This tier gives you access to the next available update for Play Things, as well as access to the 3D version when that becomes available.
Your vote counts as double when it comes to determining what I work on next.
This tier gives you access to the next available update for Play Things, as well as access to the 3D version when that becomes available.
Your vote counts as double when it comes to determining what I work on next.
Aaah! Thank you so much!
This tier gives you everything in the Mass Production Model tier, as well as access to the Alpha version of Rabbit Hole, a completely new and exclusive game accessible only to people supporting at this tier or above.
Your votes count as 4 votes, when determining what we work on next. You also get access to the secret Spoilers and 'In Development' Channels on Discord!
Holy crap!
This tier is for people who really want to support me a whole lot!
You get all the benefits of the previous, your votes count for eight, and I will happily let you play the daily development builds for any of the games under construction.
Hello wonderful humans!
It is (already) June! Hurrah!
The update today contains a new DOCTOR SHINE SPECIAL for Chapter 3! In this Chapter, you get to find out what happens if you put on one of each of the pasties.
The results may surprise (and delight) you!
The file is here: