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Statiik's Art profile
Statiik's Art
Statiik's Art
Hi! I'm Statiik! I create monthly art, r34, and very soon: comics! I also post WIPs, studies, character polls, high resolution files, layered .psd files, and give free art rewards. All these goodies rarely (if ever) go public.
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Títulos de Assinatura

USD mensal
  1. Every month, You submit a piece idea for a character of your choice (R34 and OCs allowed), and I draw 1 or 2 of the group's entries. I will add more pieces as more folks join this tier.
  2. Commission Priority: Be the first to get access to commission slots and project cameos.
  3. High Resolution Content: All the pixels you can handle.
  4. All Benefits from Previous Tiers
8 assinantes SubscribeStar $9.00 tier ; Doggo Patron
USD mensal
Big Boofer

For those amazing folks who want to give a lil' extra!

  1. .psd Files: View artwork in-depth and super high-res
  2. All Rewards From Previous Tiers
0 assinantes SubscribeStar $15.00 tier ; Big Boofer Patron
USD mensal
MEGA Boofer

Tier for the super amazing folks giving extra EXTRA

  1. All previous tier benefits
  2. An extra special thank you <3
0 assinantes SubscribeStar $30.00 tier ; Mega Boofer Patron
USD mensal
  1. Benefits from all previous tiers
  2. You're the funny fella, aren't you?
0 assinantes SubscribeStar $69.42 tier


  • Early access to all illustrations, comics, and merch
  • Patron-exclusive access to free illustrations and comic cameos
  • Drive the direction of projects like comics and R34 art
Displaying posts with tag Behindthecenes.Reset Filter
Statiik's Art

Beastar's Jack WIP, finished piece, and alts!

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Este post pertence a um $9, $15, $30, $69.42 nível bloqueado.s
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3 dias
 Período de Confiança
9 assinantes
49 publicação


$66 of $130
per month
Subscribestar page officially up and running :))))
First Subscribestar subscriber :0
Now there's a few of us!

Outras Creators

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