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Hello Bondage enthusiasts! I am Sarevek, a digital artist who loves loves creating Bondage artwork. Here you will enjoy exclusive content not found on Deviant Art. Uncensored content as well as stories and full sized artwork
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Amanda's Late Night Study Session Interrupted Part 4

Megan pulled into the parking lot and pulled out her phone to text Amanda that she had arrived. "This place is so dark at night," she thought to herself as she peered into the dark empty parking lot. The only light was coming from the side entrance of the library. Megan got out of her car and began walking to the side entrance. Megan stopped for a moment as she heard the sound of whimpers and moaning coming from somewhere nearby. Megan looked into the parking lot and noticed Amanda's SUV parked nearby. "Why would she need me to pick her up if her vehicle is here?" Megan said to herself confused. Megan curiously slowly walked towards the SUV and was about to peer in when her phone dinged. Megan opened the message "Hey, I'm inside, can you come and give me a hand with some things. I'm in the basement looking for something". Megan turned back to the door and ignored the muffled noises coming from Amanda's SUV.

Megan entered the quiet library looking down the hallway. She saw the door that led to the library basement and began walking down the steps into the dimly lit room. "Amanda, what are you doing down here? Is this prank? This isn't funny you know, this place is creepy!". Megan listened hoping to hear Amanda call back to her. Nothing but the sounds of pipes and other machinery could 

"Amanda!? Where are you, this isn't funny come out!". Megan noticed a shadow in the corner of the room while she was calling for Amanda. "There you are, what are you even doing down here, it's creepy!". Megan gasped when she noticed that the shadow wasn't Amanda, it was a large man. Megan turned to run back up the stairs when she walked into something. She looked up to a smiling custodian blocking her path. Megan stepped back and noticed his uniform. "Oh, he guys, I'm just here to pick up my friend, she said she was down here..have you seen her?". "Your friend is a little tied up at the moment, I would be happy to show you where she is, I just saw her not long ago" the custodian laughed. Megan started getting a bad feeling as she slowly backed away from the man. "Um..that's okay, I will just text her". Megan pulled out her phone, her hands shaking nervously. She sent the message and heard the familiar ding from Amanda's phone. The custodian pulled the phone out of his pocket and pointed it towards Megan. "Should I reply" he stated. Megan was about to turn and run when she was grabbed from behind and dragged into the boiler room.

Megan kicked and screamed as one of the custodians dragged her into the room. The second Custodian grabbed her legs and lifted her as they carried her away. "Get off me you asshole, where is Amanda, what did you do with my friend!?" Megan demanded. A hand covered Megan's mouth as one of the custodians ripped open her shirt exposing her bra. Megan whimpered as her bra was cut off and her breasts firmly rested on her chest.  Ropes were quickly wrapped around her wrists and elbows. Her boots were unzipped and pulled off her feet. One of the men pulled some duct tape out of his pocket and tore off strips. Megan looked over at the second custodian who had dumped her belongings onto the floor from her purse. "I need something to shove in her mouth," one of the men said. One of the men pulled a large stress ball out of Megan's purse and tossed it to the other. "That should do the trick" he laughed. The hand over Megan's mouth loosened as she took a breath and begged the men to let her go. "Please, take whatever you want, I don't have much money in hefhdd", the large stress ball was stuffed into Megan's mouth. Megan attempted to spit the ball out, but before she could a strip of duct tape was tightly placed over her lips. A second strip secured the tape to her face as she sat back squirming and trying to scream.

One of the men held her still as the second unbuttoned her shorts and yanked them down to her bound ankles. "Nice panties, can't wait to get those off later," said one of the men. "Alright, she isn't going anywhere, let's get the rest of the girl's things and take them with us so no one finds them. We can come back and grab her once we are done. She can go in the van with me!". Megan cried out squirming trying to loosen her binds. "See you in a bit, blondie". The Door to the boiler room closed, and the only light was seen coming through the crack under the door. Megan sobbed as she sat in the dark dwelling on what would happen to her later.

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Amanda's Late Night Study Session Interrupted Part 3

The doors to the school slammed as Amanda squirmed and whined as she was carried away. drool oozing out from the soaked panties partially stuffed in her mouth. Amanda's face turned red from trying to scream for help, but the tape around her head was so tight it was barely a whisper. The sound of her SUV's trunk opening caught her attention as the custodian sat her on the bumper of the trunk. "Alright, sweetie..time to go for a ride, let's get you secured". Amanda's legs were pushed into the back of the SUV, her body forced onto her stomach as the rope was tied around her legs and wrist pulling them into a tight hogtie. Amanda put her head down as she lay on the SUV's floor completely naked and tightly bound whimpering and tired from struggling with the tight ropes. Amanda's phone started beeping, and a text from her friend Megan popped up on the screen her captor read it and smiled. "You sit tight, I'm going to see if your friend here wants to join you. Hope she is as hot as you!". The trunk hatch began to close as Amanda squirmed and cried out. 

An hour had passed as Amanda sat in the back of her SUV in the dark trying desperately to loosen her binds. She could barely feel her elbows and wrists as the rope pressed against her skin. Amanda whimpered as she slowly gave up, exhausted and full of sweat she lowered her head and accepted that she was trapped. A few minutes passed and Amanda heard footsteps approaching. She could not see who it was but hoped it could be help. Amanda screamed as loud as the gag allowed her, vibrating and shaking to get the attention of a potential rescuer. The hatch to the SUV slowly opened as a flashlight showed into the SUV blinding Amanda. A security guard, Police!? Amanda looked out hopeful.

Amanda looked out trying to see who had found her. "I'm back sweetie" a familiar voice stated. Amanda's hope drained as she knew it was her captor and her eyes filled with tears as she put her head down. "This friend of yours Megan is convinced she is talking to you. She is coming to pick you up! Boy is she in for a surprise". Amanda's eyes widened as she helplessly looked at the texts the custodian showed her between him and Megan. "Alright, time to go meet her at the Library. Going to have to grab some more rope from your little Asian friend to finish up. We will be back for you in a bit, then we can go back to my place and get you out of that trunk". Amanda's whimpers were silenced by the sound of the trunk slamming shut. She had no way to warn Megan not to come, she could only hope that Megan might have caught on that it wasn't her on the other end of those messages.

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Amanda's Late Night Study Session Interrupted Part 2

Connie smirked as she listened to Amanda's cries and screaming fade as she walked to the building exit. She felt a slight jerk as her arms were pulled into a dark room. " what the hell Get off me, what do you think you are doogmffjd mmmff!" a hand covered her mouth as she squirmed and kicked. " Shut up and get in here" a man's voice stated. The automated lights in the room activated and Connie saw who had her. One of the creepy custodians smirked at her as her eyes widened and she tried to scream. 

The Custodian pulled the duct tape out of Connie's bag and stuffed a rag into Connie's mouth holding it in with his hand while he peeled the duct tape off the roll. The duct tape was slapped onto her lips tightly and securely as she kicked and screamed. The custodian pulled the rope from her bag and began binding her wrists tightly. Connie screamed as the ropes tightened around her elbows and pushed out her chest. The custodian pulled her hair back "Karma's a bitch, now shut up or I will stick something else in that brat mouth of yours". the man yelled. Connie whimpered and complied as the man wrapped more of the remaining rope around her chest and shoulders. "Now my favorite part" The custodian wrapped rope around Connie's waist and pulled it around her crotch as tight as possible making Connie cry out. The custodian pulled a boss towards Connie and sat her on the box. "Now stay here and be good or else" he pointed at her as he walked towards the hall. Connie could hear Amanda's moans get closer as she sat down in the hallway with both captors standing over her. Connie sat quietly and could only watch.

Connie's eyes widened as she watched the two men untie the ropes from Amanda's body and begin cutting off her blouse and bra. Amanda looked over at Connie whimpering and compliant as they pulled her skirt down and removed her panties. The cruel tape gag with Amanda's prized paper was removed and covered in saliva. Before Amanda could say a word, her panties were shoved into her mouth, and duct tape was wrapped around her head tight as tears covered her face. Connie watched as Amanda was quickly and brutally tied in a wrist-to-ankle hogtie. The two men laughed as she whined on the floor, nude, her arms throbbing from the tight rope. "Here are her keys, go load her into her vehicle, I'll take care of this one". Amanda's eyes locked with Connie wide-eyed as the custodian picked her up, slapped her ass, and carried her way. her cries went silent as the door to the parking lot slammed closed.

The second custodian came back into the room carrying a ball gag and hood. Connie looked at him puzzled not knowing what he was going to do with her. "Time for your punishment" he stated as the door closed behind him. Connie begged and cried for him to let her go, but it was no use. She was at his mercy.

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Amanda's Late Night Study Session Interrupted Part 1

Amanda was sitting in the library at her College late Friday night studying for her upcoming exams. Amanda was under a lot of pressure with her being in the running for valedictorian this year. Her competition Connie Chen was close behind her in the race and the competition created a hatred between them. However, Amanda passing this exam would secure her victory, so a lot was on the line.

Connie was walking past the library when she noticed Amanda sitting at a desk alone. "That little bitch is going to beat me out of the running if I don't do something about it," she thought to herself. Connie smirked and walked to her car, popping the trunk. Connie remembered she had rope left in her trunk that she had saved from a sailing class and tape in case she needed to make quick repairs to her aging car. Connie grabbed the piles of rope and rolls of duct tape and shoved them into her backpack. "Time to make sure you don't make it to that exam tomorrow" she muttered, walking towards the library.

Amanda rubbed her eyes as she looked up at the clock on the wall to see how late it was. She decided it was probably a good time to go home. She was alone at the library and didn't want to stick around when the creepy custodians arrived to clean. She hated the way they leered at her when she walked the halls. Amanda was startled when she heard the library door close on the other side of the room. "Hello?" Amanda yelled out in the most confident way she could without seeming startled. The sound of heels could be heard on the floor moving towards her. Connie walked out from the dimly lit aisles of books greeting Amanda. "Well look who it is. Hard at work I see trying to beat me for valedictorian still?" Connie chuckled. "Ugh, I'm not in the mood for you right now, Connie. What are you even doing here?" Amanda asked confused. "I saw you studying and figured I would stop by and see if you needed any tips to pass that exam" Connie smirked. Amanda rolled her eyes, "You are just jealous that my paper got a better grade than yours, maybe you can borrow it and take notes!". Amanda dropped the paper in front of Connie and laughed. 

Amanda began walking to the exit laughing at Connie. Connie's face had become red with anger as she snatched up the paper and stormed towards Amanda. Connie grabbed Amanda by the hair and pulled her to the ground. Amanda's startled face looked up at Connie. "here is your precious paper back!". Connie shoved pieces of Amanda's paper into her mouth gagging her. Amanda squirmed and kicked as Connie filled her mouth with paper. Connie excitedly pulled the duct tape out of her backpack and began covering Amanda's lips with layers of duct tape. Amanda tried to lift her arms but the weight of Connie's body held her in place on top of her. Connie flipped Amanda on her stomach and wrapped rope around her wrists and elbows tightening it as Amanda moaned. "Get up, bitch!" Connie ordered Amanda to her feet. Amanda sobbing rose to her feet and pleaded with Connie for forgiveness. "Shut up and walk". 

Connie shoved Amanda down the hall of the College. Amanda was forced to stop as the door to the janitor's closet was opened. Amanda whined and shook her head as Connie shoved her into the small room. Connie forced Amanda to sit on the cold cement floor as she wrapped more rope around her breasts. "Get on your stomach, now!" Connie ordered. Amanda rolled onto her stomach crying as Connie tied a rope around her waist. The rope quickly wrapped around her crotch and ass and tightened. Amanda let out a crying moan as the rope rubbed against her panties and pussy. Connie unbuttoned her shirt and pulled her firm breasts out of her bra exposing her. Connie tied Amanda's ankles together and stood up laughing. "Well, that's better. You won't have any more time to study tonight. I bet you won't be making that exam in the morning either, haha.". Amanda pleaded for Connie to let her go but nothing but muffled moans came out. "Don't worry, I'm sure those creepy Custodians will find you eventually and let you out. Or maybe they will just do whatever they want with you tied up and gagged like that...enjoy your night!". Connie turned the light off and closed the door. Amanda screamed and cried loudly as the door slammed.

Amanda cried and screamed trying to get someone's attention in the dark cold room, bound and exposed. She stopped when she heard a familiar scream, Connie could be heard down the hall "Get off me, what do you think you are doogmffjd mmmff!". Amanda's eyes widened as she saw feet standing outside the door as the light of the hallway shined in. The door opened. Standing in the doorway, one of the creepy custodians that's always scoffed at in the hallway. Amanda lifted her arms showing her tightly bound wrists, motioning the custodian to untie her. The custodian look over Amanda. "Jackpot" he stated as he entered the room. "Alright, we found your other little friend trying to leave the building after you Two made quite the scene. We got to watch the whole thing, it was pretty hot. Let's get those clothes off and somewhere more comfortable". Amanda cried out as the man picked her up over his shoulders and carried her out of the room and down the dark hallway. Amanda was completely helpless and to heavily gagged to make a sound.

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