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Adult Visual Novels

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So today was rather productive. Though not as much as I would like it to be, but to be honest that is out of my control. Have you ever woke up fine, then out of no where halfway through your day just had like the sudden urge vomit. Like sick just washes over you? IDK bro I was sitting here coding and then my eyes started to hurt, and I felt horrible. So I am getting off a bit earlier today than I planned, but I am going to lay down and see if this feeling can go away. It wasn't a bad day in terms of productivity though, not by any means. I just didn't get the screens finished I was working on. My planned end goal for the day was to record myself doing the summoning animation thing in game with all the screens working and throwing that up on here for you all.

I worked for 14 hours straight today, not the normal 20 but I also started feeling sick around 4 to 5 hours ago. I just wanted to push through it and get to the goal. But yea. So what all did I get done today? I made the summoning animations for the gacha system. Which was fun, I enjoy playing around in custom timeline editing mode. The more I do it the better I seem to get at it. Though I am still nowhere near as good as some other devs I have seen but hey it's alright I will improve with time. Other than that I created 106 items, some items were made in the Koikatsu Engine, and some others I created in Blender and photoshop. I also got those 106 items already coded and added to the game, all I needed to do was finish the gacha screens and make sure it all works. I thought I was on the last step of that 3 separate times, when I kept forgetting shit to do first. Then when I went to finally test the code like 10 mins ago, my game crashed. It isn't a big deal when I am coding I make mistakes, lets be real every coder makes mistakes when coding, anyone who says they don't are lying to you. It's like those friends you have that say they never beat off. Everyone does, literally everyone even your grandmother. That's just how it goes, which is why I love it so much when people freak out when they figure out their parents are still "sexually active" lol sorry tangent you know I get like this when I'm too tired. Ok so plans for tomorrow? Finish gacha system, hopefully get the stats viewer system thing working. Kind of annoying to have a system in place for randomized stats and randomized rolls on those stats, and all that fun RNG stuff. Ok another tangent time. Everyone says they hate RNG, heres the thing though. Those same people are the ones that get crazy hyped when they get a god roll on something right? So me I love the RNG but thats also why I play 4 gacha games. So it is what it is. Onto the stuffs to show ohhh maybe I should start calling this show and tell time? Come on you know you love the idea.
I am thinking I will send you a summoning animation and I'll send an image of the items I made today. Like I said I had planned on also sending a full on video of me summoning on the game but that will have to wait for tomorrow.
Now if I were to go back to this scene in koikatsu, and yea I saved it so if I didnt like it I could go back and make adjustments. I think if I go back to it I want to have the camera start right in Rudeus's face, then pan out and to the side, thats when you see he is charging the spell, then I am thinking he pulls his hand back a bit, before launching it forward. and this section here would just be after he launches it. That would probably look alot cooler, but at the same time this is really fast and since you will see the animation who knows how many times during gameplay the fact that this is not even 2 seconds is also kind of a good thing....? But yea here are the items so far.
I want to add a bunch more these are all meant to be the random RNG items, while actual recognizable stuff from the anime will be exclusively legendary gear and it will have preset stats. Things like Sylphys wand, Roxys wand and hat, Eris's swords, Sara's bow, so on and so forth. All things on my todo list. But yea I will see you all tomorrow I need to lay down.
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So people know I don't enjoy doing updates unless I have good news. Which is why I did not do one yesterday. But I have that good good today.
It may not seem like much to you. But I promise you this was over 40 hours of smashing my head against a wall, having an epic rap battle with chatgpt trying to figure out why shit kept breaking. Deciding fuck chatgpt and running to Spending MULTIPLE HOURS not realizing was literally running me in circles.
Going back to chatgpt with my tail between my legs begging forgiveness so being so rude to it.... Watching it break my code again...
Having a lightbulb moment, looking at it from a different perspective then shoving it chatgpts face that I was smarter than 3 different AI chatbots because I was able to fix something they were unable to.

Ok so check this. What I got done. A screen where you can equip items, based on who is selected.
I had issues cycling the characters for DAYS! it works now. I also had issues with it not placing the item inside the box, or changing the Empty to say the name of the item.
It might not be perfect but that shit works bro!!!
then I ran into issues where it was not properly removing the item from your inventory when you equipped it. As you can see that is solved. So is cycling characters
And obviously Roxy has nothing equipped. Because Sylphy has the item.
Then I had issues being able to unequip items. Until I made this screen. (Top Left).... Thinking about moving it to the center of the screen....
And as you can see it also properly puts the item back into your inventory

The one issue I am still having is the items updating stats. Let me explain a bit.
So when you equip an item it is increasing your stats. But it is not showing those stats in the characters status page in the book. Because that page uses the Character Object stats, not the stats that get added from the Item Object. When I tried to make it so it would have like a + sign and have the equipment stats next to it... shit broke and I spent hours getting no where. Then I was like Hmm.. What if you just like hover over the item, and it gives you the stats there? I then had to download and install a renpy extension for mouse location tooltips. After struggeling with that code, I noticed that it does not allow for arguments.

In coding an argument would be like a dynamic/changing variable.
So me telling it to be like hey when I hover over any item, give me the items description. That is an argument. AKA it wont work. So I tried to just use the normal annoying tooltips that are on the top left. I HATE THOSE SO MUCH!!! btw. just some little known info I am not a fan of those because I can not figure out how to move them.
But yea that also did not work essentially the game wants me to define each thing ahead of time, like I do with the images for the imagebuttons I can easily use that mouse tool tips thing for the rest of the game. And I will be doing that ^_^ but first other stuffs need to be worked on.

Since I essentially have that stuff working. Its not perfect I have noticed some bugs mainly when I spam cycle characters after equipping an item it kinda forgets the item was equipped, and doesnt give it back. So thats one thing I am working on tomorrow.
Also I want to try to make some sort of summon animation? Though I am HOT TRASH at making animations. So maybe I can find something online I can use? We shall see. I basically need 1 video for if you get a legendary and 1 for if you dont.
Then I am going to get to creating a fuck load of items for the different slots, and obviously of different rarity. Then I also need a way to visually show the difference between rarities. And I really need to figure out a way to somehow get the items stats to show up somehow somewhere for players. Because there is a setting in the code that different rarities of items will roll different amounts of stats, so not knowing what you rolled at all would make this ENTIRE thing pretty fucking pointless. So I gotta figure out someway to do it. But yea thats it for now. So I guess kinda good news right? I did make some serious progress. I have items in the game and working now,
I have made the screen for the inventory appear inside your book, made it so you can cycle the characters and add equipment to them. Also made it so you can reallocate your stats, and reworked how skills work entirely.

So idk what do you guys think since this update is mainly a core engine update, and not a story update. Do we go with Alpha 3 for the title, or maybe like the BATTLE UPDATE!! idk something. You all can think of something cool to tell me I am entirely to tired to think of anything right now. Catch you guys next time. I will have to rack my brain to think of something for that stats issue tomorrow. If I get that sorted tomorrow I will be sure to post about it here tomorrow.
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Mushoku Harem Beta 1 - 10$ Tier Release. Be sure to message me what you want for your custom main...

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Posted for $10, $20 tiers
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Mushoku Harem Beta 1 - 20$ Tier Release. What makes the 20$ Tier Release different from the 10$ T...

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Posted for $20 tier
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After the 2 days of coding, and a day of testing.... fixing.... and testing again....
MH Beta 1 Is done there is nothing left on the current todo list, which means the update can go out. It has been a long 40 hours straight session and I am TIRED. But I want to get the different builds done, Then start the compression and start the uploads. Then I will allow myself to sleep.

I am currently building the game the Non compressed version. For the 20$ tier supporters.
Why only the 20$ tier supporters? Well the 20$ tier comes with an exclusive scene voted on by the 20$ tier patrons. Which I will then be removing said scene and recompiling the game for the 10$ tier patrons.

I will also need to do multiple runs of the compression for the version. Since that still needs to somehow get below 1GB... And with this update the game is up to 10GB non compressed.
As this update added 2GB in content on it's own. What is 2 GB in content mean?
Well essentially its 20k lines of code.
20 sexual positions with 3 angles and between 4 and 6 speeds of each angle meaning 1 position has anywhere from 12-18 animations for it. So... A fuck ton of animations.
and around 500 renders. Plus the UI overhaul and the new book menus and revamped office and all that yadda yadda yadda that you all have been hearing me go on about for weeks now.

For the record. Last month we had some users jump up to the 20$ tier to download the update then swap back to the free tier.
That is perfectly fine and expected for a lot of people. I get it don't want to commit because you never can trust devs in this line of work I too have seen a shit load of devs just abandon projects.
So no I am not saying there is anything wrong with just increasing your tier to download then lower it. What I am saying is when you do that. Make sure you request the 20$ tier version of the game from me. And while you at it vote on the next releases 20$ tier exclusive scene. If you end up boosting back up to 20 on the next release you would probably like knowing there is a special scene there for you.

Also anyone that bumps up to the 10$ tier to download then lowers afterwards make sure you let me know what you would like for your Custom main menu screen.

I legit have no issues with people bumping it up then lowering it, I have issues when I feel like people are getting screwed over because your not getting what you paid for. A couple of the people that did that last month I tried to contact them on multiple channels and they never replied. Which makes me feel like I ripped them off and I am not cool with that.

OK my sleep deprived rant aside look at this checklist. I am so happy that it's complete.

-Things to add for the Beta 1 Update


-New game introduction. - Done 6/15

-Create 5 new NPC characters - Done 6/15

-Add some more dialogues for random people in town. - Done 6/15

-Integrate Boss Battle 4 - 6/13

-Add Pursena script to Lilia so she can move in. - 6/13

-Add Pursena to Merc Company - For convos and dates. - Done 6/13

-Remake entire Office to remove computer, Make different Office versions to add things after completing boss battles and ranking up. - Done 6/13

 to make it feel like your office is growing with you.

Coding - Done - 6/18

- Things to code

-intro - Done 6/17

-tutorial remake - Done 6/17

-new battles - Done 6/17

-npcs - Done - 6/18

-npc dialogue - Done - 6/18

-patreon scene - Done 6/17

-pursena convos - Done- 6/18

-pursena dates - Done- 6/18

-lilia convos - Done- 6/18

-aisha convos - Done- 6/18

-new positions for the harem - Done- 6/18

Testing - Done 6/20 - Let's be real, no matter how much I test it, it will not be enough, one of you will find a bug, which will be fixed the update after. But I will be spending a full day just on bug testing.


Pursena all 3 Bathroom ones - Done - 6/19

Pursena all 3 Bedroom ones - Done - 6/19

Pursena both Date ones - Done - 6/19

Lilia all 3 Bathroom ones - Done - 6/19

Lilia Sittingroom one - Done - 6/19

Aisha 2 bathroom ones - Done - 6/19

Linia 1 Bedroom - Done - 6/19

Roxy 1 Bedroom - Done - 6/19

Sylphy 1 bedroom - Done - 6/19

Eris 1 Bedroom - Done - 6/19

Sara 1 Bedroom - Done - 6/19

Ariel 1 Bedroom - Done - 6/19

-UI Overhaul - Done - 2 hours in photoshop, 2 days fighting with myself on what "Looked good" - 6/10

-Balance fights again - Done - This took around 2 days. - 6/09

-Book instead of computer for seeing stats, levels. - Done - This only took a couple of hours after the other devs at f95zone helped me get unstuck. - 6/10

-Time Skip feature - Done - Took seconds after getting unstuck. - 6/10

-Fix player losing money - Done - Took longer than I am willing to admit... About 5 hours to figure out what was causing it.... deleting one line to fix it... - 6/10

-Convert animations from mp4 to webm - Done - 6/12

-Rename and organize all animations - Done - 6/12

-Add Animations to code - Done - 6/12

-Pursena Positions 3 in bathroom, 3 in bedroom - Done 6/12

Pos 1 Titjob - Bathroom - Done - 6/12

Pos 2 Cunni - Bathroom - Done - 6/12

Pos 3 Deepthroat - Bedroom - Done - 6/12

Pos 4 Doggy - Bathroom - Done - 6/12

Pos 5 Cowgirl - Bedroom - Done - 6/12

Pos 6 Hip Holding Missionary - Bedroom - Done - 6/12

-1 new position per character in the house. - Done - Each character should take about an hour so 6 hours total.

Sylphiette - Done - 18 Animations - 6/11

Roxy - Done - 18 Animations - 6/11

Eris - Done - 18 Animations - 6/11

Sara - Done - 18 Animations - 6/11

Ariel - Done - 18 Animations - 6/11

Linia - Done - 18 Animations - 6/11

-Aishia Animations - Done - 6/11

Pos 1 Hand Job - Done - 12 Animations - 6/11

Pos 2 Blow Job - Done - 12 Animations - 6/11

-Lilia Animations - Done 6/11

Pos 1 Titjob - Done - 12 Animations - 6/11

Pos 2 Blowjob - Done - 12 Animations - 6/11

Pos 3 Vaginal - Done - 12 Animations - 6/11

Pos 4 Vaginal - Done - 12 Animations - 6/11

-20$ Patreon Tier Exclusive Scene - Done - 35 Renders, 30 Animations - 6/11

If you want access to this scene make sure you upgrade to the 20$ tier before the Beta 1 release. Though I would recommend messaging me on Discord to know what the scene involves before increasing your tier.

Each update the 20$ Tier Patrons get to vote on an exclusive to them scene, There are currently 2 people at this tier 1 on Patreon and one on Subscribestar, Though the person on subscribestar did not message me back when I asked what they wanted.

So when the Patron asked for the scene I made what they asked for. Generally the way this tier will work is each patron at this tier will tell me what they want to see, I will then make a poll that everyone at the 20$ tier will vote on, most votes wins.

-10$ Patreon Tier Unique Main Menu Images - Done for everyone that requested one. - 6/11

Anyone at the 10$ Tier or higher each update are supposed to message me, telling me what they want to see. I will make each patron a unique main menu for them each update.

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per month
Once I reach 2,000 a month I will no longer have to worry about a full time job, I will be able keep updates coming faster and more regularly. This is also the point where I will be able to start putting money back into the game, paying for professional scripters, buying daz models and animations, to get ready for the 3rd game that I will be hopefully releasing in around a year.

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