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Solid Snekk profile
Solid Snekk
Solid Snekk
Vicindio is a light action adult adventure game in the QSP engine. It initially began as a mod for another game, but has became its own game at at this point.


  • Supporting the author in helping make the game.
  • Not much else, I don't want to paywall my games.
Solid Snekk
Public post
The camps are very rudimentary, they simply show up anywhere below the mountains. You'll get a notice when the guard clears out the camps just you do if other minor events happen. I'm not sure if I like that at the moment.

I've capped it at one major camp per faction, otherwise the road will get too crowded with enemies for what should be an early game area.

Once I test them some more I'll add in the options to do stuff in them. The whole system might have to go, it works but something doesn't sit right with me.

Update 7.9 should be the lake area so that means the demonic prison, library and flower garden areas along with Satty, the Gatekeeper and the Colossus.

Update 0.7.8



+ Fixed Avee still being a slave even after you defeated the Goblin King
+ Avee can translate the gray demon book

Cosmic Tear:
+ Added a button to return to the corridor

+ Fixed Goblin Drinking events

Goblin Caves:
+ Fixed missing event, it was a kitsune gangbang
+ Fixed Kitsune getting pregnant

North Road:
+ Added misfit, goblin, guard and tentacle camps that appear from time to time
+ You can use a horse to move around the continent of Avedon, it will appear on your top bar if you're in an "outdoors" location

- Taking the flaming sword from the ruined house in the forest no longer changes your background to "Chosen One"
+ Added a cheat that lets you teleport at any time
+ NPC pregnancies are now tied to the player's gestation time.
+ Snake venom correctly ends pregnancies as advertised

+ Added the drug horse
* Note: You won't see the sex options unless you turn on bestiality, you can cure it with a witch potion to avoid the sex

+ You can tame the werewolf
+ You can get gangbanged by your myriad of werewolf children
+ You can donate your deer children to your werewolf to have them around the fort

Witch Hut:
+ Sells antidote which can be used to cure minor poisons and arousal
+ You can have Circe translate the gray demon book
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Solid Snekk
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0.7.7 wasn't too difficult to complete, it was mostly fixing the issues at the start. There was a rather significant game start bug because some things were conflicting so I had to go through and sort all that out. I think it all works now.

As for the rest, it was mostly getting the road ally and bandit enslavement set up. I thought it would be more difficult than it ended up being.

One thing to note is that there are no unique people that can buy the player at the moment. I'll add those back in as I do the areas, for example I have the Noble district set for 0.8.1.

0.7.8 is the tentacle update so I plan to add in the ability to capture people for the various factions, created tentacle pits as an Infested and work on the classes.



Update for 0.7.7:

+ Being naked is a crime in Avedon and you can be arrested for it

Bandit Den:
+ You can sell people and your children to the bandits
+ You are now sold at the end of your capture sentence(only sellable to goblins now, other scenes will be added when those locations are in game)

+ Bottles are now needed to collect Snake Venom from Giant Snakes
+ You can collect the Latex creature in a bottle
+ You can now capture the Bat and make them a summon-able ally
- Enemies should no longer kick you when you are down and instead focus on your allies

+ You can hang out with the goblins in the flophouse

North Road:
+ You can now encounter people on the road. Most events are optional unless you approach a stretch of road that has a guard camp on it
+ You can have temporary allies that you can fight with

South Forest:
- Fixed missing event(it was a woman you could rescue)
+ You can lewd the deer

- Removed Hunter Class hiding Stamina, its powers are being reworked
- Removed Warrior Class hiding Health, its powers are being reworked
- Fixed error with handling children(I accidentally deleted the passage)
- Fixed error with displaying pregnant Ratfolk for preg check
+ Added Kinks button to character creation
? Fixed gamestart bug where you couldn't use any menu due to the game not starting
? Maybe fixed the error weapons/armor
+ You can masturbate whenever you feel like it
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Solid Snekk
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Update for 0.7.6:

I'm moving the Flur delivery quests to when I do the Slums area and the Restaurant to when I do the Noble district. Pretty much everything else got done from my previous post which is a miracle. Adding in other items was useless as the item system needs something to drop them.

I'm not sure how I feel about the Dragon Isle quest. It is generally the story that I had set for there but I might tweak it a bit.

+ Bakery added
+ Bakery job added
+ You can donate food to the orphanage to raise your Good alignment. Having a good alignment will cause some people to help you if they can.

Dragon Isles:
+ You can donate food to the Lizardfolk
+ After donating enough food, you can begin the quest "Rebuild the Dragon Isles".
+ You can cause Amazons to invade the island
+ Dragon Isles 'End of Days' variant added

+ Hell Temple added
+ You can rape sinners in Hell to raise your Evil alignment. Having an evil alignment might cause someone to reconsider fighting you.
+ You can fuck a few types of demons as Hell is generally neutral to the player. Joining in is an evil act, except for the mom one. Sucking some titties isn't evil and never will be.
+ You can visit the Castle of Hell, but you can't get to it yet due to the Colossus.

- Bust Down now actually works. It also cures Lactaid.
+ Lactaid now increases your bust size and makes you lactate.
- You now make 7 gems while working in the Frog instead of 40.

+ Carnal Desires now has stock. You can buy dildos, lactaid, and a few sets of clothing.
+ Added Bite for the Sewer Rat start. She doesn't do much yet.
+ You can watch sex shows

+ You can search for enemies once you clear the full sewers(Finding Mu)

+ Lesbian sex is now in game
+ Masturbation is now in game

- Fixed wrong event in the Frog when you became friends with all of the baristas
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Solid Snekk
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Vicindio 7.5



This is the slow progress towards porting Vicindio from QSP to Twine. There are still a lot of empty areas, I'm working on them. They should have bolded text that says that they are being worked on.

I wish I could describe what changed but it was mostly engine related. This is simply the first stable release.

Going forward I will keep a better track of what I've done and what is being worked on. Things are going to be worked on and balanced in the next update so stay tuned.

The plan for up to 0.8.0 is as follows:

0.7.6 - Sales Update
- Add bakery in the market with sweets
- Add delivering flowers for Flur, other than the Death one
- Add Noble restaurant with nyotaimori and other content
- Kobold shop in Dragon Isles
- Expanded stock for shops
- Expanded donation system for food for orphans/Dragon Isles
- Junktown shops/stores

0.7.7 - Banditry Update
- Add slaving with goblins
- Add slaving with bandits
- Add being enslaved
- Update sleep rape for goblins in the caves/flophouse
- Add guards to catch the player kidnapping people

0.7.8 - Tenticool Update
- Add tentacle pits
- Add kidnapping people for the pits

0.7.9 - Lake Update
- Add lake
- Add demonic prison
- Add demonic library
- Add Satty to prison

0.8.0 - Caravan Update
- Add Solomn's caravan
- Add Percy
- Add Sawmill
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Solid Snekk
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I'm tweaking minor things as I go through. Mostly bug hunting as I do make a plethora of mistakes.

I have gone through and reconsidered how I want the main plot to run so there have been a few changes that I won't spoil here.

There's not going to be anything groundbreaking, this is still just porting stuff over and having it work similar enough to QSP.

The Unlucky Goblin and Maid Cock starts are not in the game at the moment, they're taking a bit longer to port into the game as other things have taken my focus.

Maid Cock is getting some revisions because it kinda sucked and how its main features are gameplay features, and Unlucky Goblin was overhauled by LaughingFox and they sent me a short novel to try and parse through.

Release is still looking like Saturday. I could technically do a release now but there's a problem with enchanting/upgrading clothes that I need to fix and I don't want to deal with the bug reports. Might have to leave it out for now, its only use is turning clothes slutty so you can whore in them.
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Solid Snekk
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The main hurdle of Britmor is in, the entirety of the Mine Bug/Mine Spider questlines are in.

Only thing I need to do is add Annette in the neighborhood, meeting the Steelwinds and tweak some stuff with the forest.

After that I should be able to get a release out. Should have it done by this weekend.
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