Progress Report
Unlike other posts this will be a more specific in-depth explanation of what we have been doing and what's left.
Since the last post we made a ton of progress! I improved the camera animation inside combat - now it's much more epic/dramatic and pleasing to the eye, this was something that was definitely in need of more work because it was dull. Me and Azyunote have also been working on combat VFXs in general - we managed to make (and animate) VFX for all of Ethel's skills the next step to work on Nema's. I have been showing these VFXs in action to supporters with WiP access on discord. Azyunote has also been providing valuable QA information, pointing things that could easily be improved that I overlooked while also helping me improve those.
This week I'll be revisiting the already finished mechanics such as the world and local map, I'll be testing them to make sure they are working properly and bug-free while also replacing the placeholder artwork that was being used.
Moisesf (the secondary artist) revamped Ethel's skill icons (samples bellow) and is now working on VFXs for the enemy's skills.
ZheroMusic (sound engineer/musician) has been working on ambience and SFXs for the dialogue scenes, he is almost done with those and after that the only things left audio-wise would be the skills in combat.
Akaonimir (main artist) finished all the artowork we will need for the demo, now he's working on CGs that will be used in random events you may encounter while exploring, those events will not be present on the alpha release but might make it to the beta one.
What's left for the alpha release
- VFXs for Nema's and 3 enemies's skills.
- Making SFXs for Ethel, Nema and 4 enemies's skills.
- Finishing the soundwork for dialogue scenes, we are about 80% done.
- Test and ensure all features are working properly and without any bugs.
Regarding release dates
Our failure to meet the dates provided in the past have made it clear that I underestimated the amount of work that was left for the release, however this does not mean progress has slowed down! Development is still going at a reasonable pace and we are still doing our best to get the demo done as soon as we can. To avoid putting pressure on me and my team I will no longer be providing release dates, I can only assure you that it will be soon™. Regardless I'll continue making the progress reports so you can see for yourself how close we are.