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sinereal profile
Adult content of the literary variety. Wordy erotic literature.

Планы подписки

в месяц

Welcome to boot, recruit. Drop and give me infinity. You get early access to chapters before they're posted elsewhere and the ability to vote on/make suggestions for chapters, characters, or new projects.

478 подписчиков Enlisted
в месяц
Mage Recruit

Congratulations, you're a boot who can fly. That just means I get to work you extra hard! You get early access to chapters before they're posted elsewhere and the ability to vote on/make suggestions for chapters, characters, or new projects.

40 подписчиков Enlisted
в месяц

You're enlisted now, private. But it's KP duty for you. You get early access to chapters before they're posted elsewhere, the ability to vote on/make suggestions for chapters, characters, or new projects, and a 1,000 word commission of your choice.

33 подписчика Officers
в месяц

Congratulations, you've made it to commissioned officer. Don't disappoint me. You get early access to chapters before they're posted elsewhere, the ability to vote on/make suggestions for chapters, characters, or new projects, and a 2,000 word commission of your choice.

6 подписчиков Officers
в месяц

You've earned the right to lead by hard example. You get early access to chapters before they're posted elsewhere, the ability to vote on/make suggestions for chapters, characters, or new projects, and a 3,000 word commission of your choice.

3 подписчика Officers
в месяц
Lieutenant Colonel

You're in it for life, now--but the one good thing is, shit rolls downhill. You get early access to chapters before they're posted elsewhere, the ability to vote on/make suggestions for chapters, characters, or new projects, and a 5,000 word commission of your choice.

2 подписчика Officers
в месяц

You've worked your way up the ranks and earned your stars--you lead men into battle and decide where to strike. You get early access to chapters before they're posted elsewhere, the ability to vote on/make suggestions for chapters, characters, or new projects, and a 10,000 word commission of your choice. Get access to the 'General' discord role and you can stick a 'von' in the middle of your name as a mark of nobility.

1 подписчик Officers ; General


  • Early access to content three weeks before it's posted elsewhere.
  • The ability to vote on/make suggestions for chapters, characters, or new projects; along with access to subscribers-only channels in the discord, where I share things early or put up things that won't be posted elsewhere.
  • Private and above tiers get a 1,000+ word commission of their choice upon first subscribing.
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