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SerenaTheMG profile
Fun, silly and sexy 18+ visual novels involving harems and impregnating them (no pregnancy ends here!)
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A show of support to follow me. Thanks. If you join, please rate me where you found this from (Itchio, F95, TFGames, whatever) and show all the love you can for free, tell friends or other gamers if you know they might like it. Word of mouth helps in its own way.

SubscribeStar $0.00 tier ; Cool Dude
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This guy will be less stressed. Thanks.

SubscribeStar $1.00 tier ; Sailor Pluto ; Cultured Individuals
USD mensal
Citizen of Tacraw

Tacraw doesnt function without you. Thank you. <3

SubscribeStar $3.00 tier ; Sailor Pluto ; Cultured Individuals
USD mensal

You are a big part of everything. Kind and wonderful.

SubscribeStar $5.00 tier ; Chibi Moon
USD mensal

You push it all to another level. Much love.

SubscribeStar $10.00 tier ; Sailor Venus ; Cultured Individuals ; Cool Dude
USD mensal

You are god amongst lemmings. Creator. You have chosen to REALLY help me and for that, you have my endless thanks!

Sailor Mercury ; Cool Dude ; Cultured Individuals

Bem vinda

  • Projekt Moon, In the Bag, Pervert City and other projects...
  • Pregnancy and Harem in EVERY GAME I do. Other tags may vary, but you can ALWAYS expect those!! And not bullshit pregnancy ends, FULL pregnancy. You see your waifu bulge and she grows in time. I don't play with the pregnancy tag!!!
Creep on me across the interwebs here:

What's next for TheMagicalGurl? is where you can answer that question.

You can find a DEMO on my Itchio page. <3
Giant THANK YOU if you subscribe. I appreciate the support and I am grateful you chose to help me. To me, its positive karma returning for trying to do the right thing. It's all you can do.

A subscrição dá-lhe:
  • Acesso ao conteúdo do perfil da Creator.
  • Capacidade de apoiar sua Estrela contribuindo - uma vez ou de forma recorrente.
  • Significa entrar em contato com a Estrela diretamente por meio do Instant Messenger.


156 assinantes
106 publicação


$53 of $150
per month
Monthly drawing from SStar would be kinda cool, yo...
$53 of $500
per month
I can be a part-time dev, yo. Thanks fam, I appreciate the love! <3
$53 of $1,500
per month
I can buy a new PC. I need one, because this one isnt getting better!

Outras Creators


A subscrição dá-lhe:
  • Acesso ao conteúdo do perfil da Creator.
  • Capacidade de apoiar sua Estrela contribuindo - uma vez ou de forma recorrente.
  • Significa entrar em contato com a Estrela diretamente por meio do Instant Messenger.
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