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Creator of FarmD, lewd dragon game.
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Heads up: No new build for a while

Hey gang, it's that time again. As I have done in the past for a couple other large features, I'm letting you know this next build will almost certainly not be releasing within the next month. So if you need to save a few bucks you can unsubscribe if you like, and pop back in when there's a new release. This build will feature a new Interaction Studio mode, which will allow players to create their own animations and poses in the game, and this is going to require quite a bit of work to set up. Basically this will involve:
- Moving away from the built-in animation state machine system that Unity has, since among other issues I've had, it doesn't allow the state machine to be modified at runtime. So all functionality related to animations and their transitions will be rebuilt using a different system that is more flexible.
- Updating characters' animation rigs to clean up some long-standing issues and clutter, and to unify how some of the IK controls work. Which of course will break all existing animations in the game but I can put something together to convert them to the new rig.
- Creating the UI and systems for the interaction studio itself, to allow users to pose and animate characters, trigger penetration events, set up transitions between poses, etc.
- Converting all of the existing interactions in the game to use this new system, both to have a single workflow for everything and to allow users to copy the existing interactions to use as a starting point, or as an example to see how they're put together.
- Probably add a couple new interactions, to implement and test some functionality that isn't already present in existing ones.

So, exciting stuff but I can't really do only part of that and still release a functioning build, hence the longer wait here. This initial version of the interaction studio will likely only be available in desktop mode as well, but I would like to experiment with VR support for it later, like being able to grab limbs to pose them. The next build or two afterward will add more features and quality-of-life things that can afford to be kept out of a minimally viable product for the initial build.

As always, thanks for the support so far! <3
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FarmD v1. 7. 1

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Roadmap: v1.8.0

Here's what is coming up for FarmD v1.8.0:
- Codebase refactoring for improved developer sanity
- In-game interaction studio for user-created poses and animations
- Animation updates and new sex positions
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Supporters: Changelog v1.6.5 -> v1.7.0

Here's what changed since the last supporter build v1.6.5.

- Fixed some scenarios where the partner would leave a sex position like the feral/anthro Servicing pose when they shouldn't, if Active AI mode was on.
- The Saddle should no longer be able to pass through solid objects, such as falling through the floor when dropped.
- Fixed interactable object outlines not appearing correctly after changing scenes.
- Better error handling for trying to load language files with invalid syntax.

- The trigger area for equipping items on your partner in VR will no longer appear in desktop mode if equipment items happen to pass through it.

- Fixed an issue with the Saddle riding resulting in a black screen.
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[PUBLIC] FarmD v1.7.0

Anthro partner support, VR reworks, quality-of-life improvements, and lots of bugfixes.

CHANGELOG (since v1.6.0 public)

- Added a "Body Orientation" dropdown for the partner in the character menu, to change between anthro and feral.
- Added an anthro/anthro position "Bend Over", available in the farmhouse kitchen and in the stable.
- Added an anthro/anthro Missionary position on the farmhouse dining room table and beds. This interaction also has a servicing pose, with some oral and hand actions.
- Added support for assigning the Mouth and Male Slit as body parts for Vibrator devices.
- Added a Facefuck position for feral partners to the player's "On All Fours" interaction.
- Restored support for using the belly rig while in the indoor scenes instead of only being available outdoors. Also, when in indoor scenes your partner will now stand still and buck their hips, instead of trying to walk to the normal route that's outdoors and getting stuck in the corner.
- Restored the ghostly pose-preview character models when selecting poses. They now also highlight the position your character will take when entering the pose when relevant.
- Added an option in Preferences for toggling whether the pose previews will appear when selecting poses.
- Added icons for some sex positions that just had generic star icons, to make it a little easier to identify them in the radial menus.
- Added cosmetic options for toggling the body fur and pubic fur on relevant anthro species.
- The Big Cat Male model now has cosmetic options for toggling the large sabre teeth.
- Added a "Copy to Clipboard" button to the debug console for easier bug reporting.
- Added localization support for Turkish.
- Added a "-launchdesktop" command-line option to force the game to launch in desktop mode regardless of saved profile settings, similar to the "-launchvr" option.
- Added .bat files to the game's root directory for easily launching the game in Desktop or VR mode.

- Reworked some handling for the IK animation setup on characters, to fix issues like feral characters' spines and necks being twisted if changing their species in a lying-down pose, characters' wrist twist giving inconsistent results, and error/warning spam in the logs about quaternion rotations. These changes also resulted in the default open pose of anthro characters' hands being a little different than before, but should give more consistent finger poses across character models.
- Backend changes to several components for supporting different body orientations on the partner.
- Adjusted the leg length scaling for anthro characters, which should give better results with digitigrade characters to not have such bent legs all the time.
- Replaced the "Simple" fluid particle system with a third-party asset (ThiccWater) for some nicer results. You may need to adjust the color and opacity of fluids in the Character Menu to look correct with the new setup.
- Partners will now properly select specific poses to do when their AI is suggesting an interaction with an object (when applicable), instead of just going to the interaction and standing there.
- Adjusted the curvature of feral characters' neck IK to prevent some awkward bending in some poses.
- If your partner is walking to an interaction and the character menu is opened they will stop moving, in order to prevent an interaction from starting that may no longer be valid if their body is changed before they reach the interaction.
- The player's mouth should no longer open automatically if any grabbable object or a tail is near it, only cocks and dildos.
- Anthro characters will now look around at nearby points of interest. This includes the player character, if playing in the third-person view in desktop mode.
- Changed the interaction prompt to a generic "Interact..." in situations where multiple interactions are available, rather than using the wording from one of the interactions.
- Tweaked some expressions/features on most characters for nicer results, and changed the Fox and Kobold eye style to match the other anthro characters.
- Adjusted the breast size range of the Big Cat Female to be more consistent with the other female models.
- Tweaked the breast physics settings on characters to help limit the amount of clipping into the chest.
- Tweaked the ball physics on some anthro species so they don't hang quite so low.
- Updated the Legacy models to have explicit "None" options for genital types where applicable instead of needing to deselect the current type, for consistency with the Standard models.
- The Body Part selection for vibrators has been reworked. Instead of a dropdown to select a body part, there are now sets of toggles to assign a vibrator to any combination of body parts. Additionally, you can now assign vibrators to react to your partner's body parts being stimulated as well as your own. If you had previously configured any vibrator devices, you'll need to re-open its configuration window in the Vibrators panel and reselect the desired body parts on the new setup.
- The validation check for the names of custom skins is now more permissive than just alphanumeric, and will accept Cyrillic and other characters when creating a new skin.
- Tweaked some color tone / post-processing settings for a nicer look.

- A number of tweaks to most anthro character models to polish up some blendshapes, bone weights, and minor texture issues. If you had made custom skins for any anthro characters, edit them and click Save Changes to update with the fixed versions of the texture layers. You may also need to adjust the colors on "flesh" layers on all models, and on all layers on the Wolf models, since some opacity issues on those texture layers were fixed so colors may look different.
- Invalid or unavailable interactions based on characters' current body parts should no longer appear in the radial menu when selecting interactable objects with the pointer.
- Fixed some animation issues in both the partner-on-top riding and the player-on-top missionary poses that were causing the partner's back to be arched oddly.
- Fixed a bug where the partner AI could enter poses alone but then would never get "bored" and decide to exit the pose to do something else.
- Fixed an issue with partner AI not recognizing certain interactable objects (living room floor, grotto stalagmite) and so never suggesting interactions with them.
- Fixed some issues where changing between poses within an interaction could cause the partner to be misaligned or not move to the correct spot.
- Tweaked a handful of animations for sex positions with awkward angles / movements.
- Fixed some animation issues with the player in the Belly Riding positions.
- Fixed some collision issues between the feral partner's head and static geometry.
- Fixed some eye target handling that could cause characters to be a bit crosseyed in some scenarios.
- Fixed a bug where some interactable objects would not be highlighted in interact mode in some scenarios.
- Fixed a bug where changing between species with breasts was not applying the default breast size properly.
- Fixed errors that could pop up in some poses when using an imported character that had a sheath but was not using Customizable mode for its Configurable Parts.
- Fixed some issues related to the force-reload button for species in the Character Menu, such as newly-created skins not appearing in the dropdown list after reloading the species.
- Fixed some physics issues with the Gryphon's cock clipping through the sheath when unsheathing.
- Set up missing arousal surfaces on the Kobold's breasts and Gryphon's teats.
- The player character now has the correct default cosmetic options assigned when creating a new save file instead of having none.
- Fixed a minor issue when belly-riding and receiving with a male slit, where the partner's cock would not be correctly hidden and could clip through the player's belly.
- Fixed an issue where the partner could become rotated at an odd angle in some scenarios when doing interactions on a slope.
- Fixed a bug where disabling a character's cock in the Character Menu during an orgasm would result in fluids continuing to spill from nowhere.
- Fixed an edge-case bug for loading custom characters that use the Customizable materials mode.
- Fixed some scenarios where the partner AI could get stuck and fail to pick a new activity to do.
- Tweaked some settings for the partner's navigation to help prevent their feet from clipping through the ground.
- Fixed some occasional physics issues with the Legacy character models' cocks.
- Fixed alignment/clipping issues with cocks and holes that could occur during penetration, particularly in VR mode.
- The Saddle should no longer be able to pass through solid objects, such as falling through the floor when dropped.
- Better error handling for trying to load language files with invalid syntax.
- Fixed some errors that could pop up when loading custom skins.
- Fixed an error popup when doing oral actions in some scenarios.

- You can no longer start an interaction while jumping or falling, to prevent animation errors.
- Interacting with an object that has multiple interactions available (showing a radial menu) and then walking away will now close the radial menu automatically.
- Radial menus now only close after a short right-click (or the esc key), to allow the camera to still be rotated with a right-click and drag while the menu is active.

- Fixed the player's head alignment in the "throat swabbing" pose to prevent some clipping issues with the partner's cock.
- Fixed some issues with interactable object highlighting/selecting being finicky when walking up to some interactable objects that had multiple colliders, especially doors.
- Fixed some scenarios where the tooltip text for interacting with an object would still be on screen after starting or ending an interaction.
- Fixed a softlock in scenarios where interaction triggers are overlapping, which was making it possible to interact with two at the same time and break the available actions.
- Fixed an error that could occur when standing near a grabbable item and turning the camera away from it.
- Fixed an edge-case UI bug where the Options panel would not be closed after opening it from the main menu and hitting the escape key.
- Fixed an error popup when changing between save files.
- Fixed a bug where the first-person camera could stop allowing you to look around freely in some scenarios, after exiting an interaction that restricted its range.
- The trigger area for equipping items on your partner in VR will no longer appear in desktop mode if equipment items happen to pass through it.

- You can pick up anthro partners by grabbing their hips with both hands, and carry them around. Note that this is only allowed when they're standing idle and not interacting with other objects. If your partner is significantly smaller than you, you can pick them up with one hand. While carrying an anthro partner, you can place them into valid pose triggers to have them transition automatically into that pose.
- Added a brief VR-mode tutorial guide for new users, accessible through the pause menu.

- Reworked handling for pose trigger zones (again). Now, when your hand is in a pose trigger zone such as sitting on the crate, a pose preview of your character will appear, and if you press the trigger on that controller to "grab" it, the pose you want to enter can be selected. To exit the pose, open the radial menu for your player (A/X) and select "End Interaction" as before.
- Restored some interaction handling from the previous interaction system for Seated poses. Now the play area will automatically be rotated to a horizontal orientation when entering horizontal poses like lying on your back.
- Reworked much of the handling for the "Re-Center" action when in a pose, to fix some alignment issues particularly when playing in Standing mode. Additionally, the play area is now auto-rotated for horizontal poses when playing in Standing mode (similar to how Seated mode works) if you are physically standing upright when you use the Re-Center action. If you are lying down or otherwise have your headset at a mostly horizontal angle, re-centering will now put your character's head in the appropriate place for the current pose rather than always positioning it vertically above your character's hips. There is a new indicator on the left wrist UI when in a pose and using Standing mode which shows whether your headset is currently considered in an upright or horizontal orientation.
- Adjusted the player's collision capsule so you can get closer to objects before colliding with them.
- Reworked handling for aligning the player's cock with a partner's hole when hip tracking is not active. You can now align your cock to your partner's holes in any pose rather than only in specific ones. Additionally, the alignment no longer happens automatically whenever you are near - instead a pink target will appear on the nearest penetrable when you're close enough to target it. When this marker is visible, you can either grab and release your cock, or select the "Hip Thrust" action on one of your hands, to start the penetration. Starting penetration by grabbing your cock will also activate the Hip Thrust action for that hand.
- The "Re-Center" action now fades the screen if the "Fade On Transitions" option is enabled, for consistency with the snap-turn or teleport actions.
- When using the Teleport locomotion mode and in a pose, your movement is now clamped to an area around the pose rather than being able to move freely, for consistency with Walking locomotion mode.
- Walking, jumping, and teleporting will no longer have an effect if the hand used to trigger them is being aimed at a scrollable UI element.
- Changed SteamVR input bindings for Vive controllers to resolve issues with touchpad actions being triggered on touch instead of click, or having too little deadzone settings.
- Collisions between the player's head and partner's head are now ignored, to prevent physics freakouts when getting in close.
- Adjusted how the VR hand colliders are set up, so they now use any actual colliders that were defined for a character in the importer rather than a generic one. This should improve the feel of collisions with hands/fingers and reduce clipping issues in some scenarios.
- Adjusted some collider settings on characters' holes for better feel / responsiveness when fingering or using dildos.
- Adjusted some settings for the grab points on characters' cocks for better results and less glitchiness.
- Fast-travelling (or transitioning between scenes) will now place your body directly at the spawn point rather than placing the center of your play area there.
- Setting your height now ignores any current kneeling height so it can accurately calibrate to your physical height instead of your character's current orientation.
- Adjusted some settings for the automatic foot movement when standing still for some nicer results.
- The mirror object is now rectangular instead of having rounded corners, for a better view in it while lying down.

- Fixed some issues related to launching the game in VR mode through the play-mode prompt screen rather than having that prompt disabled or using the `-launchvr` argument, including getting errors or stuck on a black screen when entering a pose.
- Fixed issues related to launching the game in VR mode for the first time, including the title screen getting stuck on the desktop display, falling out of the world after finishing the initial calibration, and the menu tablet not appearing after finishing calibration.
- Fixed some leg animation issues that could occur in some interaction poses.
- The height threshold for triggering the automatic kneeling animation now works at the correct height when playing in Seated mode.
- Fixed a handful of bugs related to looking straight up or down with your headset, like animation issues with your body or incorrect behaviour when re-centering in a pose.
- Fixed a bug where the screen fading to black during pose transitions could get stuck and not fade back in, in some scenarios.
- Fixed an issue where the player's hips could end up misaligned with the headset after exiting penetration.
- Fixed some animation issues with the player that could happen after exiting the belly riding interactions.
- Fixed issues with the wrist UI sometimes not tracking the hands properly and getting stuck in the floor.
- Fixed a bug where the menu tablet could spawn in the ground when first launching the game in some scenarios.
- Fixed a bug where the partner would sometimes clip their head into their body in the player-on-top Riding pose if you walked away instead.
- Added a missing controller binding for smooth turning on Vive controllers.
- Fixed a bug where the player's height scale in Standing mode could be set to a negative value in some scenarios, causing the view to be inverted among other issues.
- Fixed a few minor error messages that could appear on game launch.
- Fixed scrollable areas in the menu tablet sometimes still responding to scroll inputs after the UI pointer exited them.
- Fixed a bug where some buttons and toggles that were non-interactable could still be clicked and have an effect, such as the Character Menu elements when changing or reloading species.

- Added some new Touch Targets for anthro characters (waist, shoulders, hips). Click the "Generate Touch Targets" button to add the new ones to your character, and adjust their positions as needed.
- Added a validation check for trying to export a character that has multiple penetrables with the same penetrable type.
- Added tooltips and help wording to some fields.

- The Neck fields for feral characters are now using the same setup as the Spine, where a weight for each bone of the IK chain can be specified, instead of just the list of Transforms. Any feral characters that had previously been set up will need to be updated and re-exported to be compatible with v1.6.1+.
- The Touch Targets module was changed to have all targets in a single list rather than splitting into "self" and "partner". For any existing characters, just open the Touch Targets module and click "Generate Touch Targets" again and it will find any targets that you had already set up in your character.
- Backend changes for handling Materials, Patterns, and Skins to make things more robust when making changes to patterns. This change should be seamless for any existing characters that are using the Customizable materials mode, just click the new "Migrate" button in the CharacterImporter component to update your characters. Any characters that use Customizable materials must be migrated and re-exported in order to work in the game for v1.6.3+.
- Anthro characters can now assign the "Close Left Eye" and "Close Right Eye" expressions like Feral characters.
- The Manual workflow mode for characters has been deprecated and will be removed in the near future. All characters should be using the Automatic workflow.
- Updated the example scenes for feral and anthro to be more complete with feature examples. You may want to delete the old Example folders from your project before updating to this version to clean up the old files.

- The deprecated CharacterImporter prefab has been removed. If your project was still using this prefab, be sure to right-click any instances of it in your scenes and "Unpack Prefab" before upgrading to this version of the importer.
- The "Cock Scale Root" and "Cock Base Is Kinematic" flags have been removed as they are no longer used.
- The "Kinematic When Sheathed" flag for cocks has been removed. If you want your character's cock joints to be kinematic when sheathed, you can handle this by keying the rigidbody's IsKinematic value within the "Cock Unsheath" expression animation.
- The "CharacterColliderIgnoreStatics" layer is no longer used and will be removed in the future. If you are using this on any colliders on your characters, change them to use the regular CharacterColliders layer since this layer now ignores collisions with static geometry as well.


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FarmD v1. 6. 5

Posted for $10, $20 tiers
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