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Solid Snekk profile
Solid Snekk
Solid Snekk
Vicindio is a light action adult adventure game in the QSP engine. It initially began as a mod for another game, but has became its own game at at this point.


  • Supporting the author in helping make the game.
  • Not much else, I don't want to paywall my games.
Solid Snekk
Public post
I said that I would release the game today so I am. There's some locations that I didn't get to like the Noble district and the housing part of the slums but this is what I've been doing.

My pixel art may not be the best but I keep getting frustrated with art so I'm going to do it myself. There's a lot of unfinished parts, you can explore the world maps but there's not a whole lot to actually do yet.

I've left by debut "Reset" button in in case you get softlocked in an unfinished area.

EDIT: Fixed a few bugs. The bugs include the Farm Road and Suburbs not properly displaying the map and armor/weapons not doing things in combat.
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Solid Snekk
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Slightly more progress.

I'm really liking my little pixel scribbles. I do wish I was good enough to have a consistent animation, that would great for having the kobold orgy when you first enter the kobold warren.

Every little area has a pixel art for it. This is taking a lot of time as there's a lot of areas. I do still need to make art for a lot of npcs as well.

The random npcs/monsters are going to use the animation system and the "lovers" get their unique scenes.

One problem is that I am terrible at intimate art. I might AI generate something for the sex but every piece of art is hand drawn by me so far.

Some of it is "traced" as in I looked real close and scribbled my lines similar to something else I saw.

Lizardfolk are also iguanas. I dunno, I tried real hard to make them unique and that is what I came up with. Lo does explicitly state that she was never good at being a Goddess so using that I came up with the "laziest" type of lizardfolk I could imagine. Sorry scalies, my lizardfolk are probably boring.

At the moment you can complete the 'Dragon Isles' questline where you fight a snake and meet Lo.

I should have Avedon in this weekend and the demo out by (hopefully) Sunday. Thank you everyone for your patience.
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Solid Snekk
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Pregnancy was an odd system to work on.

Not much changed but everything is different. Not sure how to describe or show it without showing raw code. When you get creampied, either vaginally or anally, you carry it around until your body absorbs it. This means that getting gangbanged will have a half dozen men's cum inside of you and that is a constant check as the preg check happens every hour and every sexual interaction. Getting creampied and then sucking dick could theoretically finalize your pregnancy.

As for the game, I have up to the doors opening at the Dragon Isles. The only start in the game is the Shipwrecked so I'm probably going to get the other ones in and then I might be able to get a test build out.

It's been a long process and I've probably overcomplicated a great many systems. I still am unsure how the magic system should be, I might just let the player cast any spell they know at any time without needing to prep the spell.

I have doubled down on my pixel art but there are a few locations where I was given art. I may add a little system blurb where it tells the author of the drawn piece if it isn't me.
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Solid Snekk
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Update on combat.

I got a day off due to a snow day and suffered through making it work.

Still buggy and needs more information for the player, but I have a bow equipped and can hide behind Bill and my dog while shooting goblins.

I may have to highlight squares in red that multiple entities are in one square as the little green goblin sprite is a goblin archer and an orc warrior, the orc is hidden.

Things to do from here:

* Player needs more info on their weapon. If you have a sword you can attack 1 square, a spear 2 squares, ranged weapons are map wide. This is pretty easy as the weapon code I showed off already has this, I just need a little blurb telling you that.

*The grid is 10 by 10 and I don't plan on adding obstacles, enemies will be randomly dropped onto the map. This can ruin an archer as ranged weapons do less damage but are map wide.

* Player can currently move 2 squares, enemies can move 1. This allows the PC to move diagonally. I might be able to make diagonal work but that would involve adding more keybinds. This is the best fix for now.

* Add magic. This will also be map wide but I can just reuse the ranged attack code as most are targeted unless you want to make a female enemy more fertile during combat. It shouldn't be too hard to add in things like Call Lightning where you obliterate every enemy. I say this but it may be the most difficult part.

* In theory you can have 90 wolves. Wolves are much weaker but they fight in numbers.

* I need to actually make all the sprites for everything. Not too hard, there are not too many enemies.

Once all that is done I can rip through the story. I already have the tutorial back in and the Shipwreck storyline has been what I've been using for testing.
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Solid Snekk
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Combat is going well, comparatively.

Enemies can move around and attack. Adding in allies is going to be a fun endeavor as sometimes the enemies break and lose their name. This is the "Hold the Pass" encounter but another very fun combat encounter I'm testing is called "One Hundred Rats" and there's simply rats on every tile that isn't the player. It'd show it off but it keeps crashing my browser.

This may go absolutely nowhere and I might still just use my other system. Right now I'm using a bow, just like the goblin who is hiding behind the orc, so I can hit up to 3 tiles away. I also need to work on individual targeting.
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Solid Snekk
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Got a basic enchanting/modification system in for equipment. There will be more enchantments, this is just what I'm testing now. 

The durability is mostly so that kitchen knives break when trying to stab people in plate armor. You'll be able to add durability by spending some time polishing your weapon. Cap for doing that is a billion, just like the cap for any stat.

The divine weapons will have multiple enchantments, something the player will need a high stat to do, but the current problem is that goblins knock you down and steal your things which causes an issue since the divine weapons are quest essential. Still working on that.

Combat is next and maybe a pregnancy overhaul after that.

One bug I do have at the moment is that the player can craft ten million daggers and crash the tab. Still working on that.
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