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thatcombatwombat profile
Hentai art, animations, and games! I primarily work with Koikatsu and RPG Maker, but I'm always looking to improve! Linktree:

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Wombateer Private

Thanks for the tip, private! You'll get to see exclusive posts, participate in polls, and get your name in the credits of big projects like games! (If you want your name left out for any reason, feel free to DM me and let me know!)

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Wombateer Captain

Woah, thanks for the support, captain! In addition to the benefits of the previous tier, you'll also get access to my Google Drive, which contains videos files, high-quality PNGs, Koikatsu data, and more!

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Wombateer General

Wowie zowie! Thanks for your generosity, general! In addition to all the previous perks, you'll also gain access to additional exclusive polls, as well as having more voting power!

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Добро пожаловать!

  • Exclusive posts and polls!
  • Your name in the credits of larger projects!
  • Access to my Google Drive, which contains videos, PNGs, and Koikatsu data!


The link below leads to my Google Drive, with pretty much all my scene data and character cards. ...

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Mirajane Update 3/1/2025

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Winner of Poll: Animation 12Final Results:

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Poll: Animation 12

Here we go, first animation poll of the year! Haven't done one of these since June, isn't that wild?
Since it's been so long and I'm just doing one for now, I chose most of these girls pretty randomly. After the Brandi game and before starting on BreedTown 4 I'll likely do a few polls though, so you can look forward to that.
Rules are as follows:
1. Poll lasts about a week. The only girl who gets a video made is the one who gets the most votes in the current poll.
2. You have multiple votes, so you can vote as many times as you want. You could even vote for all 15 characters! (Though that'd be kinda pointless)
3. The girls on here are chosen based on my access to a decent-quality Koikatsu model of them, and my own personal interest.
4. Feel free to comment below anybody who you'd wanna see in a future poll, and I'll see what I can do!
5. It should go without saying, but to be clear, any character in a video I make is 18+

6. Here on Subscribestar, rather than a separate poll for Billionaire Philanthropists, your voting power is directly weighted by your tier. This means that a $5 subscriber's vote counts for more than a $1 subscriber, and same for a $20 subscriber. 
I rather like this system, and wish Patreon would also implement it lol

Model Info! (All models presented here are subject to change or edits, and shouldn't necessarily be thought of as final. It's just to give you a rough idea of what to expect the character to look like. Feel free to suggest alternatives!)

Honoka: The card mainly comes from one on Bepis, though it'll likely be combined with Alvarna's
Bridget: Amazing card by NewBie_7586
I can hear some of you already asking: "Wombat, given your usual type of content and fetishes, how is this gonna work exactly?" Let's just say that I have a VERY clear and good idea for how this is gonna go down, which will not leave anybody unsatisfied 😏
Bullet: Mostly my man KaosKatsu's
Menace: Once again, KaosKatsu's
Miyuki Ayukawa: Mainly KaosKatsu's
Mirajane Strauss: KaosKatsu
Kobeni: Lotta good options out there. Probably either Florence Parker's, or this other one
Squirrel Girl: KaosKatsu again
Laura Matsuda: CommandoKitty / My own custom model
Mai Shiranui: Evaan recently updated his model, probably gonna combine that with my old model that I used before
Pomni: There's a few directions I could go here, but probably Izakami San's
(Possibly edit it more to be "sexier")
BB: This one used to be on Kenzato before the site collapsed, I've always wanted to do something with BB, she's so fucking hot 🥵
(Do NOT expect any kind of story that is lore accurate tho lmao)

That's about it! Happy voting! ^^

EDIT: Voting ends in the morning! Vote now if you haven't or change your vote if you want!
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[Video] Team RWBY Post Workout Cooldown


And at long, LONG last, my RWBY video series is finally, actually complete!
Thank you everyone for following this journey 🥹

I wanna do one more simpler video, so I'll be posting a poll soon. Please look forward, and for now, enjoy some preggo RWBY sex!
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Team RWBY Update 2/2/2025

Just a quick update post to let y'all know that the animations for the RWBY finale are finished as of today! Total length is 3:44
I'll be starting on the audio now, so expect the full video to come out within the next couple weeks.

Afterwards, I'll be posting another poll before working on the futa game. Wanna get one more video out before jumping into the next big project!

I'm very ready to be done with RWBY for a while lmao. But, please look forward! ^^
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