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[EXCLUSIVE] Alice's Wonderland: Chapter 12: Endings And Beginnings

Alice says goodbye, but does she really?

"Good morning!" Laura said cheerfully as she served me a tray of food. "You must be starving, considering you slept ever since that hypnosis role-play we did yesterday. It seemed really intense!"

"Hypnosis?" I asked confusedly. I couldn't remember much about what had happened the day before.

"Oh, I get it," Laura said with a wink. "Either way, eat up! Alice should be arriving soon."

Alice, today?  I thought as I chewed on a sandwich. But wasn't she here yesterday? I swallowed the food, and asked, "I thought you invited a guy over for today?"

"I did, and he'll be arriving too, don't you worry," Laura teased. "Alice will only be here temporarily to doll you up."

I tensed up. "Doll you up". The words echoed in my head. Like a progress bar slowly creeping its way to completion, I could feel it slowly taking over. A moment of panic set in as I started to realize what was happening.

"Laura," I blurted out. "The hypnosis-"

"Yes, Doll?" Laura interrupted smilingly.

I tried my best to fight it and warn Laura, but her second mention obliterated my ability to resist. Once again, I found myself no longer in control, but a mere passenger in my own body.

Laura observed how my body language became static and how my eyes stared blankly forwards. "You want to play already?" Laura asked, surprised. "First, eat. You'll need to recover some energy before we start, silly girl."

Without a word, I continued eating.

Laura patted my head. "Good girl," she chuckled.

A smile appeared on my face as I felt a spark of joy. I don't know why I was being rewarded for doing such a mundane task, but I wasn't going to question it either.

"Finish your food and wait here," Laura said. "I'll start getting ready as well." She got up from the bed and walked off to take a shower.

I continued eating my food until the tray was empty, save for a few crumbs, and placed it beside me on the bed as I moved to the edge of the bed. Remaining on the bed, but also being ready to leave at a moment's notice if requested.

After a few minutes had passed, the doorbell rang.

"That must be Alice," Laura yelled from the shower. "Be a doll and open the door for her."

Without hesitation, I left the bed and hastily walked off to open the door.

"Heya, Doll," Alice said as soon as she saw me. "Thanks for opening the door." She patted my head and walked past to hang her coat on the coat hanger. "Today is going to be an eventful day, so let's get to it. Close that door and follow me!"

Alice led the way back to the bedroom, where she made me undress. "I stopped by at work for a quick purchase, just for you," she said as she started emptying a shopping bag she had brought with her.

Out came a skirt and crop top, both in blue and white colors. It resembled a cheerleader's outfit, except this version was purposefully refraining from being modest. Besides the outfit, there was also a blue thong, the front of which was way too small to possibly cover my chastity cage, and white knee-high socks with blue horizontal stripes.

"This will be for you," Alice said, smilingly. "I know the thong won't cover that cage of yours, but that's the point. I want to see it dangling outside of it, freely swinging when you get fucked." She paused in thought. "Not that I'll be here much today, but you know what I mean." 

"Hey Alice," Laura suddenly said. She had finished showering and was standing at the door of the bedroom. She had already blow-dried her hair and dried herself off, but she was still naked, apart from the towel she was wearing, which barely covered her intimate areas.

"Hey Laura!" Alice responded cheerfully. "I brought along an outfit for Sammy today, I figured you and your companion might enjoy seeing her dolled up in it."

Laura looked over and giggled. "I'm not sure if my 'companion' is much of a sports person, but I can imagine he'd be more enthusiastic about fucking my little doll if she were dressed like that. Thanks for bringing it along."

Laura walked over to her wardrobe to grab some clothing and underwear when Alice interjected.

"Before I forget, again," Alice said. She reached into her pocket to reveal Laura's phone and placed it on the nightstand. "I accidentally took it with me yesterday," she added. "I only realized last night when I went to bed and wanted to set my alarm that I put someone else's phone in my pocket."

"I figured as much," Laura said and winked. "Don't sweat it. I knew you'd drop by again today, so I wasn't too worried about it." She left the room again, carrying the items she selected from her wardrobe, and said, "I'll get dressed and do my makeup and hair, you go and have fun with Sammy. Our play date won't arrive for another hour at least!"

"Another hour, huh?" Alice said with a smirk. "I reckon I only need half of that to get you ready..." She slowly paced around the room in thought. "Ooh!" She eventually said, and chuckled. "I know exactly how I'm going to have fun with you..." 

She walked up to me to show me her phone. "Just so you know, I copied yesterday's entertainment onto my phone as well. Mainly just to add to my collection of memories of our fun activities," Alice said and winked. "Just make sure to remain friends with me and occasionally drop by after today. I think we'd both dislike becoming strangers to one another."

Alice paused for a moment, but I gave no response. She stared me down with a look that felt like a mixture of hopeful anticipation and annoyance.

"Ah, you know what," Alice finally sighed. "I may have overdone it a little bit with the whole hypnosis thing. It's no fun when you're completely obedient. There's no struggle, no difficulty... It takes away all the fun of teasing you." With a defeated look, she leaned in close and whispered, "Wakey, wakey."

Slowly, I felt myself regain control of my body. I figured I had two options now. I could try to run and warn Laura, and likely be put under again before I even made it out the door... Or I could play it safe, and tell Laura about it later... Alice no longer had the keys, but she still had plenty of blackmail material, so playing it safe seemed like the better option.

"I know I have a habit of getting too excited and taking things too far," Alice said. "But I also try to make things right when I can... So how about you drop by the store sometime next week, and then I'll see to it that those hypnosis triggers get dismantled?"

"No tricks?" I asked.

"No tricks," Alice answered truthfully. "I can't promise they'll leave you completely unaffected, but I should at least be able to greatly reduce their effects. As much as I enjoyed being in control, you deserve to live your own life too." She paused briefly. "Especially since it's becoming time for us to go our separate ways... Apart from the occasional shenanigans," she added, teasingly waving her phone around.

"As long as it doesn't get in the way between me and Laura," I replied. As much as I desired to be back with Laura, and put the strange adventures with Alice behind me, I had to admit I kind of liked the various experiences she introduced me to. They weren't always that amazing, but I would likely never have experienced them otherwise. 

"I won't use the command on you anymore," Alice said. "No promises on your girlfriend, though." She winked. "But don't worry, if she does, it will only last until you fall asleep or pass out. So, regardless, you can come visit me tomorrow morning, or any other day, and we'll get that stuff deprogrammed."

"Knowing my luck, she'll say it every morning as soon as I wake up," I said, rolling my eyes. "She's notoriously bad at handling being in control."

"Now there's an idea," Alice said with a giggle and started walking to the door as if she was going to suggest it to Laura. But before she got to the door, she stopped and laughed softly. "Nah, I'm kidding. I've had my share of fun with you, for the time being. You're Laura's toy now." Alice smiled.

"At least it won't be as extreme as what you've put me through. Laura is a lot more vanilla," I said.

"I'll be honest with you," Alice said as she looked over her shoulder. "I think Laura might actually be into that stuff too. I feel like she would enjoy experimenting a bit with you. She just needs a little bit of help getting there." She winked. "I won't force anything on your relationship, but if you'd both like it, I'd be open to lending my expertise."

I blushed. Laura? Kinky? I couldn't remember us ever doing anything other than the generic sexual things, and she had never mentioned wanting to experiment with more... 'niche' things before. "I'll talk with her about it," I said after giving it some thought. "But only after you've helped me get rid of those hypnosis triggers."

"Fair point," Alice nodded and grinned as she continued, "Now, let's get you ready for your play date. I want to make sure you're ready on time, and still have a little bit of time for some fun of our own."

The next half hour or so was spent getting me ready. Alice couldn't help herself but giggle as she made me put on the thong and ordered me to pull the front to the side so that the cage remained fully exposed. After that, she went back to business by helping me in the cheerleader outfit and expertly covering my face in makeup and giving me a high-school cheerleader look, as she described it. She then restyled the extensions in my hair into twin tails, which she teasingly referred to as handlebars.

"Alright," Alice said as she took a step back. "I think that about covers it all. I'll just go and grab some final things, and then you're set. Stay here, D-... Dear," she quickly corrected herself.

I sighed in relief and awaited Alice's return as she rushed out the door to grab something from her car.

When she came back, she brought along another bag of items. "I forgot to bring this one in earlier," she said, as she repeatedly sprayed me with perfume. The scent was very strong and typically feminine. "Now you smell the way you look," she said with a grin. "Like a hot slut."

I blushed and tried to look down to evade eye contact, but Alice quickly lifted my chin and stared straight into my eyes.

"There's the Sammy I love," she said. "Pretend to be shy and embarrassed all you like, but we both know you love this. I think you're not even ashamed of the act itself... You're just ashamed of how much you love it."

"Maybe," I said shyly and pursed my lips as I shifted from one leg to another.

"Adorable," Alice said as she turned back to her bag, and removed several ropes of various lengths, and placed them on the bed. "These are for a bit of quick fun before our guest of honor gets here. Don't worry, I'll take them off before I leave."

Having walked to the dining room to grab a chair, Alice brought it into the bedroom, made me sit on it and proceeded to tie my legs to the feet of the chair, and my hands to the back of the chair's support. Satisfied with her work, she put all but one of the remaining ropes back in her bag.

"Hey, Laura?" Alice asked loudly from the bedroom. "How long do you still need?"

"Just about finished!" Laura replied. "I'll be right there!"

Alice turned back to me. "Alright... ready for a little fun?" she asked, sporting her usual devious grin.

"Not like I have a choice," I replied.

"Right you are," Alice said happily as she spun around and opened Laura's lingerie drawer. After a bit of searching, she settled on a dark blue pair of panties, which she brought back to me.

My look became confused. "You already made me wear a thong, AND my legs are tied. Why are you bringing that here?"

"Because you talk too much," she giggled as she forced my mouth open and pushed the panties in my mouth. "Try not to drool on your outfit, it would make a bad impression on your valuable guest."

"Alright, I'm done! What's up?" Laura said as she entered the room. She was dressed in a loose top and denim hotpants. "Oh... Well, what have we here?" she grinned as she slowly approached me.

"Well, you did tell me to have some fun with Sammy as well, so I did," Alice chuckled as she stepped aside to let Laura approach.

Laura now stood in front of me and trailed her index finger down my chest seductively. "Hey there, darling," she teased as she looked into my eyes. "Is this seat taken?"

"Hm!" I mouthed past the panties.

"Great!" Laura said as she grabbed my shoulders and planted herself on top of my lap and started slowly inching herself forwards, grinding against me as she kept her eyes locked on mine.

"Look at you go," Alice cheered on. "Mind if I take it a step further?"

Laura turned her head towards Alice and asked, "What'd you have in mind?"

Alice pointed at the single rope on the bed and asked, "I assume you have a wand, right?"

"The vibrating kind, or the magic kind?" Laura responded laughingly as she got up.

"Numero uno," Alice replied.

Laura walked to the nightstand to retrieve her wand, and gave it to Alice.

"Thanks, dear," Alice said, as she grabbed the rope and lifted my cheerleader skirt. She pressed the wand against my cage while pushing it against my leg, and wrapped the rope around them to keep the wand in place. After she finished, she pressed the power button and watched as I started squirming in the chair.

"And with that settled..." Alice said suspensefully as she walked toward Laura, placed her palm flat on her chest, and gently pushed her onto the bed, causing Laura to let out a surprised yelp.

Alice turned to me one last time to wink at me, before turning back to Laura and crawling on top of her. She flipped up Laura's loose top and started playing with her breasts.

Laura grabbed hold of the bedsheets as she started moaning softly.

Alice moved on to gently circling Laura's nipples with her fingers to tease her as she kept on moaning.

It didn't take long for Laura to take matters into her own hands and grab Alice's head. Alice instinctively knew what Laura wanted and placed her lips around Laura's nipples, giving each of them a gentle sucking, licking, and some playful biting.

But Laura was not the only one moaning, as, while Alice was laying claim to Laura, Laura's wand relentlessly buzzed away against my cage. And as Laura moaned, most of my view consisted of Alice towering over Laura, asserting her dominance over both me and Laura at the same time.

Hearing my moaning, Alice decided to take her teasig to the next level by sitting upright on top of Laura's crotch, dry humping her as if they were both naked and Laura was wearing a strap-on, moaning as she was doing so. Laura quickly caught on and joined in, grabbing hold of Alice's waist, and making grunting noises as she pretended to fuck Alice.

My muffled moans became louder and louder as my struggling in the chair became more violent as well. The chair started rocking sideways as I struggled to remain still. I could feel my climax nearing, and there was no way of stopping it.

Without even bothering to turn around, Alice said, "What's the matter, Sammy? Are you about to cum? Don't you just wish you were on this bed instead?" She paused shortly, but then continued, "I wonder, would you rather be in Laura's position... or mine?" she giggled.

I briefly imagined the possibilities. Getting payback for all of Alice's trials and fucking her, or riding Laura and shooting my load onto her chest as I bounced on her strap-on... With that final thought, I realized I had reached the point of no return and tensed up. Thankfully, Alice had left my skirt flipped up, so when I came, I did not make a mess on the skirt. Instead, with the continued stimulation of the wand, I spurted out several ropes of cum in front of me. Some still landed on the chair, but the skirt itself remained completely clean.

From the way my moaning had changed into a series of groans and heavy panting, Alice and Laura realized what had happened and brought their show to an end. Alice bent down, bringing her face down to Laura's, and kissed her on her lips, much to Laura's surprise, which caused her face to briefly become flushed. Alice then got up and left the bed, walking over to me to examine the fruits of their labor.

"My, my," she said in admiration as she turned the wand off. "Looks like you sure were a very 'excited' cheerleader!" She grabbed some tissues to quickly wipe the chair and my cage as clean as she could, before moving on with wiping away the cum on the floor and throwing the dirty tissues away.

Having disposed of the dirty tissues, Alice returned to me and kneeled in front of the chair. She loosened the rope tying the wand to my leg and removed it. She then looked up at me and said, "Thanks for joining in on the fun, cutie," and planted a kiss on my cage before lowering the skirt back down, removing the panties from my mouth, and further untying me from the chair.

Putting the ropes back in her bag, Alice thanked Laura as well for her participation in the impromptu activity and said her goodbyes. "Don't forget to drop by next week, Sammy! And have fun, you two!" Alice said, and turned to me, saying, "I hope you have enough energy for round two. At least you should be able to last longer now."

Laura accompanied Alice to the front door and hugged her. "Thanks for the help, darling," she said. "You think you could maybe teach me a few tricks too, eventually? I mean, if you're not too busy."

Alice giggled. "Funny you mention it," she said. "I told Sam earlier that I would be more than willing to do exactly that! Feel free to contact me whenever. You have my number!" And with those final words, Alice left the building.

Laura returned to the bedroom and kissed me on the cheek. "I've always wanted to be a bit more adventurous," she confessed. "But I was always too insecure about it, so I asked Alice to teach me a few things. I hope you don't mind."

"Of course not," I replied. "I'd happily experiment with you, as long as we can keep the more extreme things private?" I let out a nervous laugh.

"Of course!" Laura said. "Nobody needs to our naughty little secrets... unless, of course, we both agree to include others in some adventures." She giggled and suggested moving to the living room to watch TV and cuddle while we await the arrival of our special guest.

"When is he arriving, anyway?" I eventually asked.

"Between 14:00 and 16:00," Laura replied. "But I have to admit, it might be a bit improvisational."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Let's just say there's a reason I asked Alice for help. I was too afraid to ask people I knew, so I kind of winged it, and I'm hoping for the best."

"Oh, okay?" I replied with a nervous chuckle. I realized Laura was feeling a little guilty, so I tried to comfort her and added, "Well, I trust you, so whatever your plan turns out to be, I'll support it."

We continued cuddling and waching TV, and a while later, the doorbell finally rang.

"That might just be him," Laura said anxiously as she jumped up and went to the door. I carefully followed behind her, but remained mostly out of sight, peeking just around the corner out of curiosity.

Laura opened the door and greeted the man, he was dressed like a mail delivery person and carried a small, wrapped package and a clipboard.

"Hi there, I've got a package for Sam," the man said.

Why is he dressed like a delivery guy?
I thought. And did he really do that just to make a pun about packages? What a strange guy... Where did Laura even find this person?

Laura nervously tried to lure him inside, saying, "Sam's inside, you can give her your package personally."

The guy shrugged and stepped inside. As he entered, he saw me and started walking toward me, but stopped dead in his tracks when he heard the door shut behind him.

"Why don't you call your boss and say you got stuck in the elevator?" Laura suggested lustfully as she had quickly moved up behind him and pressed her body against him.

"I beg your pardon?" The man said nervously, breaking out into a spontaneous sweat.

It was only now that I realized what Laura meant with her improvised plan. The man she lured inside was an actual delivery man! A mixture of feelings erupted, and I wasn't sure what I was supposed to think. Was this amusing? Embarrassing? Arousing? Or something else entirely? I couldn't decide. All I knew was that Laura had started her improvised plan, and I had to support her.

I slowly emerged from behind the corner and approached the delivery guy as well now, trying to pull off a seductive walk. "Please, mister," I said, trying to sound as feminine I could. "You said you had a package for me, and I REALLY want it." I dropped to my knees in front of him and stared up at him in anticipation.

"I, uhm," he stammered. "Oh dear."

"Look at how desperate she is," Laura pleaded. "We promise it won't take long."

Deep inside I knew I was originally doing this for Laura and only pretended to be desperate for this random guy's dick, but when Laura called me desperate, I felt humiliated. Not in a shameful way, but in a slutty, arousing way. Suddenly, I felt like I actually wanted this guy's dick in my mouth, and I found myself reaching for his belt.

"Please, mister," I repeated as I unbuckled his belt.

The delivery man's breathing became heavier. "Alright, alright," He finally said. "Just let me text my boss that I'm delayed, but I really can't make this long."

Laura cheered, "Don't worry, sir, this slut will have you drained in no time!" She ran off into the bedroom to fetch her strap-on and put it on so that she could join in on the activity.

Meanwhile, in front of me, the man had already dropped his pants, and I was staring right at the bulge that was growing from inside his boxer shorts. Seeing Tyler's dick many days ago was an entirely different feeling than what I was feeling today. It probably was the fault of the hypnosis booth and all those videos, along with Laura's encouragement, but I sensed that my mouth was watering as I eagerly pulled down the man's boxer shorts.

The man's dick was roughly 5 inches and already seemed to be erect. Thankfully, he wasn't as big as Tyler or the training models Alice had used, allowing me to feel more confident in my ability to accommodate his member in my mouth without making a scene. I shifted my body to be on all fours and arched my back as I moved my head forwards, but as my lips opened up to slowly accept the man's dick, he grabbed hold of my twin tails and pulled me in all the way, until my nose flattened against his skin.

"Sorry, dear," He said matter-of-factly as he rhythmically continued pulling my hair back and forth. "But I'm on the clock."

All I could respond with, was to give him a thumbs-up as my head kept bobbing up and down his shaft. There was nowhere I'd rather be... Well, besides Wonderland. Though, in my current state of mind, I'd rather have another go at that high score than deprogramming myself.

Laura exited the bedroom again, wearing her lubed-up strap-on. She saw me on all fours, already servicing the delivery man, shook her head, and said, "She couldn't even wait for me to get ready? Must've been having cock-withdrawals." She walked up behind me and gently raised my skirt, so as not to give away my secret to the delivery guy, and pulled my thong slightly further to the side to slowly push her strap-on inside me.

"There you go, darling," Laura said as she slapped my ass. "Does that satisfy your cock craving?"

"Hm-hm," I mouthed, as my head was still being pulled back and forth by the man in front of me.

"So," the man said, looking at Laura. "Is this something you two do more often? Or?"

"It was her Valentine's Day surprise," Laura said as she placed her hands on my waist and picked up the pace. "It's our first time trying this, actually." She giggled and admitted, "If you weren't game, I'd likely just have taken her clubbing instead."

"I guess it worked out well then," the man said laughingly. "I have to make it quick, so your friend gets to have my cock, and you'd still have time to go clubbing later!"

"Maybe," Laura giggled, moans occasionally escaped her lips as she fucked me. "I still want to get my own orgasm and fuck this bitch silly in the process."

"Fair point," the man said. From the way he spoke, it was clear that he was getting closer and closer to an orgasm. "You young ladies have the time to properly enjoy each other." He said and let go of my hair, only to instead grab hold of the back of my head, pulling it towards him as closely as he could. He tensed up, and his balls contracted, a rope of sperm shooting down my throat with every break in his speech as he grunted, "I, on the, other hand, am, running, late."

The man kept me locked in place even after he finished his orgasm, looked at me, and said, "Would you kindly lick it clean when I pull it out? I can't have my work uniform get stained."

I made my best effort to nod, and he slowly let go of my head as I swirled my tongue around his shaft and glans while slurping it as clean as I could. When I finished, I proudly showed him my open mouth, before swallowing the final remnants of his cum and showing my empty mouth, as proof of my gratitude for his cooperation.

All the while, Laura had not stopped fucking me with her strap-on. Granted, she did slow her pace down for me to focus on 'the task at hand', but she now seemed to be impatiently waiting for the man to leave so that she could return to use me at her leisure.

After the man finished up, made himself presentable again, and thanked us, he quickly left. And as the door fell shut, Laura reached to grab each of my arms. "Try not to fall," she said as she pulled on my arms and I started falling toward the ground, only to stop suspended slightly above the floor by the force pulling on my arms.

Laura increased her pace again as her moans started sounding more aggressive. She was no longer holding back for the sake of others and took what she desired. "The impromptu threesome was a nice experiment, and I'm glad it worked out, mostly," Laura said, panting. "But I much prefer to have you to myself." She temporarily paused fucking me and leaned in as close to my ear as she could and quietly growled, "So I can use you to my heart's content."

Hearing her say that so animal-like gave me a shiver, and Laura responded by lustfully nibbling on my ear to further drive home the point that she was in complete control now. Returning to her earlier stance, she continued fucking me as the other end of the strap-on slowly brought her closer to her much-desired orgasm, too. 

A few minutes later, Laura and I were both moaning at the top of our lungs as we reached our climax. I figured I was following closely behind her and that I'd likely cum during or shortly after her orgasm. But suddenly, Laura gripped my cage and said, "You already came today, remember? Now it's my turn... So be a good girl and don't be so greedy. Hold it in for me."

Part of me now felt even more aroused and ready to burst, but, at the same time, I felt an even greater sense of duty to withhold my orgasm and hold my 'good girl' title, so I focused all of my energy into denying my orgasm while Laura achieved hers.

I didn't entirely succeed, as I was already overstimulated, so, instead of reaching an orgasm that I could enjoy, I simply ended up leaking out of my cage. It was frustrating to know that I came, but didn't get to feel the euphoria of an orgasm.

Laura took notice of the cum leaking out of the cage onto her hand and cooed, "Awh, did someone just have a ruined orgasm?" 

I quietly nodded in embarrassment. 

"That's okay," Laura said understandingly and giggled. "As long as they're ruined, you can have as many orgasms as 'you' want... Well, under one condition." She waited until I stopped leaking before removing her hand from my cage, and slowly got up as she pulled out her strap-on. She walked around to my face and crouched, lowering her cum-soaked hand in front of my mouth. "If you swallow the evidence, I'll pretend it didn't happen," she said mischievously and winked. "It'll be our dirty little secret."

I felt like the Laura I knew and had been dating for countless of months, had practically evolved overnight. This Laura was a lot naughtier and kinkier, which was both a welcome surprise and something to fear, as I could not yet tell where it would lead our relationship. Though, to say I was curious to find out how deep the rabbit hole went, would be an understatement, as I was more than willing to partake in this shared adventure.

Obediently, I gently licked Laura's hand, but we both quickly realized that my cum did not want to transfer easily from her hand to my tongue, so Laura instead commanded me to open my mouth, so she could wipe her hand on my lips to more easily return the cum to me. 

"There. That's better," Laura said encouragingly as I swallowed my cum. She got up and reached out with her clean hand to help me up. "Let's shower and get back in some regular clothes," she said. "Do you want to order anything? And let me help you out of those clip-in extensions."

"Actually," I said shyly. "Mind if I leave the extensions in? I kind of like them."

"Of course!" Laura cheerfully responded. "Whatever you feel happy with."

"On that subject..." I continued. "Would you be okay with sharing your wardrobe with me more often?"

"Sure!" Laura replied. "If you want, we could even go shopping sometime to get you your own 'special' collection," she added teasingly and winked. 

"Shopping... Special collection... You mean at Wonderland?" I asked flushed.

"Hm-hm," Laura hummed and nodded. "But we can cross that bridge when we get there. First, let's shower and enjoy the remainder of our Valentine's Day," she said as she kissed me and pulled me into the bathroom with her, locking the door behind her...
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Sterling Stories

[PREVIEW] Alice's Wonderland: Chapter 12: Endings And Beginnings

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Alice's Wonderland: Chapter 11: Valentine's Day

Sam, Laura and Alice group up for a threesome
There was a knock on the door of Laura's apartment. Laura walked up to it and opened the door.

"Hey, Laura!" Alice said happily as she greeted Laura with a hug. "Happy Valentine's Day! Has Sam arrived yet?"

"Not yet, but he said he was on his way," Laura said and stepped aside. "Come on in and get comfortable, he will probably be in soon too."

Alice walked in, undid her coat, walked into the living room, and sat down on the end of the couch. Laura followed shortly after and sat down on the other end of the couch.

"So, about that toy from the other day..." Laura started.

"What about it?" Alice replied inquisitively. 

"Are you sure you're okay with it?" Laura asked

"Oh, yeah, definitely," Alice said in confidence. "I've worked at that shop for so long now, I'd be lying if I said I hadn't practiced with the bigger toys yet." She laughed and shrugged. "I guess I'm just naturally curious!"

"I applaud that," Laura replied. "With Sam, I've never felt much of a reason to 'make myself more accommodating' for toys that big." She turned red with embarrassment. "Not that Sam isn't big," she quickly added. "It's just that he isn't 'that' big, either."

"Calm your tits," Alice said and chuckled. "I helped him pick out his chastity cage, I know what you mean."

Laura stared in anticipation of further elaboration.

"Not that I've seen him erect," Alice added. "Just that he didn't fit the measurements for our smallest nor largest cage."

Laura was about to respond when suddenly her phone buzzed. She looked at her phone to check the notification and then stood up.

"He's here," Laura said as she abruptly got up and went to go to the front door. She opened it and greeted me with a hug. "Hey, hun," Laura said. "Happy Valentine's Day!" She leaned in to kiss me on my cheek, and immediately after, she took a step back to eye me up. "Your skin feels softer, and you seem a little... different?" she said questioningly. "Have you been working out?"

I blushed. "Oh, uhm, I guess you could say something like that?" I replied awkwardly.

"Well, either way, you look great," Laura concluded and stepped aside. "Come on in, Alice is already here!"

I quickly undid my jacket and moved into the living room, where I saw Alice. She casually greeted me as if we were just acquaintances, and I planted myself on the chair opposite the couch.

Shortly after, Laura joined again and retook her seat on the couch.

Alice looked at me and broke the silence, "We were just talking about you," she giggled.

I turned red. Alice talking about me? That doesn't bode well, I thought. "Oh," I stammered. "What about?"

"Nothing big," Alice replied cheekily as she laughed again. Alice's reply drew out a silent laugh from Laura, who covered her mouth as she grinned and looked away.

"Very mature," I sighed, having deduced Alice's joke based on Laura's reaction.

"Sorry," Alice said. "You set that one up so well, I just couldn't resist it."

"Actually," Laura said, having recovered from the joke. "We were talking about the toy Alice let me have for today's activities."

"Oh," I replied nervously. "So, what did you get?"

"It's on the bed," Laura said sheepishly. "You can go check if you want."

I got up and went to Laura's bedroom. As I opened the door, it slowly came into sight. It was a big dildo in a strap-on harness. The base of the dildo was smaller and cock-shaped as well, and it extended past the harness so that it could be inserted into the wearer.

Did Laura know? Or was Alice just playing tricks again? I wanted to believe Laura intended to use it on Alice, but it would be hard to confidently pretend I didn't imagine Laura using it on me, given my beet-red face.

I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply to try and calm down before returning to the living room, but something about the sight of the dildo triggered something within me that just couldn't quite leave my mind, no matter how much I tried to shake it off.

"Sam? Are you alright over there?" Laura said from the living room.

"Maybe he fainted," Alice chuckled.

"I'll go check on him," Laura said. "Just in case." She got up and walked out of the living room. She saw me standing motionless in the doorway, the light from the bedroom windows casting a glow around my body, accentuating my newfound curves.

"Wow," Laura said. "If I hadn't known better, I would have thought a chick broke into my house!" She giggled.

Alice had overheard Laura and decided to follow her into the hallway too. "Now that you mention it," Alice said, having joined up with Laura. "He might actually pass for a girl if he dressed the part and had one of us work our magic on his face and hair."

"Haha!" Laura laughed. "Would that make it a three-girl-threesome?"

"I mean, you still have him locked in that cage, right?" Alice said laughingly.

Laura nodded and giggled. "I think it could be fun, actually," she said. "Then we get to have some fun at his expense too today."

"Hey, Sam," Alice said loudly. "You wouldn't mind us 'dolling' you up a little, would you?"

"Sounds lovely," I heard myself say as I reopened my eyes and snapped out of whatever trance the sight of the strap-on brought me in. I could not recall what had happened since I closed my eyes, nor did I feel in control of my body as I was still standing facing the bedroom. I had become a passenger in my own body.

"Alright!" Alice replied. "Why don't you head on in, Dollie? We'll be right there."

Wordlessly, I felt myself step forwards into the bedroom and take a seat on the bed, next to the strap-on.

"Why's he acting so strange all of a sudden?" Laura asked.

"Oh," Alice said matter-of-factly. "After I gave you that strap-on at the store, Sam dropped by to discuss the plans for today. He suggested hypnosis role play, but he wasn't sure how to initiate it."

"Hypnosis role play? Interesting..." Laura commented.

"Yeah. I guess he decided to get straight into it without even mentioning it to you," Alice giggled. "But, yeah, we agreed that 'doll' would be his pretend hypnosis word. You know, for commands, questions, and the like."

"Why 'doll' though?" Laura asked, confused. "It doesn't strike me as a word he'd choose."

"I suppose because, in a way, a doll is like a puppet, to be controlled. But 'puppet' sounds more demeaning, whereas 'doll' sounds more... playful?" Alice argued.

"I suppose that's fair," Laura said and smiled. "Well, let's not keep our doll waiting, then!"

Laura eagerly walked into the bedroom with Alice following closely behind her.

"Alright, Doll," Laura said cheerfully. "Why don't you get undressed so that we can see what we're working with today."

My body responded by standing up and casually undressing completely.

Meanwhile, Laura already turned to her wardrobe and opened it. Before she had even laid eyes upon my naked body, she had already started frantically looking through her outfits, looking for anything more unisex that could fit me.

"May I?" Alice asked, after observing Laura going through various items without picking anything. "Our store has a fetish clothing section too, so I know a thing or two about what could look good on Sammie here."

Laura took a step back and sighed in defeat. "Go ahead. I honestly wouldn't know where to start, to be honest," she admitted. She then turned toward me again and her jaw dropped. "Are those..." Laura stammered.

Alice turned around. "Boobs?" she replied and giggled. "Looks like it!"

"But, how?" Laura asked confused. "I'm certain he didn't have them before."

"Maybe the chastity affected his brain chemistry?" Alice reasoned. "If his brain believed he was a girl, it may have made his body produce estrogen." She shrugged and added, "They're not that big, though, I'm sure they'd be easy to hide with a binder if he really wanted to. But I think they're cute, and it gives the perfect excuse to put a bra on 'her'."

Laura gave it some thought and said, "Well, as long as he doesn't outgrow me, I guess it's fine." She chuckled.

"I can supply you with some supplements if he does," Alice said matter-of-factly.

The seriousness in Alice's response made Laura laugh. "Let's hope it doesn't come to that," she replied, brushing the subject off.

Alice turned back around and continued skimming through the clothing in the wardrobe to look for items that could fit me. "Oh!" she suddenly said, pulling out a black petunia floral skirt. "This could work. It looks like it'd fit, and it'd be perfect for a bit of sexy role-play too," she said with a smirk.

"Oh!" Laura responded. She rushed back to the wardrobe to rummage through her tops. "I have the perfect top to go with that!" A few moments later, she pulled a pink top from the pile. "This one!" she said. "It's got these short sleeves and a cute little pattern around the neckline."

"A cute combination for a cute doll," Alice replied, putting the two items next to each other. "I think that's good enough for today, though she still needs some matching underwear."

Laura turned around and eyed me up once more. "If it weren't for that chastity cage, I would have suggested one of my more casual briefs and a regular bra," she said and giggled. "But like this? I think she could fit in something a little tighter and sexier."

"Sounds like you know exactly what to look for now," Alice said cheerfully as she stepped back. "I guess you just needed a little push. I'll leave you to it."

"I guess so!" Laura said as she opened her lingerie drawer. "Let's see... Black skirt with white/pink flowers and a pink top... We'll stick with the pink then and keep everything matching," she said, procuring a laced, pink set of panties and a bra. "I've been meaning to get rid of these, actually," Laura said, holding the bra. "I've had them for quite a bit, and I have sort of outgrown them, but I always forget to remove them from the drawer."

"With some luck, they'll be a decent enough fit for our doll, instead," Alice said.

"My thoughts exactly," Laura replied and chuckled. "Sometimes being forgetful can be a good thing." She approached me, holding the straps of the bra in either hand, and slid the straps over my arms. "Turn around, Doll," she said, which my body complied with, turning around, facing away from Alice and Laura. Laura then fastened the bra from the back. "How does it fit, Doll?" she asked. "Not too tight or too loose, is it?"

"It fits perfectly," I heard myself say as I turned back around to show the fit.

Laura inspected it as well and concluded, "It's a near-perfect fit. I'm jealous. I never had that luck with my first bras." She laughed.

Alice walked up to me holding the panties and handed them to me, saying, "Here you go, Doll. Put these on too." She then told Laura to collect her makeup gear so that she could do my makeup while Alice styled my hair.

"Style his hair?" Laura asked. "Not that it's too short, but I don't think there's much you can do with that."

"I have some clip-in extensions in a bag in my car," Alice replied. "I was supposed to drop them off at a friend's later today, but I doubt she'd notice some light usage. I'll go get them."

Alice left the room. Judging by the cold air coming into the apartment, she also left the front door open as she made a quick run to her car.

"Hey, Doll?" Laura asked. "Be a darling and put on the rest of the outfit while we gather our things for the next step."

"Yes, Mistress," my voice said as I began putting on the skirt and top.

"Mistress?" Laura repeated and giggled. "Now, that's new. Not sure if it'll stick, but I'm down with it for today." She left the room to collect her makeup kit from the bathroom as she left me to continue getting dressed.

Against all odds, Alice returned first and wasted no time in attaching the extensions to my hair and braiding my hair into a French Braid. While she was doing so, Laura entered the room again.

"Sorry," Laura said. "I had misplaced some stuff and had trouble finding them. Damn small things." She looked over to Alice's handiwork and commented, "Looking good! Have you done this before?"

"Only a couple dozen times," Alice said laughingly. "Pros and cons of having so many contacts that are new to hair extensions and seek my aid."

"I can only hope my work matches yours," Laura said as she started putting makeup on my face. "I'll be going for simplicity, though, I don't want to be doing makeup all day. We've got stuff to do!" She laughed.

"I'm sure it'll be just fine," Alice said reassuringly. "But if you prefer, I can always help when I'm done here."

Laura and Alice continued talking amongst themselves for a little longer as they dolled me up, mostly ignoring me as if I was nothing more than an actual doll. On occasion, they'd teasingly mention me as they talked about my chastity cage or my feminized look, but they never mentioned the trigger word that'd allow 'me' to react to them.

"I think that'll do," Laura eventually said, putting her eyeliner back in her makeup bag. "What do you think, Alice?"

Alice had long finished braiding my hair and had gone back to the wardrobe to idly look through Laura's other clothes. "Huh?" She said absentmindedly and turned around to face me. "Oh. Yeah. That'll do," Alice said and giggled. "I'd suggest taking a picture as a reminder, you know, before we end up making her makeup run."

Laura laughingly agreed and grabbed her phone. "Smile, Doll," she said and snapped a picture.

"Such a cutie," Alice said, looking at the picture. "Go sit next to 'her', so I can take a picture of you together," she suggested.

Laura gave Alice her phone and went to sit next to me on the bed to pose for several pictures as Alice gave simple instructions for each pose, "Okay, Doll, now make this face," "Mimic my pose, Doll," and "Final picture, Doll. Turn your head, close your eyes, and pucker your lips."

My sight went dark as my eyes closed on command, my lips puckered up, and my head turned to my left as I awaited a kiss from Laura.

"Actually, I'll record a short video of this one," Alice then said, quietly gesturing to Laura to grab the strap-on and put it on.

Laura quietly giggled and quickly but silently put the strap-on on over her clothes. "Alright babe, I'll grab hold of your head to give you a passionate kiss, so don't get scared when you feel my hands," she said and placed her hands on the back of my head.

"Keep those lips puckered, Doll," Alice said again and teased, "You're about to kiss the love of your life."

Suddenly, something touched my lips, but it wasn't the soft, warm lips of Laura, it was the same, familiar feeling of something Alice had tricked me into many days ago as well. My lips were once again planted on a phallic-shaped object, which I could only imagine being the strap-on that had put me into my trance.

"C'mon, Doll! Show us a true lover's kiss!" Alice egged on. "Use that tongue!"

With my eyes still closed, I felt how my lips parted, and my tongue slowly made love to the dildo.

"Good girl," Laura said teasingly and giggled.

I involuntarily moaned as my eyes slowly opened halfway.

"Oh, you like that?" Laura asked. The smile on her face widened. "In that case..." she said as she started pulling my head toward her. "If you can reach the base, I'll say it again."

Alice kept filming and commented, "Not quite what I expected for this day, but I think it's safe to say we're all having fun like this too, aren't we, Doll?"

"Hm-hm," I mumbled as I bobbed my head up and down Laura's strap-on, attempting to slide further down with every downward motion.

"You know," Laura said. "If our doll enjoys being on the receiving end so much, maybe she wants to be on the receiving end tomorrow too?"

"Ooh," Alice exclaimed in excitement. "Now wouldn't that be great? Wouldn't you just love that, Doll?"

"Hm-hm!" I responded once again. I was nearing the base of the strap-on, and in my head, I kept hearing that motherly voice from the hypnosis machine telling me how good I was doing, and that I should feel excited to be able to go this deep, as not all girls could achieve such feats.

"She sure is motivated!" Laura commented and added, "Just a little more, doll. You can do it." She began thrusting her hips forward in an attempt to get some stimulation out of the other end of the strap-on's dildo that was just barely rubbing against Laura's clothing. "Ugh," she groaned. "Tomorrow I'll be properly wearing this before we do anything. This is just torturous."

Alice replied, "I can make her ready tomorrow if you'd like, that way you can save some time and get straight to it when your 'guest' arrives."

"I'd love that," Laura said. "If it's not too much of a hassle, I'd like to take you up on that."

"Of course!" Alice said. "I'll just have to go and get a new set of extensions after we're done here, and then Sammie can keep hers. Consider it my Valentine's Day gift to you both." She winked.

"That's very kind of you, Alice," Laura said cheerfully. She looked back down at me, observed me for a few seconds, and added, "It seems our doll needs some help to reach her goal... Here, allow me to help..." Laura then grabbed my head and returned to forcefully pulling me in closer, slowly turning and twisting my head to see what would allow for easier penetration.

After a few attempts, Laura found the right angle and in a single thrust, she had my chin pressed firmly against the base of her strap-on harness. "Hmm, There you go," Laura said as she stroked a hand through my hair. "Now there's a good girl. You know what good girls get to do, right?" With every mention of the words 'good girl', she spoke more slowly and with more emphasis, making sure my mind registered her saying it and triggering the pleasure response.

There was a pause. "Good girls get to cum," Laura finally said as she bent over to reach under the top of my skirt with her other hand to gently rub my cage through the fabric of the panties.

"Go ahead, Doll," Alice said. "Cum and collapse."

With my head still locked at the base of the strap-on, my body started shaking and spasming as I envisioned countless cocks ejaculating one load after the next. In my mind, their loads all landed on my face, they weighed my eyes down and turned my vision into a dark nothingness as more loads ensured they remained closed.

"Ooh," Laura said as she pulled her hand away from underneath the skirt. She looked at her hand, it was covered in a sizeable amount of cum. "Looks like someone was pent-up," she giggled as she slowly freed my head from the strap-on. "Want to be an extra special good girl?" Laura asked.

My eyes slowly opened again as I looked longingly into Laura's eyes.

"The look of desire," Laura said smilingly. "Open up, doll. You know what they say... Good girls swallow."

Laura wiped her hand on my lips and tongue until it was (mostly) cum-free. "Now swallow," she said. "And show Alice your empty mouth. Show her you're a good girl."

Alice moved in closer to get a close-up of my mouth as I showed the camera how I had dutifully obeyed and deserved to be called a good girl. In the back of my head, a voice screamed and begged for me to resist, but it was faint and annoying. The majority of my thoughts preferred to just enjoy this moment and accept the pleasure I was being given.

"Good girl," Alice confirmed as she stopped the recording. She moved to the side. "Well, that was fun!" she said and laughed. "Same time next year?"

Laura turned her head away from me to keep facing Alice. "Haha," she chuckled. "Who says we need to wait a full year? As long as we're all enjoying it." A pause fell. "Hey, Alice?" Laura asked. "That command you gave for Sam to cum?"

"What, cum and collapse?" Alice said, mischievously glancing over at me to see me orgasm again.

"Yeah, cum and collapse," Laura repeated, not yet noticing the effects it had on me was not mere pretend hypnosis. "Do I have to combine that with 'doll' or 'good girl'? Or can I just say 'cum and collapse' on its own?"

"Well, look behind you," Alice laughed. "That should answer your questions."

Laura turned around, initially confused, only to find I had passed out on the bed, the skirt I wore now displayed a big, wet spot, along with the floor and a part of the blanket I had been sitting on.

"Oh," was all Laura could utter. "Oops?"

"I'd suggest cleaning that up and letting her rest," Alice suggested with a chuckle. "I'll see you both tomorrow again! Say, 10 AM?" she walked off before Laura could give her response.

When Laura had processed the information, she realized Alice was long gone. So she decided to clean up my mess on her own, removing the panties, skirt, and blanket, wiping me down, and letting me rest in her bed.

"10 AM," she said to herself when she finished. "Right... Just one more day of this over-the-top debauchery, and then we'll take a step back and take things easier again... This kind of power trip is not good for me." She laughed hesitantly.

Laura reached into her pocket to grab her phone and set the alarm for 9 AM, giving herself time to wake up before Alice's arrival, but she quickly realized that her phone was nowhere to be found. She began thinking about where she could have left it and when she had seen it last when it finally dawned upon her.

"Alice!" Laura exclaimed in shock. Fuck! she thought. I can't let Sam know Alice still has my phone. She recorded the whole thing on it... I hope it was just an accident... At least she'll be here again tomorrow, and then I'll have it back... 
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