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Sexusfastis profile
I go by the name Sexusfastis and I make NSFW fan art in the form of pictures, gifs, loops, and short story movies and, videos. I'm currently doing this as a hobby, whenever I have time. At the moment I use any kind of footage I can for editing, but if enough people want to support my hobby, I maybe able to move on to better tools for animating and maybe even doing this full time.
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Subscription Tiers

per month

You will get acces to:

WIP Images GIFs Loops Videos 720p. 1080p. 2K. (duration from 1min 30sec to over 12 minutes) No watermarks on anything

My gratitude for being a supportter of my Sexual art.

per month

You will get acces to:

Polls (you can vote on content) WIP Images Extra Images with the polls. GIFs Loops Videos 720p. 1080p. 2K. (duration from 1min 30sec to over 12 minutes)
No watermarks on anything

My gratitude for being a benefactor to my Sexual art.



  • WIP images, videos and gifs. Discord server access.
  • Movies. Loops. Videos 720p, 1080p, 1440p (durations range from 1min 30 sec to over 12minutes)
  • All full content has sound Fx and voices. No watermarks on anything. And you can be a part of the creative process by commenting on my WIP posts.

The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Creator's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Creator by pledging – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Creator directly via Instant Messenger.
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