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Thunder One
Thunder One
Hello. I'm Thunder One and I make games. The lewd ones. All games I make will always be free, but subscribers get access to early builds and other stuff. Please join Discord for more info.


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Thunder One
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Tales of Terrara v0.4.1

Here we go! New release is out! Hope you enjoy!

Note: If you don't see a specific version in the link (like Mac or Android, it might still be uploading, wait for a few minutes).

  • New scene with Lizzy, the fairy (same as the other one, just travel around until it triggers)
  • New scene with the companion you get at the stables (hc only)
  • New character: Wynna, goddess of love
  • New character: priestess of Wynna
  • New map: Rugustellum
  • New location: Temple of Wynna in Rugustellum
  • New Event at the temple progressing the story and quests
  • Added option to buy horse at the Cedioria stables (the horse allows you to fast travel anywhere you have previously been)
  • Added a gold reward to the end of the Faeria quest (if you already completed the quest, you will get it upon loading the save file)
  • You can now get the second Phinessa scene even if you completed her quest before getting the first one
  • Other small bug fixes and improvements

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Thunder One
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A new challenger approaches

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Thunder One
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Tales of Terrara v0.4.0

Here we go! New release is out! Hope you enjoy!

Note: If you don't see a specific version in the link (like Mac or Android, it might still be uploading, wait for a few minutes).
  • New scene with Wif as a reward for completing her task
  • New scene with Shae training magic together
  • Conclusion of the current main quest, which closes the Faeria chapter
  • Added new alternative event to get Shae and Galthia in case you missed them after the bandit hideout in Cedioria
  • You now can repeat Phinessa's first event and get her scene or quest if you missed them the first time.
  • You can now get Crasas quest and scene if you missed them before
  • Fixed the event to locate the portal to Faeria if you don't have either Galthia or Shae with you
  • Other small bug fixes and improvements
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Thunder One
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Tales of Terrara v0.3.9

Here we go! New release is out! Hope you enjoy!
Note: If you don't see a specific version in the link (like Mac or Android, it might still be uploading, wait for a few minutes).
WARNING: as explained below, I did a lot of changes to the core coding of the game in an attempt to reduce load and save times, which were getting too high. In the end, these changes didn't help much and what actually solved the issue was to reduce the amount of rollback allowed. But nonetheless, this changes were long overdue anyway, since a lot of unnecessary things were being saved with each file and that needed some clean up.
But since these changes were pretty significant, it might cause some errors. So, please:
IF YOU GET ANY GAME BREAKING ISSUES REPORT TO ME AS SOON AS POSSIBLE so I can fix them quickly. Thank you, and enjoy the update!
  • New scene with Phinessa, the centaur
  • New scene with Crasas, the giant
  • Conclusion of Phinessa's quest
  • Conclusion of Crasas quest
  • Greatly improved save and load times, at the cost of reducing the amount you can rollback
  • Cleaned up a lot of variables that were getting saved in the save file unnecessarily, but this required some heavy changes to the core coding of the game
  • Other small bug fixes and improvements
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Thunder One
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Tales of Terrara v0.3.8

Here we go! New release is out! Hope you enjoy!
Note: If you don't see a specific version in the link (like Mac or Android, it might still be uploading, wait for a few minutes).
  • New npc, a Naiad at the north point Faeria, she can give a blessing
  • New scene with the Naiad
  • You can now go into the cursed area
  • New boss fight in the cursed area, a wraith
  • New scene with the Wraith
  • Some new ambience and sound effects
  • You can now get the artifact Wif requested, advancing the main quest
  • Fixed some instances of Mc being referred to as the wrong gender
  • Other small bug fixes and improvements
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Thunder One
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Tales of Terrara v0.3.7

Here we go! New release is out! Hope you enjoy!
Shorter update, mostly because I want to wrap up before the holidays with a few days to spare in case I have to fix something. Also, focused a bit more on technical stuff/quality of life.
Note: If you don't see a specific version in the link (like Mac or Android, it might still be uploading, wait for a few minutes).
  • New scene with Mol, go hunting with her
  • New scene with Ninia, hangout with her
  • New voice added for lewd scenes with Ninia
  • Fixed a case where you couldn't get the centaur scene
  • Fixed some problems with the quest system
  • Fixed issue with map locations appearing before they should and causing sequence breaks
  • Fixed (hopefully all) errors caused by killing potentially important NPCs, especially when trying to open the map
  • Fixed some dialogs refering to the Mc as the wrong gender
  • Other small bug fixes and improvements
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