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tamaraexposed profile
Tamara and her friends enjoy showcasing themselves in public and having a great time—whether it’s at college, in the city, on the beach, or anywhere else imaginable.

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Status: I'm working on Tamara Exposed 3 - The Good, the Bad and the Fuckly release 0. 6. I will p...

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Tamara Exposed 3 - The Good, the Bad and the Fuckly v0. 5 - PCT

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Публичный пост
Tamara Exposed - The Good, the Bad and the Fuckly 0.5 changelog:

39. Tanja on the rocks
Tanja is talking about her first time...

40. Where are my pants??
Tanja and her new boyfriend are trying to find their clothing...

41. Bigger
While looking for they clothing, they meet a horse...

42. Tamara and the Janitor
Tamara gets caught by the Janitor...
43. Tamara and her presents
Tamara leaves some interesting bits for the janitor to find...
44. Tamara on video
Tamara has a new favourite spot in the basement...little does she know...

45. The Janitor
The janitor is taking advantage of Tamara and they nearly get caught...
46. That girl
Tamara is watching a girl in a park and has to pay for it...
47. Tamara Moviestar
The janitor and his son have something interesting planned for Tamara...
48. Bambi
Bambi is telling her story...

49. Bambi Banana
Bambi develops a taste for bananas...
50. Bambi is going for it
Bambi and her friends have some fun in a little park...

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I'm nearly there. Apologies for the delays this month. Release will be end of this week. AR

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I'm almost finished with the next version. I began some stories that have turned out to be longer...

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