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BEAUTY & THE BEAST III (exotic story alt2)



//Chapter3 alt ending1:

//Chapter3 alt ending2:

//Bonus Exotic Naughty Artwork:

By Hazel/StickyScribbles



A solitary rose petal, clinging desperately to its stem, lay discarded beside a scantily haired chest that rose and fell with the rhythm of a fading tide. There were rose petals scattered all over the bed. Silence, thick and heavy, filled the room, a stark contrast to the frantic hope that had pulsed moments before. All eyes, wide and glistening with unshed tears, were fixated on that solitary rise and fall. They had clung to it, a lifeline in the storm, until it finally ran out, leaving only the chilling certainty of loss.

Beauty clutched the mangled stem, or whatever was left of it. Ben's warning echoed in the cavernous silence – 'one press is enough.' But anxiety, a ravenous beast, had devoured her resolve, urging her hand to press the rose again and again, each touch a desperate plea to the unyielding fates. Now, as the weight of his words settled upon her, a bitter seed of doubt sprouted in her heart. Had she, in her blind desire to save him, become the instrument of her father's demise? Guilt, a venomous serpent, coiled around her throat, squeezing out a strangled sob.

Jessica's voice, devoid of warmth, sliced through the thick fog of grief. "Such a shame," she drawled, the amusement in her tone a cruel counterpoint to Beauty's anguish. "All that wishful thinking, hoping his daughters will mend their fractured past and be together before his last breath. Poor daddy."Her gaze flicked to Beauty, a flicker of something akin to satisfaction dancing in its depths. "Life, a cruel jester, wouldn't you say, sister?"

Beauty crumbled to her knees, the rough fabric of the bedclothes scraping against raw skin unnoticed. Tears, hot and unchecked, streamed down her face as she wrapped her arms around her father's now-still form, a silent plea for a warmth that would never return. Ben, bewildered by the sudden shift in events, extended a hand hesitantly towards Beauty, a silent offering of comfort.

Sloane, oblivious to the depths of their despair, drifted closer, her voice dripping with feigned sympathy."Oh dear," she cooed."So, let me get this straight. This… prince charming fellow and his magic rose were supposed to be the answer? A grand reversal of some silly curse, is that it?" A sharp laugh, devoid of genuine humor, punctuated her words.

"You know, I almost thought it would work," Jessica cut in, her gaze lingering on the discarded rose petal. "The way they were all fussing over father with that flower, like children playing doctor. How quaint."

Beauty dissolved into a torrent of sobs; her body wracked with uncontrollable grief. Ben reached out, his hand hovering hesitantly over her shoulder, a silent plea for her to let him in. But before he could offer any solace, a jarring sound shattered the solemnity of the room – the high-pitched, cruel laughter of her sisters.

"Even on his deathbed," Ben muttered, his voice tight with anger, "they can't seem to muster a shred of decency." Changing the subject as his gaze settled on Beauty, he added, "I'm sure he's proud of you."

"Proud?" Beauty choked out, each word a struggle against the dam of tears. "You heard what she said. He wanted us together, Ben. At least for one last time." She motioned toward her older sisters, "Does this look like...togetherness?" Her voice trailed off into a broken sob. Ben met her gaze, his heart aching for her. "Don't carry that burden, Beauty," he said firmly, his hand finding hers. "You've done more for him than either of them could ever imagine." A sudden jolt of awareness ripped through Ben. A change – subtle at first, but undeniable – was blossoming on Jude's hand, clasped tightly in Beauty's tear-streaked grip. A faint flush of red, spreading like wildfire across his skin.

Beauty's sobs subsided, replaced by a gasp as she, too, noticed the anomaly. They both watched, frozen in confusion, as the redness intensified, consuming Jude's entire body. Then, just as abruptly as it appeared, the color receded, leaving behind his normal, pale skin. Ben wasted no time. He surged forward, his fingers flying to Jude's wrist, searching for a pulse. A faint but steady thrumming met his touch. A slow, radiant smile spread across Ben's face, a beacon of hope in the desolate landscape of grief. Beauty, her voice trembling with a mix of fear and desperate hope, echoed his sentiment, "What is it? What happened?"

The change in Beauty's tone was like a dinner bell, summoning Jessica and Sloane to the bedside. Their curiosity morphed into crude urgency as they jostled for position. "Is he...?" Jessica began, her voice laced with a hint of something akin to disappointment. "I'm alright, Jessie," a familiar voice rasped from the bed. Jude's eyes fluttered open, blinking away the remnants of sleep – or perhaps, something more.

A wave of relief washed over Beauty. She threw her arms around her father in a crushing embrace, burying her face in his chest. "We thought we'd lost you!" she cried. "Beauty?" Jude rasped, his voice weak but laced with concern. He tightened his hold on her, as if afraid she might vanish. "Is it truly you?"

"Yes, Father, it is I," Beauty confirmed, her voice thick with relief. "I came as soon as I heard..." Her voice trailed off, unable to voice the fear that had gripped them all just moments ago. "I heard your sobs echoing through the halls in the distance and I followed it," Jude explained, his gaze flickering to Ben. "And a man's voice... reassuring, strong." A hint of a smile played on his lips.

Beauty's smile mirrored his, a blossom pushing through the cracks of despair. "That would be Ben," she said, gesturing towards the young man.

Ben offered a respectful nod, his eyes filled with a quiet intensity that intrigued Jude. Jude studied Ben's features, a flicker of recognition sparking in his gaze.

"His voice," he murmured, brow furrowing in concentration. "It sounds familiar..." Beauty stifled a giggle. "Look closer, Father," she teased gently. "Perhaps the pieces will fall into place." Her eyes darted to the mangled rose stalk clutched in her hand. "After all, I did bring the rose," she said meaningfully, "and him."

Jude's gaze followed hers, tracing the path from the rose to the handsome stranger. He scrutinized Ben's face, a slow realization dawning on him. Then, his eyes dropped to Ben's boots. A jolt of recognition shot through him, his eyes widening in disbelief.

"No way!" he breathed, a stunned smile spreading across his face. A silent chuckle rumbled in his chest.

Jude patted the space beside him on the bed, a silent invitation for Beauty and Ben to join him. He rose with surprising ease, brushing aside Ben's offer of assistance. His gaze lingered on Ben once more, searching for any lingering remnants of the beast he once was. No collar marred his neck, no overgrown fur concealed his features, and the lines of age seemed softened.

"Explain yourselves," Jude finally said, his voice regaining its strength. "How did this happen?" Ben offered a cryptic smile, his hand tightening around Beauty's, even Jude had noticed. The rose, its purpose seemingly served, lay forgotten on the floor.

Jessica, unable to contain her curiosity any longer, burst in. "What's going on here?" she demanded, her gaze darting between Beauty, Ben, and their bewildered father. "Is he saying this... Ben... is the beast you spoke of?"

"Yes!" Beauty exclaimed, a joyous light dancing in her eyes. Eager to share the tale of Ben's transformation, she launched into the events that led to the beast's breaking of the curse. With a wink at Ben, who returned a knowing smile, Beauty strategically omitted certain details that wouldn't be appropriate for her father's ears. The shared glance was a silent language only they understood, a secret melody woven into the fabric of their newfound bond.

Jude, revitalized by his brush with mortality, hopped out of bed with surprising agility. "Wine!" he declared, his voice booming with newfound energy. "Fetch some glasses, girls!"

Beauty, ever the dutiful daughter, immediately sprang into action, heading for the kitchen. Jude, meanwhile, retreated to his chambers, returning with a dusty bottle of dark wine he'd been saving for a special occasion.

As he poured the ruby liquid into the waiting glasses, his gaze lingered on Ben. He couldn't help but notice how the young man's eyes seemed glued to Beauty, a stark contrast to the disinterest he showed towards his other daughters.

"Welcome to my humble abode, Benvolio," Jude said, raising his glass in a toast. His gaze then shifted to Jessica. "Ah, Jessica, I trust you've met the good fellow." A sly smile played on his lips. "Her beauty is matched only by her discerning taste. A woman who appreciates the finer things, wouldn't you agree? Roman history holds a particular fascination for her, especially the amorous exploits of their emperors."

He turned to Sloane, his smile widening. "And here we have Sloane, my second daughter – blessed with beauty as well, and a wit as sharp as her tongue. Though politics hold little interest for her, she harbors a soft spot for our country's princes and sun-drenched islands, wouldn't you say, Sloane?"

Sloane responded with a coy smile and a playful wink directed at Ben. Ben, however, maintained a respectful nod, his gaze never straying far from Beauty. Jude chuckled, his eyes twinkling. As Beauty returned with a fresh carafe of wine, he gestured towards her. "No need for introductions there, Mr. Benvolio. Beauty, well, she's... special."

Ben met her gaze, his heart brimming with unspoken affection. "Indeed," he replied with a gentle smile, "Beauty is something truly extraordinary."

In a bid to steer the conversation away from potentially volatile topics (namely, Sloane's penchant for turning everything into an argument), Jude raised his glass once more. "Should you ever decide to seek a wife among my daughters, Mr. Benvolio, rest assured, you have my blessing – whichever one captures your heart."

A wave of merriment washed over the room. Glasses clinked in toasts, laughter filled the air, and a song drifted on eager lips. Jessica, ever the history buff, captivated them with tales of Roman gods and their fearsome warriors, while Sloane spun dreams of faraway islands with white sand beaches and servants catering to her every whim.

Amidst the revelry, Ben couldn't help but steal glances at Beauty. He felt a warmth bloom in his chest whenever their eyes met. Jessica, however, wasn't one for subtlety.

Having observed Ben's quiet attentiveness throughout the evening, Jessica sashayed closer, deliberately inserting herself between him and Beauty. "You, sir," she declared, her voice laced with a hint of challenge, "haven't graced us with any tales of your travels. Surely, a merchant who explores far-flung lands must have a story or two to share?"

Ben, pleasantly tipsy on his fourth glass of wine, welcomed the invitation. He rose, a hint of a playful glint in his eyes. "Indeed," he said, a smile playing on his lips. "There was this time in a remote Asian country..."

He paused for effect, savoring the rapt attention in the room. Beauty, ever curious, leaned in, eager to hear his tale. However, the focus of his narration shifted, a subtle change that didn't go unnoticed by Beauty.

"As a man of habit," Ben continued, his voice taking on a more guarded tone, "I prioritize sleep for a clear head during business negotiations. So, imagine my surprise when I was jolted awake by the sound of fumbling with the door lock at one in the morning. The room was pitch black, but through the peephole, I saw a young woman in a hotel uniform. An unusual time for housekeeping, I thought. When I inquired, she remained silent, but that didn't stop her from entering."

A flicker of unease crossed Beauty's face. Ben, however, kept his gaze fixed on Jessica, his story taking an unexpected turn.

"The room was bathed in an eerie green glow, casting an unsettling silhouette of her slender figure. Certain she couldn't see me, she moved towards the bed while I remained near the door. Then, with a slow deliberateness, she began to undress."

Sloane and Jessica exchanged a knowing glance, a silent "uh-oh" hanging in the air. Ben tapped his glass lightly, silencing the room for his dramatic reveal. "But what emerged from beneath her," he continued, his voice dropping to a low murmur, "was not what I expected. A sinuous form, like a serpent carved from moonlight, slithered forth, its target fixed on me." A collective gasp rippled through the room. Beauty's brow furrowed in confusion. "While hermaphrodites weren't a novelty in my travels," Ben said, his gaze flickering towards Beauty, "the sheer size and ferocity of this creature was unlike anything I'd encountered. It was as if I were face-to-face with a creature cursed by Medusa herself." The room held its breath, anticipation thick in the air.

"The intruder, oblivious to my position, lunged towards the bed, her serpentine-dick aimed for my head. In a flash, I reacted, catching the creature mid-strike before it could reach my eyes. As the lights flooded the room, I saw the glint of real fangs on the living serpent now detached from the woman's form. A wave of pity washed over me. Cursed, just like I once was, I thought." Ben took a sip of his wine as he continued: "I turned on the light to see what I am fight, and the woman, now revealed in the harsh light, cowered in fear at the sight of my beastly form. The serpent writhed in my grasp, attempting to retreat into its origin. I couldn't help but overhear voices at the hallway, and my first guess was whoever they were, they were more involved in the assault than the young woman playing the pawn."

The silence in the room was envisaged, but the way Beauty vested her interest, one could tell she wasn't very familiar with wild adventures.

"I shushed the young woman," Ben continued, his eyes hardening, "and waited for the real monsters to reveal themselves – the young couple who owned the hotel. They were the ones who orchestrated this vile act. Let's just say they paid dearly that night, and the cursed woman… well, she was finally free."

"Oh my," Beauty breathed, her eyes wide with a mixture of horror and curiosity. "Where is she now?"

"Back with her family, safe in Lucille," Ben replied, his voice softening as he met Beauty's gaze. "A reminder that true evil often wears a human face." He glanced over at Sloane and Jessica before raising his empty glass in the air.

The jovial mood dwindled to a halt as Jude cleared his throat, demanding attention. The travel stories were a familiar refrain, holding little appeal for his older daughters. Unlike Beauty, Sloane and Jessica filled their glasses to the brim, a silent toast to enduring their father's well-worn tales.

Beauty, however, gravitated back towards Ben, a comfortable warmth spreading through her as she nestled close. Her anticipation for her father's stories was genuine, a stark contrast to her sisters' feigned interest.

Jude, with a twinkle in his eye, launched into a narrative Beauty held dear. But before he could even string two sentences together, Sloane's face contorted in a mask of boredom. With a sigh that spoke volumes, she marched towards the kitchen, likely in search of another drink to dull the impending tedium.

Jessica, on the other hand, cast a pointed look at Ben and Beauty, a flicker of envy glinting in her eyes.

As the final flourish of Jude's story faded, Beauty and Ben erupted in applause, their genuine enthusiasm a balm to the storyteller's heart. Jude acknowledged their appreciation with a playful bow.

"Well, ladies and gentlemen," he declared, a hint of fatigue lacing his voice, "it seems this old man needs his rest. Beauty, my dear, why don't you take the attic room tonight? And Ben," he added, turning towards the young man, "you're more than welcome to have Beauty's room for the night, of course."

"Thank you, Father," Beauty chirped, excitement bubbling over. Jude shuffled off towards his chambers, leaving a comfortable silence in his wake. The celebration, however, seemed to have reached a natural conclusion. Jessica, ever the restless one, pushed back from the table, clamoring for a more lively continuation of the festivities. Ben, however, politely declined, citing a desire to retire for the night.

Beauty, following her father's instructions, led Ben to her room. A chaste kiss landed on his cheek as she bid him goodnight, then she departed for the attic, clutching a pillow. Ben, sinking into the luxuriously soft bed, felt a pang of guilt at his own comfort. He was about to rise and offer Beauty the room back when the sound of the bedroom door creaking open made him freeze. Jessica, uninvited, stood on the threshold, her ruby lips curled into a suggestive smile.

Despite the lingering exhaustion from his transformation, Ben recognized the predatory glint in Jessica's eyes. He braced himself, pushing himself upright with a strength that surprised even him.

The strings that held Jessica's tight garment came loose by a little flick of her hands. Her sweet round mounds came to view. They stood on her chest, eager for suckle. Well-trimmed short hairs ran down from her belly button to the outer court of her private region.

Ben held his breath, as if by taking another air, the standing tits would gravitate towards him. Seeing the discomfort of their guest, Jessica took a few calculated steps toward Ben. In his hesitation, Jessica sniffed his lust for her. He was slightly drunk and vulnerable, and she, had lacked the touch of a handsome gentleman for a while.She had been waiting on this, and Ben's adventurous tales during the party provoked her pheromonal juices.

In one last attempt to save a hard-fought reputation, Ben made a swift move towards the door, avoiding the gravitation that was already fighting against the remaining part of his brains that still functioned.

Jessica, however, was quicker. Her hand, adorned with long, crimson nails, shot out, snagging his arm before he could reach the handle. Her body followed, her tits pressing against his skin. Leaning in close, she whispered in a voice laced with a dangerous allure, "Don't worry, darling," she purred, her breath warm and reeking of wine. "My fangs don't hurt."

Beautiful as Jessica was – her figure wasproofof years of pampering, her face adorned with emerald eyes and cascading auburn hair.

Benwent back in time, choosing to replay the memory of his passionate time with Beauty, a good call that injected some repulsion in the dilemma. Steeling himself, Ben jerked his arm free, pushing the door open with a force that sent it shuddering against the wall. His voice, though strained, held a steely resolve. "Have some respect for your father, Jessica. Go to your room." Jessica faltered, momentarily caught off guard by his unexpected defiance. A knowing smile then played on her lips. "Ah," she drawled, her voice dripping with insinuation, "so perhaps a change of venue is in order?" She picked up her dress and scantily covered herself. "We can discuss this further at your castle tomorrow, wouldn't you agree?"

Before Ben could respond, she leaned in and planted a lingering kiss on his cheek, the scent of her perfume heavy in the air. As she strutted past the doorway, she bumped into Sloane, who stood there with a suggestive smirk playing on her own lips.

"Don't worry, sister," Jessica purred before disappearing into the hallway. "Our dear Ben is simply saving himself for a more... private setting." Sloane's smile widened, a flicker of mischief dancing in her hazel eyes. The two sisters exchanged a conspiratorial glance before disappearing into their shared room, leaving Ben alone with a heavy sigh and a newfound determination to keep his distance.

Beauty, her sleep chased away by the excitement that danced in her heart, was already a familiar sight in the stables. Dressed in practical breeches and a simple blouse, her ginger hair tied back in a functional braid. She moved with a practiced grace as she distributed feed and fresh water to the livestock. The haystacks received meticulous attention, each layer carefully arranged to provide a warm and comfortable bedding for the animals.

A rustle of approaching footsteps alerted her. Turning, she met Ben's gaze, a warmth blooming in her chest that mirrored the golden light of the rising sun. There were no words exchanged, but a silent conversation flowed between them in their shared smiles and the lingering look that lingered just a beat too long.

Ben joined her seamlessly, taking over a pitchfork and falling into step beside her. Each shared glance, each unspoken word, spoke volumes about the bond that had blossomed between the two.

Just as the morning sun climbed higher, casting its golden glow over the bustling farm, Jude emerged from the house, his steps a little slower but his eyes sparkling with a renewed zest for life. A wave of greetings washed over them, punctuated by Jude's booming laughter as Ben recounted a particularly amusing anecdote about his travels.

Later, when the chores were complete and a comfortable silence settled over the porch, Ben approached Jude, his expression turning serious. "Sir," he began, his voice laced with respect, "may I speak with you privately?"

Jude, sensing the weight of Ben's request, nodded curtly. They retreated to the shade of a sprawling oak tree, its branches whispering secrets in the gentle breeze.Meanwhile, inside the house, a different scene unfolded. Sloane and Jessica, adorned in their most opulent finery – Sloane in a sapphire gown that shimmered like a captured sunset, and Jessica in a fiery scarlet dress that accentuated her fiery personality – plotted in hushed tones. Their beauty, undeniable as it was, was marred by the envious glint in their eyes.

"We can't let this happen," Jessica hissed, gesturing dramatically towards the window where Ben and Beauty worked side-by-side. "Father will be on his feet soon enough, and then Beauty will be whisked away to that… that… castle of his!"

"Calm yourself, sister," Sloane said, a sly smile playing on her lips. "We just need a little… distraction."

Their voices dropped to an even lower murmur, their plan unfolding with a cunning that chilled the air. Laughter, laced with a hint of forced gaiety, soon replaced their hushed whispers. Unaware of the storm brewing within the house, Ben and Jude continued their conversation. Ben's voice, filled with a quiet determination, spoke of a dowry so grand it could rival the treasures of a king. A dowry worthy of the woman who had captured his heart.

Jude, his heart swelling with a mixture of pride and a tinge of sadness at the thought of losing his daughter, finally placed a calloused hand on Ben's shoulder. "You have my blessing, son," he said, his voice thick with emotion.

Elated, Ben rushed outside to prepare his horse. Before he could swing himself onto the saddle, Jude emerged from the house, his face etched with a mixture of emotions.

Beauty entered the living room, a poignant scene unfolding before her. Her father, usually brimming with boisterous energy, sat with a sorrowful weight on his shoulders. Ben's proposal hadn't come as a surprise; his longing gazes and hesitant touches had spoken volumes. Yet, despite the thrill of a new life with him, a pang of worry gnawed at her. Leaving the farm, her animals, and her ailing father felt like a betrayal of her roots.

Jessica, her features plastered with a smile that strained at the corners, swooped in for a hug. "Oh, Beauty! This is simply wonderful news!" she gushed, her voice dripping with a touch too much sweetness. "We must celebrate! Let me whisk you away to the city and help you prepare for your grand new life with Ben!"

Beauty's brow furrowed in confusion. "The city?" she echoed, a flicker of unease crossing her face.

Sloane, ever the opportunist, chimed in with a forced chirp. "Absolutely! We wouldn't want you to face this new chapter alone, would we, dear sister?"

Beauty raised a hand, halting their enthusiastic charade. "Wait a minute," she said, her voice firm. "What are you two talking about? We can't just leave Father here alone. Who will tend to the farm and the horses?"

Jude, his heart heavy with a burden he was about to reveal, cleared his throat. "Actually, Beauty," he began, his voice laced with a gentle affection, "it's my idea. Don't you worry, I'll be joining you all a week before the wedding."

The rhythmic whinnying of horses pulling on their harnesses drew their attention. Sloane and Jessica, with an eagerness that seemed almost desperate, hurried out the door to join the waiting chariot.

"One last thing," Jude added, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "Ben, in typical grandiose fashion, has arranged for a grand entrance – a chariot for the whole family." Relief washed over Beauty. The thought of being separated from Ben, even for a short journey, had caused a tremor of fear to run through her. A silent exchange of smiles between them acknowledged their unspoken worry, a silent promise that they would face whatever came together.

The journey from Villeneuve to the city was punctuated by a relentless barrage of questions from Sloane. Eager to glean any scandalous tidbits, she peppered Ben with inquiries about his travels, her enthusiasm bordering on forced. Jessica, however, remained uncharacteristically silent.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, their chariot pulled to a halt in front of one of the many grand castles lining the city's impressive boulevards. Unlike its imposing neighbors, Ben's residence exuded a unique charm. An air of understated elegance hung about it, hinting at the wonders that lay within.

As instructed by Ben, a flurry of eager servants emerged, whisking them away and ensuring their comfort. Each girl was escorted to their designated chambers, leaving a trail of lingering questions and unspoken tension in their wake.

Barely two hours after settling into their opulent rooms, Sloane and Jessica embarked on a whirlwind tour of the castle. They flitted from room to room, sometimes seeking the assistance of servants, other times insisting on exploring alone. Their motives remained shrouded in secrecy.

"What secrets does this place hold?" Sloane whispered, her voice tinged with a thrill of anticipation as they reached a secluded section of the upper floor. They stood before a large gallery, its purpose unclear.

Jessica, her gaze scanning the ornately carved chests that lined one wall, gestured absentmindedly. "Those must be… well, what I hope they are. Weaponry, wouldn't you say, Sloane?" Her voice lacked conviction, hinting at a deeper agenda.

Sloane, however, seemed more captivated by the framed displays adorning the opposing wall. But her attention was diverted as Jessica, with a flourish, pried open one of the chests. A surprised gasp escaped her lips as she peered inside. The tools within didn't resemble any weaponry Sloane had ever seen.

Intrigued, Sloane leaned closer. Their initial shock morphed into a different kind of surprise as they recognized an assortment of… unconventional garments and implements. A knowing smile played on Sloane's lips.

"I knew that man harbored a secret," she whispered, her voice laced with a hint of amusement. "He's a… dominator, wouldn't you agree, Jessica?"

Sloane tapped her sister's arm, her eyes sparkling with a mischievous glint. "Isn't that what those… intriguing items are used for?"

A burst of laughter, their younger sister's unmistakable sound, shattered the tense silence in the gallery. The sisters exchanged a startled glance before scrambling to close the chest, their secret discovery momentarily forgotten.

Creeping towards the window, they peered down. There, bathed in the warm afternoon sunlight, stood Beauty. A magnificent stallion, its coat the color of burnished chestnut, pranced playfully in the garden. Beauty, a radiant smile gracing her lips, was engrossed in watering the majestic creature. The stallion, in turn, seemed to relish the attention, bobbing its head and bowing playfully, eliciting another peal of laughter from Beauty.

"Look at her," Jessica hissed, a venomous edge creeping into her voice. "Already playing the dutiful wife, and the wedding is still a fortnight away."

Sloane, her voice barely a whisper, joined in the scathing commentary. "Typical Beauty," she said, a hint of bitterness lacing her words. "Never one to miss an opportunity to flaunt her supposed charm. That's how she wormed her way into Ben's unsuspecting heart, wouldn't you say?" "It's not fair," Jessica spat, her voice tight with frustration.

Their hushed conversation was abruptly halted as Beauty's laughter echoed closer, sending shivers down their spines. They scrambled back, their faces pale with the fear of being caught. As Beauty resumed her playful interaction with the stallion, Jessica resumed her tirade in a hushed tone.

"It's simply not fair," she declared, her voice laced with envy. "The youngest gets whisked away to a life of luxury, while we're left to languish."

Sloane released a frustrated sigh. "But Beauty… she always seemed content with a simple life. Why would she agree to be caged in this opulent castle, surrounded by riches that have never held her interest?"

Jessica's eyes narrowed. "You're right," she said, a sly smile twisting her lips. "Beauty never craved gold or jewels. I wonder where she stashes all the gifts Ben has undoubtedly showered upon her."

A silent question hung heavy in the air. With a knowing glance exchanged, the sisters abandoned the gallery, their steps purposeful as they headed down the hallway towards Beauty's room.

Sloane gasped as they entered Beauty's chamber. The room's opulence was breathtaking, its size dwarfing the combined space of their rooms back at their father's home. Jessica, ever the impulsive one, made a beeline for the expansive closet.

As she flung open the doors, a dazzling array of gowns, sparkling jewels, and exquisite footwear spilled into view. But amidst this splendor, Jessica's hands unearthed something far more intriguing – garments of an unconventional nature.

"A corset?" Sloane inquired, her voice laced with curiosity as she picked up one of the peculiar items Jessica held aloft.

Their exploration continued, each new discovery more unexpected than the last. Lacy lingerie, sleek latex stockings, leather collars, and an assortment of whips and gloves lay nestled within the wardrobe. An unspoken question hung heavy in the air, their eyes meeting in a silent exchange of shock and a hint of morbid fascination.

A predatory glint ignited in Jessica's eyes. With a sudden urgency, she broke the silence. "Is Ben still in the castle?"

Sloane, momentarily thrown off guard, stammered a reply. "I… I believe so. Why?" Ignoring her sister's question, Jessica launched into a flurry of activity. She began to strip off her garments, her movements fueled by a newfound purpose.

Sloane, initially amused by Jessica's impulsive behavior, watched with growing apprehension as it dawned on her what her sister intended. A nervous giggle escaped her lips, quickly morphing into a gasp of realization.

"You sly devil!" she exclaimed, a hint of admiration laced with fear in her voice. "I heard whispers… rumors about Ben's condition. Apparently, he's still weak from his transformation. Beauty even instructed the servants to leave him undisturbed. There's a good chance he's still in his room… resting."

The weight of Sloane's words hung heavy in the air, the implications sending a jolt of excitement, laced with a tremor of danger, through Jessica's eyes.

The heavy door creaked slightly from the sisters’ combined effort to stay undetected but an eager push from an overexcited Jessica gave way to a groan and a sudden halt of hinges. They held their breath for a moment before they both let out slutty giggles.

Sloane peered through the door and she felt her nipples harden against the latex corset that stretched its limits to taunt even the noblest of gentlemen.

Ben lay on the bed in breeches with his chest bare. He looked so vulnerable, yet indomitable. A heady enticement for Sloane's lust.

“Lucky sly mistress, that Beauty is,” she breathed. “What do you see,” Jessica whispered impatiently. She tried to get a peek.

“Ready as they come,” Sloane breathed. “This would be a fine way to live. We could dine in splendor all our lives.” She cupped her tits and moved her chest to make them jiggle before she strutted into the room.

“Psst,” Jessica signaled Sloane. “Whatever happened to the grand entrance?” “Oh.”

Sloane quickly dropped on all fours beside Jessica.

“Now watch this,” Jessica gave her a sly smile before she leaped onto the bed where Ben was sleeping. She let out a low bark before she let her tongue caress his lip and neck. Ben woke up in a daze. He stared at Jessica in dismayed shock.

“What are you doing?” he roared.

Jessica drew back a little and huddled in a corner of the bed. By now Sloane had joined them in bed too. While Jessica whimpered in a corner, she gave Ben some quick licks on his bare chest. She placed her soft paws on his thigh and slowly moved it very close to his groin. Ben groaned inwardly as his excited erection announced its eagerness to join the party. “Woof," Jessica giggled and raised her bushy tail for Ben to see. She moved her butt from side to side and held Ben in the fascinating swish of the furry tail. Her tits rubbed slightly against his sheen as she moved her gaze to meet his.

Ben was hypnotized by the raw fire in her eyes. A fire that could warm the coldest heart and stir up wild thoughts of unbridled lust. Such fire would also raze everything that stood in its path. Today it burnt in all its fury to torch Ben's resolve and loyalty.

The furry tail caught Ben's eyes again, it was so perfect against the bare skin of Jessica's butt. It was more rounded and slightly fuller than Ben had observed in her dresses.

Warm soft fullness pressed against his back, he could feel the warmth of Sloane's breath. It was warmer than Beauty’s. Soothing but errant, and it made his phallus harden. Jessica noticed the excited member and gave it an eager lick through the breeches. She looked up at Ben who was too stunned to say a word. With a soft bark, she proceeded to nibble and lick every inch of his dick.

Ben could feel his body run traitor. These pups were so cute and exciting. He tilted his head backward as Sloane's tongue dripped its sensual tease on his neck. He wondered what more that tongue could do. He closed his eyes for a moment. He knew just when to stop them but for a moment, he let his body feel their lust.

A clang of chain jerked the trio back to reality. “B-b-beauty, your sisters walked in on me, asleep.”

“Do you always have to ruin a good thing,” Jessica almost wailed. Beauty looked at Ben who quickly created a wide berth from Jessica and Sloane.

“Look, Beauty, it's not fair, you have to keep all the good stuff to yourself. We just want nice stuff too.” Beauty hesitated. She was the least surprised in the room. With the kind of sisters she had, eavesdropping on them had to become a habit. “If you want it so bad, you'd have to earn it,” her stern voice contrasted with the smile on her face. “This is not your father's house, dear sisters.” She pushed the chains on the floor slightly with her feet.

“Yes, yes.” Ben got off the bed immediately. He was eager to salvage his place with Beauty. Her usually warm eyes were stony with hard resolve.

Ben picked up the chains and made a leash, which he put over Jessica and Sloane's necks. He tied the chain to the bedpost before he went to a chest of drawers and fetched a feeding bowl. He put some grapes in the bowl and set it in the middle of the room.

Sloane and Jessica stole side glances. They tried to look at Beauty, but their leash restricted movement.

“Both of you have been bad pups,” Beauty said as she picked up the leash and led Sloane and Jessica to the bowl. He let them nibble Ben's crotch for a while before she yanked at the leash and pulled them away.

“Enough!” Ben roared. “But we've barely had anything,” Sloane wailed. “Beauty, say something,” Jessica begged.

“Oh, there's so much to say,” Beauty said with a smug. She went over to the chest of drawers and got out two muzzles which she put over her sisters’ mouths as they protested. She pulled out a new pair of corsets.

Ben furrowed his brows, but it didn't deter Beauty. She made her sisters put the new corsets on and made them wear the gloves too.

Eager to put on the purple pair that appealed to the eyes compared to the black latex gloves, Sloane quickly reached for it. Jessica reluctantly collected the black pair.

Jessica and Sloane froze momentarily. Something wasn't right. Beauty, oblivious to their growing panic, urged them forward with a cheerful, "Don't just stand there, come along!" Sloane, her eyes wide with terror, attempted to speak, but only a strangled wheeze escaped her lips. Jessica mirrored her sister's frantic gestures, their efforts at communication proving futile. A slow dawning of realization spread across Beauty's face. The playful puppy-wear seemed to emanate an otherworldly glow, tendrils of the material reaching out to envelop any exposed skin.

Instinct taking over, Beauty lunged for Jessica, her grip tightening on her sister's arm. With a surge of desperate energy, she tried to hold back the encroaching fabric, her mind racing to comprehend the situation.

Suddenly, Beauty's eyes flared crimson The warmth in her gaze towards her sisters vanished, replaced by a glint of cold control.

With a swift movement, she released Jessica's arm and stepped back, an assertive authority radiating from her posture. "This charade has gone on for far too long," she declared, her voice imbued with a steely resolve that sent shivers down Ben's spine and left her sisters speechless.

As if pumped by adrenaline, the girls yelped and wagged their tails, eager to do her bidding. Beauty had never felt this much in control, especially over her stubborn and materialistic sisters.

Even Ben had noticed something about this version of Beauty, and if he should be sincere, he loved every moment of it.

Beauty held Jessica by her ears, drawing her face close to hers. “So, tell me. What's the plan? What do you want with Ben?”

“It…it was Sloane's idea. She wanted us to tie Ben to the bed in his sleep.” “Wait,” Sloane chipped in with puppy eyes, pressing her mouth on Beauty's feet. “I wasn't the mastermind here. Jessica is not taking credit for the plan to knock you out cold while we cart away with the inheritance…your inheritance.”

“Wow,” Ben let out. “Yeah,” Beauty said, reaching for the leashes again. “That's my Jessica.” She tied to the doorknob.

Something about Beauty disciplining her older sisters caused Ben's cock to throb. His hard rock meat yearned for her, and she seemed to have noticed. There was a smile on one corner of her lips as she left to her room and reappeared with some kinky dress of her own. Big portions of her breasts were laid bare under the corset. And there were the latex stockings that covered her feet up to her thighs, leaving nothing around her waist to imagination. She armed herself with a fresh whip. The look on her eyes were different. The pretty smiles that everyone was familiar with was nowhere to be found.

“So, tell me, Sloane. Whose idea was it to get daddy killed?” Sloane and Jessica looked at each other. The tone of Beauty's voice lacked an atom of compassion, and her questions got more personal by the minute. Beauty landed the whip on Sloane's butt. The middle-child let out a loud yelp that almost collapsed into a scream.

“When I ask a question, I expect an answer! Do you hear me?” The two puppy girls nodded with fright in their eyes, their convulsing feet unable to keep steady. “Woof - woof,” Jessica let out. “It was your idea, wasn't it?"

Jessica nodded and whimpered, prostrating with her head to the ground.
"Of course, it was your idea, you greedy little bitch! The most materialistic of the pair.

Jessica wheezed, a frustrating attempt to communicate her words. Beauty approached her, and with her eyes locked in, she began to interpret her inaudiable speech.

"You wanted father's inheritance for yourselves...but you came back with him, who's him? Oh, you're referring to Ben, And his healing rose. Then the plans went with the wind. Little bitch!" Ben shook his head in disappointment at the latex puppy sisters.

Jessica whimpered, wagging her tail and begging for mercy. But Beauty was in no mood for it. She dropped two more lashes on Jessica's butt, yelling, “Shush! I'm going to bang my man; you two little puppies should enjoy the show.” The girls nodded dutifully.

Without hesitation, Ben matched towards Beauty. He went on his knees and began to lick between her legs with his tongue.

This version of Beauty instilled fear and want. Although, he had a little knowledge of the effect of putting on the cursed kinky wears. The sight of the whip propelled more aggression on her willing pussy. His wet tongue brushed against her yielding clit, sending waves of pleasure to her pleasure resource.

“Yes! Hold my thighs and don't stop!” Ben did as he was told.

The girls watched with lust and fear as the pussy licking went on for half an hour. When Beauty sensed that she was close to orgasm, she held Ben's head and began to muscle her pussy into his mouth. She moaned with sweet pleasure. Ben ate up every juice that dropped.

Still with the same vigor, Beauty pushed Ben. He landed with his back on the bed. Without turning around, Beauty skillfully flung her whip, landing a sharp lash on her older sisters.

“That's to make sure you don't fall asleep on me.” Beauty guided Ben's hard cock into her pleasure hole and began to rock him back and forth.

Ben grunted as his rider began to increase the pace. She stood on her toes and squatted on his cock. She fucked him until he couldn't hold back his cum. To the displeasure of their onlookers, the lovers expressed every sound as it pleased them.

With a heavy heart, Beauty entrusted the playful pups, unknowingly her sisters, to the care of a trusted servant until the wedding day.

Jude arrived on a chariot the day before the ceremony, his brow furrowed with concern. His questions about his missing daughters lingered during the evening meal, his confusion deepening as Jessica and Sloane entered the room, transformed into whimpering puppies. Beauty, her voice laced with concern, revealed the shocking truth about her sisters' cruel intentions. Relief washed over Jude, followed by a surge of protectiveness for his daughters. "Father," Beauty began, her hand gently clasping his, "I understand your unwavering love for us, your children, but their actions put you at risk. As much as I want them here, their safety lies in your care."

Jude nodded; his voice firm yet filled with compassion. "Leave them to me, Beauty. You focus on your wedding and your new life with Ben. I promise to handle Jessica and Sloane." Their emotional exchange culminated in a warm embrace. They retreated for the night, each with a heavy heart.

The wedding was just as everyone had expected; nothing short of magnificent. Guests from all corners of the land gathered to witness the union. As Ben and Beauty prepared to embark on their honeymoon journey to a secluded island paradise, as Ben had described to Beauty a lush greenery carpeted the island, pristine beaches lapped with turquoise waters, and vibrant coral reefs teemed with life beneath the surface, Beauty requested the presence of her sisters. Unsure of Beauty's emotional state, Ben ventured towards the room where the transformed sisters were being kept, following Beauty's earlier instructions. He clung to the hope that beneath her cold exterior, a flicker of sisterly affection remained. Despite her silence on the matter, he yearned for a cheerful family reunion, a positive memory before their honeymoon began.

The servant guarding the room bowed respectfully as Ben entered. Sloane, transformed into a canine form, lapped at a water bowl like a dog. Jessica, however, met his gaze with eyes brimming with unshed tears.

"I tried," Ben said softly, his heart heavy with a mix of concern and helplessness. Sloane, sensing his presence, approached him on all fours, whimpering and nudging his feet in a desperate plea for help. A wave of sympathy washed over Ben. He knelt down, attempting to loosen the fabric that clung to their skin, but it remained stubbornly resistant. Suddenly, both girls recoiled. Ben spun around to find Beauty and Jude standing at the doorway, their expressions a mix of sorrow and unease.

"What can I do?" Beauty asked, her voice choked with emotion. Tears welled up in her eyes as she strode towards Jessica. Sloane, sensing danger, scrambled into a corner, trembling. A flicker of hope ignited in Jessica's eyes. She had glimpsed a hint of compassion in Beauty's gaze and began wagging her tail tentatively.

Standing before the transformed sisters, Beauty spoke in a voice laced with a hard-won forgiveness. "I release you from this curse," she declared. "Not because I forget your betrayal, but because the burden of resentment is too heavy to bear. The sight of Father's pain… I cannot endure it any longer."

As if responding to her words, the fabric binding them ripped open, transforming back into harmless garments. Jessica and Sloane, human once more, rushed towards their father, tears streaming down their faces. Regret and a newfound resolve to mend their ways shone brightly in their eyes.

Jude, however, remained distant, his heart heavy with disappointment. "Please," he said, his voice strained, "dress yourselves appropriately and meet me outside. We leave for the villa in a moment."

While Ben and Beauty embarked on a life of happiness, the future of Jessica and Sloane remained uncertain. Their path to redemption hinged on their ability to earn back their father's trust and rebuild the fractured bond with their sister.


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Beauty and the Beast Puppyplay Sketch Uncensored

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Beauty and The Beast Chapter 2 (exotic story)



//Chapter3 alt ending1:

//Chapter3 alt ending2:

//Bonus Exotic Naughty Artwork:

BEAUTY & THE BEAST (Chapter II-edit-v1v2)

By Hazel/StickyScribbles

It was almost dark outside when footsteps scurried down the hallway outside Beauty's room. The footsteps stopped abruptly as a low growl and an urgent murmur echoed in the almost empty castle.

Beauty grew curious when the murmur went up a notch and she heard the beast growl again. She made for the door but quickly remembered how much the Beast hated to be kept waiting at dinner. Her curiosity got a hold of her, and she tiptoed to the door to listen.

She could barely make out any words from the voice in the hallway. Whoever it was spoke too fast and incoherently. Then the beast growled and there was silence, someone stifled a scream before a door slammed shut.

Beauty almost jumped out of her skin. She held onto the doorpost to avoid falling over. A dozen questions buzzed in her head, but she told herself she was there to pay her father's debt and nothing else.

The bell tinkled impatiently and the bedroom door opened immediately, Beauty, ready for dinner, hesitated for a moment before she stepped out cautiously into the hallway. There was no one in sight and everywhere was calm. A pleasant perfume hung in the air, and it was gradually overtaken by the domineering scent of the Beast as Beauty approached the dining room. She softly bit her lips when she remembered how hard he had stroked the heat between her thighs just a few hours ago.

As she stepped into the doorway, the sight of the Beast made her nipples harden against the soft fabric of the corset she wore. Her breasts, which were already strained against the snatched efforts of the bootlace straps to keep them in place, threatened to spill over the top when his eyes met hers.

The beast was dressed in a perfectly tailored waistcoat without a shirt underneath and matching pants. Beauty yearned to touch the powerful and bare chest with her hands. She ached to feel his hairy chest tickle her nipples.

“You look great,” the beast said as he made a feeble effort to tear his gaze away from her breasts. “I want to see what you would look like in something more revealing. I've made a few changes to your closet. Now pull that dress a little higher so I can see what you have underneath.”

Beauty pulled the tiny dress over her hips. “Sit.” Beauty got down in a squat, placed her arms in front of her, and gave a low bark. She noticed the wild lust in the Beast’s eyes when the lips of her pussy outlined through the sheer material of her panties.

“Get on all fours and return to your room.” Beauty hung out her tongue. She dropped to her hands and knees, spun around, and waited for a while to give the Beast a good view of her luscious behind before she crawled away. The soft strike of a whip tingled her skin and stopped her in her tracks. She whimpered slightly.

“You've been a bad girl, dressing up in the wrong dress.” Beast dug his nails gently into the soft skin of her butt and nibbled lightly. “Don't keep me waiting,” he growled and spanked her. She whimpered again and hurried away.

Beauty returned some minutes later on all fours. This time she wore a crotchless thong with gold tiny buttons at the sides. The strapped black latex corset had a cupless front. Her hair was parted in the middle and kept in place with a headband of shiny latex dog ears.

“Good girl,” Beast complimented as he rose from his chair. He walked over to Beauty and gave her a gentle part on her head.

Beauty raised adoring puppy eyes at him and let him stroke her neck. “I have a treat for you,” the Beast said as hfe took the muzzle out of her mouth and offered her a cookie.

Beauty made to reach for it with her hand, but he gently slapped it away. “Be a good girl and take it with your mouth.”

Beauty put her mouth in his hands and ate it all up without leaving any crumbs. “That's great, now roll over on your back.”

Beauty obeyed and Beast gently rubbed her belly. His hand slowly moved around her smooth skin, going an inch lower until he touched her thong.

Beauty felt the heat rising within her as he slid a finger over her clit and slowly teased her. She wanted to scream for more when he pulled his hand away. “I've got more treat for you, lap pup,” he said huskily.

Beauty followed at Beast's heel when he walked to the table. She waited for his instructions, but he slid a gold collar with a long leash over her neck and fastened it to the foot of the table. “Here's your dinner.” Beast put some food in a dog bowl with Beauty's name engraved on it and another bowl with water in it. “Eat.” He growled.

Beauty hung her tongue and wiggled her ass excitedly before she put her mouth in the bowl. It was a little difficult at first but soon she was able to finish up her meal. “Good girl,” Beast patted her head, and she wiggled her butt. “Let's see what that tongue can do.” Beast untied the leash, made it a little shorter with a knot. Beauty felt her collar get a little tighter and whimpered.

Beast drew out a chair and sat down, he unbuckled his pants and pulled out his hard dick. Beauty’s eyes lit with excitement. She reached for it but the leash held her back. “Sit,” Beast commanded. Beauty obeyed and watched him pour vanilla on his erect dick. She strained at the leash again. Ben drew his chair closer and pulled her to him. Slowly, Beauty moved her tongue along the shaft of his dick. She whimpered and wiggled her butt as saliva dripped over his balls and she lapped it up. The beast could feel his load about to erupt. Her tongue moved in swift strokes all over his shaft and around his ridge until he burst a full load and Beauty licked up every single drop. She gave him a puppy gaze as she wiped the last trace of cum on her lips.

The hallway to the gallery was lined with glistening mirrors on both sides between masterfully carved columns and rich embroidery curtains that hung from the roof but barely touched the higher parts of the wall.

The candles in the polished bowls on the columns lit up the hallway and the soft light complimented the excited Beauty that bounced at her master's heel eager for more treats. Their reflection caught her eyes, and she drew closer to the mirror to get a better look. “No,” Beast said firmly.

He wound the leash gently around his hand. Beauty put her head a little lower between her arms to apologize and he rubbed her belly, letting her lick his face and hands. Then he brought out some cookies from his pocket and let her eat from his hand.

“Good girl,” Beast beamed. “I have something you would love.” He brought out a small golden padlock and put it on Beauty's collar. “I am officially your owner now and you owe me true loyalty.”

Beauty looked up at him with so much adoration in her eyes and he offered her another treat. She noticed a small key that hung from a sapphire necklace around Beast’s neck. He was the only one who had permission to handle her and the thought made her pussy drip. Beauty got closer to the beast and sniffed his crotch before she gave his hard dick a gentle lick and nuzzled it under her jaw. He reached under her and felt for her dripping pussy which welcomed his touch. In one swift movement, he lifted her and gripped one of her tits in his mouth with his hands firmly clasped around her waist. Then he kissed every part of her cleavage before he let his tongue flick over her nipple until she let out a moan, and then he put her down on the floor.

She let out a soft whimper when he let her go and sniffed his crotch again. “Stop,” the beast said gently and tugged on the leash. “Come with me.”

Beast closely followed by Beauty, went along the hallway until they came to the bottom of a flight of stairs. Beauty had often wondered what lay in waiting at the top of those stairs. The stairs led to a big iron door which led to what might have been a spectacular roof garden in the past. It was run over with some weeds which threatened to choke the little life left of the rose garden that struggled through thorns. There were a few flowers that appeared to have bloomed earlier in the day.

Beast inspected the garden with Beauty on the leash. Something stirred inside her as she noticed the deep concern in his eyes as he looked over his beloved garden. She was about to ask some questions when he led her to another part of the garden, there was a door in the wall and Beast pushed it open.

They walked into a large hall with huge shelves stacked high with hundreds of books. There was also a gallery with several paintings of puppies playing in the meadows, by the pool, or within the castle walls.

One painting caught Beauty's eye. It was a mural of a very handsome man who sat on a rare horse breed, dressed in a very expensive robe.

There was a group of people around him and he stared at them with derision. Beauty observed there were a few elves too and they weren't spared from the gorgeous man’s cruel gaze.

The next painting was an angry fairy caught in a storm outside a magnificent castle. She held a collar in her hands and looked so enraged. In the painting, there was a sad-looking creature who sat among freshly planted roses with anguish on his face.

The man in the painting made Beauty think of Beast and her heart melted at the thought of the loneliness he must have endured before her arrival.

She realized suddenly that she was alone and although Beast had often commanded her to stay put wherever he kept her, her curiosity got the better of her and she wandered off. Beast found Beauty behind a shelf where she tried to hide away from him.

“Naughty girl. Now you need some more training and you have to learn how to behave.” Beast took Beauty by the leash and led her out of the hall through another door that led into a room.

He put her in a large puppy cage and locked her up. Inside the cage were comfortable cushions on the floor and a bowl with Beauty’s name on it in a corner. She ate a bit out of her bowl and lay on her side.

Some minutes later, she heard the door of the cage open. He pulled her out and dropped on his knees behind her, then his hand gripped her waist tightly until she could feel the full length of his erection between her butt cheeks. Slowly his hand made its way to her pussy, and he groaned with raw lust when he touched her warm slit.

Beauty whimpered and signaled him to give her more pleasure. Beast didn't need any further encouragement, he parted the lips of her pussy and found her pleasure knob, again she whimpered and ‘wagged’ her furry tail which caressed under his belly and drove him on. His finger slipped into her heat, and she let out a soft moan.

Beast could barely contain himself as he stroked her heat, stoking her lust for him with each move. With the other hand, he grabbed a handful of her butt and spanked her. “More,” Beauty urged him.

The palm of Beast’s hand made a swift contact with her butt cheek. She squirmed and whimpered louder.

A wave of ecstasy rippled through Beauty’s body when the Beast parted her legs with unrestrained urgency. He stared at her exposed clit for a few moments before he flicked his tongue lightly over it. Beauty breathed faster and tried to touch him but her hands were held fast in cuffs.

She raised her hips slightly and gasped in wonder when he flicked his tongue again. This time he let it closer to her dripping hole so he could get a taste of her creamy goodness. “Oh,” she moaned and tugged at the cuffs. She had a burning desire to touch him and run her fingers through his hair.

Beast raised his head from between her thighs then covered her lower abdomen and thighs with soft wet kisses. Beauty felt an ache from the rising heat within her. She yearned for him deep inside her.

“I'm going to take you now,” Beast gently rubbed his finger over her slit. “I'll use your hole now, and when I'm done making you quiver with so much pleasure, I'll clean you up and put you in your cage.”

Beauty nodded. Beast undressed and Beauty's eyes grew with admiration at the way his cock sprung out of its restraints. Hard as a rock, it never ceased to amaze her. Beast rubbed his cock against her clit before he slowly slid into her. Beauty moaned and he increased his thrust. He held her neck lightly to remind her of her place as he thrust in sync with her moans.

As each day unfolded, she began to adjust to life in the castle. Ben had been away for some time and it felt lonely in the castle. To pass the time, she'd spend hours in the library seeking knowledge, writing and waiting for beast to come home. When eyes grew tired, her thoughts wandered and thought of her family. She had been away for so long that she really hoped they were doing well. Moments when she remembered her father painting by the river sand while she and her sisters played with water, a dull ache she'd felt whenever she remember.

Today was one of those days, where mornings were long and Ben had gone on his usual trip to the forest. The castle felt empty since he left and she was always anxious. "I miss him," Beauty sighed to herself.

Getting out of bed, she slipped into a dress that exuded sensuality, the fabric cascaded in graceful folds. It was made from the softest material she had ever felt, "Wool, maybe?" she thought as she felt the fabric against her skin. The neckline plunged, showcasing the hint of her cleavage while the fitting accentuated her curves with confidence. The thigh, high slit added a touch of seduction and flowed seamlessly, leaving an air of captivation as she moved around the room.

Her thoughts drifted to Ben and her skin tingle, and her breasts ached. "No," she thought she wasn't going to punish herself. So, she explored the attic instead. Within the grand castle, she ascended to the north wing, a secluded santuary - the attic. As she pushed the wooden door, a tapestry of dust danced in the sunlight.
This place would use a lot of cleaning, she thought.

Cobwebs clung to the furniture and old trinklets in the corners of the room, dust kissed, paintings leaning against the walls, each paintings revealing past stories. She lightly let her fingertips hover just above the surface of the paintings, tracing the contours of each frame ever so delicately. She halted before the captivating painting of a young woman.

Beauty felt a gaze of admiration while staring at the details of the paintings. The young lady was as fair as the sun itself. She thought it was impossible, how a painter could create such an impression of a being so perfectly. Someone had gone through a great deal to portray the beauty of the young lady on the canvas.

However, amidst admiration, Beauty felt a twinge of jealously creep in. Who is this woman?
Could this be Ben's secret lover?

Fear and uncertainty grappled her she feared that there might be a possibility that she might not be the only one who held a place in his heart.

Leaving the attic, her mind wandered as she descended into the castle's corridors and towards the basement. As she stepped into the dimly lit basement, her eyes widened at the sight of the captivating artifacts scattered throughout the basement. Ancient relics of times forgotten, surfaces telling of battles fought. She looked around in the midst of those treasures and found a tomb, its presence casting a quiet glow in the basement.

Curiosity gripped her as she brushed her fingertips against the markings etched on the tomb. The echo of footsteps sent her hiding until she felt Ben's presence which coaxed her back into the light.

"Beauty, what are you doing here?" Ben asked, surprised anyone would be there. Beauty, her voice gentle but firm explained, "I was bored and decided to explore." She noticed he was putting on silver linen that bared his chest down to his navel. She hesitated, pondering on how much sleep she's had.

"Y-you've been gone for so long," Beauty continued. "and I didn't know what else to do." Ben studied her eyes for the display of falsity but couldn't find any. He sighed, "I know I've been away for a while and I want to make it up to you." He extended his hand, "Give me your hand, cara mia."

Beauty's palm was gently enveloped by a bigger palm as they walked out of the basement as they ascended the stairs.

In an attempt to lift Beauty's spirit, Ben snapped his fingers, and someone emerged out of the entrance curtain. A middle-aged man wearing a waist jacket and bow tie let out a smile for a greeting. Suddenly, an object that didn't look like it was there poked into sight from behind the man.

Beauty held her breath.
The eeriness died as soon as the object wobbled its ugly head. Realizing that it was a puppeteer eased the tense that had surged up within Beauty. Ben had noticed it too, and had been waiting for the shock to collapse into a smile. But the smile was taking forever. The puppeteer's elaborate display of classical mimics and political satire received cheers and applause from Ben.

Beauty's mood remained stoic. Ben raised his hand, bring the entertainment to a halt. He motioned the man out of sight.

In a warm gentle tone, Ben asked, "Anything you want to share with me?" "Giovanni is one of the best. Even his puppet is shocked at their audience today." Ben held her hand, searching her eyes for answers Despite his prodding, Beauty remained tight lipped and her emotions guarded. Confused, Ben's tone changed. "Did I do something to upset you?" Beauty sighed. She'd forgotten her mission. The Beast had gone more than skin-deep, no thanks to his spontaneity.

In another attempt to bring her to her former self, the beast went behind her and encased her in a hug. He buried his snouth in her neck and inhaled deeply "You smell so good, cara mia, " Beauty was weak in the knees, but turned away from his touch abruptly. "I'm sure, I don't smell as enchanting as the others."

Ben was still, and then he reiterated her last words, "The others?" He was confused, unsure where the direction of beauty's conversation was headed. "I must have done something to upset you"

"I'm sorry I gave you that impression, but I've been carried away by your lovemaking and prowess I forgot why I'm really here. I'm just some replacement of a past love." Ben was puzzled, "What do you mean, cara mia?' "Please, stop calling me that." She waved her hands frantically. "It doesn't matter. After all, the most I'll ever get is on your frame for your artistic pleasure."

Ben paused, letting the words sink in. Suddenly, he let out a chuckle that echoed in the living room.

"You must have come across a portrait of my mother in her youth. There's a few of them at the attic." Noticing the realization on beauty's face, and how the shock slowly disappeared into a relief, he continued, "I was eleven when she died in my arms. I buried her in the basement."

Beauty recalled the tomb with the beautifully marked carvings and blushed in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry, I..I.. didn't realize." Beauty faced down and picked her nails apologetically. Ben chuckled and enveloped her in a tight hug. "It's alright. I should have said something."

Beauty found each moment with Ben an evolving path. Days ago, dread painted him a monster in her eyes, a desperate need to save her father, her only focus. Now, she saw a different side of him. He listened, yearned for her, fucked her to her wits end, and unveiled his deepest secrets, offering a glimpse into the man beneath his beastly appearance.

With each passing second, Beauty's mind ran through a web of the past and future. She thought of straightening some of her stories; perhaps the part about her jealousy upon the discovery of his young gorgeous mother wouldn't make it home with her. And some other interesting part too.

As their embrace lingered, she held him, inhaling his scent and wishing the moment would stretch into days, weeks and years. Under Ben's massive size, she yearned for something deeper. She wanted him, and as she peeked at Ben crotch, she knew it was a matter of time before their desires caved into another heat of passion.

The serene silence shattered with Ben's soft voice, "Have you seen the gallery?" "Gallery?" she echoed, momentarily pulled from her thoughts. Taking her hand, Ben smiled, "Come, then."

The dim castle corridors felt less foreboding as Ben and Beauty began another exploration together. They passed his chamber, then descended towards the winery. As they went, Beauty couldn't help but notice Ben's relaxed demeanor. He wanted to give everything for his happiness. She could tell he must have been disappointed with himself over the puppeteer show.

Reaching a seemingly unremarkable wall, Ben reached for a hidden knob. With a satisfying click, a section of the wall swung open, revealing a hidden gem - the gallery. Intriguing frames lined the walls, each holding a story waiting to be unraveled.

Beauty's eyes widened with each step. The paintings, diverse in style and subject, seemed to hum with a life of their own. As she neared the end of the gallery, one particular piece caught her eye. A gasp escaped her lips. The scene depicted a garden, its layout and flora eerily familiar. It reminded her of...home.

Reaching out, she traced the edge of the canvas with a delicate finger. "How old is this?" she whispered, mesmerized by the image.

She turned towards Ben, expecting an answer, but Ben's silence hinted at chapters he didn't want to disclose. Beauty, sensing something was wrong chose not to pry and tactfully steered the conversation in a different direction. "So, where else are you taking me to?"

Ben's gaze snagged on a particular frame, causing his brow to furrow. Beauty, mindful of potential past hurts, instinctively reached for his hand, her fingers seeking solace in his. But before she could guide him away, his voice stopped her. "Come look at this," Ben beckoned, drawing her closer. Intrigued, Beauty followed. Upon closer inspection, she realized it wasn't a painting at all.

"A mirror?" she questioned, her voice laced with curiosity. Ben's expression softened. "Not just any mirror," he corrected. "My mother gave it to me on my ninth birthday." A nostalgic smile played on his lips.

Beauty, captivated by this new, vulnerable side of him, leaned up and planted a soft kiss on his cheek. He was adorable, she thought, a stark contrast to the imposing figure she'd initially encountered. Her mind drifted to the stories she'd read about the unique bond between mothers and sons, and she couldn't help but wonder about the dynamic between Ben and his mother.

"Why do you keep it here then? It should be in your chamber." "There's more to it than meets the eye," Ben said, carefully unwrapping the object. "It's a magic mirror."

Beauty's brow furrowed. She’d grown up on tales of enchanted artifacts, and the magic mirror held a prominent place in those bedtime stories. Yet, the connection between a mythical object and Ben's childhood gift remained unclear.

"The stories? You mean the one about showing your deepest desires, with fairies watching through it?" Beauty's smile held a hint of dismissal. Ben, sensing her skepticism, met her gaze with determination. He gently placed her in front of the mirror, his voice a hushed whisper, "Repeat after me: 'Mirror of mystic realms, unveil the secrets veiled in time, show me echoes of forgotten tales and reveal the wisdom hidden within your reflective depths.'"

Beauty took a deep breath and repeated the whispered the incantation. As beauty uttered the incantation, the mirror obediently shimmered to life, unveiling a distressing scene. It depicted Beauty's two sisters, neglecting their ailing father. His once vibrant figure overcome by sickness while her sisters consumed by their own pleasures, neglecting his suffering. The mirror revealed the family discord that unfolded in her absence.

Distressed beauty felt a tinge of guilt and her eyes widened in concern. The weight of her promise to Ben to always stay by Ben's side clashed with the harsh reality before her- a stressing dilemma. Torn between her duty to family and loyalty to a creature who has come so far to mean something to her. Helplessness washed over her, leaving her caught in a storm of responsibilities.

Ben's voice, heavy with unspoken emotions, held the truth he struggled to voice. "You have to leave, Beauty. Your father needs you." His words hung in the air, a painful reminder of their impending separation.

Beauty, eyes welling with tears, turned to face him, confusion etched on her features. "What?" she choked out, the single word laden with disbelief and disappointment.

"Your father's time is running short," Ben repeated, his gaze flickering away for a fleeting moment. "I can help him, but you need to be with him." He spoke with a quiet resolve, masking the turmoil within.

"I don't understand."

"Your debt is paid. This curse is meant for me to bare. My beloved, I am sorry my selfish ways I have caused your father to suffer more in your absence. Please take these remaining healing rose bushes to save your father before it is too late." Ben smiled weakly.

Beauty's eyes widened. "Ben, you're willing to do that? But what about you? That rose bush sustains you!"

"Your happiness, Beauty," he said, his voice trembling slightly, "is worth more than a thousand life times and the riches of any world.

Tears welled up in Beauty's eyes. "You're offering me a choice, Ben, and a heavy one. I need time to think." Ben's expression softened. "There may not be any, my love. You need to leave now." The weight of their predicament settled heavily on them. They both knew time was a precious commodity. Ben pulled Beauty into a tight embrace, his tears mingling with hers. He cherished the memories they had shared, grateful for the love they had found in this unexpected turn of events. Their embrace held the unspoken words, the bittersweet realization that their newfound connection might be tragically short-lived.

Beauty spoke her voice trembling with urgency, "Ben, I beg you. We can save my father together. Let me take some of the healing flowers with us and you can accompany me. Your presence will work miracles for him."

Ben hesitated, concern darkening. "I want to come, but I don't want to scare him. We need all the medicine to help him survive and I fear my appearance might frighten him to death in his weakened state to death."

"I understand the risks but I believe in you and in our love. i want my father to see that you've changed and I want my father to see your kindness that is now in you. please do not be afraid.' Ben hesitated, torn by his desire to help and the harsh reality of his appearance. "I fear causing him harm, but for you, my love, I'll try. Let's gather the flowers." He paused, then added, "But we must be careful for your father's sake."

Beauty, grappled with Ben's selfless offer, nodded in understanding. The castle seemed to exhale a sigh of both sorrow and hope. They walked side by side, ascending the stairs, back to Ben's chamber. Ben halted.

"Did you hear that?" Beauty listened, studying the giant's features. "Oh, um, I thought I heard something."

Their hands intertwined, they reached the living room, the air thick with unspoken emotions. Turning towards the heavy oak door leading to the garden, Beauty could almost hear the frantic thump of Ben's heart.

He paused, as if struck by a sudden thought. Worry gnawed at Beauty, but she understood the gravity of his choice. Silence stretched between them, allowing him space to grapple with the weight of his decision. Without a word, Ben abruptly turned and strode down a different hallway. Beauty stood frozen, unable to follow. Though her stay in the castle had been brief, she recognized the large, weathered door marking the entrance to the garden and its vibrant array of flowers.

Anxiety gnawed at her. She paced, her steps echoing in the emptiness. Finally, drawn by an irresistible urge, she crept towards the door and peeked through the keyhole. A gasp escaped her lips as a kaleidoscope of colors flooded her vision – the flowers, swaying gently like a living field, "bowing to the West under the eastern wind."

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Ben's voice, unexpectedly gruff, startled her. She spun around, heart pounding. Her eyes searched him. His grim expression, the worn gloves on his hands, and finally, the glint of shears in his grasp, painted a stark picture. A wave of bittersweet relief washed over her.

"We are really doing this?" she whispered, the weight of their decision settling heavily on her shoulders. Beauty studied the beast. A faint smirk tugged at the corner of his lips as he remained silent, a knowing twinkle in his eyes.

They entered the garden, a different section unfolding before them. Diverse flowers bloomed here, with a few scattered roses adding their fragrance to the air. As they walked, a chorus of tiny whispers reached Beauty's ears. "Aha, you hear it too?" Ben asked, his voice laced with a hint of relief. "I thought I was losing it." The whispers intensified, their source remaining unseen.

"What are they saying?" Beauty inquired, her brows furrowed in concern. "Just ignore them," Ben mumbled, reaching down to snip a few roses. But as the shears met the stems, the whispers erupted into a cacophony. He paused, his gaze meeting Beauty's. Tears welled up in his eyes, spilling down his cheeks as he continued, gathering a small bunch of roses.

The earth convulsed beneath them, a tremor that sent a jolt of fear through them. Beauty instinctively sought refuge in Ben's open arms, their eyes squeezed shut bracing for the unknown. When they dared to open them, a breathtaking spectacle unfolded: new roses, vibrant and life-affirming, burst forth from the ground, as if a new garden was being born right before their eyes.

Something brushed against Beauty's head, causing her to flinch. It was a small object dislodged from Ben's neck. As they both looked down, a collective gasp escaped their lips. Ben's features had undergone a remarkable transformation, the beastly visage replaced by the face of a young, handsome prince. He reached up instinctively, touching the smooth skin of his neck, a mixture of awe and disbelief in his eyes.

"The curse," he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. "It's gone." Beauty's lips parted in silent wonder. The once imposing figure before her was now a man radiating newfound confidence and a gentle grace. Overwhelmed by a multitude of emotions, she embraced him tightly, the joy of his liberation intertwined with the bittersweet realization of the sacrifices made.

Their eyes met, a silent understanding passing between them. Time was of the essence. Emerging from the vibrant garden, Beauty navigated the familiar path towards the front lawn. Her faithful steed, pampered during her absence, stood tethered near a hay bale, ready for a swift departure.

Beauty swung herself onto her horse, beckoning Ben to join her. "Come on," she urged, "she's strong enough for both of us." Ben, however, had a different plan. With a playful grin, he gently ushered her down and hoisted her onto his broad shoulders. Bouquet of roses cradled in one hand, he strode back towards the castle.

They raced back to the gallery, where the magic mirror awaited. As Ben muttered the incantation, Beauty watched in rapt attention. Pointing to the familiar cottage reflected on the shimmering surface, Ben asked, "Do you recognize that?"

Beauty's speechless gaze spoke volumes. While not the strangest occurrence of the day, the sight had rendered her awestruck. "That's a yes, I take it?" Ben chuckled, offering his arm. In a single, coordinated leap, they plunged into the mirror's swirling surface.

A tumble onto the hay farm, a tangle of limbs, and a burst of laughter shattered the midday quiet. The commotion drew the attention of the girls inside, with Jessica rushing out first. The sight that greeted her was a spectacle. Ben and Beauty, sprawled amidst the hay with laughter still echoing in their voices, were a mess of hay and happiness.

Ignoring the shock on Jessica's face, Beauty, eager to save her father first, introduced them, "Meet my sister, Jessica." Explanations, she decided, could wait. Meanwhile, Jude, alerted by their arrival, struggled to reach the door with his walking stick. A stumble sent him teetering, but Ben's quick reflexes prevented a fall. Together, they gently guided him back to bed.

Jude's gaze flickered from the young man who had caught him to Beauty's concerned face. He attempted to speak, but a fit of coughing cut him short. "Relax, Papa," Beauty soothed, hurrying to the kitchen for water. "And who might you be?" inquired a voice from behind Ben. He recognized Beauty's sister and offered a courteous smile.

"Benvolio....Ben, please," he replied, politely averting his eyes from the woman's overly revealing bosom. Her tits were barely able to fit into the tight silky top. "Sloane, I presume?"

"Indeed," Sloane responded, her gaze fixed intently on the handsome stranger. "Beauty didn't mention we'd have company," she remarked with a hint of disapproval as she slowly placed her butt on the edge of a seat at the other end of the room. "Right," Jessica chimed in, entering the room. "Our little sister seems to have had quite the unexpected adventure, leaving us to fend for ourselves."

Ben offered a placating smile, masking his disappointment. "I hardly think so," he said. "Don't bother," Beauty said upon returning with a glass of water. "You naughty girl," Jessica whispered to Sloane. They giggled. Jessica's eyes lit up as if she had remembered something. She disappeared into one of the rooms. Ben cased his irritation, focusing his attention on the mission. Beauty knelt beside her father, helping him drink as Ben approached with the bouquet. As one of the roses brushed against Jude, a coughing fit seized him.

"What are you doing to him?" Sloane recoiled, the girls maintaining their distance in fear of a contagious illness.

The rose continued to affect Jude, his frail form visibly regaining strength. Recognizing the flower's power, Beauty gently removed it and pressed it against her father's chest. "No," Ben interjected. "One touch is enough." It was too late. Jude went into a seizure, his body vibrated on the bed. Ben and Beauty held him down.

"What is happening to him?" Beauty cried. Eyes were fixated on Ben, and the more he tried, the more he inched towards hopelessness. Jessica reappeared wearing a cropped top that kept half of her breasts hanging in view. "Father is dying," Beauty said after observing her sisters, "and all you two care about is a silly attention."

Sloane, defensive, snapped, "And where were you when we needed you most?" "Oh, no!" Ben's voice boomed, silencing the room. All eyes turned to Jude, whose stillness spoke volumes of their dwindling hope. The air crackled with a heavy silence, thick with worry and the suffocating weight of a dwindling timeline.

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BEAUTY & the BEAST Chapter1 (v4) ( Exotic Story )



//Chapter3 alt ending1:

//Chapter3 alt ending2:

//Bonus Exotic Naughty Artwork:

By Hazel/StickyScribbles

The weathered farmhouse stood sentinel under the afternoon sun, its white paint catching the shimmering light with a soft glow. Its wraparound porch, adorned with climbing morning glories and worn wooden rocking chairs, whispered of lazy afternoons and laughter echoing through open windows. Nestled behind it, the converted cottage library, its small windows brimming with the promise of adventure, stood as a testament to a father's unending love. A gentle breeze stirred the leaves of the ancient oak tree beside the house, and its shade cast a cool embrace over a hammock swaying gently above a koi pond. The water mirrored the cerulean sky, occasionally rippled by the graceful dance of the brightly colored fish, a shimmering invitation to carefree moments.

Beauty, the youngest of three girls, with her unruly ginger curls, lay nestled within the hay of the farm. The curves of her youth laid bare on the soil. The budding white flowers, tucked playfully behind her ear, were a subtle hint at the romantic fantasies filling her mind. She held a well-worn romance novel, the steamy adventures she had tucked away from her father and sisters since her seventeenth birthday. She had read the novel so many times and could almost recall every erotic scene in each chapter.

The curves of her youth laid bare on the soil, her mounds protruding in slant shape. Her features reaffirmed her name.

The farm, her haven, provided a canvas for her imagination to run wild, each rustling leaf, each chirping bird, a character in her own personal, passionate tale. Suddenly, the gentle symphony of nature was interrupted by the distant whinny of the horses. Beauty, roused from her reverie, realized she'd been lost in her daydream for longer than intended. Just as she rose, the unmistakable figure of her father, Jude, appeared on the horizon. His gait, usually purposeful, seemed slightly weighed down, and his face, etched with the lines of years spent under the sun, etched with a worry she couldn't decipher. A wave of joy washed over Beauty. She dashed towards him.

"Put some clothes on, you silly!" Sloane's voice rang from her bedroom window, reminding Beauty that she was stark naked.

She quickly grabbed an apron in a flurry of laughter at her own forgetfulness. As she drew closer, she noticed a glint amidst the sunbeams reflecting off a foil-wrapped package in his hand. A familiar pang of guilt for requesting no more gifts flickered within her, quickly replaced by the bubbling anticipation of what the package might hold.

Jude, his smile strained at the edges, seemed to struggle to meet her gaze. He'd always used that smile to deflect difficult questions, but Beauty, with her unwavering curiosity, was determined to unravel the mystery behind it.

"Whoa?" Beauty let out as she opened the package. "Roses?" her voice fainted into a whisper. Jude nodded. "Do you like them?"

"But Dad?" Beauty paused. She knew the next words that should slip out of her lips ought to be appreciation, but someone had to say it.

"How much?" Her father patted her on the shoulder, letting out a reassuring smile instead of answering her question. “Do you like them?” he asked again, this time walking with her into the house. Jude, a doting father of three, has a peculiar habit - fulfilling his daughters' wishes, no matter the cost. Jessica, the eldest, recently turned twenty-three and celebrated with a grand party, complete with a pearl medallion as a gift. Three weeks ago, Sloane, the middle daughter, received the same extravagant treatment on her twentieth birthday.

However, Beauty, the youngest, opted for a unique celebration on her nineteenth birthday - a horseback ride on her new steed - refusing any lavish party. Despite Jude's financial struggles and Beauty's pleas for him to be frugal, she couldn't help but notice an abundance of new jewelry he brought back from his latest trip, hinting at his continued extravagant spending.

Rushing to meet him as he stepped into the house with Beauty, Jessica and Sloane were like eager explorers, their eyes scanning for the treasures their father had brought. Their excitement was evident as their jewelry collections grew even larger.

"I'm so sorry, Beauty," Ben started a while later as he realized Beauty hadn’t responded to his question. She had stepped into the kitchen to make him a sandwich as her sisters trotted into the room. "I could only afford..."

"They're stunning, Dad!" Beauty interjected with a warm smile before his sentence ended. She served him his sandwich and admired the fresh roses he had brought again. A pang of concern filled her as she did. She knew their family's financial struggles since their father's boating business sank two years ago.

Unlike Beauty, Jessica and Sloane still clung to their previous extravagant lifestyle, placing an undue burden on their already strained finances.
"Uhm, Dad," Beauty said, still holding the flowers in her hand. “Roses don’t grow in these parts, father.”

She scanned the eyes of the pale looking man. Jude however could only keep his head within his body as he nodded reluctantly to affirm what she had just said.

She couldn’t speak for long. She became instantly mute when her eyes traveled round the living room. Her two older sisters were already peering disgustingly at her. They had always spited her for choosing simplicity over class.

Her inquisitiveness, another attribute about her. She feigned a cough, rushing out to avoid their poisonous venom. Clever Beauty continued her questioning later on, in Jude’s room. Her ceaseless questions stopped only when she forcefully made him confess. She jolted out of his room and panted rapidly as she ran to her room when the truth was finally laid bare to her. “I knew it!” she grumbled. She trod away heavily and couldn’t stop muttering. “Father cannot afford all these luxuries. He could have before his merchant ship perished in the ocean, but not now!”
Her father had made a deal with the devil. There’s no stopping our ruin, she thought.

Her naivety subsequently gave way to a very much disturbed mind; a haunted one at that. She would occasionally shed uncontrollable tears once she remembered what had to be done. For many days, no night passed without her solitary wanderings and grunts around the semidetached house.

Exactly on the sixth day since her father’s return, they had hardly finished dinner when Beauty stood up abruptly and dashed towards the exit of their small farmhouse. “Where are you headed at this time of the night?” Jude asked with a shaky voice. He had avoided conversations with her as well as her sisters before then. He had worked day and night on his farm, venting his frustration on weeding.

“Nowhere, father!” Beauty responded furiously without halting her match. “It’s dangerous out there, girl” Jude yelled continuously as her sisters, Sloane and Jessica, became dumbfounded.

His yells fell absolutely on deaf ears. The distraught Beauty raised and hung her long, strapless robes in her left hand as she paced towards the maize field.

After a fruitless search through the fields, Sloane and Jessica returned to the farmhouse, dejected, and worn out while their breasts dangled helplessly. On their way back, Jude reluctantly explained everything that led to Beauty’s melancholy.

The sixty-one-year-old farmer had enjoyed the hospitality and shelter of a fellow traveler until something innocent turned awkward. Despite Beauty's caution on his lavish spending, he still felt the need to get her something, and almost coincidentally, he noticed something on the vase, placed in the living room.

After all, the wealthy mansion wouldn't miss the absence of a few stands of flowers, he thought.

Unknown to him, the flowers turned out to be magically rare roses. Everything had gone well, until the traveler, a huge fellow who had drapes over his head the whole time unraveled himself. His size, his fury and everything about him were not human. Jude thought the beast was going to eat him, but he was allowed to go on a condition - a guest for his life.

His daughters fumed with rage when he apprised them of the condition the beast gave him before he let him return home. “How could you do that?” Jessica, his eldest daughter lamented endlessly while Sloane’s shock rendered her mute.

Tears rushed down his cheeks as he tried to calm them down with pitiful statements. “I just wanted to make you all happy!” He stated with a trembling voice. Sloane roared loudly after some minutes of muteness. “You are going to leave us father, to live indefinitely in a confinement with a beast. A beast!” She yelled.

Jude sobbed for some seconds, he knew he had to stay back to protect his family, but the beast was determined to hunt him if he didn’t show up as agreed. “It’s only for a short while. He promised to let me go once he is convinced that my debt has been paid.” Jude murmured in bits.

“That’s still indefinite!” Jessica interrupted before he could continue his sympathetic statements. They eventually scrambled to sit at the veranda of their lowly home. Then, Jessica’s short nighties had become wet from her ceaseless sweats, giving room for her nipples to peer distinctly from her round breasts. Sloane’s curvaceous hips were vividly exposed as well, her dress had caught the sharp part of a stake, forcing it to tear beyond her hip region before she could free herself from its entanglements.

Minutes after, a faint figure of the estranged Beauty suddenly appeared just in front of the field they had toiled.

“It’s Beauty!” Sloane exclaimed. Instantly, they summoned whatever strength they had left. Jude and his daughters panted towards the seemingly exhausted lady and swiftly dragged her back to the veranda they had patiently sat. Jude began to plead and confess how sorry he was to have disappointed the family. He cursed and swore never to make such mistakes again, but Beauty remained mute. She finally cleared her throat.

“I’ll go, dad.” Jude’s eyes shone in dismay, but he knew he could not oppose. Eloping the second time was not an experience he would love to witness again. Beauty quickly added afterwards, “I can’t let you leave the family and your farm unattended to.” Jude continued to grumble and curse under his breath. He occasionally urged Sloane and Jessica to convince her to rescind her decision, but all proved abortive. Besides, Sloane and Jessica all seemed content to have Beauty go rather than their father. They would always still have Jude around and get everything they wanted if Beauty took his place.

“I’ll present myself instead. Perhaps the beast would release me sooner.” Beauty groaned as she walked into her chamber slowly. Soon, everyone but Beauty fell fast asleep. She had shut the door to her room and prevented others from entering. She took her time to search through her wardrobe for a dress she assumed would instantly pacify the infamous beast.

“A suggestive dress would indulge him just enough” she soliloquized as she reached deep into the closet. Eventually, she found exactly what suited her imaginations. The skimpy yellow dress had been stripped of its inner linen, leaving everything beneath it bare. “This should make him quiver.” Beauty muttered inwardly.

A smile crept onto her face for the first time in many days. Without further thoughts, she wore the revealing gown on a much more revealing set of undies. Her yellow thong barely covered the lips of her vagina as its tiny strip traveled through the middle of her butt cheeks. Beauty’s matching brassiere did help accentuate her succulent breasts. Her cleavage clearly revealed the edges of her brown nipples too.

She made sure she appeared as seductive as she could and when she was sure she had nailed whatever she had imagined, she limped towards the entrance of the house. She ensured no one saw her leave but she did well to leave a note of her destination behind, promising her father and sisters to return as soon as she could.

Hurriedly, she dashed into their stable, mounted her beloved white horse and rode towards the dreary castle that housed the supposed beast.
As she drew closer, her heart began to pound rapidly. Her father’s description of the burly man had surpassed any form of imagination she could fathom but she charged relentlessly, nonetheless.

Just as she was about to halt her horse by the entrance of the isolated castle, the huge gate split itself open. Her fears doubled but she rode in with the minute courage she had left. “I pray my wits don’t fail me on this one.” She muttered as she steadily dismounted the horse. A voice subsequently reverberated round the entire castle, just as her right foot touched its neatly cut grasses.

“You are welcome, Beauty.” The unknown thick voice chorused. Instead of fear, the deep voice instilled a sense of curiosity in her. She could have asked how he knew his name, then she remembered the tales her father had told her. One of the gifts that came with the beast’s curse was his ability to acquaint himself with events that are yet to occur.

Slowly, with calculated steps, Beauty walked briskly towards a gigantic door. She instantly swung into her seduction tactics. Each step twisted her hips while her breasts juggled up in regular patterns.

“The myths are true,” she confessed to herself. Beauty progressed steadily with her suggestive catwalk as she spilled more appealing statements. “This castle cannot be compared to any other. So are your inexplicable powers.” She iterated, letting her thoughts out unbarred.

As soon as she stepped into the largest hall that housed his ornately carved throne, his beastly appearance startled Beauty. She took several steps backwards as the beast stepped out behind a robust pillar at the rear of the hall. He was semi-naked. The parts of his body that were slightly covered with a leather wrapper were his hips and upper thighs region.

“Just as father described!” Beauty soliloquized in fear. “You need not fear, my lady.” She heard him proclaim subtly when he noticed that she had withdrawn into a shadow in the hall. His charming accent worked its way into her. In some way, she gradually became drawn to him. “His voice is so charming,” she muttered as she stroked her curly hair backwards to stare at the very hairy and muscular being.

Barring his awkwardly deformed head, his physique was astonishing. His firm chest was perfectly carved out with a healthy-looking fresh flesh. “Oh my, look at the abs on that broad chest!” she mumbled.

Although, they were covered with as many strands of hair as one may think of, every part of his body matched his seven-foot height. His biceps were sturdy, with thick veins almost popping out of them. The sight of his entire form sent her imaginations wild. Her eyes carefully traced the thick veins that lined toward his hands. She had own wild fantasy, but never in her dreams had she pictured such a sight. Gradually, her admiration for the beast began to tip a scale as she continued to stare at his overwhelming physique in awe.

“You must have a name. Don’t you?” she spoke courageously as she moved close to the man-like creature. “Of course, Beauty.” He responded aptly as he adjusted his position on the luxurious throne she had seen earlier.

“I am Ben… Benvolio in full!” the huge creature roared. Every statement they made echoed round the gigantic hall, prompting Beauty to believe the beast lived alone despite the apparently glittering and neat environment. “He must have made good use of his muscles to have kept this place in such a good shape.” she thought inwardly as she began to twist her hips again. She made sure his eyes noticed the juggling of her breasts underneath her gown. Somehow, in a way that she couldn’t explain, she could feel her nipples hardening with the thought of seducing such a man beast.

The proximity between them closed further. The beast menacing figure towered over Beauty. She noticed a collar around his neck. His sleeveless jacket had concealed it until now. The beast coyly bowed his head. She knew. For the first time, she listened to the voice of Jessica in her head. 'You don't have to know everything.'

The beast observed her for a moment, contemplating on what to do with her. Beauty was still apprehensive, but she was willing to test her guts. Her mini dress had by then, finally revealed the tip of her tits. She climbed the stairs that led to his throne, taking suggestive steps that left the lower part of her dress exposed. The beast could only stare intently at her yellow thong. As mild breeze blew her dress, the glitters on the right side of her pant caught his attention even more.

“My tricks are working so soon,” she thought when she traced his eyes to her thighs. “Well Ben.” She exhaled as she took the last step on the stairs. A slight grin crept into her face, while her cat eyes fluttered rapidly as she said calmly, “Since you know I’m here to pay off my father’s debt, let’s cut to the chase.”

Ben was surely already in awe of the young lady’s beauty and seductive looks. As she spoke, his eyes travelled round her body. Her full lips, as he imagined, would be perfect for a quick suckle of his cock. He instantly felt the urge to frolic her brown nipples and the sight of her curvaceous hips had already sent him into a dreamland. Beauty’s first touch jolted him out of his deep imaginations. He had fantasized how hard he wanted to jerk those hips against his thick, long groin.

“I’m sorry!” He exclaimed as he finally regained consciousness. His eyes gave him away immediately, but he was quick to defend his momentary absentmindedness. “I was….” He muttered subtly before Beauty gently placed her index finger on his lips. He had fangs just outside the two ends of the lips, but she wasn’t really disturbed by them. She had read tales about vampires and had developed a sort of admiration for their prickling fangs especially the tons of sexual hormones they spring up in the neck region when they are applied mildly.

“Shhhh…. I know exactly why you’ve been mute.” She responded afterwards. Steadily, Ben leaned backwards to keep himself in a good position while her hands began to trace his abs and ripped chest. She worked the tip of her left index finger gently across his muscles and veins. At a point, their lustful eyes met. Then, the beast was sure she wanted exactly what he wanted as well. Beauty bit her lower lips softly as she continued to rob her two hands on his hairy nipples, heightening his emotions as he jerked at intervals. “Obey your instincts and fuel your desires.” She whispered silently into his abnormally stretched ears.

Her whisper ignited more sensual organs in him. He shook rapidly as his eyes fluttered in similar fashion.

When he could no longer endure her seduction, he reached out for her skimpy gown and with a single grab, he split the revealing dress into two with his sharp, claw-like nails. Her gown gave way for a good view of her jaw-dropping hourglass figure which she had accompanied with seductive undies.

His eyes shone intensely as he peered at her round shaped breasts. He was finally close to his fantasies and was equally ready to meet it with adequate passion. Meanwhile, Beauty kept herself busy. She moved in between his thick thighs, bent slightly towards his chest region, and placed her round lips gently on his nipples. She sucked on them gently while her hands glided downwards, towards his leather wrapper. She relieved him of it just to find his eight and half inches long and thick phallus — if not more! “Wow!” she exclaimed with a grin.

By then, Ben had begun to feel jittery. The beast in him wanted to tame her to be the submissive in what was bound to happen at the end of her fondling. But he wasn’t sure she was open to that sort of sexual practice. His hands found their ways to her back, unhooking her brassiere as she latched on to his nipples with more intensity. Steadily, he caressed her fairly big and juicy breasts while his thumbs drew continuous circles around her nipples. As expected, she began to groan mildly as he twitched her nipples. Instantly, the sizes doubled up.

“You love my nipples uhn?” she whispered as she unclipped her lips from his nipples for the first time in many minutes.

The Beast could only respond with a positive sigh. His heart had begun to pump rapidly. Faint groans escaped from his mouth as well. Slowly, she latched onto his fully erect penis. Her hands had done a good job with them before then, but she needed to feel its strength within her mouth. The warm environment would keep it yearning for the real deal, her vagina. “I have to keep this wet and stronger!” She stated silently as her gaze caught the sex-stricken beast.

Beauty returned her gaze to the huge cock and placed her round lips on it once more. She glided them down till she covered more than half of his eight inches long manhood. She made sure she almost choked on it before she gently withdrew her lips to the tip of it. There, she licked it continuously like it was covered with honey. Ben was lost in it all. His faint groans became louder, causing a reverberation through the entire hall.

He subsequently stripped her of her panties and held it tightly on his left hand. Slowly, he stretched two of his fingers down to her already wet privates and glided them upwards and downwards consistently. He made sure the friction reduced even more as she began to drip.

“The Fates!” She exclaimed as her eyes expressed how much she was ready to have his groin in her.

Eventually, he released himself to the beast within him. With one of his hands, he held both of hers and moved them backwards, placing them on her lower back. He quickly tied them up with her yellow thong and raised her head up gently.

“You asked for this.” He exhaled as he gazed into her eyes lustfully. A second after, he placed his hands on her hips and lifted Beauty onto his laps. Her thighs slid open as Beauty let his massive cock glide into her, leaving no part of it uncapped. “Oh! Oh! OH!” she exclaimed as it appeared that he had just hit her G-spot, wider, deeper, and remorselessly.

Bens two hands remained firm on her hips as he gently guided his groin out and into her again. He began to toss her upwards and downwards in slow but regular motions. Uncontrollable moans escaped Beauty’s lips. His phallus filled her vagina completely which meant he hit all the right spots simultaneously.

“Gosh! I’ll pass out on this.” She yelled as Bens strokes became deeper and faster. “Give it to me harder!” She reiterated, nonetheless.

At the time, she had completely lost herself to the beast’s thrusts as she began to grind against his fully erect manhood. Her moans increased when Ben fondled her breasts with his hands. The tighter he squeezed them, the louder her moans got. He left a few red bruises on her back with his claws too and this only excited Beauty the more. At a point, Beast reached for Beauty’s bra which he had earlier hung on the hand-rest of his luxurious throne.

“Open your mouth.” He whispered subtly as he calmed her down momentarily. He quickly gagged her mouth with the straps of the brassiere before he began to yank her against his groin once more. He jerked up from the seat at some intervals to ensure deep penetrations.

The beast just couldn’t control his moans as he neared his climax minutes after. Beauty was gradually reaching her climax too. Her body shook violently as he held on to her with more deep penetrations. Her hands were tied, and groans could hardly escape her gagged mouth. She had had crazy fantasies of her body rippling in ecstasy, all inspirations drawn from various novels she had been sneaking into her bedroom. Still, all her imaginary sexual adventures were nothing in comparison to having Ben deep inside of her. When he finally kept pushing deep and nonstop into her, signaling his last few thrusts, she let her own orgasm in, her body receiving it with a final shake.

“Yes! Take everything from me! Let me pour my all into your hole, Beauty!” His loud groan only made her cum faster. She felt the warmth of his beastly cum in her clit just as her body felt peace washing through its entire cores.

As she laid helplessly on his chest few minutes later, he untied her hands and removed the straps from her mouth. With ease, he carried her into a chamber in the magnificent castle. Beauty was fast asleep by then. The heated sex would definitely have such end results. Wouldn’t it?

Beauty sprung up from the king size bed the next morning and crashed on the floor in a mess of the huge bed sheet she had caught herself in. There was a strong masculine scent with a soft hint of the chamomile caught in the sheets. The dark walls, the paintings of ships on distant voyages, the fresh flowers and bowl of cookies on the table by the window had her mind in a swirl.

The soft feel of the sheets against her skin and hardened nipples didn't help to lift the light fog on her mind. She hung somewhere between wakefulness and the sweet allure of dozing into oblivion for a little while longer. She moved her legs a little to untangle herself from the sheets and get on the bed. But they felt a little sore, not painful though. A slight move, and Beauty gasped as the middle of her thighs responded with a rude jolt to her memory. “Ouch,” she murmured.

She felt sore all over again and yet, she craved the filling that stretched her so well as she relieved the events of the previous night.

She smiled smugly as she stood up and let the sheets fall slowly to the floor around her. Beauty tiptoed around the room as she observed the large mosaics on the wall. There was a mosaic mural of a golden pup frolicking in a meadow, it had a small leash with a tiny topaz pendant on it.

Beauty sighed when she looked into the pup's eyes which shone with so much contentment and wondered if the new craving welling up inside her would ever be sated. A gentle breeze caressed her naked skin as she approached the window, which was dotted with a few ceramic vases that held some flowers. Beauty lightly caressed a petal and leaned in to get a whiff.

“Morning glory,” she moaned. Ben’s whistling suddenly echoed towards her and her eyes lit up. “I wonder just how glorious I can make his morning “, she sighed as she stared down at her taut tits.

Beauty traced her finger across a mahogany table close to the window. She leaned over the table and slightly touched her nipples against its hard surface before she laid on it. She stared up at the mural on the wall with shiny eyes full of contentment. Slowly she turned her head to get a good view of the room and noticed a closet built into a part of the wall. Her curiosity got the best of her, and she padded across the room to the door.

There were brass handles on the door of the closet, twisted in a fashion similar to ambitious vines creeping on the walls outside.

Beauty drew a deep breath before she turned the handles of the door. They yielded without any resistance, and she was glad she had the courage to explore. The space was filled with tight paw gloves, thigh high fishnet stockings, high heeled boots, leashed collar with jewels, muzzles studded with tiny diamonds, puppy ears, tight corset, and fluffy tails were carefully arranged inside the wardrobe. It looked like Ben had been expecting some sexy guest for a long time.

Beauty’s curiosity peaked and she quickly grabbed a sheet which she wrapped around herself and walked hurriedly into the next room to find Ben.

“I knew you would come looking for me soon,” he said calmly as his eyes traveled along her luscious body.

“Good, now tell me why you have such a huge collection of sexual costumes?” She responded aptly. “Come here,” Ben grabbed an edge of the sheet and pulled her closer. Beauty gasped as the sheet parted ways with her body and her tits rubbed against his hairy chest. She lifted her eyes to his face and felt some sort of bond grew then. He didn’t look so scary anymore.

She traced her hand slowly over his hairy chest, smoothing out the warts and his gruffness. He laced his hand through her hair and gently pulled her head back. “Are you ready to pay up every cent your father owes me?” he growled into her face. She became quiet. His words buzzed into her ears.

Beauty realized that in that moment that he had tamed her. She couldn't argue with him. As much as she would have loved to get back to her family, she had also irresistibly become ensnared with the beast. “Yes, I’m ready. I won’t leave you Ben, not anytime soon anyway,” she responded after a while. He nodded and let her lead him to the closet in the room and wore the costumes she had earlier seen. They suited her so perfectly that she felt he must have precisely envisaged her physique before her arrival.

“They fit so well” she stated as she checked out all black ensemble of fluffy ears and muzzle. Ben stared mutely as he watched her drop on all fours and crawled towards him.
“Isn’t this what you’ve always wanted?” she exhaled softly as she twisted and turned seductively.

She bent forward and raised her leg to reveal the bare underneath of her thigh high stockings to give him a peek of her wet pussy. “Come here,” Ben commanded. He picked a black leash with emerald studs and put it over Beauty’s head.

She licked his hairy hand and stared up at his face. “I’m all yours Master, do with me as you please.” She licked him again. “As you wish. Prepare to be taken to the world of your greatest fantasies.” Ben tied the leash on a pole which stood in the middle of the room.

Certain that she was leashed to the pole firmly, he pressed her back down slightly before he hurriedly undressed himself with his other hand. “Aren't you happy to see me? You should be wagging” He tapped his huge dick against her butt. Beauty wiggled her butt eagerly.

Ben grabbed her and impatiently thrust his massive dick into her wet and eager pussy. He drilled into her very wet privates with his massive phallus. His rough cock filled her up, provoking pain and pleasure as she screamed out loud. "YE-ES! RIGHT THERE!"

Beast smacked her fairly robust butt cheeks, ramming into her ceaselessly. “I’ll never leave the castle!” She confessed loudly as she began to return his thrusts with strategic backward movements. When she heard his grunt louder than usual, she knew he was close to orgasm. "Don't stop! Please, don't stop."

The beast edged out. He slapped his cock on her ass, stopping himself from exploding into her right before he inserted it again. Her gaping hole took him in. "Yes! Yes! YES! I'm all yours!"

The beast changed the pace, stopping and going halfway into her pussy, allowing himself to explore her pussy walls. "How the hell are you so goo-ood?" She moaned as she came close to another orgasm. They coincidentally reached orgasm together. Their passion ignited into a hot steamy dungeon sex. Beauty fell on the bed with Ben still hovering over her. "You curious pretty thing," Ben teased. Beauty smiled knowingly.

"You've glanced at it a few times," Ben said, referring to the collar on his neck. Beauty nodded. "Is that why-" Ben snatched her words, "I am stronger than most humans? Yes." He leaned further toward her. "It's also my curse." "Curse?" Beauty reiterated. The beast was mute. He had already said too much, yet, he was surprised by how much and how quickly he had grown fond of her. He trusted her. And as their eyes locked, his cock began to throb for more. Beauty noticed it too, and smiled, biting her lip teasingly.

THE END? (Continue?)

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With all the friends we meet on the way. We are ready to explore the deeper mysteries of the Gorgon's Manor.  We'll chart the wonders of the land through concepts art and maps. This place is like a theme park, a realm filled with both lurking danger and pleasures. It will continue to evolve with more supporters and adventurers. We'll discover hidden lores and stories together.
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We'll seek an animator or programmer to help bring our interactive creation more to life for all the fans to enjoy. The resources will also help upgrade our older equipment to be more efficient.

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