The Follow Tier!
For the folks who want to keep up. You get access to any exclusive/early announcement here! Which includes things like streams and commission availability!
For the folks who want to keep up. You get access to any exclusive/early announcement here! Which includes things like streams and commission availability!
You get everything in the previous tier as well as one week early access, sketches and WIPs, high res downloads, sketchbook access, illustration suggestions, monthly illustration poll vote, and a commission discount (5%)*!
For those who want to see all the juicy bits. You get everything in the previous tier as well as the NSFW version of the same benefits, a boost in the monthly illustration poll vote (×2), and a bigger commission discount (10%)*!
You get everything from the previous tier as well as access to full PSDs, time-lapse videos, more sway in the monthly illustration poll vote (×3), and an even bigger commission discount (20%)*!
Originally the was just a tier just for folks who wanted to be particularly generous, while I appreciate you so so much I am also giving you—in addition to all the previous benefits—the most votes in the monthly illustration poll vote (×4) and the largest commission discount (30%)*!!!