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The Pony Archive is a network of sites hosting pony and pony related content.
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per month
The Five Dollar Meal Deal.

The fiver, thanks for your support!

  1. [Optional] Comes with your name on the contributors portion of The Pony Archive.
  2. [Optional] A donor badge on Ponybooru.
  3. [Optional] Receive the Angel role in Z+ Discord Community. Grants access to a behind the scenes channel for testing and updates.
  4. [Optional] Recieve the Donor role in Ponybooru Discord Community. Grants access to a private channel for updates and behind the scenes things.
  5. [Optional] Comes with a custom printed badge. (Limited to 1 request every 6 months.)

All [Optional] rewards must be requested by PM on Subscribe Star, these are not automatic. I'll need your Discord username for discord rewards, Ponybooru username for badge rewards and a name to be credited wit on The Pony Archive if desired.

per month
The Number 9 Large.

For those who wanted to give a bit more.

Your help is greatly appreciated!

  1. [Optional] Comes with your name on the contributors portion of The Pony Archive.
  2. [Optional] A donor badge on Ponybooru, you get to choose from a pool of badges.
  3. [Optional] Receive the Angel role in Z+ Discord Community. Grants access to a behind the scenes channel for testing and updates.
  4. [Optional] Recieve the Donor role in Ponybooru Discord Community. Grants access to a private channel for updates and behind the scenes things.
  5. [Optional] Angel Role grants access to the secret channel where I post small updates and things behind the scenes that generally don't get posted anywhere else.
  6. [Optional] Comes with a custom printed badge. (Limited to 1 request every 4 months.)

All [Optional] rewards must be requested by PM on Subscribe Star, these are not automatic. I'll need your Discord username for discord rewards, Ponybooru username for badge rewards and a name to be credited wit on The Pony Archive if desired.

per month
Taco 12 Pack Supreme.

This tier is for those that want to give even more.

Thank you for your support!

  1. [Optional] Comes with your name on the contributors portion of The Pony Archive.
  2. [Optional] A donor badge on Ponybooru with flavor text of your choice.
  3. [Optional] Receive the Angel role in Z+ Discord Community. Grants access to a behind the scenes channel for testing and updates.
  4. [Optional] Recieve the Donor role in Ponybooru Discord Community. Grants access to a private channel for updates and behind the scenes things.
  5. [Optional] Comes with a custom printed badge. (Limited to 1 request every 3 months.)

All [Optional] rewards must be requested by PM on subscribestar, these are not automatic. I'll need your Discord username for discord rewards, Ponybooru username for badge rewards and a name to be credited wit on The Pony Archive if desired.

per month
The KFC Bucket.

We thank you very much for your support!

It's most appreciated.

  1. [Optional] Comes with your name on the contributors portion of The Pony Archive.
  2. [Optional] A donor badge on Ponybooru with flavor text of your choice.
  3. [Optional] Receive the Angel role in Z+ Discord Community. Grants access to a behind the scenes channel for testing and updates.
  4. [Optional] Recieve the Donor role in Ponybooru Discord Community. Grants access to a private channel for updates and behind the scenes things.
  5. [Optional] Comes with a custom printed badge. (Limited to 1 request every 2 months.)

All [Optional] rewards must be requested, these are not automatic.

per month
3 Boneless Pizzas and a 2L Coke.

Your support is much appreciated.

Thank you again.

  1. [Optional] Comes with your name on the contributors portion of The Pony Archive.
  2. [Optional] A donor badge on Ponybooru with flavor text of your choice.
  3. [Optional] Receive the Angel role in Z+ Discord Community. Grants access to a behind the scenes channel for testing and updates.
  4. [Optional] Recieve the Donor role in Ponybooru Discord Community. Grants access to a private channel for updates and behind the scenes things.
  5. [Optional] Comes with a custom printed badge. (Limited to 1 request every 2 months.)

All [Optional] rewards must be requested by PM on Subscribe Star, these are not automatic. I'll need your Discord username for discord rewards, Ponybooru username for badge rewards and a name to be credited wit on The Pony Archive if desired.

per month
The Ice Cream Machine is still broke.

Oh my, thank you!

Your help is much appreciated!

  1. [Optional] Comes with your name on the contributors portion of The Pony Archive.
  2. [Optional] A donor badge on Ponybooru with flavor text of your choice.
  3. [Optional] Receive the Angel role in Z+ Discord Community. Grants access to a behind the scenes channel for testing and updates.
  4. [Optional] Recieve the Donor role in Ponybooru Discord Community. Grants access to a private channel for updates and behind the scenes things.
  5. [Optional] Comes with a custom printed badge. (Limited to 1 request every month.)

All [Optional] rewards must be requested by PM on Subscribe Star, these are not automatic. I'll need your Discord username for discord rewards, Ponybooru username for badge rewards and a name to be credited wit on The Pony Archive if desired.

per month
The Chick-Fil-A Family Pack.

You must really like what we do I guess. T-thanks?

Your help is much appreciated!

  1. [Optional] Comes with your name on the contributors portion of The Pony Archive.
  2. [Optional] A donor badge on Ponybooru with flavor text of your choice.
  3. [Optional] Receive the Angel role in Z+ Discord Community. Grants access to a behind the scenes channel for testing and updates.
  4. [Optional] Recieve the Donor role in Ponybooru Discord Community. Grants access to a private channel for updates and behind the scenes things.
  5. [Optional] Comes with a custom printed badge. (Limited to 1 request every month.)

All [Optional] rewards must be requested by PM on Subscribe Star, these are not automatic. I'll need your Discord username for discord rewards, Ponybooru username for badge rewards and a name to be credited wit on The Pony Archive if desired.

per month
A Buffet for a party of 6.

Oh uhh... Thanks? It's greatly appreciated.

It means a lot to the network and fandom at large.

  1. [Optional] Comes with your name on the contributors portion of The Pony Archive.
  2. [Optional] A donor badge on Ponybooru with flavor text of your choice.
  3. [Optional] Receive the Angel role in Z+ Discord Community. Grants access to a behind the scenes channel for testing and updates.
  4. [Optional] Recieve the Donor role in Ponybooru Discord Community. Grants access to a private channel for updates and behind the scenes things.
  5. [Optional] Comes with a custom printed badge. (Limited to 2 requests every month.)

All [Optional] rewards must be requested, these are not automatic.

per month
A trip to the Costco Food Court.


Thanks though, it's greatly appreciated.

  1. [Optional] Comes with your name on the contributors portion of The Pony Archive.
  2. [Optional] A donor badge on Ponybooru with flavor text of your choice.
  3. [Optional] Receive the Angel role in Z+ Discord Community. Grants access to a behind the scenes channel for testing and updates.
  4. [Optional] Recieve the Donor role in Ponybooru Discord Community. Grants access to a private channel for updates and behind the scenes things.
  5. [Optional] Comes with a custom printed badge. (Limited to 3 requests every month.)
  6. [Optional] Comes with a redesigned Whinebox. (3 consecutive months required. 1 time only for now. The Whinebox is hand made, and takes a while to manufacturer.)

All [Optional] rewards must be requested, these are not automatic.



  • Continued upkeep of the Z+ network, The Pony Archive.
  • Support for other sites and projects including Ponybooru, Brony Bash, BeerTube, and Project Vinyl.
  • Progress forward with new features, services and hardware.
Public post

It's that time again, for an update that shows the project isn't actually dead!

Nothing super important to report on regarding news or recent events, just me being slow in implementing change.

The Pony Archive:
  • New server is in place, but not fully migrated all of the software yet.
  • This was a gigantic chunk of money, couldn't have done it without the donations.
    • 2x E5-2690V4 
    • 128GB DDR4 Ram
    • 8x HGST 16TB HDDs in ZFS-2 for 83TB of usable space.  (Slightly more than the previous server's 77TB!)
      • Room for 8 more drives for another 83TB array!
  • Runs almost everything for TPA now.
  • Introducing The Warp a searchable front-end for TPA.

  • Despite some severe issues, the network is still running strong with some upkeep.
  • Hosting has ended private beta and is now in public beta with some meme offerings.
  • Billing panel still needs bug fixes, working with vendor to fix known bugs I've found.
  • Lets me free up time and not have to manually configure VPSs for Pony clients that continue to take advantage of the discounted services of Z+
  • We're adding 3 more pop points beginning of 3rd quarter this year.  This is about a year later than expected, 2022 was a tough year financially personally.
  • Adding new services in 2nd quarter of this year, something to really look forward to as it's new to the industry.

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It's been 6 years!   More importantly, YouTube is removing all unlisted videos from 2017 and before and they will become inaccessible after July 23rd.  
What a non-gift for our 6 year anniversary!
It has been 6 awesome years though, and there are dozens of active users with TPA that make sure we can archive as much as we can find in our limited time.

I wanted to thank all of my supporters through the years for the fun times.  It means a lot not only to myself, but to so many people who stumble upon The Pony Archive and the other sites that are now hosted under Z+.  We've gotten a lot of chances already to raise awareness about archives and their importance.  A thanks goes out to all of the conventions out there, even the ones TPA hasn't had a presence at. 

Going forward is going to take a lot of patience and hard work now that TPA and Z+ have grown.  We've done it before and we'll keep on doing it. 

Some important updates with The Pony Archive:
  • The Pony Archive's "new" server (it's almost 3 years old now?) is actually filling up.  We've got another 5TB of space before it's completely filled.  This means that we're actually going to need a bigger server sooner rather than later.
  • This means that eventually I'll have to do a fundraiser to get enough money to afford HDD's to rack.  There'll be more info about this fundraiser in August.   With the price of hard drives this is going to hurt my personal wallet too most likely.
  • We'll need some other parts for the new server, but I already have quite a bit prepared for the next unit unless I find something that works really well in-budget.

Some important updates for Spikebot:
  • Spikebot has been updated once again to a newer version with a few new features and tricks.
  • Spikebot needs another refactor eventually but right now works just fine, a refactor would improve speeds further but... it's not exactly needed yet.

Some important updates for Z+:
  • Several code bases in-use in the Z+ network have been updated.
  • Several Z+ network sites have had their anniversaries recently, with Project Vinyl just behind TPA in age at 5 years.  
  • Z+ VPS hosting is in closed beta with 10 private clients!  Progress!
  • Z+ Now has a matrix server, available from the discord right now.
  • Lots of automation scripts have been made.
  • There are a few upcoming projects for Z+

New project? NEW PROJECT?!
Introducing Qroxy, a Quest Compatible media proxy for use with VRChat.
  • Media request caching.
  • Headset restriction bypass.
  • High reliability redirection.
  • Low bandwidth for host server.

Qroxy is expected to be publicly available by the 21st of July in an open beta.  Qroxy is fully open source.

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New server has been put in place for Z+  a few weeks ago.
The migration has been happening slowly but has progressed.  Much of two previously leased dedicated servers have been migrated.  Removing those old servers from the network soon.
This will help offset the cost of the newly colocated server.

All systems should be operational, if something isn't working let me know.
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I found a waifu and brought her home.  She's very pretty.
There's more pics in the Z+ and PB discord servers. <3
The hard drives arrived for the new server.
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Today is a big day for The Pony Archive / Z+

I have edited all reward tiers, and have added a few new tiers including a follower tier.
I wanted to thank you guys for the support over the years. I hope 2021 at least has some good moments and I plan to try to make many of those with you.

As some of you may know Z+  manages the network behind The Pony Archive, Ponybooru, Project Vinyl, (few other smaller sites) and also runs the online convention, Brony Bash. 
These projects have taken a lot of work, time and money to make them into what they are today.   There have been some changes structure wise, and some clarifications on things.   We'll start with what's changed,  some quick clarification(s), and a what's next.

What's changed?

The $5 tier and over now offer requests for physical printed badges.  Some of you may have seen these in previews for when I was beginning a run of them for The Pony Archive.  These are printed on hard plastic cards similar in size to a credit card or hotel room key.  A picture of a few badges will be posted in a week or so when I have more time to tweak them.

Once I've perfected a few badges to choose from, users can submit a request to get a badge from me from the pool of badges.  I'd love to do a "meme of the month" badge but I'm going to be honest when I say I don't think I'll be that active in printing out badges.

There are now very clear descriptions of the discord roles you can optionally receive and what they offer.

Tiers now also give Ponybooru badges, not to be confused with the physical badge rewards.  There's a few different tiers of them.  The length of subscription required to have badge permanence has not yet been determined.

Some clarification:

I thought it would be important to make the distinction that while Z+ may be the umbrella under which these all reside, the policies for each site and project are managed separately.  I get asked this question more often than I really anticipated , and it never really changes.

Another important clarification about another question I get asked often. "Can I support one site and not the other(s)?"  Well, depending on the site, absolutely.  But unfortunately that doesn't extend to monetary support as everything is mostly contained within the network and separation of income is extremely hard when it's just me managing everything.   Your support goes towards the network, and that ensures *everything* stays up.

Non-monetary support can come in many forms.  The Pony Archive always accepts donations of files for archival, even paid content that will not be shared publicly.  You can also help by giving us links to things that need archiving or asking to help out some of the coding projects that arise.

Ponybooru loves active users, making some jokes on the forums or contributing tags, uploading content or just generally hanging out.

What's next?

Well we're putting up a new server soon for the Z+ network.

We're still in need of about $950 worth of hard drives (8, 8TB disks) and $350 worth of DDR4 server memory (8x 16GB rdimms).  I've been slowly building up the server past few months and am close to getting the ram leaving just the hard drives as needed.

This will not raise overall monthly operational expenses by more than about $5 as we're recouping the cost of colocation by discontinuing the last rented servers in the Z+/ TPA network.   
With this new server in place, the Z+ network will be entirely self-owned.  It is also expected that Z+ will begin being able to offer VPS services officially about a month after deployment of the server and migration of running services to determine the amount of resources free.

I can't magically expect 2021 to be better, but we can try together.  Thank you for reading, thanks for the support.  Look to see you again sometime soon!

PS: If you are still on the Patreon you should migrate over to the Subscribe Star here.

PM me for rewards, I'll need your discord username / ponybooru username / username you'd like to be credited with on TPA if desired.
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What do YOU know about good fruit punch?!

Well, I know the rum usually disappears in the suite.  F for our 151

Hopefully cons will be a thing again soon eh?
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  • Access to Creator's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Creator by contributing – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Creator directly via Instant Messenger.

Creator Stats

26 subscribers
9 posts


The bare minimum to operate the archive. Archival of content in certain locations may be hindered as geolocated proxies would not be available. Streaming services will not be available. (Some of these double as proxies.) Game server hosting may not continue.
Bare minimum with game server hosting included, some streaming features will be enabled primarily in USA as the server shares double duty.
The bare minimum required to operate at current capacity. Does not include a reserve for future upgrades or hardware failures.
Minimum required as an estimate to replace hardware and have the reserve to do so. Anything beyond this is added to the reserve funds for expansion.

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