Firefly thigh-high take off + stomping
Hello, all my fans!
It's the entire feet focus session for the firefly project
Thigh-high take off + the previous stomping
> Fan
> 2024XXXX_Firefly_Let_Me_In_t1
> shorts
> Firefly_thighhigh_takeoff_stomping.mp4
Managing all the cloth physics requires a lot more effort than I initially thought. In this clip, each piece of clothing has its own physics simulation, and they can all collide with each other. The toughest part is the thigh-high and leg collisions since it has to stick to the leg before coming off.
I originally planned to keep the coat, half take off shirt, and skirt on for later scenes. Now I’m thinking about stripping off more clothes so I can save on some physics work, otherwise this is going to take way too long to finish. 🤒
Anyway, next clip is about dildo machine and hand bound Firefly!