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The Mithril Hourglass profile
The Mithril Hourglass
The Mithril Hourglass
Interactive fiction for adults.

Планы подписки


For those that want to show support, but not in a "take my money" kind of way. At this tier, all you'll get is notifications, but I'll still appreciate that you're here.

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Eternal Gratitude

The obligatory "eternally grateful" tier.

This tier gets you all of the basic benefits you'd expect of being a supporter. Early access to each game build, early access to demos for potential future projects, access to supporter-only posts and renders, voting power in supporter-only polls, and behind-the-scenes looks at what's being developed.

You'll also get an invite to my private Discord server. Once you've joined, you're in forever, regardless of whether or not you continue to support The Mithril Hourglass. The Discord server is the fastest way to reach me, so if you have feedback, found a bug, or just want to chat, Discord is the best place to do it.

2 подписчика
USD в месяц
Early Supporter

This tier offers the same benefits as the Supporter tier, but at a limited early bird discount.

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USD в месяц

Support development.

At this tier, you'll get all the benefits of previous tiers, as well as the opportunity to suggest additions to the current project(s). Things like adding a costume for the main character, a customization option for areas that support it, a particular scene - anything that could be an option within an existing system of the current project(s). Just send a message to The Mithril Hourglass to get started.

0 подписчиков
USD в месяц
Premier V.I.P.

This tier offers the same benefits as the V.I.P. tier, but at a limited early bird discount.

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In addition to all previous tier benefits, you get access to additional V.I.P.-only channels on the Discord server as well as access to regular test builds. This gives you a unique opportunity to provide active feedback and help make decisions as the game is being developed.

I'll also find a way to put you into the active project upon request. This could be naming an NPC after you and working together to decide how they should behave, building a side quest or event - just about anything. While there are some limits, everything will be open to discussion and personalized to you. Just send me a message to get started.

0 подписчиков


  • Early Access + Behind-The-Scenes Posts
  • Private Discord Invitation
  • Other generalized special treatment
The Mithril Hourglass

Maids and Masters v0. 20 Release

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The Mithril Hourglass
Публичный пост

Divine Intervention

I said I'd share something once I had something to share, and the Patreon page went up almost literally the very next day. There's probably going to be more in this post than there is on the Patreon page (at least for now), but we're still working on this together fairly regularly.
If you want to check it out, click here:
If you want some more renders, keep scrolling.
Divine Intervention is an urban fantasy visual novel that - if the name doesn't give it away - involves a deity stepping in when a mission goes sideways. You take the role of Nathan Hayes, a Corporal in the ACA - a private military company. You and your squad are sent to retrieve an artifact created by a banished god when... well. Divine Intervention happens.
I don't want to give away more of the story than that, so if you want to know more, scroll back up and click on the Sonder Tales About page. There's a Discord link in there, and that Discord is open to the public.
There's more renders there, there's a bunch of people there, you can tell ChainZ how great these renders are (he's the one making all these; we're co-developing the project, but I'm mostly just handling the writing), and find even more renders.
The Divine Intervention Discord already has Patreon tiers set up, so if you do decide to support the project before you're able to download it, you'll still get access to the Patron-only channels, where you'll get to see even more preview renders (plus the occasional bonus render - ChainZ likes to share).
There's also a role picker set up so you can champion best girl before they get popular. From top to bottom, these are Hel, Serene, Aveline, Emmi, and Aravelle. And the purple fox girl up top is Lumi (ChainZ didn't give me a render for her, so if you want more of her, you're gonna have to go join the Discord server).
I haven't had a lot of client work lately, so it's exciting I get to share all this, even if it isn't much. Hopefully we won't keep you waiting too terribly long for v0.1 of Divine Intervention. There's a whole other Patreon page for it, so you probably won't see me post a lot about it. If you want news, go join the Sonder Tales Patreon and/or the Discord server in Sonder Tales' About page.
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The Mithril Hourglass
Публичный пост


As much as I'd like to have something exciting to share, v0.20 took a lot out of me, so most of the last week has been spent keeping an eye out for bug reports and getting some much-needed rest. Though I have gotten a little bit done.
First, just as a PSA - if you downloaded v0.20 right away, you might have run into a bug that locked your game down. If so, that bug has already been patched out. If you're on Windows, there's a patch in the pinned v0.20 release post that you can apply. If you haven't downloaded v0.20 yet or are on Mac, the patch isn't needed; downloads were pre-patched and re-uploaded so you don't have to worry about it. If you're on Mac and downloaded it right away, you're stuck re-downloading the whole game to get the fix.
I also want to give another shout out to people that have reported bugs. Keep those reports coming, they're a huge help.
Some thought also went into whether or not I should use Patreon's new "sell posts" feature. That almost ended up being a poll that I would've posted instead of this post, but the more I thought about it, the fewer benefits it seemed to provide you, and the more work it would theoretically create for me. If you have thoughts about the feature, feel free to leave a comment. Maybe I'll put that poll up next week anyway, even if I'm leaning away from using it.
I've also been working on some other projects. One isn't anywhere near ready to be shared just yet, but the other will have their Patreon page launching soon. Once there's something to share, you can bet I'll be giving that some spotlight.
Lastly, for what to expect in the immediate future, I'm 70-80% of the way done with the maps for one of the three new areas for v0.21 just from poking around and working an hour or two here and there to keep myself busy. There is a special April update that will come first, but I'm excited to be approaching v1.0. If you want a few more specifics, there's a bit of info on the dev blog.
There probably won't be any test builds until April, but I'll be sure to share what I can as soon as it's ready to share.
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The Mithril Hourglass
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Maids & Masters v0.19 Public Release

v0.19, the final Freeze and interlude between Act 2 and Act 3, is now available to the public!
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The Mithril Hourglass

Maids and Masters v0. 20 Patch Notes 4

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The Mithril Hourglass

Maids and Masters v0. 20 Test Build 4

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$9 of $500
per month
Basic expenses will be covered. It won't pay for everything, but it helps provide some much-needed stability.
$9 of $1,200
per month
Officially a part time job. Unless something drastic happens, I'll be able to continue with development for the foreseeable future.
$9 of $2,500
per month
Officially a full time job. As long as this goal is met, I can keep making games and telling stories regardless of outside circumstances.

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