep studying, or something. Do you, uh… have a last request besides that?”
 “Could you let me cum to you one last time?”
 “Gross!” It was an instinctual response. “But, uh, I guess… Lie down.”
 Max sat back and lowered himself into a starfish pose. His cock, still starving for release through all this, stuck up like a flag pole. His heart skipped a beat as Amy’s foot rose up and her sole swung over him: a familiar mole marred the knuckle beneath her big toe. Before he could dwell on it, Amy lowered her foot without another word. A moment later, Max was consumed by her sole. The flesh seemed to form around his body like a vinegar-scented sarcophagus, but Amy didn’t press down like in his fantasy. Slowly, almost gently, the enormous mass of flesh and bone swished up and down the length of his body. Pleasure erupted from his tip. Lust gripped him again, and he thrust up into the sole, and let the ridges drag across his face. His tongue shot out, lapping for her dusty taste whenever it met flesh. His own saliva was smeared down his body with the foot’s motion; it acted as lubrication while Amy increased the speed of her strokes. This was what he’d dreamed of. This was all he wanted from his life.
 It wasn’t long before he erupted in the biggest orgasm of his life. Hot cum shot across Amy’s sole, and her movements slathered it up and down his body. Every instinctual pump of his pelvis shot more and more semen until Max was covered in his own slime. He felt like a pathetic slug ready to be squished.
 “Ugh, I felt that.” Amy mumbled. Her foot raised just enough so she could see him beneath it. The patch of cum he’d left on it still dripped around him.
 Max nodded. It was time.
 “Alright. Goodbye, little man. See you when I wake up, I guess.”
 Her foot descended again, only this time it seemed to carry with it an air of finality. The ball of her foot met him. He felt her toes wriggle, as though preparing for the task at hand. This was it; with his dream fulfilled, Max could die happily. No more bills. No more shitty job. No more nights alone, lusting for a girl he could never hope to have. In a moment, all that would be gone, replaced with… nothing. Nonexistence.
 His resolve faltered. Eternal nonexistence. Gone forever and never to return. The words frightened him. But what was the alternative? Return to his hopeless, loathsome life, only to one day die anyway?
 Amy began to push down on him. He felt like he was beneath a mass of couch cushions with Amy’s weight sitting on top. Amy… even now he was amazed to be in her presence, touching her… she’d just given him a footjob! Something that had once been a hope beyond hope, a dream divorced from reality… and yet here he was, that very thing having happened.
 The weight on him increased. Her sole molded around him, and he felt his bones creak in response. Grit dug into his cheek as he turned his head to the side, trying to breathe easier, but there was still little room for his lungs to fill. And why should he breathe? Logically, he was going to die anyway. But even now, his body compelled him to survive for just a bit longer. His arms begged him to push against the immovable weight, and his legs demanded to be allowed to kick him out from beneath her sole. Did he truly want this? To never experience anything again, when he’d so recently experienced something only dreamed of? Could he willingly go to his death when the world offered so much more than a mere footjob? No!
 “Wait!” he cried with as much air as his lungs could muster. “I’ve changed my mind!”
 As though in response, the foot came down even more. Her muscles were taut; she was beginning to press, not merely place her sole on him. Unthinkable pressure consumed him. His muscles spasmed as he tried to worm himself free, but he was powerless to stop the oncoming weight.
 “No! Please, I want to live!” he gasped, barely audible to even himself. Pain shot through him as, one-by-one, his bones began to bend and snap. Shards pierced him internally. The pressure on his skull was beyond anything he could’ve imagined…
 And then he could imagine no more. Amy’s foot met the floor with all the force of her exercise-honed leg. Disgusting fluids and chunks of flesh splattered across her arch as Max’s body finally caved. He’d popped like a grape, just like in his fantasy.
 “Eeeww!” Amy grabbed a tissue and wiped her foot clean of the congealed mixture of cum and blood and guts. She used it to collect his broken body from the floor, as though Max was now no better than a smushed roach. Without a word, she tossed him and the napkin into the garbage with her snotty tissues and toenail clippings.
 “What a fucked up dream,” she thought aloud. “I’m gonna be pissed if I remember it when I wake up.”
 Amy returned to her studying as though the whole affair had only been a momentary distraction; as though she’d only taken a moment to squash an annoying bug. When the woman eventually crawled into bed, she fully expected to awaken back into a reality where shrunken perverts were only a figment of her imagination.
 Months later, citing several missed payments, the building manager entered Max’s apartment. Seeing an apparent abandonment, his disappearance was reported to the police. A cursory investigation was conducted. Amy was interviewed, but she never connected her strange, now half-forgotten dream to Max’s disappearance. With no evidence of foul play— and no family or friends pushing the issue— the investigators shrugged their shoulders and moved on to more important cases.
 Max was gone. Vanished. A worthless life soon forgotten— as though he’d never existed at all.
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Full-body angle of Foot Close Up. Not polished, but liked it enough to share. The image is in 4k ...

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Chapter 2
story by an anonymous commissioner
written by Ubersalamander

 The swaying never ceased. Even during the cab ride, David's vessel was never still. His head swam, and he clung to a crinkling gum wrapper for stability. All the while, the world around him pitched and churned and tilted like a ship caught in a hurricane. He felt drunk, but all he'd had was a drop of soda released from his mistress' straw. He was completely sober. However, his giant companions were not. Their slurred conversation and raucous laughter were the wind gusts and thunder that completed the cyclone.
 A seal broke above David's head, and porch light poured into his world. It bounced off the makeup implements, old receipts, and other litter scattered around the vessel. The black-tipped hand of Emily squeezed through the rift overhead and hooked a mass of jingling metal. Then, it disappeared back up to the land of giants. David heard the keys clanging together, and there were several seconds of silence. His companions giggled with each other, and then the keys were jingled again, and again. More silence. Then, the click of a lock, and the groan of an opening door. His world swayed once more.
 By the count of their footsteps, David knew when they'd entered Emily's bedroom. A jolt went through the purse, and then his world was still for the first time since they'd left the restaurant. While he let his head settle, he heard the sounds of kissing and moaning floating down from beyond the faux-leather walls of his transport.
 “C'mon b'by... le's do it,” Nick struggled to mumble. Then, the sound of a body falling into bed shook the room.
 Emily laughed. “You can't even stand up!”
 “Don't nee' to,” the man replied with a chuckle.
 “No... I have an idea.”
 Emily's hand returned to her purse, but not to deposit the keys. Instead, she placed her fingertip near the tiny man for him to climb aboard. A second later, he was standing in her palm, looking up at the wide smile spread across her face.
 “Did you have fun, David?” Her alcohol-laden breath singed his nose.
 The tiny man thought for a moment. Despite the ride back in her purse, he had had fun. He sat on the table and was given free choice from the two giants' plates. He joined their conversations, and they paid enough attention to hear him over the general din of the dining area. They all three had listened, spoke, and laughed, as if David were no shorter than either of them.
 “I did!” he said. “I had a blast.”
 “I'm glad,” Emily replied, and her features melted into the genuine, loving smile that made David weak. Her hand descended like a cloud, and she let the tiny man disembark onto her nightstand, between her purse and his house. She slumped to her knees as gracefully as her drunkenness would allow, and brought her face level with the surface of the furniture. David noted her expression was now a-light with mischief. “I'm going to give Nick a footjob,” the woman whispered. A girlish chuckle escaped her. “Would you like to join in?”
 Flashes of the last date night tore into David's mind. Fear, humiliation, anger... cum. He shuddered, but strange emotions wrestled in his gut. He remembered the acceptance he'd felt while lying in bed, and the camaraderie in the restaurant was still foremost in his mind. But still...
 The conflict must've been evident on his face. “I ask because, well... I know you like my feet.” Her smile shifted toward apologetic.
 Emily may as well have flicked the little man across the room. All conflict disappeared from his thoughts in an instant, and at the same time his cheeks burned a brilliant red. “I... What.... You... No I don't!” he shouted.
 “I see you looking at them all the time!” she giggled.
 Had she really? Was he so obvious? “That's because I'm so small. I have to know where they are for my own safety.”
 “David... really?” her mouth contorted into a wry grin. “I keep them nice for you. Or haven't you noticed?”
 His brain pulled up unbidden memories of her soft soles propped up beside him, smelling clean from a recent shower. Her pedicured and painted nails twitched overhead. They rolled in delight at something on her laptop. She wasn't looking at him; he was supposedly watching TV, but those soles were much, much more interesting... The too-familiar tightening in his shorts was evidence of that.
 Then, her laughter snatched him back to present reality. “You can't lie about that,” she giggled again, her eyes aimed at the tent in his pants.
 David sighed. He wanted to deny it, but there was no point. “What did you have in mind?”
 “Nothing rough. Nick's close to passing out.” She allowed David a glance over to the full-sized man struggling to read memes on his smartphone. “I'll handle everything. Trust me.”
 “... Ok.” His tent pole had won out.
 “Great!” Emily whispered the squeal as much as she could. “Go ahead and take your clothes off, and I'll see about Nick.” With that, she rose to her feet and turned to the bed, clutching it for balance. “Let's get those clothes off, Nick.”
 “Oh, yeah!” the man cried drunkenly, dropping his phone as he did. The bed quaked as he tore at his fabric confines, but little progress was made. Emily did much of the job for him, guiding him with a maternal voice as she removed his shirt and trousers.
 When Nick was finished, Emily stood before the nightstand and peeled away her own clothing. David couldn't tell if she was trying to give him a show or not; it was nothing he hadn't seen before. In fact, he'd seen it pretty much every day for five years. Still, he couldn't help but look every time; maybe he was that obvious. He watched her scarlet dress peel away from her body like a second skin. Her breasts hung over him, bulging around her bra as she bent to release her lower curves from the dress' grasp. The article fell around her ankles, and stepping free of it, she unlatched her bra and let it land beside the dress. Again she bent, this time stepping out of her panties while her liberated tits swung freely. When she again stood, David was face-to-face with her womanhood, but it was only for a moment before she sat on the edge of the bed. She first crossed one leg, then the other, rolling her nylons around her ankles. The little man could've sworn she looked at him from the corner of her eye when her toes wiggled free of the clingy material and the little bundles fell to the floor.
 For David's part, he removed his shirt, pants, and other effects and tossed them in the direction of his house. His fingers hooked the band of his boxers, but moved no further. He'd seen Emily nude countless times; however, she had never seen him without something covering his lower half. Even during the last date, he'd been fully clothed for the whole affair, which left him with a set of clothes that would never be the same. He looked up to his owner to gauge her reaction. However, the naughty grin she wore was talking to Nick. David saw that her hand rested on the monster between the giant man's legs; a beast more than thirty times his height and countless times the width of his own organ. He pulled his boxers into a more secure position.
 Emily's attention returned to David a moment later. She looked down at him with an excited, but expectant smile, her lips barely visible over the cusp of her chest. Looking up at his owner, the little man felt smaller than ever. Embarrassment and arousal wrestled each other in his gut as her gaze bore into his very soul. He shivered, suddenly feeling cold without his shirt and pants. Emily's expression drooped a bit; was he disappointing her? Would she force him to strip? David didn't know which was worse.
 “Are you ready?” she finally asked after a moment of awkward silence.
 “Y-yeah,” David replied.
 “Excellent!” Before any more could be said, David found himself mashed between her fingers while they soared through the air. He recognized the quakes and sounds of Emily climbing onto the bed. Finally released from her grasp, a rippled hill caught him after a slight drop. Though the sight was new to him, his nose knew exactly where he was. The scent was worn and faded from the night out, but David recognized the honey-mint combination that was the result of Emily's soap and the lotion she used on her feet every day. His boxers tightened, even more so when his eyes caught up to his brain. The edge of a black-painted nail peeked over the curve he was splayed on. To his right, four likewise-painted toes stood in a neat row. His owner sat with one knee bent upward so that it held her right breast while she smiled down at him. Behind her was the wall and dresser that sat opposite the bed.
 “I can feel you!” she giggled. David's view of her rose and fell as he clung to the ridges of her toe. Its neighbors seemed to move back and forth, and inertia forced the ever-stiffening front of his boxers into her skin. “Naughty boy...” Emily whispered, giving him a wry smirk that made her tipsy head loll.
 Her knee lowered, releasing her jiggling boob from its hold while extending her leg. David watched his owner grow further and further away. His ride carried him along two legs that sat below and on his right like a pair of parked trains; one pale and smooth, the other darker and hairy. He assumed the other half of the hairy set was somewhere to his left, but Emily's toes blocked it from view. Based on her words and his experience thus far, David had a good idea of where he was being taken. Glancing back at his owner's face, he saw she was almost bubbling with glee as he approached his destination. 
 A warmth at his back confirmed his suspicions. Single hairs, longer than he was tall, poked him in the back before bending and allowing his passage. An enormous mass of flesh rested to his right, though he was aware its base lay somewhere far over his head. The tiny man tried not to think about what it was, but the fact became undeniable when he felt himself sinking into hot, malleable, wrinkled skin that seemed to swallow him up. His only point of contact with the outside world was the firm ridges of Emily's toe-tip; he clung to her as a baby chimp to its mother. But, a moment later, the toe moved and carried him back out. Her foot shifted, and although David was still pressed into the giant scrotum, he was pulled along with the toe to a different part of the genitals.
 Nick's left testicle offered more resistance against the little guy's body than the center of his sack had. However, Emily was gentle enough that David felt no worse off than if he was being pressed into a firm mattress. She rested him there for a moment. Meanwhile, Nick's massive cock bulged and began to rise. Like an ancient starship or the tentacle of some giant, eldritch monster, it ascended from the valley between his legs, but it wasn't alone. David saw a set of black-tipped toes clustered around its tip, and a bright, perfect sole pushing it from below. They rose so high that the organ disappeared from view completely, and the only thing left visible to the little man was Emily's heel hovering overhead.
 Then the toe he was on started moving again. Fortunately, David moved with it, pushed tightly against the testicle as Emily massaged her lover. He let himself be dragged along; he was already in this situation, so he may as well do his best to enjoy it. Sure, he was pressed into a giant ballsack, but it was his owner's beautiful toe doing the pressing. His already-stiffened dick throbbed at the thought. Every motion of the toe seemed doubled for him thanks to his boxers, and the rhythmic pressure became something akin to a thrust for him. As his passion rose, his self-control shrank, and David kissed the ridges in front of him without any regard for the embarrassing display.
 “You like that, baby?” Emily asked. The tiny guy could just barely see her face beyond the ankle of her opposite leg.
 “Mmmh-hmmmh...” Nick moaned a reply somewhere far away, but she wasn't looking at him. Her eyes were glued to David.
 Her heel fell until the toes on that foot came to rest beside David, but Nick's cock remained standing. Vibrations rushed through the scrotum as the toes drummed against the other testis. Then the toe holding David lifted, just a bit. Gravity pulled him beneath it until his feet stood on the fleshy pad at the toe's base. The digit returned to its prior position, leaving David encased in its strong embrace with the wrinkled skin at his back. The entire foot rose, and he was carried along within the pocket of flesh. While the texture behind him changed from a soft sagginess to hot, bumpy iron, the little man hugged his owner's toe. Every bump made his own iron rod grind against its ridges, and still he worshiped the appendage with all the pent intensity of the passed five years.
 All the while, the ride never ceased. Her foot carried him up and down, over and over. Every throbbing vein shoved him closer to Emily's toe than he thought possible. Every rise brought his head beneath the enormous bellend. While his mistress caressed her lover's throbbing tip with the rest of her toes, David was used to tickle its underside. The only time his lips left her was when his head was shoved into the steaming confines between glans and shaft. But, the little man was too enraptured to care. The smell of her foot, the friction in his pants, his passions finally freed... though the thought never crossed his conscious mind, he was glad to have accepted her offer.
 He didn't even notice the moment he went airborne. At the cusp of an upward stroke, his mistress had pulled away from his embrace. The tiny man flew into the air, ascending high enough that the precum-laden slit of Nick's cock appeared like an oozing spring below him. A glance at the height of his arch showed the giant woman as a distant mountain looming over the landscape of the couple's legs. Her eyes followed him with predatory intensity, and her lips were curled into a hungry, devilish smile that both scared and aroused. Even so, the earlier drinks were taking their toll; her head shifted from shoulder to shoulder, and her starving gaze was dulled somewhat by drunken glassiness.
 Then, he was falling. A crash on the spongy surface of the cock head slowed his descent, but momentum rolled him down its slope and over its edge. The rock-hard column grew above him as he fell, higher and higher, until a field of hairs caught him in a wiry cradle. He slipped from their grasp and fell onto Nick's skin, and then waded through the coarse strands in a direction further up the man's body. Scared and shaken, but still sporting a full erection, he had no plan or purpose except to escape the pubic scrubland.
 He saw the giant man's face in the distance. Propped against a pillow, Nick seemed nearly asleep. A trail of drool leaked from the side of his mouth, and his eyes rarely cracked themselves to see how his girlfriend was servicing him. A dumb smile was stretched across his features, and the only indicator of his consciousness were breathy moans that vibrated his chest when Emily performed a particularly pleasing technique. The man's body shook with the motions of the footjob, but David was adept at standing on giant-shaken surfaces. The shrunken guy soon found himself on the solid, sturdy tile that was one of Nick's abs. He took this as a sign he had traveled far enough for the moment, and turned around.
 Emily's feet stroked her lover better than any pair of hands could. Her arches traveled up and down his length, while her toes gripped his tip and wrapped around his girth. One foot ascended so that its sole could massage the pulsating bellend, the other wrapped around the shaft for support, holding the dick with its top side. At once, David was struck by the perfection of the sole displayed over him like a billboard. Those delicate black-tipped toes curling with delight, the creamy waves of her instep flexing to hold the giant pillar behind it, the scrubbed, soft-yet-firm egg that was her heel... and the sheer size of the whole thing- even when compared to Nick's beast- looming over the landscape while its twin worked to please her lover: David's lust surpassed even that day on the coffee table. Before he knew what was happening, his hand was already in his boxers. Fingers wrapped around his cock, and he tugged to the extent his shorts would allow. Once, twice, three times... a frustrated growl leapt up his throat. The underwear restricted him too much; therefore, they had to go.
 He kicked away his final piece of clothing and now, free of restrictions and inhibitions, he stroked as though he were invisible to the world. His eyes drank from the scene occurring before him, taking in every minute motion of Emily's feet like they were drops of water that would save him from death by dehydration. He felt every tug, every twitch, every touch as though it were happening to his own cock. He stooped with ecstasy, but still his eyes followed the motions of his owner's feet until a chance parting brought Emily's eyes to him. Though his penis cried for attention, David's hand stopped suddenly at his owner's sight. Embarrassment had finally won a small victory.
 “Oh, theeere you are!” she purred, too low for Nick to hear in his drunken state. “This thing is so big I lost you after you fell.” With that, her toes clutched the tip of the giant cock, eliciting a grunt of pleasure from both men. “So, what do you think? Glad you joined iiin?” she giggled, breathless, and David caught a hint of her arm flexing in front of her crotch. Even so, her feet were still moving, and David's embarrassment was losing its hold on the him. But then, a shudder arose from the ground below him. Emily giggled again. “I think big boy is aaalmost finished. Better take cover!” Both of her feet stroked hard and fast, her arches formed into a makeshift vagina that pounded the giant man's cock with all the force of her riding cowgirl. A moment later, Nick moaned.
 The geyser erupted. Gallons of viscous cream shot even higher than David had when Emily released him. The white globs fell like meteors, exploding onto everything below with a spray that itself was like shrapnel flying in every direction. Emily's feet were drenched instantly. Pale syrup flowed down them in rivulets that seeped between her toes and filled every wrinkle on her sole. But still the cum came, filling the air, running down Nick's cock like a volcanic lava flow, and pooling within the field of his pubes. At this, Emily let loose a squeal of delight. “There we go!” she cried.
 David, however, was less thrilled. He dove to the ground while globs of cum slammed into the ground around him like mortar rounds shelling his position. He felt the splatter from danger-close artillery hit his nude body, heard the bursting of globs further away, adding to rabidly-forming marsh on Nick's stomach. More, and more, and still more cum exploded around him. Then, it was over, and a moment of silence filled the bedroom. David stood and chanced a look around- just in time to see Emily's toes release the cum-covered, rapidly deflating cock.
 It was a tower falling upon the earth. Striking the ground that was Nick's abdomen, the column of meat shook the world with a slap-thud that tossed David on his back. Displaced semen sprayed the tiny man in creamy drops. Sitting up, he saw that he was face-face with the enormous tip. Even now, goo leaked from the throbbing slit large enough to swallow the tiny man whole.
 “So how was it, Nick? Enjoy yourself?” Emily asked from far away, laughing a bit at her own joke. The bed quaked as the giant woman changed her position to look upon her works. However, the only response from the man was a moan, and then a snore. The woman smiled to herself as she rolled her eyes. “At least someone here- holy shit! That's a looot of cum! David? Where are you?” Her glassy eyes flew down upon the scene, her face hovering above the swampy landscape as she surveyed the puddles for her pet.
 The tiny man was on his back, hands clasped over his own genitals while the enormous cock of Nick lay in front of him like a monstrous, sleeping worm. Something about the scene was humorous to the giant woman above him. She could barely contain her laughter as she whispered, “I'm sorry, I didn't know... I didn't realize... I've never seen Nick cum sooo much!” She caught her breath from a stifled giggle. Then, she noticed David's returning modesty. “Don't think I didn't see you enjoying it as weeell! I could actually feeeel that little thing poking my toe! Come on, you don't have to be shy. I'm always naked around you. It's been five years- time for yooou to return the favor!”
 Conflict churned within him, but the whirlwind of emotions was topped by the massive, looming face of his owner. Against his better judgment, David let his hands meekly fall away from his crotch. Still aching for release, his cock twitched and pulsed as it pointed up at the woman.
 “Awwww! It's sooo cute! Look how haaard it is!” she breathed a squeal and then giggled, as if she was looking at a newborn kitten. Then, her eyes narrowed, and her face dropped even closer until David could feel the heat of her breath and smell the lingering alcohol. “It looks pretty dry... and still throbbing.” A change came over her face then. She was as happy as before, but her smile transformed into something smug, predatory, and almost sinister. Even the grin she wore when she'd let him fly was more playful than this. Perhaps it was the drunkenness, or maybe purely the proximity, but something in that smile made David gulp down a nervous knot.
 Still, Emily continued; “You muuust be absolutely sooore for a release,” she breathed, her voice low, sweet, and seductive. “I can handle that.” Without another word, her face rocketed back from whence it had descended. She spun again so that her feet replaced it, the pair of extremities hovering overhead like clouds, cum still dripping off them like rain. The woman's head reappeared behind the feet. “Stroke.” Her voice carried all the weight of a goddess. David obeyed. “One,” she called down.
 He remembered being near her feet on the table, and all the times before that.
 “Two... threee...,” Emily continued, watching the little man intently.
 Her toes wiggled overhead, and globs of Nick's cum dripped from them and onto the world below. Still David stroked, entranced by the wiggling digits and unfazed by the exploding drops.
 “Foouur... five...”
 He remembered the friction from being on her toe, and the loss of inhibition as he'd kissed it for the first time.
 “Six... Seveeen...”
 He remembered how he'd given her everything. He'd worshiped her toe as he would worship her. She was his world. She was everything.
 “Eiiiight... Niiiine...”
 Was she slowing down? Or was she slurring her words? It didn't matter. David's mind was filled with the memory of her working over Nick's cock, stroking it, petting it, toying with it. He felt the sympathetic sensations now just as he'd felt them then, as though it was his dick she was manipulating. How he wished it was his...
 He was so close to release, closer now that he'd been at the height of his prior ecstasy. All he needed was her permission. Any second now... any second...
 He exploded with an orgasm that doubled him over. His cum burst from him in the largest shot he'd ever had, dousing his dick, his hand, and the patch of skin he stood over. However, it only added a microscopic amount to the monstrous pools around him.
 “Good jooob, David!” Emily cried over him. She laughed. And laughed. “'m proud of yoouu!” Then her feet dropped.
 Still recovering from his orgasm, David had no chance of escape. The same toe he'd ridden around Nick's cock crashed on top of him, dousing him with the sticky fluids it had created from its work. He heard Emily giggle, and the toe lifted a bit before falling back onto him. It pressed him into Nick's skin, as though giving him a hug, and then it fell still. The bed quaked once more. A few minutes later, he heard Emily's snoring join the giant man's.

 Whether it took minutes or hours, David couldn't say. He only remembered that he'd managed to eventually find the strength to wrench himself from imprisonment beneath Emily's foot and make his way across Nick's body. His owner was slumped over the foot board of the bed, sleeping off the drinks that had finally caught up to her. Luckily, Nick's head was positioned close to the bed table that David's house was on. Climbing up and over the living landscape, the little man made it home in time to wash away the fluids that covered him before they could harden. When he finally crawled into his own bed, David refused to think much about the events of the night. Emily had given him an orgasm; for now at least, that was enough to consider it a success.
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Chapter 1
 story by an anonymous commissioner
 written by Ubersalamander

Leaned against a remote control taller than he was, David absorbed the aspect of his owner. She had been his world for five years, and he had been her closest companion. But, if the reflection shining across her glasses was anything to go by, he wouldn't hold that title for long. She smiled at her phone as words appeared in the reflection, and her thumbs couldn't tap out a response any faster.
 Her name was Emily, and honestly, David was surprised this hadn't happened sooner. She was no prom queen, but her slim body boasted plenty of curves at both ends, and her freckles, brown eyes, and frizzy, brown hair stood in a kind of cute contrast to her pale skin. Were he not one-fifth of one inch tall, perhaps David would be the one texting her. Alas, he could only watch as someone else received the attention that had formerly been all his.
 Her toes curled idly, flashing David a hint of her black nail polish from high above. She'd propped her feet on the table like always, but the appendages loomed over him so much that he may as well have been an ant staring up at a skyscraper. He gazed up at wrinkles on her sole that could rival the waves of a gentle surf, ridges he could lie within and take a nap. There was a fluttering in his gut. It always happened when he was this close to her feet. He watched the wrinkles grow and shrink as her toes flexed far above; the prior thoughts vanished from his mind, and he rose off the remote and stepped toward her sole. It was almost calling to him. Arm outstretched, fingers spread, he approached with a hardening in his groin. The waves in her sole receded as her toes unfurled and lifted back to their standing positions. Still, he took another step forward, his eyes glued to the flat plane stretched taught by little more than her idle thoughts... until the whole wall of flesh collapsed in front of him. It was like a mountain falling into a gorge, but David knew from experience that his owner had merely placed her feet on the floor. She looked down on him, her face beaming with excitement far further away than even her toes had been.
 "Nick says he's on his way!" Emily called down, her voice almost buzzing with joyful energy. David sighed; Nick again. He folded his arms as he looked back at her. She seemed not to notice at first. "Are you ready to meet him?" she asked, but then her brow furrowed and she leaned in closer to her pet. "What's wrong, David?"
 He was too annoyed to gaze into the chasm beyond the neckline of her tank top. David was going to be abandoned in his little house while the couple had their date. It had happened before, only now that date was in Emily's house... within earshot of the tiny man. Well, that was the plan anyway. "I want to stick around after I meet him," he called up at her, finally, his arms still crossed firmly over his chest.
 Her lips pressed together as she thought. "I don't know..." she mumbled. "He might not..." her voice trailed off as she let a finger curl beneath her lip, the arm it was connected to pushing her cleavage even tighter as it performed the motion.
 The petulant child act rarely worked on her. David breathed another sigh; he was too small for her to notice such a slight shift in his body language. So, he let his arms flop and his shoulders droop in a dramatic show. "It's just..." he started, layering his voice with the sogginess of someone on the verge of tears. "You've been spending so much time with him... leaving me alone so much..." he sniffled here for good measure. "I just want to be involved when you're having fun." His hands clasped together in front of his pelvis; the full-on praying motion was too cliché, but this pose would be reminiscent enough to implant the same idea. "Please?"
 Emily looked down at him, quizzically. Had he laid it on too thick? He was getting nervous, threatening to break beneath her gaze. But then, her face bloomed into a loving smile. That was what nearly broke him in the end; the butterflies in David's stomach were always elated when she trained that smile on him. "Ok, if Nick's ok with it, you can watch the movie with us." she cooed down.
 "Oh! Thank you!" David called to her. He walked across the table toward her, his arms outstretched. Knowing the signal, she brought her finger down and gently poked it into the little man's chest. She rubbed him softly while he hugged her fingertip, but guilt sat like a pit in his gut. His reflection looked back at him from her dark nail polish. He hated manipulating her. However, he hated more the thought of being left alone during the date.
 There was a knock at the door that made David flinch. "He's here!" Emily whispered to him excitedly. Her finger was ripped from the tiny man's grasp. She rose to her full height, so much larger than she'd been sitting down, staggering to anyone not used to such a vast size difference. But not to David; this had been his whole life, and such the sight was as normal as a tree to a squirrel or water to a duck. Still, his eyes couldn't help but be drawn to the curves of her body, even after all the time she'd owned him. In fact, the urge seemed to be getting worse since she'd re-entered the dating pool. He watched her ass quiver within her gray shorts as she glided to the door with overflowing excitement. The only thing that stole away his attention was when the door parted and golden, late-afternoon sunlight flowed into the darkened room. And then there was Nick.
 "Hey!" Emily said, nearly squealing. From his position on the table, David saw the two silhouettes kiss. He grimaced as his owner's smaller form seemed to melt into the man's for a moment.
 "Hey," the man said, his deeper voice chuckling a bit. The pair shut the door behind them, sealing away the outside light. Emily tapped at her phone, and the smart bulbs in the room lit up with a warm, ambient glow, giving David his first real look at Nick. Grasping the woman around her hip stood a man on the shorter side of average height, but still nearly six inches taller than Emily. His hair was straight and dark, complimenting a tanned body. He was not thin, but slim, like an avid runner, and the cut of his jeans and tee suited him well.
 "Nick, this is David," Emily said, gesturing toward the couch and coffee table. "David, this is Nick."
 "Where is he?" Nick was scanning the indicated area, but his eyes never met David's the way Emily's had.
 "Oh, I forget you're not used to looking out for a tiny. He's on the table, between the remote and the edge. Come on, we'll go over."
 The pair uncoupled, and Emily pulled Nick to the table by his hand. "Oh, there he is!" Nick smiled, and David glared up at the two giants. He stifled his disdain, however, when Emily knelt down to put her enormous face even with the tiny man.
 "Yeah, he's not easy to see; he was the smallest at the shop. I lost him a lot at first, but it's amazing how quickly you can learn to spot something so small if you care about it." At this, Emily flashed David another of her heart-stopping smiles.
 Nick lowered himself to their level. "Hi, David," he whispered, and held his hand up in an awkward wave.
 "You don't have to whisper," Emily said. "I don't know how, but he hears just like you or me. And if you concentrate, you can hear him. See?" She gave David an expectant look.
 The tiny man considered only mouthing the words as a prank, but thought better of it. "Hey, Nick." He returned the larger man's awkward wave.
 "Nick, would you mind if David watched the movie with us?"
 Nick rose away from the table as he sat back on his legs. Emily followed suite, leaving David with the familiar sight of two giants talking about him without his input.
 "I don't know," Nick said. "I mean, I don't think I mind, but do you think it's a good idea? I don't want to accidentally hurt him."
 "Oh, you'll be fine! I know how gentle you can be." David detected a bit of a double meaning when she said this. Emily continued, "I just wanted to make sure you would be comfortable with it." She paused. "I don't think he's worried about being hurt; it was his idea."
 "Well... ok then," Nick replied, flashing them both an accepting smile.
 "Great!" Emily leapt to her feet, towering over both men in that moment. "I'll make us some popcorn!" She exited the room with the same excited skipping she'd used when answering the door, leaving the two boys to catch each other drooling over the two globes within her shorts. They were now alone but for each other.

 The men tried small talk, but there was little in common between the everyday twenty-something and the tiny guy who'd known nothing except being a literal pet. So, it was unsurprising when their conversation died off almost as soon as it began, and the dead air was taken up by the popping echoing in from the kitchen. They twiddled their thumbs until finally, after the fourth awkward glance at his phone, Nick stood from where he knelt beside David.
 As the man took a seat on the couch, Emily strode back into the room with a large bowl, steam and a buttery scent trailing behind her. She gave Nick the popcorn and retrieved David with practiced fingers. “I think you two should sit together so you'll be more comfortable with each other. I'll hold the popcorn,” Emily said. She placed David between Nick's legs, took the bowl back from her boyfriend, and then shook David's world as she landed on the couch on the other side of Nick's left thigh. She gave David a crumb of popcorn to munch on, and then grabbed the remote. The TV was turned on, the lights darkened, the movie selected, and opening credits played...
 Most of David's entertainment came from movies; a specially-tuned listening device in the remote let him control it with his voice when Emily wasn't around. He'd seen this one before. It was a rom-com that was ineffective on the “com” part, and so his mind wandered. He imagined Emily was the protagonist and he was the guy she lusted after. Or, better still, he was the best friend with unrequited love for her. After he was stolen away by a more attractive but unpleasant woman, Emily would realize it has him she wanted, and the two of them would end up together and live happily ever after. The thought excited his emotions, especially as the moans of a sex scene excited his body.
 However, David wasn't the only one excited. The rustling behind him began so quietly that he didn't notice it at first, but in only a few seconds, the sound was too much to ignore. Tearing his attention from the movie and the thoughts it had wrought, David turned to find the denim wall behind him growing. He spun around, and as his mind grasped the connection, he backpedaled on his palms away from the expanding beast. But, the thing kept growing. Larger and larger the bulge grew, running along Nick's pants leg so that it was right beside David, even as he pulled himself away from it.
 Embarrassment, annoyance, incredulity... the little man felt all three, but they were all so strong as to overpower each other. He sat there with no reaction except to simply stare at the monster straining against its fabric confinement. That is, until a massive, nail-polished hand curled over Nick's thigh and laid its fingers over the girthy bulge. The appendages merely explored at first; gently touching the outlines of the organ, tracing the edges of its giant head, palming the shaft to take in its size. Then, as Emily became friskier, the hand traveled up and down its length, her fingers teasing the bell-shaped tip with every pass. For all that, Nick kept remarkably calm, but David could feel the tension building; as Emily's strokes sped up, the couch seat warped, first one way, then the other from the larger man's flexing thigh muscles.
 The hand eventually left Nick's leg, but it wasn't finished with him. Before David could breathe a sigh of relief, Emily's fingers grasped the zipper of the giant's pants. She carefully pulled it down, as if the tiny man wouldn't be able to hear the work of a mechanism as big as he was. Then she snapped apart the clasp, and her hand disappeared within the fabric. There was tugging, pulling, and a bit of fondling, but after some help from Nick's hand, the painted nails reappeared as barely-visible dots within two overflowing mounds of flesh.
 David was stunned. The largest pair of testicles he'd ever seen spilled from the parted zipper. Their mass reverberated through the couch cushion as Emily released them. Looming over the set, as well as David, was a cock to match. It had it all: a shapely form, above-average length, and girth to rival a freight train. The little man's mind could barely comprehend it all. He'd seen sets of tackle on adult-rated films, but his first sight of a live specimen being so close and so big... it really put his own set in perspective- even if the two men had been born equal in height.
 Emily seemed intrigued by it all as well. While her palm gently brushed the surface of Nick's sack, her fingers explored every detail. They ran along the wrinkled skin as though her fingertips were surfing the folds, and pushed beneath the surface to feel the circumference of each testis. She gripped a little strand of hair and gave it a light, teasing tug as she followed it to its end. Once more her black nails disappeared beneath the heavy orbs, and Emily palmed as much of Nick as she could. Feeling their weight one last time, her thumb rubbed the top of the bunched mass, just like she rubbed David's head when he sat in her hand. The little man watched the wavy skin be pushed aside with each loving stroke.
 Then her fingers moved northward, releasing the testicles to rest again on the couch cushion. They seemed to expand toward David as they took on their own weight, but he was more concerned with what was going on above his head. His owner's fingertips traced the veins of Nick's erect cock until she reached his tip. Her thumb stroked the top of it like his balls before, while the rest of her fingers wrapped around beneath. Moving down, her thumb joined its brethren as much as it could; the girth of his shaft kept it from touching the opposing fingers, even as she tightened her grip.
 David could only watch in horror as her hand moved down Nick's length, and then after reaching its base, returned in the opposite direction. Quakes in the couch made him feel the larger man tensing from the stimulation, but Emily stroked again, and again. One pass moved the cock aside a bit. David looked up at the giant couple, his mouth hanging open dumbfounded, demanding some kind of answer for what they were doing. But, no answer came. Their eyes were glued to the television as if nothing was happening down below, the only evidence being a naughty smile at the corner of Emily's lips.
 Finally, the stroking stopped. Her hand retreated, and David sighed with relief. Her face descended until it hung overhead like a storm cloud. He expected his mistress to address him then, but his brow furrowed when he noticed her eyes were closed. Her mouth opened. The tongue it held slithered out... and David nearly jumped out of his skin when it lapped at the pulsating tip of Nick's cock.
 “Emily, wha...!” But she wasn't listening for him. Consumed with lust, she wrapped her lips around the giant dick and took it up in her mouth. Inches of the shaft disappeared as she descended on it. David stared at the movements of her chin, only able to imagine what her tongue was doing as drool rolled down the cock and dripped around him. Her head bobbed up and down, and again the little man felt Nick tensing in preparation for release.
 The larger man gasped, far above. Emily's eyes pried apart, but her pupils were rolled back in her skull. Drops of white, sticky fluid trickled from the edges of her lips. Nick's gasps subsided until they became a tired panting, and David heard the distinct sound of his owner slurping up and swallowing the fruits of her labor. Finally relieved, the cock in her mouth began to lose its rigidity. With a final kiss, Emily let it slip from her mouth, and the deflating member slammed onto the couch cushion. David had just enough of his wits to jump backward from its path, but it wasn't enough to avoid being showered in spittle from the impact.
 The couch shook as Emily sunk along its length until her head came to rest on Nick's thigh, with the man laying his arm over her hip. There the couple remained and resumed their movie watching as though nothing had happened. But down below, David sat face-to-face with Nick's penis. It sat as an exhausted beast, running down from over the mountainous balls like an ailing serpent. Not a single drop of cum leaked from its eye; Emily had sucked it clean.
 David needed as much recovery as the couple. What he'd just witnessed was unprecedented for him. He'd seen approximations on TV. He'd seen vulgar advertisements while Emily browsed the net. He's even watched Emily pleasuring herself. But, this was different. This was a new level. The little man stood; still the tip of Nick's cock dwarfed him, even as limp as it was.
 He jumped, waved his arms, even called her name; Emily didn't notice him for several minutes. When her eyes finally landed on him, her head rose from Nick's thigh. She let David crawl into her palm, and then entombed him with her fingers protectively.
 “We'll be right back,” he heard her say, and then he felt the familiar shaking and shifts in gravity as she rose and carried him away.

 “Is something wrong, David?” her voice was filled with genuine concern.
 “Whatever this is- that was- it needs to end,” he said, his crossed arms now no longer and act.
 She looked at him, concern in her eyes. “What do you mean? You don't like the movie?” Now that he had her attention, she could hear him with no problem.
 “What? No! I mean, the movie's fine. I'm talking about what happened with you and Nick.”
 “Oh... we tried not to disturb you.”
 “That's not what I meant. It's just... I mean... I want...” What did he want? He wanted Emily. He wanted Nick gone, so he could have her to himself. Yet, he also wanted to be Nick: to have the girl he loved see him as a desirable sexual partner. But he couldn't tell her that. Not only because of the embarrassing, complex, metaphorical nature of the idea, but because none of the words would come to him. In his frustration, he could only gesture and splutter. Finally, he managed to string together enough words to say, “... be involved, not left alone.”
 Through all this, Emily's expression transformed from one of concern to an amused grin. When the little man finished his tantrum, she was wearing one of her heart-melting smiles, but he was too incensed for it to have any effect. “Oh, David, I've never seen you act like this,” she used a finger to gently ruffle his hair. “It's cute!”
 David tried to pull away, but her finger was too powerful. He nearly fell over trying to flee from its oppression. His owner chuckled, and then smiled down at him. “Yeah, ok,” she said after some time to digest his words. “I'm sorry you felt left out. You can be more involved.” David noted that her smile shifted away from the 'Adoring Pet Owner' and back to the 'Naughty Girlfriend,' complete with a bite of her lower lip.
 He didn't have a moment to consider this change, however, as he found himself sliding into Emily's cleavage. Her chest seemed to swallow him up, but the tight grip of her bra kept him from slipping down into its depths. Still, the mounds were large enough to rise up around him so that he was safely and firmly held in their tight embrace. He let his prior anger leave him with a sigh, and allowed his owner's flesh to caress him as each step caused his world to jiggle. This was David's favorite way to be carried. Aside from the sexual element, the spot was warm, safe, and he could look out to the world without it being allowed to look back. Emily's heartbeat was a relaxing, omnipresent pulse that he could feel in his core, as though their bodies had merged into one. This was something Nick could never experience; being completely absorbed within Emily was David's gift alone.
 “Where's David?” Nick asked as Emily sat back down beside him.
 The woman giggled, and parted her breasts just enough for the two men to see each other. “He said he wants to be more... involved.”
 The larger man looked back to her, confused. “Oh... ok?”
 She let her cleavage fall back to its place over David. Then, the little man's sanctuary quaked as Emily climbed atop her partner's lap. The flesh around him bulged tighter, compressed against Nick's chest. “I have something in mind,” she whispered into the man's ear.
 David heard lips smacking, and two mouths sucking as if their survival depended on how much of the other's lips they could pull in. As quickly as it had returned, David's confidence left him again. Space was quickly becoming a luxury he couldn't afford; the longer they made out, the closer the giant bodies came to each other, until the tightness David had once enjoyed was made into a compression he struggled against. Nick's heartbeat reverberated through the flesh just like Emily's did. The little man noted that the pace of both was increasing as though they were bouncing off each other. At the same time, the two bodies moved in together in a rhythm almost equally as fast.
 With a final smack, Emily pulled away from her lover, her breasts dropping back to their natural place. David's view shifted rapidly from Nick's chest to his knees. Emily's arms rose above him, her hands fiddling with the larger man's crotch. Nick shifted his weight a few times, and David saw Emily pulling the man's pants and underwear until they were out of sight. The giant penis now hovered over him once again, made erect from the motions Emily's pelvis had performed on it during their makeout.
 Then, it was beneath him, below even the breasts snuggling him. His owner's arms shifted, but the maneuvers they performed were hidden below her chest. However, the little man felt something approaching. Something, and a large something at that, was pushing up through the cleavage, like a sea monster parting water as it rocketed to the surface. He had an idea of what it could be- and he was too right.
 Nick's cock erupted from the depths of Emily's chest, shoving David aside as it sprouted higher and higher into the air. The little man fell against it, the slope of the mound he found himself against too steep to hold him by itself.
 “This isn't what I meant!” he screeched as much in fear as in anger, but as before, the two giants were too preoccupied with each other to notice.
 Then, the dick began sliding back down from whence it had sprung. Its clammy skin gripped David, and snatched him down beneath the surface of the breast waves. He was squished between two types of flesh, one the soft, giving, gentle mass he knew and loved, the other an iron-hard rod he was regrettably so recently acquainted with. He could barely breathe within the depths of Emily's cleavage; even as he hated the situation, he didn't want to be left stranded there if the cock decided to descend so far as to leave the breasts completely. So, when the meaty column started to rise again with David still squeezed against it, the little man was thankful, at least just a bit. However, the pressure between the two giants caused his body to roll. Both sides of him took in both forms of flesh, his destination and orientation both completely out of his control. While Emily gave Nick the titfuck of his life, David was rolled and mashed between them like nothing more than a piece of lint.
 Then the pressure released all at once. Emily's breasts plummeted away, leaving David suspended in the air while she tossed away her bra and rubbed her bare boobs. For a moment, he thought was going to fall, but then he realized there was still hot skin clinging to his back. With another screech, he desperately scrambled to turn around, digging his fingers into the spongy surface keeping him so far up. When David regained the courage to look down, he saw Nick's hand far below, resting atop his balls and wrapped around his hard rod. Then, the hand released, and David's stomach churned as both he and the organ fell onto the couch.
 His legs were pinned under the tip. Still, the curve of the massive object made it loom over him. He was eye-level with its crest.. and could only look up in horror as a giant, thick, bulging glob seeped from its hole. The drop grew until it began to hang from its own weight. David gulped, preparing for impact as it rolled down the bellend and fell closer, and closer, and closer...
 The cock lifted off him just in time for the precum to fall just short of his feet, but the little man had no time to give a thankful prayer. Fingertips scooped him up- he knew from their tenderness that they belonged to Emily- and he was dropped onto the spongy surface of the cock tip after a bit of shuffling. He stood, but quickly fell back to his knees when he saw the dizzying height between him and the floor. No amount of shrunken durability could save him from a drop like that, and the swaying dick was a more precarious position than he'd ever been in. Even so, the sound of compressing couch cushions snatched his attention from thoughts of his own mortality.
 Emily was sitting on the couch, her legs pulled up in a kind of crunch as she slipped her shorts and panties around her ankles. She let her legs down with a tantalizing slowness, spreading them and allowing the clothes to fall away from from one of her feet. Lust was in her eyes as she lay there fully bare, breasts lolling in their freedom, her shaven pussy on full display for the two gentlemen before her.
 David was forced to hold on as Nick approached her. Emily's legs rested on her lover's shoulders, and the tiny man was instantly face-to-face with the lips of his owner's womanhood. Its lips contorted to the shape of the hardened rod as Nick teased her exterior, smearing precum wherever his cock explored. David knew what came next. Leaping to his feet, he made a dash toward Nick's body, running down the shaft as fast as he could without losing his balance. Veins seemed to reach out for his feet as they pulsed, finally tripping him and throwing him down as Nick lined up for his initial push. The tiny man crawled back to his feet, pausing just long enough to look back. Emily's pussy was parting as her lover's girth entered it. David ran again, but he was losing ground against Nick's forward momentum. Finally, he reached the base of the giant's shaft. The precipice of Emily's lips loomed closer and closer as Nick's cock disappeared within her. David searched frantically for somewhere to go, but his only option was to splatter himself across the top of the man's foot.
 Fortunately, Nick chose that moment to pull back. The lips receded, but only a bit, and only for a moment. A second later, the giant cock reversed direction, thrusting back in. When it again retreated, David saw that it hadn't come out as much as it had before. Each push and pull left more of the shaft inserted into the giant pussy. His owner's labia grew closer and closer. He held his breath as a final thrust forced him inside.
 Nick's girth was overwhelming. It filled Emily up so that David again found himself flattened between the two giants' flesh. Every thrust mashed him between them and sent him further inside his owner until he was at the epicenter of the couple's lovemaking. As the speed of their sex increased, so too did the chaos it wrought upon the tiny man. Nick's cock barreled into the place like a drilling a tunnel, smashing all in its way, David included. Every vein struck him like a limb on a passing tree, and the lip of the organ's bellend scooped him up and shoved him around until he lost all sense of direction. Sticky liquid seeped around him, a combination of both giants' fluids that coated him as it coated everything else inside the vagina. While it lessened the impact of Nick's thrusts, it did so by making David slide around easier, and also adhered him to whatever flesh he happened to be on when the enormous rod retreated. Sometimes he was carried along with the beast, though he never went as far as to break out into fresh air. Other times, he was stuck to the walls of Emily's interior until the cock forced its way back over him. Either way, he was squeezed between the two giants as their bodies rocked with passion, and he felt Emily's orgasm when her powerful muscles mashed him even more into the iron shaft.
 A final, forceful push sent David sliding across the pussy's walls until he came to a rest just below Nick's tip. He allowed his eyes to open for a second, but that second was all it took for a cry of shock escaped him. The dick throbbed menacingly. The tiny man only just managed to wrench his eyes closed before a stream of thick, white, heavy semen erupted out. It struck him like a firehose, coating him with a mass that clung to him and dragged him down the wall until he was at the bottom of the tip. He struggled to stand, but still the cum kept shooting. Any progress he made in digging himself out of the pile was reversed in an instant.
 As Nick's size lessened from his release, the pool of semen found its way down the sides of the shaft and flowed out into the world. David was carried along with the stream; tired, defeated, and humiliated, he allowed the current to take him where it would. He landed on the couch with a splat.
 The next minutes were a blur for David. He never passed out, at least not fully, but the experience had numbed him to the point of apathetic insobriety. He saw Nick dismount, and the lovers kiss far above him. He felt himself being picked up and examined, then carried somewhere. Finally, he regained lucidity when he felt himself being gently rinsed with warm water.
 He was in Emily's palm. Both giants were there, and they were both looking down at him with tender expressions. Regardless, a fire ignited in David's gut. He stood, about to give them a piece of his mind, but something in their eyes made him pause.
 As if sensing the moment, Emily's smile grew into the one he loved so much. “That was so good, David!”
 “Yeah,” Nick added, his voice low, but sweet. “I'm glad you decided to join us.”
 “We felt you the whole time! It was amazing, David, the best we've ever had! Thank you,” Emily said, and then her lips overwhelmed him with a loving kiss.
 “I think he should be there next time, too. He can even come to dinner if you're ok with it.”
 “I think that'll be wonderful! The three of us together!”
 Emotions whirled within David. He hadn't liked the experience on bit, but this attention, this love... could that make it worth it all?
 Nick left a little while later. David watched the couple kiss, but this time he felt... well, nothing. It was as if he'd been reborn. When Emily went to bed, she placed him in the little house on her nightstand. She gave him his customary good-night peck, but somehow this one felt more meaningful. David climbed into bed himself, but he couldn't sleep. He stared at the plastic ceiling, contemplating just how he felt about the day.
 “Maybe... maybe I didn't like this because I didn't want to like it,” he whispered to himself. He felt himself gradually coming to terms with the situation. Emily still loved him, and Nick was a fine guy; she could do much, much worse for herself and David. Once he accepted that, the rest didn't seem like much at all. “Maybe this isn't so bad; maybe I can learn to enjoy this, too.” After that final thought, he allowed sleep to carry him away in its warm, gentle bosom.
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