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Siblings Resort: Chapter 7 - Chaos and Peace

"...I really wasn't thinking right last night. I missed a chance to sleep with Master Leon..." It was the morning after Master Leon arrived, and I was on my way to wake him up. Now that my embarrassment subsided, I couldn't help but fault myself for the missed opportunity last night. After so long apart, I could've maybe made him more aware of me as a girl if I played my cards right...

"Chirp-chirp!" Two birds flew together as I walked through the trail to the majestic tree in the middle of the property, further emphasizing my loneliness and jealousy.

"I might've even been able to confess to him... Such a shame..." I kept on walking along the path, eventually reaching the giant tree in the middle of the garden, and made my way to the entrance of the cave made by the trunks. There was a net full of mulch on the side of a brown hatch door. The fact that the door was not covered was proof that someone was currently down there. 

"Greeek..." The metal hatch door opened when I pressed a button that had its cover flipped over. I could see some lights at the bottom which further supported the theory of someone being down there.

"...Maybe it's not too late? I can probably confess to him right now... And he should be alone now..." My cheeks became red at the thought, and my heart started beating fast again, but I pushed all embarrassing thoughts aside and made my way down.

"Zzz..." I heard the breathing of someone sleeping nearby. The bunker that me and Master Leon made into our secret base is by no means small. The hatch entrance is by a small kitchen, and there's a passageway for the living room, sleeping quarters, restrooms, and an alternative exit that leads to a secret spot outside the property. Master Leon's father was the one who renovated the place for us and supported us to make this into our secret base. Said something about hidden bases being necessary to create opportunities for people to connect or something.

"Master Leon, are you still sleeping" I said but not so loud. I wanted to take the opportunity to see if he somehow changed the way he slept after a few months. That's what I told myself, but really, I wanted to see his innocent sleeping face.

"Zzz..." I entered the sleeping quarters and found him sleeping in the middle of two futons while covered up by a blanket. He seemed to be hugging something that I couldn't see because it was covered by the blanket.

"Master Leon, are you hugging a pillow? These two futons, did you maybe set them up in hopes I would come back to sleep with you?" I said this to no one in particular, but couldn't help but get into a teasing mood after the idea came to my head.

"Zzz..." I wasn't loud, so he kept on sleeping peacefully while still hugging what was underneath the blanket. He looked so at peace and so adorable... I couldn't help it. Without thinking, I let my flats slide off my stockings and feet as I crept onto the bed and crawled to his back underneath the blanket.

"Hey, Master Leon..." I whispered to his ear, "It's me, your loyal servant Alicia... Were you by chance waiting for me all night Master Leon?"

"Hmm...." He responded with some ununderstandable mumbles, but he let go of whatever he was hugging and turned his body to me.

"Huh...?! M-Master Leon...?!" I felt his hand circle around my back and held me in a gentle embrace. I felt steam practically go out from my ears, and started to blush uncontrollably. I may have been in a teasing mood, but I wasn't ready to be the one teased!

"...Alicia..." Master Leon mumbled while still sleeping, "Don't go... Stay with me... Please..." 

"Master Leon..." I saw a pained expression on his face. I was still blushing, but I managed to get a grip enough to understand he was somehow relieving his trauma. The loneliness he experienced for the past months... "Don't worry," I whispered as I gently patted his messy brown hair, "For as long as you allow me to, I won't leave your side..."

"...Alicia... Thank you..." I didn't really know if he was still asleep or semi-conscious, but it seemed my words calmed him somehow. While fighting off my embarrassed feelings, I let my face go to his chest as we did before he left, and I felt myself embraced by him even tighter. This was true happiness right here.

"Master Leon, I love you so much..." I let those words out without thinking, and I felt my consciousness about to drift off.

"...Love...? So Miss Alicia is in love with Big Brother?"


"Is that why you always avoided me...?"

"...!!!" I opened my eyes and saw someone looking down on me curiously while I was still in Master Leon's arms. Her brown hair and wrinkled magenta dress... She didn't have her giant red bow on, but I knew who this girl was without a second thought. "M-M-Miss Mylene...?" I couldn't move, time seemed to have stopped, and my feelings and thoughts were in turmoil inside me because of this unexpected presence in Master's Leon bed.

"...Miss Alicia, your face is really red right now... I never seen so much emotion in your face before..."

"M-M-M-"  I couldn't stop stuttering as I got out of Master Leon's embrace and sat up while slowly backing away. "Miss Mylene," I said finally off the bed while still a wreck and stuttering, "w-what are you doing in Master Leon's b-bed?"

"Huh? Well, I mean..." She started to get flustered, and her cheeks blushed a little for some reason, "I mean, last night... Big brother, I asked, and well, he said it was fine, so we, together, slept together?" Her response made time and the environment around me turned stone cold still for a few seconds, and the emotions drained from my face and thoughts.

"Together," I said in an emotionless way while I looked down stoically, "You two slept together last night?"

"H-Huh? Um... yes..." She said not noticing the change in me because she seemed happily flustered from her own emotions. "It was really comfortable... I felt really safe and warm with Big Brother..." All of a sudden, my emotions came out at once, and I grabbed the pillow underneath Master Leon's head and then I smacked it on his face with all my strength before running away to the kitchen with just my white stockings on my feet.

"MASTER LEON, YOU IDIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTTTTTT!!!!" I screamed as I climbed up the ladder to the hatch I accidentally left open.


"Huh?! What's going on?!" I felt something soft hit me on my face with a ton of force and I immediately shot up in a daze. What I saw was just my little sister next to me on the bed as she looked over in the direction of the hatch. Did someone come in? I thought I heard someone scream...

"I never seen her like that before..." Mylene said softly.

"Who, was someone here, Mylene?"

"Huh? Oh wait, that's right! Are you alright Big Brothe-woah!" My little sister seemed to have been trying to ask if I was alright, but she placed her hand that was supporting her on top of mine. The unexpected sensation caused her to unconsciously jerk her hand away but as a result, she lost her balance.

"Woah there," I said as I caught her with my hands. "It seems something happened as I was sleeping. Is everything alright?" 

"Yeah, everything is fine Big Brother. It just seems like Miss Alicia was so surprised to see us sleeping together that she ran away" she said chuckling strangely as she pulled away.

"Alicia? Really?" I turned towards the direction of the kitchen and noticed that Alicia's flats were on the floor in a messy fashion as if it was left behind by accident. "I see..." I get up and put on and tie my shoes as I pick her flats up. "I should probably go check up on her and return these, but..." I look at Mylene, remembering last night's events, "are you going to be okay?" She stiffened at my question and got out of bed before putting her bare feet in the purple flats that were decorated with a ribbon."

"I... don't want to go back there, Big Brother. At least not alone, so please..." she said with a scared face. I didn't like the way she was looking, so I got near and gently rubbed her head with my hand.

"So you'll need me to come with you, right?" She gave me a nervous nod to this question, and in response, I gently grabbed her hand and tried gently pulling her to the kitchen. "Shall we go, then?" Upon understanding my response, she nodded more happily and smiled.

"Thank you Big Brother."


"You came back...?" Mylene stormed off after I said her giggle was cute, but for some reason, she came back? I was currently still inside the tree's trunk cave, and I was just finishing pulling a net that contained mulch that had a brown hatch door underneath that was previously hidden by it. Mylene's eyes were looking down at her purple flats embarrassed for some reason, so I don't think she noticed it yet...

"I..." she started as I got back up and got near her, covering her view slightly. "I don't want to go back there... It's a prison, and I'm scared that I won't come out of there again if I go to sleep there..."

"So you want to sleep with me? Is that what you're asking...?" She looked up, a little flustered.

"I know this is bold of me, but I've been very lonely and get nightmares when sleeping alone. I don't want to have those anymore, and you said that you would do anything for me, right? So I thought... maybe..." She blushed and looked back down from embarrassment.

"Sleeping together, huh..." I said while thinking. Sleeping with someone was nothing new. I used to sleep with Alicia a lot, but that was because she was someone I had known for my entire life. And it's not like I don't understand Mylene, for the past months, I have also gotten nightmares as I slept alone in places I didn't want to be.

"Um, I..." Mylene seemed to be hesitant about following through with what she suggested, so I knew I had to make up my mind quickly. Her embarrassment was going to make the decision for her, and that would be a failure on my part as an older brother because asking that took courage.

"Stand back, Mylene. I'll open the hatch door so we can sleep together in the secret base." My positive response made her give an astonished reaction, but then curiosity overruled it.

"Secret base?" It was then she saw me flip off a protection cover next to the hatch door revealing a red button. As Mylene was surprised to see the hatchet door itself, I pressed the button which caused the hatchet itself to open automatically. "It opened by itself? I never knew we such a thing here..."

"Well," I stated getting ready to go down the ladder, "Everyone calls it a secret base, but everyone who works here knows about it. It's just that no one uses it, but me and... someone else?" I hesitated to tell about Alicia's involvement in it without her permission. "Anyway, wait until I turn on the lights, and then come down, alright?" I went down and turned on the lights, prompting Mylene to come down. She was a little shaky while coming down, but I made sure she saw me nearby to give her more confidence. Still... 

"You're getting red? Why?"

"Um, no, it's nothing. I just remember a rule I forgot about that was established when coming here..."

"A rule, what do you mean, Big Brother?" she asked innocently finally getting down.

"I'm sorry, I can't say. It's not important, though, so everything is fine."

"I guess that's fine..." She looked at me curiously with those innocent eyes. Yep, I do think pink suits an innocent girl like her, as compared to the purple Alicia wore the day the rule got established...

"Anyway," I said as I pressed a button near the light switch to automatically close the hatch door. "let me give you the tour." I showed her the kitchen, the restroom, the living room, and the sleeping quarters. I also offered to see what was at the end of the hallway that led to the alternate exit, but she said it sounded scary. I locked that entrance to put her at ease. Eventually though, after getting distracted by playing some card games with me, she gave a yawn and I knew bedtime was near. I led her to the sleeping quarters and showed her a futon near mine that would be her place to sleep for the night.


"Is everything alright, Mylene?" She grabbed the helm of her dress and flushed a little.

"I forgot my pajamas..."

"Oh, I see..." The pajamas here, as long as it was as it was before I left, should be mine and Alicia's only. I didn't feel comfortable using Alicia's clothes, but to use mine would be weird... "Do you want me to go get some clothes from your room?"

"Um, no! I'm actually okay sleeping in this dress. It's soft and I slept in it before..." At first, she seemed to have panicked, but then she trailed off for some reason, and I sensed her eyes become a little lifeless. To distract her, I did what I did to distract Alicia the day she got angry at me for seeing something purple. I quickly picked her up in a princess carry. "Huh? Ah, w-what are y-you doing?!"

"You seemed to be going to a dark place, so I wanted to surprise you enough to forget whatever it was you were thinking."

"Y-you didn't have to do it this way! It's embarrassing!"

"Mylene, you're encouraging me to do more with how cute your blushing face is."

"!!!" She then hid her face in my chest as she manipulated my shirt to hide her face. It seems she getting comfortable with me throughout the card games we played together...

"Um, Mylene," I said as I sat down on her futon. You can crawl off now if you want. We're on your bed now, so you can escape if you want..."


"No...?" She looked at me with her flushed face, and I sensed a little anger. "You will sleep with me tonight as an apology for your misdeeds, or else."

"Um, Mylene, I don't mind I guess? But the futon is too small, you know..."

"Don't care!" ...I guess even little sisters are girls who are complicated to understand


I wanted to embarrass Big Brother by making him sleep with me, so I forced him to join the two futons together and made him sleep in the middle as I clung to him from his front. But...

"You fell asleep even with me cliquing to you...?" I felt defeated. I even guilted him to sleep in his regular clothes because I was doing the same with mine to make the situation uncomfortable for him, but it didn't affect him at all...


"Honestly, Big Brother..." He was a strange person, but for some reason, he was someone I was just comfortable with despite knowing for such a small amount of time. I'm even clinging to him without reservations. Was that because of how lonely I was before that I was desperate for affection..?

"Zzz..." I looked at his peaceful sleeping face, and I felt all the tension I built throughout the last few years go away. I didn't understand how, and I'm still feeling something weird whenever I see him... Just what is this...

"Big Brother, you're so weird..." But maybe I'm more weird because I'm clinging to him more, and feel so at peace. He then slowly hugged me back and embraced me, and I felt my cheeks get warmer, and my gaze was mesmerized by his peaceful demeanor. I held his shirt tighter, as my conscience slowly drifted away...


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Siblings Resort: Chapter 6 - Encounter

"I just DON'T KNOW WHAT ELSE TO DO!" I dashed out of my working room when I just couldn't bear it anymore. I have failed so many times that now my mother gave up on me. Worst yet, she brought in my supposed brother to help but I knew better. My friends whom I hadn't seen in months showed me the truth about them. They're selfish beings who take advantage of their younger siblings, so this has to be some sort of punishment from her. I made her angry.

"Huh? Miss Mylene?" As I ran I passed a freckled redhead woman who called after me, but I ignored her and ran to the only place I thought could maybe help calm me down. The majestic tree that I could only see through the window in my room. The place I haven't been able to visit since the first day I arrived. And when I got to it, I hid in the opening underneath the tree. I noticed it when I first arrived, but the large tree's trunks created a cave-like structure whose entrance was hidden behind the bushes that surrounded it, and it was big enough for kids to fit but there was nothing in it besides some mulch on the ground.

"It's not fair Mother," I cried, "I really did try hard." Ever since the day Miss Nanako told me about Mother's true feelings, I truly gave it my all to do what my mother wished me to do. I honestly didn't understand why she wanted me to manage a resort by myself, but I'm willing to do anything to go back to how we once were. But despite those feelings, I still failed. So many times now that I'm convinced she finally gave up on me.


"Hello Ms. Everstream."

"Huh? Leon? LEON!!!"

"Whoa!" After leaving the room where I talked with Alicia and my sister, I passed by a freckled redhead servant whom I was very friendly with back then. I called out to her formally to check her reaction, but upon noticing it was me, she threw herself at me and held me tightly in a big hug. It was a really warm but happy sensation for me.

"Leon! It's really Leon! Oh I was told you arrived but I wanted to make sure it was you. I'm so happy to see you again, little Leon! Ah, but this is no excuse to call me that! Call me Emily, like you always have been." She pouted as she separated from me, with the warm comfortable sensation leaving me. Strange, why am I a little bit dejected...?

"I'm sorry, Emily. It's just been so long I wasn't sure how to act around you anymore."

"Don't be silly, Leon! I'll have you know that I've been helping Nanako search for you all this time! We were really heartbroken when you were taken away and we were desperate to find you!"

"You've been searching for me?" This is news to me. So it seems no one that actually cared for me abandoned me, but was instead unable to find me...

"Yeah, but no one knew where you were taken except for that heartless mother of yours! Ah, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to disrespect your family like that!"

"No it's alright, haha... I'm just glad you haven't changed at all, Emily." I couldn't help but smile at the information that I just learned and that people who cared for me like Emily haven't changed that much.

"Oh, Master Leon..." she replied with some... tears in her eyes? "I'm so glad to have been able to see you again. I desperately needed to see a respectable man again after all the hardships that I've endured..."

"Respectable man...? Wait, isn't Mr. Fiddle a respectable man too? Did something happen to him?" For some reason, she got stiff, and life seemed to have left her eyes.

"We don't talk about him anymore."

"Huh? But aren't you two-"

"We don't talk about him anymore" she repeated.

"...I understand." I wasn't as close to Mr. Fiddle as I am to Emily, but I was surprised that she didn't want to talk about him. They used to be inseparable...

"Just know," she started now looking uncomfortable, "we aren't going out anymore."

"I see..."

"Yeah... but wait...? Oh, that's right!" She stopped looking uncomfortable and looked at me with sparkling eyes, "There's someone you have to meet! Someone I hope you will get along!"

"There is?"

"Yes, you should come with me to- oh no, wait. It's late, so now is not a good time." She started to look dejected.

"Huh, why? I can spare some time?"

"No, it's late. If I wake her up now, it'll be a nightmare..."

"Wake her up?"

"Yeah, you'll meet her soon enough, I'm sure. Actually, now thinking about the time, I'm late! I have to go! I'm sorry to have distracted you, Master Leon! I'm really happy to see you again, though!"

"Yeah, you too." She started to run off before pausing to look at me.

"Ah, right, Master Leon, are you going to your secret hideout?"

"Yeah, that's right." Although me and Alicia call it our secret hideout, it's not so secret to anyone else. It's just that it's only me and Alicia who uses it.

"Miss Mylene just ran past me and is most likely around the entrance. Can you just keep an eye out for her?"

"Miss Mylene? That's my sister's name, right?" I did recall her running out really upset.

"Yes, that's her. She was heading towards the garden, so if you're already on your way there, please keep an eye out for her."

"Sure, I don't mind." She gave me a quick bow before smiling warmly.

"Thanks Master Leon. Please be kind to her, your mother has always been cruel to her, so please don't let her feel alone." With that said, she turned and left in a hurry. I watched over her until she left my vision, thinking over what she said about my little sister.


I made my way slowly towards the giant tree in the garden. Emily said that Mylene was around here, so I made sure to listen to my surroundings and look for anything that didn't belong in nature.

"No sign of her at all..." I was being vigilant, but still nothing. Maybe she already left? That might be for the best, we already had a very awkward relationship despite just having met once.

"...Why..." I stopped in my tracks because I thought I heard someone crying. And listening more carefully, it was coming from the tree? I crept closer while trying hard to not rustle the bushes that were surrounding the gigantic tree. Because if I did, and if this was Mylene as I suspected, I didn't want to give her any more bad impressions.

"There she is..." I whispered. She was inside the cave made by the tree's trunk.

"...Mother, why won't you ever let me see you anymore? I just don't want to be alone anymore... I can't see my friends, I can't leave my room, I can't see you... Have I done something to anger you...? Why, mother...?" What Emily said flashed through my mind. Please don't let her feel alone. Did she know Mylene was feeling this way? Was that why she looked very concerned when she asked me to look for her? It is true that there's nothing more painful than being alone, I know that from experience...

"... I can't just stay here and do nothing," I whispered. If she's experiencing what I felt for the past nine months, I refuse to stay still a second longer. Much less if this girl is my little sister."

"H-Huh...? EEEAK!!!" I purposely made the bush in front of the entrance rustle to not scare her as I moved to the entrance of the cave, but the moment she saw me in the moonlight, she stiffened and pushed herself as far back as she could, clearly frightened of me. It hurt that I was this scary in her eyes, but if I was in her position seeing a stranger close in on her, I would be scared too. But even so, I knew what I had to do as I got on my knees in front of her to not intimidate her and pause for a second to think of what to say as the cricket sang around us.

"...When I was younger," I finally began, "Father would tell me happily that I had a little sister that he wanted me to meet. And I was really happy and excited because I had always wanted to be an older brother." I looked at her to gaze at her reaction, but she still remained scared and stiff in the back, so I continued. "But as he kept saying that we would meet soon over and over, I couldn't help but doubt if you existed at all. So eventually, I stopped caring and life went on." I turn my head to the side uncomfortably remembering what came next. "Then suddenly, Father died and my life was thrown into disarray. I was disowned and the ones who always was there for me were gone. I was completely alone." For the first time, Mylene reacted to my words. She was curious now but still being scared. "It was... really painful. I didn't know loneliness hurt so much, and I cried night after night, wishing for anyone to talk to, anyone to befriend. But when I resigned to my lonely fate, I met you." I looked at her with a small smile to show I meant no harm. "When we met for the first time, I didn't comprehend right away you were my little sister, and I couldn't immediately reassure you that everything will be alright. For that, I'm really sorry."

"H-huh?!" I bowed my head with sincerity, and this caused her to gasp in surprise.

"I'm a failure as an older brother for that, but I want to do this right." I looked at her with determined eyes and said "Mylene, I know right now I'm a stranger to you, but I want to ask for you to give me a chance to be a proper older brother. I promise to help you with anything you need. I promise to do everything to make you smile and not feel lonely at all. I promise to dedicate myself to your happiness, so please."

"A-ah!? U-um, um...!" She was stuttering and didn't know what to say after I bowed my head, but I refused to move until she gave me a response.

"Y-you..." she started after a little while, "aren't going to be mean to me a-and make me do stuff as if I was your slave?"



"Ah, no, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you! It's just... what sort of a failure of a brother would do that?! Don't tell me you know someone like that, do you?"

"A-ah well..." Her face gave away the answer I sought, and I learned a horrible truth at that moment.

"Mylene," I said readjusting myself and looking at her with my full attention, "I will never do anything to make you sad. You are my sister, and I want to be someone you depend on. I want to be there for you so you'll never experience loneliness again." As I talked, I slowly moved closer to her and gently grabbed her delicate hands in mine. "I promise, as your older brother, that I won't let any misfortune get near you, and that happiness is the only thing I have in mind for you... Is that alright with you?" I waited patiently for her response with a little bit of anxiety. And after a brief moment of thinking, she nodded meekly while blushing.

"H-huh?!" Out of an impulse of happiness for finally being accepted as her older brother, I gently embraced her in a big hug to which she gave another gasp in surprise.


What is going on? Shirley and Jolly told me all older brothers were selfish and uncaring of others, but my own older brother is hugging me tightly and I feel no malice. I'm not feeling any desire to bully or hurt me, just affection for me. Even though we only just met! Is this what older brothers are really like? There is no selfishness at all here. And this hug is just so comforting...


"H-hyah?! Oh, um, y-yeah?"

"I'm truly am happy to have met you." 

"..." I kept quiet not out of malice, but because I was afraid of myself for what I was feeling. His soft whispers in my ears made my back tingle strangely, and my heart was beating so fast. And I felt so comfortable in his hands that I could melt, I just couldn't comprehend my emotions! And to make matters worst, this is the first time I felt loved in so long that I couldn't help but weep a little from some sort of relief. 

"Huh?! D-did I do something wrong?" He tried pulling away as he said this, but when I resisted by holding on his shirt, he gave up on the idea.

"No, I'm just happy. Happy of not being alone anymore, happy of having a cool older brother. I'm sorry, I know you mean well and I'm crying on your shirt and getting it messy, but I'm just so happy. I'm really, really happy..." At first, he responded with nothing, but then I felt the back of my head being stroked gently.

"Then I'm glad. I'm really glad."

"Hmm." We stayed in the same position for a little bit longer, before finally pulling apart. After standing up first, he held out his hand to help me stand up despite my face showing clear signs of crying. "U-um..."

"Is something wrong?"

"W-what should I call you...?" I made the mistake of not bothering to memorize his name before because of my prejudice against older brothers. Honestly, my behavior was just shameful.

"O-oh, um..." He looked away shyly, which made my heart beat faster for some reason...

"Is... something wrong?"

"N-no, it's just... I... always... well before..."

"Hmm...?" He was acting really flustered... but why...? It seems my response made him shake his head before looking at me meekly.

"I... always wanted to be called Big Brother.

"B-big brother?!" I instantly remember a past conversation where both Jolly and Shirley complained to me about their older siblings trying to get their parents to force them to call them that out of respect.

"...When I was younger, Father read me books where it was used. When I asked what it meant, he said that it was what older brothers were called by the younger siblings who were close to them..." He scratched his cheek as he explained this. Still, this was another difference compared to what I knew from Shirley and Jolly. Maybe their concept of older siblings is just warped because of their selfish older brothers... "Ah!? Of course, you can call me Leon if it makes you uncomfortable. We're not that close, so maybe it's wrong of me to ask this when we literally just met..." He gave an awkward chuckle at the end to hide his embarrassment, but I at least understood his true feelings.

"No, it's alright, I don't mind. You said you would dedicate yourself to me, right? If you're serious about that, then it's the least I can do, big brother." He looked away from me, but I could see him smiling happily. I guess it meant a lot to him.

"Sorry for being weird, but I'm glad. Thank you Mylene for looking past that. " His strange way of embarrassed fidgeting really made my face feel warm for some reason...

"Hehehe..." I couldn't help but giggle a little to hide my slight embarrassment from his pure reaction. It's been a long time since the last time I wasn't depressed, so I guess I'm more receptive now to anything positive.

"...You really have a cute giggle."

"Huh?!" His comment caught me so off guard that I couldn't help but yelp from surprise, and I felt my cheeks becoming even more warm for some reason. "W-what are you saying?!"

"Ah, did I say that out loud?"

"Yes, you did! And why are you questioning yourself?! That's not normal!" 

"No, well, it's like, you know... When you think something and it slips your mouth without realizing it?"

"That's doesn't help! Geez!" I couldn't help but storm out of the cave not from frustration, but from the embarrassment and happiness I felt from his comment.


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8 posts


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This amount proves to us that there is potential, even if it's minimal. A huge gratitude from us.
$0.00 of $50
per month
Half of a Hundred. Not many reach this goal, so if we do, many thanks. More than just a huge gratitude.
$0.00 of $100
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Illustrations, at least the professional kinds, cost 100 a piece. Reaching this tier guarantees an amazing illustration for all our projects. Thanks would not be enough anymore at this stage, but we'll try anyway. Thank You!
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With this amount, multiple illustrations should be able to be produced at once. Makes projects comes out faster, so thanks for helping our ambitious become a reality.
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Reaching 200 means this is a professional successful organization with funding. To be part of something like that, how can we even try to thank you all? Please know that we have all the gratitude in the world for helping us reach this achievement.
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Guarantees full speed work for one of the projects being worked on. Expect faster progress at this stage. :)
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