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sinereal profile
Adult content of the literary variety. Wordy erotic literature.
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Welcome to boot, recruit. Drop and give me infinity. You get early access to chapters before they're posted elsewhere and the ability to vote on/make suggestions for chapters, characters, or new projects.

587 assinantes Enlisted
USD mensal
Mage Recruit

Congratulations, you're a boot who can fly. That just means I get to work you extra hard! You get early access to chapters before they're posted elsewhere and the ability to vote on/make suggestions for chapters, characters, or new projects.

65 assinantes Enlisted
USD mensal

You're enlisted now, private. But it's KP duty for you. You get early access to chapters before they're posted elsewhere, the ability to vote on/make suggestions for chapters, characters, or new projects.

38 assinantes Officers
USD mensal

Congratulations, you've made it to commissioned officer. Don't disappoint me. You get early access to chapters before they're posted elsewhere, the ability to vote on/make suggestions for chapters, characters, or new projects.

6 assinantes Officers
USD mensal

You've earned the right to lead by hard example. You get early access to chapters before they're posted elsewhere, the ability to vote on/make suggestions for chapters, characters, or new projects.

3 assinantes Officers
USD mensal
Lieutenant Colonel

You're in it for life, now--but the one good thing is, shit rolls downhill. You get early access to chapters before they're posted elsewhere, the ability to vote on/make suggestions for chapters, characters, or new projects, and one (1) 5,000 word chapter commission of your choice from existing works.

3 assinantes Officers
USD mensal

You've worked your way up the ranks and earned your stars--you lead men into battle and decide where to strike. You get early access to chapters before they're posted elsewhere, the ability to vote on/make suggestions for chapters, characters, or new projects, and one (1) 10,000 word chapter commission of your choice from existing stories. Get access to the 'General' discord role and you can stick a 'von' in the middle of your name as a mark of nobility.

2 assinantes Officers ; General


  • Early access to content three weeks before it's posted elsewhere.
  • The ability to vote on/make suggestions for chapters, characters, or new projects; along with access to subscribers-only channels in the discord, where I share things early or put up things that won't be posted elsewhere.
  • Lt. Col and General tiers get one (1) 5k or 10k word chapter commission of their choice from existing projects upon first subscribing (does not roll over or renew each month).
Displaying posts with tag Elf.Reset Filter

Seigyou Tensei - Legitimately Employed Reincarnation

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Este post pertence a um $3, $5, $10, $20, $30, $50, $100 nível bloqueado.s
Desbloquear Nível


664 assinantes
615 publicação


$2,340 of $5,000
per month
If I can make $5,000 per month, I will quit my job and work exclusively on writing.

Outras Creators

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