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TheGiantHamster profile
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Títulos de Assinatura

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Be a stray!

1. Early access to colored drawings

Assinaturas limitadas (11 de 11)
Limite alcançado
USD mensal
Sparrow Flock

Join the Sparrow Flock!

  1. Early access to colored drawings

2. Early access to sketches

3. Participate in a Rough Sketch raffle

4. Take part in polls

42 assinantes
USD mensal
Wildebeest Herd

Join the Wildebeest Herd!

  1. Early access to colored drawings
  2. Early access to sketches
  3. Participate in a Sketch raffle
  4. Take part in polls

5. Suggest picture ideas (characters, pairings)

11 assinantes
USD mensal
Wolf Pack

Join the Wolf Pack!

  1. Early access to full res(huge) colored drawings
  2. Early access to full res(huge) sketches
  3. Access to Work In Progress drawings
  4. Participate in a Cleaned Sketch raffle
  5. Take part in polls
  6. Suggest picture ideas (characters, pairings)
77 assinantes
USD mensal
Lion Pride

Join the Lion Pride!

  1. Ealy access to full res (huge) colored drawings
  2. Ealy access to full res (huge) sketches
  3. Access to Work In Progress drawings
  4. Access to PSD files
  5. Participate in a Sketch raffle
  6. Participate in a Cleaned Sketch raffle
  7. Take part in polls
  8. Suggest picture ideas (characters, pairings)
9 assinantes


  • Early access
  • High resolution images
  • WIP drawings
Displaying posts with tag Tojo.Reset Filter

Nala Double Teamed (HD Versions)

Não gosto(0)
Este post pertence a um $10, $20 nível bloqueado.s
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Nala Double Teamed (Small Versions)

Não gosto(0)
Este post pertence a um $1, $3, $5, $10, $20 nível bloqueado.s
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Cubs Investigating Ass (HD Version)

Não gosto(0)
Este post pertence a um $10, $20 nível bloqueado.s
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Cubs Investigating Ass (Small Version)

Não gosto(0)
Este post pertence a um $1, $3, $5, $10, $20 nível bloqueado.s
Desbloquear Nível


3 dias
 Período de Confiança
120 assinantes
659 publicação


$770 of $1,500
per month
After receiving this monthly support level, I will be able to purchase sound effects for my animations. I hope to get here quickly, because sound greatly improves the quality of the experience. Any animation with sound becomes ten times cooler in an instant!
$770 of $1,300
per month
After reaching this amount I will be able to spend some of the money to get help from other artists, primarily with coloring of my animations. Coloring dozens or sometimes hundreds of frames is an extremely boring, repetitious and tedious work, so any help would be useful.
$770 of $1,000
per month
At this point it will finally start looking as barely livable monthly income.

Outras Creators

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