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Dragalia Lost in Cleavage P10

Game : Dragalia Lost

Final page- weirdly fitting with Dragalia ending soon :(

Don't worry, there will more Dragalia content, Dragalia Vore comic coming soon!

Months passed by as the ninja and the fairy became more and more playful in their training. More often then not, the size training would end with the ninja breaking concentration and getting teased by Notte in her giant form.

News started to spread about the ninja shrinking when embarrassed. It slowly started to become a game, see the big ninja- make him blush- mess around with him for a few minutes then accidentally leave him on a chair to be sat on or mistakenly place him near Melody while she's doing the laundry. 

Relativity harmless, even if the ninja did occasionally go missing for a few hours here and there, he always seemed ok with it.

Today felt different, all the interactions so far had been unplanned- heat of the moment type of things. This time round, Notte had asked him to come into the girls bathouse for their next 'Size training'- assuring him that they'd have the room to themselves.

It was way more forward then expected. His mind couldn't focus as he continued to question what Notte was planning. He dumped some hot water over his head as he waited in the bathhouse as instructed. The ninja gave a small sigh, glad that she had at least been telling the truth about the bathouse being empty.

"Nice! Check it out! This place is super empty!" A voice called out.
The ninja gulped, that was not Nottes voice. Footsteps drew near, multiple people, two by the sound of it.
"Didn't... Notte book up the bathhouse...?" A shyer voice rang out. The ninja stood up, his heart beating faster and faster realising his towel was nowhere near him. He was naked, in the womans bathhouse- it wouldn't look good. His face turned red as he lost focus, his body shrinking down once more. His body tumbled into the little wooden bucket he'd taken in to get water from the hotsprings, vanishing from sight just in time as an excited rabbit girl made her way towards his location.

Just round the corner Laranoa smirked, skipping ahead of Aeleen a little as she spoke,
"Exactly, why would a fairy book the bathhouse up at her size? She's hiding... THE NINJA!" She jumped around the corner, grinning.

Nothing. Just a wooden bucket and a line of stools near the hot spring providing water to bathe with. The rabbit girl sighed, glancing around. "Er... shoot, maybe we were late? Or early?"

The ninja pressed against the inside of the bucket, trying to remain hidden as two girls entered. Glancing up, he spotted Aeleen walk past the opening of the bucket, followed by Laranoa. 

Breathing slowly, the tiny ninja tried to work out his plan. It was an old Japanese bathhouse, they would take their own buckets and fill it with water... likely setting this bucket to the side. That was when he would make a run for it... maybe... if he could get out...

The ninja nodded a few times, before jumping in fright as something suddenly landed in the bucket.

A bar of soap. His eyes widened further as the bucket was picked up, the floor tilting- making the bar collide into him.


Laranoa frowned, a little annoyed that she didn't catch the two in the act- but glad that someone left a bucket behind considering she forgot to grab one in her quest to catch the fairy out. She casually tossed her soap in before scooping up some water to wash with- not hearing the ninja panicking within the bucket.
"I was sure I'd get them!" She pouted, sitting next to Aeleen. Her hand dipped into the water- without looking, feeling around for the soap.


The ninja was startled- his body covered in soap as he tried to swim out from the now hazardous situation. His little voice failed to make any noise as the rabbit girls hand dipped in once more- swirling around a little before bumping into him. He froze in fear as she suddenly went to grab him- lifting him out of the bucket.

Slammed onto her thigh, the girl happily started scrubbing herself down while chatting to the blonde girl. Oblivious to the ninja she was forcing to hump her leg  "Soo- why were you joining me anyway?" The rabbit purred, sliding her 'soap' under her own chest to wipe out the sweat from the day of work.

Aeleen flushed a little, glancing away as the rabbit scrubbed herself down,
"I-It's nothing- I just hadn't seen the ninja that small before..." the girl glanced back, feeling more nervous as the rabbit started to coo- a flirtatious look flashing over Laranoa's face as she slowly rubbed the ninja over her neck. Aeleen's eyes widened slightly as she saw the tiny man- his eyes one of shock.

Laranoa didn't notice, dunking him into the water once more.
"Ooooh? You were totally hoping to get in on the action" She laughed, as Aeleen questioned what she saw for a moment, stuttering with her words. The rabbit pulled the ninja out once more, a grin on her face as she slammed  him into her cleavage- pressing her boobs together with force. "What a cute little ninja, please enjoy my boobs" The bunny girl mocked Aeleen's voice, grinding her boobs around the tiny before switching back to a playful laugh "Like that? Honestly, that's what I was hoping for! No shame, I'd totally play with the ninja in like- the lewdest fashion! Haha! HA-" She glanced down at the bucket to dunk the soap once more, noticing a bar already in the bucket. Her eyebrows lifted as she slowly moved her hand to retrieve the 'soap' she had been using. Her eyes falling down on the embarrassed ninja, covering his erection "A-ah? Sorry- little guy?" She stumbled, looking embarrised for a second herself. A small grin slid over her face as she noticed the erection "Well... what did you want to try Aeleen?"


Notte happily walked towards towards the bathhouse, fashionably late. Her footsteps quickening as she wondered what exactly she was doing. This totally looked like she was inviting the tiny to do lewd things, which she totally was, but it's totally not cool that it's this obvious! Right?

She breathed out slightly as voices started to come into focus. Aeleens soft speech bouncing off the water proofed walls as Notte suddenly had a feeling that the Ninja's weird luck had come into play while she'd been gone.
"A-are you sure he's enjoying himself?" Aeleen spoke, just as Notte peeked around the corner. 

Her jaw dropped. The poor tiny was getting mushed and battered between Aeleen's nipples, a shot of cum blasting out from him as Laranoa continuously encouraged the blond girl.

Mashed, wiped, slid down the blondes legs- around her butt. The little fairy felt her heart rate increase as ideas flowed into her head while the poor ninja was happily being used like soap. It felt like a life time before Laranoa lightly tossed him onto a towel, a satisfied smile on her face.

"Sorry again for mistaking you as soap! Hope that made it up to you!" Laranoa chirped "Relax Aeleen, see? He loved it! Notte should be by later to pick him up!" 

The two girls left, happily chatting. Aeleen was glowing, happy that she got to meet to tiny ninja.

A now  fully turned on Notte barely even noticed them leaving, her face was flushed red as her eye's locked onto the tiny. She smiled, transforming into her much larger form.
"Heeey Dude" She flirtatiously smirked, casting her shadow over the tiny. It was her turn. The ninja blushed upwards as she teased him- checking he was alright first before finally plucking him up. Smiling as she applied a light lather to the tiny ninja "Mind helping me get clean too? Heard you made pretty good soap"


Aeleen slipped back in, not wanting to disturb the two. A small smile fluttered over her face as she plucked up her missing underwear, it must of been caught on something and came with her into the bathhouse.

Her ears perked up a little bit as she heard a wet slapping sound. A little worried, she peeked around the corner to see if everything was alright. The blonde's face flushed red as the image of Notte using the tiny like a dildo was suddenly introduced to her mind as a perminant memory. It took some willpower to look away- sneaking out once more with a flushed red face.


Aeleen waited nearby with a few people, not quite paying attention to the conversation as the allotted time on the bathhouse was just about up. There were a few people coming down to use the bathhouse soon, she started to worry that the two would exit and be met with a crowd.

But that was just it- Notte flew out alone, happily apologising that she wanted to make a water slide and was worried about getting stepped on.

Aeleen looked around as people started to enter, Aeleen glanced once more to the fairy- unsure if the Ninja had managed to get away ok.


Things were more then ok for the ninja. Shrunken down even smaller then the fairy in her smallest form and placed within Notte's panties, the tiny ninja lay back against the cotton as he gazed up at the fairies crotch. 

He wondered what the future would hold for him for a moment, as the fairy's finger prodded him, encouraging him to go inside.

With a flushed face, the tiny ninja smiled, slowly worming into the wet sex in front of him. Whatever the future held, it seemed like it would be interesting. 

The end
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Dragalia Lost in Cleavage P9

Game : Dragalia Lost
Phew! A few different versions messing with the mouth, but I think I learned a lot about face shapes in the end ^_^' Can thank @Kronguss on twitter for the help in improving it!

Quick warning about his stuff though, it's a lot of fatal stuff/ vore.

Scenario :
A few weeks ago, Notte had shown our tiny ninja friend her 'Metamorphosis' form, growing to be human sized. The now giant girl seemed pretty proud of herself, explaining a little about how she did it before excitedly asking the tiny guy to try.

He had his doubts, but gave in. He shut his eyes, focused his power and... to Notte and the tinies surprise- grew roughly 4 inches before suddenly shrinking back down to normal.

The giant fairy was so happy, she momentarily forgot about her size- scooping the tiny up and pressing him against her chest,
"Well done dude! Wow, guess this makes you like... part fairy? Maybe?" She smiled, pulling him away a little as she realised she was crushing him.

Notte was just about the apologize but her words stumbled. Her heart fluttering slightly as the ninja lay in her hand. She'd never actually held someone this small, she was always the one to be held not the other way round, it was a strange situation for her.

Feeling slightly flustered, she shook herself out of it before putting him down, smiling. "G-good job! Y-yeah!" She cheered again, trying to cool her cheeks. She glanced at his own flushed red face for a moment, watching him intently for a second as the tiny awkwardly shuffled. "So..." Notte started, "Do you... actually like getting trapped in these situations...?"

The ninja looked up at her for a second, before slowly getting redder and redder, his head turned away in embarrassment. The giant girl found herself smiling a little, it was almost like watching a puppy just discovering it's tail as the tiny wandered in circles a little, trying to think up a good answer.

 Notte decided to break it up, a giggle fluttering out of her lips. "Kidding dude! Haha!" She laughed. "Come on, lets get some lunch and tell everyone the news!" 

The giant fairy quickly shrank down, fluttering over to the tiny ninja with a smile- her face now a lot less red. She carefully picked him up, before fluttering away. 


The days that followed were focused mainly on training, the tiny ninja growing little by little before something would distract him. Notte found it kind of funny watching the poor ninja suddenly shrinking in a puff of smoke, towards the end of each session she decided to try and break his concentration. It started innocently enough, yelling something in his ear, popping a balloon, poking his face. 

But as time went by, the giant fairly started becoming more forceful, flirtatious. She slowly grew more confident with the smaller version of the ninja, especially after getting him to admit he liked the situations he was put into. Her distractions became a little more forceful, kisses, touching, whispering lewd things in his ear. Each time he would shrink, she'd slowly push the boundary- asking him if it was ok.

After a few short weeks, it became relatively common to see a flustered Notte petting a tiny ninja, or a lump in the usually small fairies clothing. As time progressed, she slowly started to forget about asking permission- occasionally just happily dropping him into her bra before going somewhere- forgetting to ask if he was okay with it. 

Thankfully, he always was.
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Dragalia Lost in Cleavage P8

Game : Dragalia Lost

Girl Alt :

Fluttering down towards the paper bag with the Ninja in her arms, she happily circled the paper bag. Her eyes glinted as she slid down- crashing into the bag full of sweets with a small puff of sugar.

She resurfaced happily sucking on one of the 'candy people', happily looking at the nervous ninja. 
"Hey! Don't worry! I'm in the bag with you- pluuuuus-" Notte spoke happily nudging the tiny guy "Who doesn't want to be in a bag of sweets the same size as you?"

The Ninja measured himself against the black, person shaped sweet- certain that he didn't want to be mistaken for a sweet.

However, true to her word, people came- locked eye contact with both of them and took a sweet. His guard slowly lowered as the crowd took notice of Notte and looked for the small ninja. Eventually- the ninja simply enjoyed the candy infront of them.

However, as he ate- Notte floated out with a rather full stomach- wanting a break from the sweets. She glanced over at the happy ninja for a moment, wondering if she should take him out with her for a moment, before seeing his big grin.

A smile floated on the fairy's face as she floated out of the bag, flopping onto the table outside with a small thud.
"Fwaaah... I've eaten way too much- people should still... see... me... here..." She smiled, slowly drifting off.


It wasn't too long before two new figures appeared. Alex and Elisanne, happily approached the bag of sweets- both not noticing the sleeping Notte.
"Alex! Try one of these sweets! They taste so weird!" the innocent girl beamed, pointing out the bag.

Having tried one before Notte and the small ninja boy arrived, the giant girl didn't see anything wrong as they approached the bag.

The Ninja happily sucked on a sweet, he heard some voices behind him but didn't really mind that much. He glanced over to Notte for a second, only to see she wasn't there. His body froze up for a second as a sinking feeling hit his stomach.

With barely any time to react, he felt fingers crash into him- pushing him slightly deeper into the bag for a moment before rocketing him upwards. He twitched, feeling something wet hit his face and his pants get ripped from his body before the light suddenly cut out. 

He was in a wet cave, his body freezing in shock as he processed that he was in a mouth. It easily shoved him to the side- the large tongue quickly poked and prodded at his tiny body.


On the outside, Alex had just grabbed a sweet and tossed it in without much thought. Prodding and slurping at the strange sweet, she got a small taste of the sugar as she pinned it into one of her cheeks.

"No biting-" Elisanne spoke, happily- "Trust me- it's cool! You're supposed to suck the flavor out then spit out the rest. It's kinda like- in a case?" She chirped, looking at her own sweet. A man shaped one with a cute bare face. She smiled- flushing at it's cuteness as Alex started to slather her own sweet in saliva to melt the 'casing' faster.

However, it didn't take too long for her to feel like something was wrong- the sugar started to vanish and an odd taste was coming in. Additionally- it felt almost like the sweet was starting to move.

Curious, she paused for a moment....


Nothing, the sweet sat still in her mouth. 
"Kinda weird" She muttered, flipping the thing over and rubbing her tongue around the thing once more. Again, it felt like it started moving- but she started to wonder if that was an effect of a chemical reaction. It definitely felt- strange.

Worming her tongue along, she felt something poke at her tongue- a weird taste coming from it. 

Within the mouth, the ninja was having both the worst and the best time. His body flushed with embarrisment as she unknowingly got him off. The feeling was so intense, that whenever she stopped, the tiny guy just flopped limp- panting with a flushed red face. He wasn't aware he had missed his opportunity to be noticed.

Alex had never tried this kind of treat before, her trust in Elisanne carrying her through. Worst of all- her tongue finally focused on his dick. Too exhausted from the previous thrashings, covered in saliva, the tiny ninja simply flopped against the closed lips- hips bucking slightly as the giant girl focused on his dick.

To her, it was something interesting, a bump in the candy. It wasn't long before the tiny finally felt his load blast upwards against the roof of her mouth.

He flopped, getting pushed over into her cheek as she swallowed the load. The tiny's flush red face a mix of embarrassment, tiredness and overloaded hornyness. He weakly flopped onto her tongue once more as the mouth opened-  aiming to throw him off.

However- his muddled up body saw the drop and instantly grabbed the tongue- so as not to fall. His mind still reeling from a mind numbingly good orgasm. There was no getting out of it now- as he weakly held on- Alex definitely knew.

And know she did, the giant girl gagged slightly at the weird taste and aimed to spit the thing out- only to feel the 'sweet' wrap it's arms around her tongue. She stood with her tongue out for a brief moment, glancing over to the sleeping Notte as her mind pieced things together.

A few seconds ticked by as she flushed red at the realization. The occasional struggles, the taste, it was definitely the ninja in  there. Her first instinct was to get him out.

But then, her heart beat a little faster. Why didn't he struggle more? She gave him a lot of opportunities. In fact, her hand was out in-front of her- the ninja would just have to let go then he'd be out.

Another second ticked by, her heart beating slightly faster as she wondered if the tiny liked it. Her mind imagining a lewd scenario where she met other people with the tiny trapped inside, no-one would be the wiser. It was... an interesting idea, one that only flashed for a moment.

Given another second she would of simply spat the tiny out- but Alex's keen eye's noticed Elisanne turning to look in her direction.

Sucking the tiny in, Alex felt flushed. 
"What sweet did you get?" Elisanne spoke, a kind smile on her face.

The assassins heart beat thudded happily in her chest. Elisanne had no idea, no-one did. If she spat the ninja out now, it might cause an awkward situation right? Elisanne might be annoyed with her for sucking the tiny back in right?

None of these thoughts showed up as Alex gave a small smile, tossing the ninja into her cheek to speak.
"Ninja" She said, happily wiping a trace of saliva before slurping away at her prize.

She'd let the ninja out a bit later, Elisanne mentioned sucking all the flavor out and this ninja certainly had more flavor in it. 
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Dragalia Lost in Cleavage P7

Game : Dragalia Lost

Getting the small ninja back from Hildegarde, Notte started to notice a small change. He continued to fall into lewd scenarios but he wasn't struggling quite as much, his face flushing red. 

At times, he would be peeled off a girls bra cup with a vacant, blissful look rather then shy embarrassment. 

Eventually, Notte started to relax a little more, letting him mingle on his own at a beach party. However... nerves got the better of her as no-one seemed to know where he was. Thankfully, a certain phone girl could easily retrace their steps as she went through the party.

"Totally cute, Annelie was going around kissing people so I thought 'Hey, why not selfie with a kiss!' I have never seen her blush like that!" Nadine spoke, showing the photo on her phone. She swiped to the next picture, giving Notte a small smile as she saw the ninja's happy expression.
"Aww, he looks happy!" She chirped,
"Totally! Mercury loved the little guy! Like, it was so cute, she would give him food and such! I totally pushed him down deeper for a funny shot but got scolded so... I don't have that one" The phone girl smiled, not noticing Notte looking a little worried.

Her worry amplified as the next shot showed Yachiyo sunbathing. It took a moment to notice the desperate tiny trying to escape.
"What... happened?" Notte spoke, a little worried he was still there after the party.
"Oh- uh... we definitely got him out of there-" Nadine giggled, "She thought he had some special skill and challanged him to a fight. I don't know what he said but... she slammed her ass down on him and 'won'. It was super funny. I think that was probably how he wound up there, I saw him struggling to not get pulled into her anus a few hours later while she was sunbathing!" Nadine laughed, "Like, how do you not check for that? Like- surely she felt it right?" She checked with the flying fairy, who still looked worried. "A-ah, we told her eventually and fished him out... next picture!"

She swiped, showing the two girls kissing.
"Ah haha... I think Annelie started drinking at some point... I didn't even take this picture- she stole my selfie stick" Nadine scratched her head, while Notte paled,
"You... didn't eat him right?" She spoke, flushing red as she noticed the cum shot.
"Nah! He was tired though- so I took him back to the beaches changing rooms." She swipes again. "See! I gave him a bed in my bra! Thought it would be super funny!" She giggled, glancing at the picture again. "... Wait, that's not my bra..."

Notte internally screamed in frustration, before exhaling slowly
"I think I know who's bra it is" Nadine fumbled, "She's probably going for her walk by now, we might be able to catch her?" As the words left her lips, Notte brightened up a little.
"That's a relief, I just wanted to know where he was! It's ok, let me know who it is and I'll go get him whenever it's convenient. Between you and me, I think he's starting to like that kinda scenario"


Cecile wandered around the forest, sliding down small hills, hopping over fallen trees and contemplating life as she walked. She had been given the task of scouting ahead for a mission, it would take a couple of days but it was at least something she could do that was actually useful other then combat.
"Damn, I'm going to ruin my only clothes... not like I'm dressing to impress anyway-" She spoke, trying to air out her top by flapping it- unaware of the strain she was causing to her bra.

And more importantly, to the occupant currently in said bra- getting smashed under her giant boob.

... A day passed by, she slept soundly in her clothes- her body numb to sleeping rough. She woke up, prepared to leave once more before noticing how sweaty her clothes were.

"Perhaps I should have packed a spare pair of clothes..." She noted, frowning as she checked her pack. It was mostly the bare essentials like food and things to make a fire with.

Sighing, she glanced around to see if anyone was around- before slipping a hand under her shirt to check how bad her underboob sweat had become. Her fingers pressed gently into the damp material.
"Gross, I guess I'm not going for marriage material anyway..." Her frown grew a little as she felt a small bump.

Pushing it down a few times, she finally decided to check it out. Slipping her shirt off and unclipping her bra, her eyebrows rose a little as she saw the heavily blushing Ninja in her bra cup. The former knight's eyebrows rose a little, noticing his blush- his boner standing strong.
"... I should be annoyed, but it's way too hot for that..." She sighed, ignoring his flustered movements as she put the bra back on.

She pulled it tight, slipped her shirt back on and swung her backpack over her shoulder. The sun beat down on her as she started walking again, not giving a second thought to the tiny in her bra as she focused on the mission for now. The ninja was left confused and flustered under the girls boob for the rest of the journey. 

He could've sworn she kept poking him on purpose. He was unable to see the light smile from her each time she prodded him.
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Dragalia Lost in Cleavage P6

Game: Dragalia Lost

Hildegarde was originally quite surprised to receive such a tiny person from a stressed out Notte. The fairy complained about the luck the tiny had- falling into cleavage and the fate Verica set out.

The caring and kind girl suggested Notte take more of a break, and to let her look after him for a while. The ninja gave the ok, and the giant girl was very kind and understanding.
"O-okey! Just be careful- the curse will totally knock him into your cleavage or somewhere!" Notte stuttered out,
"It is fine, I have faith that this encounter will turn out well. Please rest up for the next week, I will see what I can do."

The ninja sat in the giant girls palm, happily waving the tiny fairy away. His torn up clothes barely hanging on. He turned around, noticing a disappointed look from the giant girl.
"My... what a pervert"

Her hand pinned the small ninja down, her other hand ripping apart his clothes.
"Do not worry little one- the goddess doesn't mind a little bit of fun. The curse may make you fall into these situations" She pulled aside her shirt, exposing her chest "But you... don't hate them do you?"

The ninja looked conflicted for a moment, before the giant girl gave a disgusted look
"That hesitation- is what makes people worry. I will assist you in accepting your feelings. This is not a sin- the sin is making poor Notte worry"

The ninja was powerless, even if he put his full effort into escaping- he was totally under her control as she slid him into her cleavage.
"I... must admit- my heart flutters a little. Even though you are the size of a toy, I have not done anything such as this before... it is an exciting prospect. Considering you stopped trying to escape, I take this as consent to continue?"

She paused, the Ninja's eyes darted away- not making eye contact as he tried to think.

A sigh came from above- two fingers curled infront of him, pinching the tip of our hero's penis. Panicing, he tries to push forward out of sheer instinct- before her thumb pushes him back.

Laying backwards, hazing over as the girls every movement jiggled him around- he could only watch the seemingly pure maiden get more and more flushed- until he came.

Then... came again... her hand not letting up. Her chest crushing into him as she got fired up before finally taking a breath. 

Battered- the tiny watched as the girl composed herself once more- her hand sliding in to fish him out. He weakly felt himself get dragged free- her voice belittling him from above in a strangely condescending way.

He couldn't struggle as she positioned his cock over her hardening nipple. Asking him to confess to enjoying the situation once more before slamming him into the flesh. He felt himself get pumped in and out- slowly milking him dry.


The rest of the week quickly ticked by. It was- oddly gentle. She spoke happily, let him read books with her and went for walks. However, whenever he fell into a lewd situation, he'd find the blushing follower of Ilia giving a mix of disgust and excitement- followed by another lewd session.
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Dragalia Lost in Cleavage P5

Game : Dragalia Lost

Scenario :

Notte awkwardly peeled the poor tiny off the sweaty sheets with an embarrassed look. Her face grimacing as she carefully flew upwards. "S-sorry-! Don't worry- I got help this time round-!"

The small fairy slipped out the door where a giant girl stood patiently. The ninja checked downwards- no exposed cleavage, a sigh of relief flooded him as Notte dropped him into the larger girls hand. "Verica will look after you! I'll meet you two at the future reading later- I reaaaally need a bit of a break from chasing ya! Thanks Verica!" Notte smiled- fluttering away as the giant girl waved goodbye. Her hands carefully moving so as not to knock the tiny down. "Poor thing... fate has guided my hand over to you- your curse must be a difficult one to bare" the girl spoke- stroking the ninja's head gently before carefully moving down the corridor.

The ninja tried to hide his indecency as they walked, feeling a little uncomfortable. Every time he looked up, he caught her staring at him.

The walk was oddly silent, only broken by the sound of water running as she finally entered the bathroom and turned on a tap. She filled the sink with warm water- leaving the tiny to clean himself. The small tiny awkwardly glanced away as the large girl undressed herself- running her own bath to the side.

Something seemed off. "So... ah... you are enjoying yourself correct...?" She spoke from the tub after 10 minutes. "Not the bath but... getting trapped in places"

The tiny ninja flushed red, sinking down slightly. A small chuckle could be heard from the tub. "I know you didn't do it on purpose... and some of those situations were rather... intense... but I have seen the fate you and I could have and well... I wish to pursue it"

She sloshed around in the water- the little ninja flushed redder as he heard the girl slip out of the water. "I- believe I had a vision... an intense night- it kept me up at night thinking about it. You- also enjoyed it- I'm sure!" A shadow fell over the ninja once more- a bad feeling flooding over him "When Notte mentioned your size I knew it must of been the person from my vision. I'm not sure how to ask this- and I feel rather silly but-"

That was the ninja's breaking point, time to use his ninja skills. He dashed to the right, rushing across the counter- his eyes darting towards the giant girl as she started to get changed uncomfortably close, her own eyes looking away for the moment as she went to pickup her bra.

A smirk fell on the ninjas lips as he planned his escape route- before ultimately slipping and falling into the woman's bra.

His flushed face made eye contact with the flushed face of the fortune teller- who's look went from surprised to an embarrassed smile. "I... take that as a yes? My, this was rather embarrassing"

The ninja opened his mouth to call out- he was totally not ready for this! But- she didn't give him time- her hardening nipple silenced him as she energetically clipped on her bra- tightening the poor ninja against her hardening nipple.

The poor tiny was vaguely aware of her showing his fate to Notte, the innocent fairy not knowing the kind of 'care' Verica was talking about. The ninja groaned as the giant girl happily rubbed him against her nipple. By the end of the night... he'd be cave diving for sure.

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